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List of Pypi system packages






wheel4535834System :: Archiving :: Packaging 5 - Production/StableA built-package format for Python
tqdm1626675Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Shells,Terminals,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFast, Extensible Progress Meter
filelock1565612Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System 5 - Production/StableA platform independent file lock.
setuptools9146210Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableEasily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
pyopenssl1611960Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 6 - MaturePython wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
cloudpickle969314Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 4 - BetaExtended pickling support for Python objects
h11762748Internet :: WWW/HTTP,System :: Networking 3 - AlphaA pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
prometheus-client725600System :: Monitoring 4 - BetaPython client for the Prometheus monitoring system.
pkginfo702772Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution No statusQuery metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages.
python-dotenv686563System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableRead key-value pairs from a .env file and set them as environment variables
setuptools-scm591618Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablethe blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
argcomplete528697Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Shells,Terminals 5 - Production/StableBash tab completion for argparse
pyzmq470084System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for 0MQ
prometheus-flask-exporter464728System :: Monitoring 4 - BetaPrometheus metrics exporter for Flask
smart-open418000System :: Distributed Computing,Database :: Front-Ends 4 - BetaUtils for streaming large files (S3, HDFS, GCS, Azure Blob Storage, gzip, bz2...)
humanfriendly391351Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,System :: System Shells,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Utilities 6 - MatureHuman friendly output for text interfaces using Python
distro361647Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Operating System 5 - Production/StableDistro - an OS platform information API
apache-airflow279119System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProgrammatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
pip-tools278488System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/Stablepip-tools keeps your pinned dependencies fresh.
pathlib2275796Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableObject-oriented filesystem paths
python-json-logger259391System :: Logging 6 - MatureA python library adding a json log formatter
watchdog258429Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Monitoring,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 3 - AlphaFilesystem events monitoring
kombu248791Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMessaging library for Python.
slack-sdk245664Communications :: Chat,System :: Networking,Office/Business 5 - Production/StableThe Slack API Platform SDK for Python
execnet241770Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking 5 - Production/Stableexecnet: rapid multi-Python deployment
celery241581System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Object Brokering 5 - Production/StableDistributed Task Queue.
slackclient236916Communications :: Chat,System :: Networking,Office/Business 5 - Production/StableSlack API clients for Web API and RTM API (Legacy) - Please use instead.
invoke230410Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StablePythonic task execution
billiard223883Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StablePython multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes
ansible185629System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableRadically simple IT automation
distributed181875Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableDistributed scheduler for Dask
trio180856System :: Networking 3 - AlphaA friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O
loguru144041System :: Logging 5 - Production/StablePython logging made (stupidly) simple
pika131022Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePika Python AMQP Client Library
python-snappy116230Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Compression 4 - BetaPython library for the snappy compression library from Google
dirac106599Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableDIRAC is an interware, meaning a software framework for distributed computing.
apache-airflow-providers-http99824System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-http for Apache Airflow
ansible-core82079System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableRadically simple IT automation
gsutil78728System :: Filesystems,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA command line tool for interacting with cloud storage services.
flower74208System :: Distributed Computing 4 - BetaCelery Flower
filetype72371System,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 5 - Production/StableInfer file type and MIME type of any file/buffer. No external dependencies.
apache-airflow-providers-postgres67331System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-postgres package
apache-airflow-providers-ftp64315System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-ftp package
wandb64290Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableA CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
apache-airflow-providers-imap63382System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-imap for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-sqlite63109System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-sqlite package
scapy62419Security,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableScapy: interactive packet manipulation tool
apache-airflow-providers-amazon62183System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-amazon for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-mysql61802System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-mysql package
newrelic61650System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableNew Relic Python Agent
apache-airflow-providers-common-sql52394System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-common-sql package
watchgod52325Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableSimple, modern file watching and code reload in python.
apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes47440System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-cncf-kubernetes package
plumbum45449Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StablePlumbum: shell combinators library
autobahn39153Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering 5 - Production/StableWebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
watchfiles39077Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableSimple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.
pyvmomi38324Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableVMware vSphere Python SDK
apache-airflow-providers-google37144System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-google package
locust36654Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableDeveloper friendly load testing framework
django-celery-beat35654Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDatabase-backed Periodic Tasks.
pyinstaller33948Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 6 - MaturePyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
apache-airflow-providers-databricks31876System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-databricks package
python-ldap30369Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP 5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
apache-airflow-providers-snowflake29079System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-snowflake for Apache Airflow
dohq-artifactory27344Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableA Python interface to Artifactory
luigi27287System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableWorkflow mgmgt + task scheduling + dependency resolution.
asyncssh26754Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StableAsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library
pyusb26059Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers 5 - Production/StablePython USB access module
rq25318Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableRQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and processing them.
py7zr24972System :: Archiving :: Compression,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPure python 7-zip library
pex23968Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 5 - Production/StableThe PEX packaging toolchain.
django-celery-results23447Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableCelery result backends for Django.
pyzstd21448System :: Archiving :: Compression 4 - BetaA Zstandard (zstd) module, the interface is similar to Python's bz2/lzma modules.
pathvalidate21173Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing 5 - Production/Stablepathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
enrich20953System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/Stableenrich
pyfakefs20905Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/Stablepyfakefs implements a fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules.
pytest-benchmark20694Software Development :: Testing,System :: Benchmark,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer.
ifaddr20447System :: Networking No statusCross-platform network interface and IP address enumeration library
instana20230Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stable🐍 Python Distributed Tracing & Metrics Sensor for Instana
cyclonedx-python-lib20072Security,Software Development,System :: Software Distribution 5 - Production/StableA library for producing CycloneDX SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) files.
python-benedict19304Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepython-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
apache-airflow-providers-datadog18823System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-datadog package
apache-airflow-providers-apache-spark18787System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-spark for Apache Airflow
dask-gateway18447Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 4 - BetaA client library for interacting with a dask-gateway server
requirements-parser18189Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution 5 - Production/StableThis is a small Python module for parsing Pip requirement files.
ipfshttpclient18166Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Filesystems,System :: Networking 3 - AlphaPython IPFS HTTP CLIENT library
pywinrm17879Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration 4 - BetaPython library for Windows Remote Management
fs17219System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StablePython's filesystem abstraction layer
newrelic-telemetry-sdk16656System :: Monitoring 3 - AlphaNew Relic Telemetry SDK
apache-airflow-providers-slack16622System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-slack for Apache Airflow
subprocess-tee16605System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablesubprocess-tee
python-fsutil16460Desktop Environment :: File Managers,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablefile-system utilities for lazy devs.
click-log15293System :: Logging 4 - BetaLogging integration for Click
molecule15160System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableMolecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
psutil2095840Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Benchmark,System :: Hardware,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring :: Hardware Watchdog,System :: Operating System,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
pexpect962198Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,Terminals 5 - Production/StablePexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications.
ipython654719System :: Shells No statusIPython: Productive Interactive Computing
thrift292261Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
brotli283796Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving,System :: Archiving :: Compression,Text Processing :: Fonts,Utilities 4 - BetaPython bindings for the Brotli compression library
dask260738Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableParallel PyData with Task Scheduling
aiofiles218013System :: Filesystems 4 - BetaFile support for asyncio.
scandir182706System :: Filesystems,System :: Operating System 4 - Betascandir, a better directory iterator that returns all file info the OS provides
ndg-httpsclient178813Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableProvides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL
netaddr134000Communications,Documentation,Education,Education :: Testing,Home Automation,Internet,Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Benchmark,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
coloredlogs130672System :: Logging,Terminals,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableColored stream handler for the logging module
fabric97387Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StableHigh level SSH command execution
python3-openid97237Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableOpenID support for modern servers and consumers.
pathlib91277Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 3 - AlphaObject-oriented filesystem paths
netifaces87724System :: Networking 4 - BetaPortable network interface information.
pathtools86043Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 3 - AlphaFile system general utilities
kazoo61028Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StableHigher Level Zookeeper Client
supervisor59790System :: Boot,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StableA system for controlling process state under UNIX
s3cmd55391System :: Archiving,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCommand line tool for managing Amazon S3 and CloudFront services
concurrent-log-handler54354Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging 4 - BetaConcurrent logging handler (drop-in replacement for RotatingFileHandler)
wget49674System :: Networking,Utilities No statuspython -m wget
ldap348636Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP 5 - Production/StableA strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
netcdf445686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - Alphapython/numpy interface to netCDF library (versions 3 and 4)
python-crontab42636System,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Operating System,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusPython Crontab API
deepmerge41334System :: Software Distribution3 - Alphaa toolset to deeply merge python dictionaries.
jsonlines40978Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,Utilities5 - Production/StableLibrary with helpers for the jsonlines file format
pynvml38874Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
fusepy38826System :: FilesystemsNo statusSimple ctypes bindings for FUSE
nvidia-ml-py337621Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
distribute35890Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableEasily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
gpustat34808System :: Monitoring3 - AlphaAn utility to monitor NVIDIA GPU status (wrapper of nvidia-smi)
intelhex30783Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython library for Intel HEX files manipulations
c7n29529System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusCloud Custodian - Policy Rules Engine
c7n-org28250System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusCloud Custodian - Multi Account
bz2file28080Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaRead and write bzip2-compressed files.
humiolib27048System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StablePython SDK for connecting to Humio
pyudev26025Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux4 - BetaA libudev binding
pyminizip25044Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - AlphaA minizip wrapper - To create a password encrypted zip file in python.
python-pam25027Security,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory6 - MaturePython PAM module using ctypes, py3
zipfile3824433System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusRead and write ZIP files - backport of the zipfile module from Python 3.8
flask-restx24127Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution3 - AlphaFully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
ansible-base23194System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableRadically simple IT automation
pyquaternion21943Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA fully featured, pythonic library for representing and using quaternions.
nvidia-ml-py21087Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library - r295 driver features
apache-airflow-backport-providers-amazon21035System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported* package for Airflow 1.10.*
pyinotify20215Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableLinux filesystem events monitoring
pyarmor19510Security,Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaA tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.
python-logstash19198Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Logstash.
verboselogs18686Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System,System :: Logging,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals5 - Production/StableVerbose logging level for Python's logging module
pyftpdlib18668Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableVery fast asynchronous FTP server library
kconfiglib18607Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux5 - Production/StableA flexible Python Kconfig implementation
aiokafka17337System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking4 - BetaKafka integration with asyncio.
graypy17256System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging handlers that send messages in the Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF).
reedsolo15597Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,System :: Archiving :: Backup,System :: Recovery Tools5 - Production/StablePure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
conda-pack15529System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaPackage conda environments for redistribution
python3-logstash14836Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging handler for Logstash.
ipaddr14605Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableGoogle's IP address manipulation library
getmac14498Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Networking,Utilities4 - BetaGet MAC addresses of remote hosts and local interfaces
aiormq14482Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering5 - Production/StablePure python AMQP asynchronous client library
splunk-handler14431System :: Logging4 - BetaA Python logging handler that sends your logs to Splunk
flask-restplus14426Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution3 - AlphaHelpers, syntaxic sugar and Swagger documentation for Flask-Restful
yaspin14183Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Shells,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaYet Another Terminal Spinner
selinux14050System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/Stableshim selinux module
json-logging13883System :: Logging5 - Production/StableJSON Python Logging
mbed-os-tools13660Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StableThe tools to build, test, and work with Mbed OS
mbed-ls13569Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/Stablembed-ls is a Python module that detects and lists mbed-enabled devices connected to the host computer
rpyc13388Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableRemote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
django-prometheus13375System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableDjango middlewares to monitor your application with
fluent-logger12988System :: Logging5 - Production/StableA Python logging handler for Fluentd event collector
patool12879System :: Archiving5 - Production/Stableportable archive file manager
shtab12458Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Shells,System :: System Shells,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaAutomagic shell tab completion for Python CLI applications
apache-airflow-providers-ssh12418System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-ssh for Apache Airflow
python-can11949System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,Utilities5 - Production/StableController Area Network interface module for Python
fqdn11947Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableValidates fully-qualified domain names against RFC 1123, so that they are acceptable to modern bowsers
imapclient11716Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableEasy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library
pysmi11268Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableSNMP SMI/MIB Parser
pysnmp11239Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableSNMP library for Python
setupmeta11137Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimplify your
molecule-docker11037System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableMolecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
zopfli11027System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusZopfli module for python
pysmb10831Communications :: File Sharing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/Stablepysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python to support file sharing between Windows and Linux machines
ansible-tower-cli10760System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA CLI tool for Ansible Tower.
ssh2-python10660System :: Shells,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSuper fast SSH library - bindings for libssh2
spotinst-agent10603System :: Monitoring3 - AlphaSpectrum instance spotinst-agent that is able to run remote scripts, collect data, deploy applications and more.
pyroute210489Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaPython Netlink library
yarn-api-client10486System :: Distributed Computing4 - BetaPython client for Hadoop® YARN API
google-compute-engine10403Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableGoogle Compute Engine
django-axes10362Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Security,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableKeep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites.
pyzipper10359System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaAES encryption for zipfile.
port-for10273System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management4 - BetaUtility that helps with local TCP ports managment. It can find an unused TCP localhost port and remember the association.
apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql9958System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-mssql for Apache Airflow
simplefix9644Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSimple FIX Protocol implementation for Python
zipfile-deflate649465System :: Archiving,System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - AlphaExtract DEFLATE64 ZIP archives with Python's zipfile API.
win32-setctime9342System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableA small Python utility to set file creation time on Windows
celery-batches9115System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Object Brokering3 - AlphaExperimental task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list.
pyzabbix9109System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaZabbix API Python interface
hashin9032Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusEdits your requirements.txt by hashing them in
apache-airflow-providers-celery8832System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-celery for Apache Airflow
yarg8830Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaA semi hard Cornish cheese, also queries PyPI (PyPI client)
python-etcd8760Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed ComputingNo statusA python client for etcd
uptime8752System4 - BetaCross-platform uptime library
daal4py8664Scientific/Engineering,System,Software Development5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library
airflow-exporter8609System :: MonitoringNo statusAirflow plugin to export dag and task based metrics to Prometheus.
libusb18580Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware :: Hardware DriversNo statusPure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0
pynput8477Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableMonitor and control user input devices
pyftdi8464Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers4 - BetaFTDI device driver (pure Python)
pip-licenses8384System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells5 - Production/StableDump the software license list of Python packages installed with pip.
azure-storage-logging8345System :: Logging4 - BetaLogging handlers that send logging output to Windows Azure Storage
scikit-learn-intelex8243Scientific/Engineering,System,Software Development5 - Production/StableIntel(R) Extension for Scikit-learn is a seamless way to speed up your Scikit-learn application.
hachoir8187Multimedia,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StablePackage of Hachoir parsers used to open binary files
coralogix-logger8164Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Utilities5 - Production/StableCoralogix Python SDK
apache-airflow-providers-tableau8137System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-tableau package
apache-airflow-providers-jdbc8077System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-jdbc package
screeninfo7834Desktop Environment,System :: Operating System4 - BetaFetch location and size of physical screens.
pytest-testinfra7831Software Development :: Testing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableTest infrastructures
certbot7823Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaACME client
httpie7654Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,System :: Networking,Terminals,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableHTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans.
py-zabbix7595System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython module to work with zabbix.
apache-airflow-providers-oracle7423System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-oracle package
cloudml-hypertune7363Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaA library to report Google CloudML Engine HyperTune metrics.
ipy7314Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableClass and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
adafruit-platformdetect7296Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPlatform detection for use by libraries like Adafruit-Blinka.
adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice7182Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaCircuitPython bus device classes to manage bus sharing.
fabric37123Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableFabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment (py2.7/py3.4+ compatible fork).
apache-airflow-providers-apache-hive7013System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-hive for Apache Airflow
yagmail7003Communications :: Email,Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA),Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusYet Another GMAIL client
adafruit-circuitpython-typing6988Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaTypes needed for type annotation that are not in `typing`
fs-s3fs6897System :: Filesystems4 - BetaAmazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2
slack-webhook6883Communications :: Chat,System :: Networking,Office/Business5 - Production/Stableslack-webhook is a python client library for slack api Incoming Webhooks on Python 3.6 and above.
adafruit-pureio6773Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPure python (i.e. no native extensions) access to Linux IO including I2C and SPI. Drop in replacement for smbus and spidev modules.
pywatchman6746System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableWatchman client for python
zipfile366736System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusRead and write ZIP files - backport of the zipfile module from Python 3.6
ssh-python6651Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Shells4 - BetaWrapper for libssh C library.
mcstatus6637Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA library to query Minecraft Servers for their status and capabilities.
rarfile6490Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression5 - Production/StableRAR archive reader for Python
django-auth-ldap6482Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StableDjango LDAP authentication backend.
apache-airflow-providers-docker6479System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-docker package
bashlex6410Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: System Shells,Text Processing4 - BetaPython parser for bash
dlipower6403Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Power (UPS),System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableControl digital loggers web power switch
fcm-django6345Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSend push notifications to mobile devices & browsers through FCM in Django.
clearml-agent6282Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableClearML Agent - Auto-Magical DevOps for Deep Learning
ntplib6221System :: Networking :: Time SynchronizationNo statusPython NTP library
mechanize6042Internet,Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableStateful programmatic web browsing.
apache-airflow-providers-sftp6017System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-sftp for Apache Airflow
pansi6012Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Console Fonts,System :: Shells,Terminals,Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities1 - PlanningANSI escape code library for Python
pudb6008Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Software Distribution,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaA full-screen, console-based Python debugger
textsearch6007Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusFind strings/words in text; convenience and C speed
ncclient5860Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StablePython library for NETCONF clients
sslyze5833Security,System :: Networking4 - BetaFast and full-featured SSL scanner.
pymodbus5822System :: Networking,Utilities4 - BetaA fully featured modbus protocol stack in python
pylibftdi5723Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware4 - BetaPythonic interface to FTDI devices using libftdi
dramatiq5703System :: Distributed ComputingNo statusBackground Processing for Python 3.
chromedriver-autoinstaller5656Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableAutomatically install chromedriver that supports the currently installed version of chrome.
contractions5528Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusFixes contractions such as `you're` to you `are`
celery-redbeat5502Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableA Celery Beat Scheduler using Redis for persistent storage
apache-airflow-providers-odbc5487System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-odbc package
pyro45452Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking5 - Production/Stabledistributed object middleware for Python (RPC)
spotinst-agent-25257System :: Monitoring3 - AlphaSpectrum instance spotinst-agent that is able to run remote scripts, collect data, deploy applications and more.
tailer5223System :: Logging,Text ProcessingNo statusPython tail is a simple implementation of GNU tail and head.
ecs-logging5178System :: Logging4 - BetaLogging formatters for ECS in Python
wsgi-request-logger5174Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaApache-like combined logging for WSGI Web Applications
usbinfo5097Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System,System :: Shells,Terminals5 - Production/StableModule for introspecting USB devices on a system
aiofile5070Software Development :: Libraries,System,System :: Operating System5 - Production/StableAsynchronous file operations.
pamela4981Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory4 - BetaPAM interface using ctypes
executor4947Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Shells,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableProgrammer friendly subprocess wrapper
apache-airflow-providers-sendgrid4916System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-sendgrid for Apache Airflow
python-hosts4882System :: Networking,System :: Operating System5 - Production/StableA hosts file manager library written in python
pygelf4878Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging implementation of GELF (graylog extended log format)
apache-airflow-providers-pagerduty4824System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-pagerduty for Apache Airflow
compressed-rtf4797System :: Archiving :: Compression,Text Processing5 - Production/StableCompressed Rich Text Format (RTF) compression and decompression package
prometheus-fastapi-instrumentator4751System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaInstrument your FastAPI with Prometheus metrics
slackeventsapi4709Communications :: Chat,System :: Networking,Office/Business5 - Production/StablePython Slack Events API adapter for Flask
pylogbeat4567Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableSimple, incomplete implementation of the Beats protocol used by Elastic Beats and Logstash.
in-place4505System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Filters4 - BetaIn-place file processing
pykerberos4484Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusHigh-level interface to Kerberos
nflx-genie-client4455Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,Utilities5 - Production/StableGenie Python Client.
glances4432System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
apache-airflow-backport-providers-cncf-kubernetes4413System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-cncf-kubernetes for Apache Airflow
ec2instanceconnectcli4383Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableCommand Line Interface for AWS EC2 Instance Connect
django-two-factor-auth4268Security,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory3 - AlphaComplete Two-Factor Authentication for Django
clearml4252Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableClearML - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager, Version Control, and MLOps for AI
testinfra4242Software Development :: Testing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableTest infrastructures
apache-airflow-providers-redis4134System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-redis for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-salesforce4093System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-salesforce for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-mongo4038System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-mongo package
artifactory3984Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems3 - AlphaA Python to Artifactory interface
certbot-apache3984Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaApache plugin for Certbot
apache-airflow-providers-airbyte3979System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-airbyte package
pynput-robocorp-fork3924Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableMonitor and control user input devices
bindep3906Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,Utilities5 - Production/StableBinary dependency utility
apache-airflow-backport-providers-microsoft-azure3884System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported* package for Airflow 1.10.*
ldaptor3820Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StableA Pure-Python Twisted library for LDAP
django-structlog3787System :: LoggingNo statusStructured Logging for Django
kazurator3780Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking4 - BetaInter process lock recipes that play nice with curator
cymruwhois3744System :: Networking5 - Production/StableClient for the service
certbot-nginx3740Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaNginx plugin for Certbot
esptool3736Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StableA serial utility to communicate & flash code to Espressif chips.
ping33671System :: Networking5 - Production/StableA pure python3 version of ICMP ping implementation using raw socket.
faust-streaming3604System :: Networking,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePython Stream processing.
times3598Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,System,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaTimes is a small, minimalistic, Python library for dealing with time conversions between universal time and arbitrary timezones.
erlang-py3558Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableErlang Binary Term Format for Python
salt3506System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePortable, distributed, remote execution and configuration management system
fcache3440Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/Stablea simple, persistent, file-based cache module for Python
fab-classic3430Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/Stablefab-classic is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
crowdstrike-falconpy3428Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaThe CrowdStrike Falcon OAuth2 API SDK for Python 3
apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-azure3409System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-azure for Apache Airflow
python-logstash-async3347Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaAsynchronous Python logging handler for Logstash.
letsencrypt3340Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaLet's Encrypt client
check-puppet-agent3248System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusA check to monitor puppet agent runs
h2o-wave3129Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Communications :: Chat,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Widget Sets,System :: Distributed Computing2 - Pre-AlphaPython driver for H2O Wave Realtime Apps
ovs3122Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableOpen vSwitch library
grafanalib3117System :: Monitoring3 - AlphaLibrary for building Grafana dashboards
magicinvoke3061Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusPythonic task execution -- Based on invoke by Jeff Forcier
aioprometheus3018Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaA Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications
apache-airflow-providers-papermill2978System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-papermill package
autologging2950Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableAutologging makes logging and tracing Python classes easy.
django-crontab2944System :: Installation/Setup4 - Betadead simple crontab powered job scheduling for django
chromedriver-binary2933Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableInstaller for chromedriver.
isal2897System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaFaster zlib and gzip compatible compression and decompression by providing python bindings for the ISA-L library.
click-logging2866System :: Logging5 - Production/StableLogging integration for Click
django-celery-email2858Communications,Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableAn async Django email backend using celery
apache-airflow-providers-dbt-cloud2852System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-dbt-cloud package
django-q2791Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableA multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
saspy2774System :: ShellsNo statusA Python interface to SAS
py3nvml2769Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration3 - AlphaPython 3 Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
kerberos2765Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusKerberos high-level interface
pyasn2756Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: NetworkingNo statusOffline IP address to Autonomous System Number lookup module.
geckodriver-autoinstaller2748Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableAutomatically install geckodriver that supports the currently installed version of chrome.
mrjob2733System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePython MapReduce framework
python-nmap2709System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableThis is a python class to use nmap and access scan results from python3
apache-airflow-providers-apache-hdfs2694System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-apache-hdfs package
vcver2682System :: Software Distribution4 - Betaprovide package versions with version control data.
pottery2675Database :: Front-Ends,System :: Distributed Computing,Utilities4 - BetaRedis for Humans.
systemd-python2659Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython interface for libsystemd
cloudsmith-cli2638Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableCloudsmith Command-Line Interface (CLI)
taskflow2637Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing4 - BetaTaskflow structured state management library.
ciscoconfparse2619Communications,Internet,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableParse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Cisco IOS-style configurations
apache-airflow-providers-presto2611System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-presto package
superlance2592System :: Boot,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration3 - Alphasuperlance plugins for supervisord
termplotlib2585System :: Shells,Multimedia :: Graphics4 - BetaPython plotting for the command line
venv-pack2583Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution4 - BetaPackage virtual environments for redistribution
tooz2571System :: Distributed ComputingNo statusCoordination library for distributed systems.
handyspark2556Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaHandySpark - bringing pandas-like capabilities to Spark dataframes
apache-airflow-backport-providers-snowflake2495System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-snowflake for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-apache-livy2494System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-livy for Apache Airflow
apache-airflow-providers-telegram2492System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-telegram for Apache Airflow
metakernel2482System :: ShellsNo statusMetakernel for Jupyter
junos-eznc2465Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableJunos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers
nuitka2448Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StablePython compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility
django-push-notifications2404Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSend push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
certbot-dns-route532399Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaRoute53 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
yorm2391Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Filesystems,Text Editors :: Text Processing4 - BetaAutomatic object YAML mapping for Python.
apache-airflow-backport-providers-http2369System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-http for Apache Airflow
capturer2362Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Terminals,Text Processing :: General4 - BetaEasily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses
python-gilt2350System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - Betagilt - A GIT layering tool.
amqpstorm2347Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableThread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client Library based on pamqp.
cmsis-pack-manager2317Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Utilities4 - BetaPython manager for CMSIS-Pack index and cache with fast Rust backend
glog2311Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaSimple Google-style logging wrapper for Python.
pyocd2252Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems4 - BetaCortex-M debugger for Python
pyeapi2241System :: Networking4 - BetaPython Client for eAPI
django-celery2237Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableDjango Celery Integration.
ftputil2234Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems6 - MatureHigh-level FTP client library (virtual filesystem and more)
docplex2233Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,System,Other/Nonlisted Topic5 - Production/StableThe IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python
codetiming2199Education,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA flexible, customizable timer for your Python code
eclipse-zenoh-nightly2182System :: Networking4 - BetaThe python API for Eclipse zenoh
django-dbbackup2171Database,System :: Archiving,System :: Archiving :: Backup,System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaManagement commands to help backup and restore a project database and media
c7n-mailer2151System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusCloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
prov2146Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Security,System :: Logging4 - BetaA library for W3C Provenance Data Model supporting PROV-JSON, PROV-XML and PROV-O (RDF)
etcd3gw2130System :: Distributed ComputingNo statusA python client for etcd3 grpc-gateway v3 API
pyartifactory2090Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableTyped interactions with the Jfrog Artifactory REST API
cx-freeze2072Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities5 - Production/StableCreate standalone executables from Python scripts
git-url-parse2063System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - Betagit-url-parse - A simple GIT URL parser.
clustershell2044Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableClusterShell library and tools
python-lzf2044System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - AlphaC Extension for liblzf
tlslite-ng2040Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - BetaPure python implementation of SSL and TLS.
rockset2038Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Shells,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search4 - BetaRockset Python Client and `rock` CLI
bitmath2036Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities5 - Production/StablePythonic module for representing and manipulating file sizes with different prefix notations.
rpm-vercmp2026Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaPure Python implementation of rpmvercmp
pigweed2025Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusPigweed Python modules
cmreshandler2004Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Logging4 - BetaElasticsearch Log handler for the logging library
apache-airflow-backport-providers-slack1982System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported airflow.providers.slack.* package for Airflow 1.10.*
apache-airflow-backport-providers-ssh1974System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-ssh for Apache Airflow
lasio1971Scientific/Engineering,System :: Filesystems,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis4 - BetaRead/write well data from Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files
logdna1965System :: LoggingNo statusA Python Package for Sending Logs to LogDNA
arize1965Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA helper library to interact with Arize AI APIs
apache-airflow-providers-elasticsearch1947System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-elasticsearch package
pygtail1935Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaReads log file lines that have not been read.
pytest-sanic1925System :: Software Distribution3 - AlphaNone
unrar1924Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaWrapper for UnRAR library, ctypes-based.
apache-airflow-providers-jira1906System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-jira for Apache Airflow
nassl1878Security,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring4 - BetaExperimental OpenSSL wrapper for Python 3.7+ and SSLyze.
zipstream-new1870System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusZipfile generator that takes input files as well as streams
logfury1869Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging6 - Mature('Toolkit for responsible, low-boilerplate logging of library method calls',)
ipcalc1866Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableIP subnet calculator
fabric21853Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableHigh level SSH command execution
wheel-filename1837System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableParse wheel filenames
click-shell1820Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn extension to click that easily turns your click app into a shell utility
littlefs-python1810Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems3 - AlphaA python wrapper for littlefs
mitogen1764System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusLibrary for writing distributed self-replicating programs.
apache-airflow-providers-apache-druid1762System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-apache-druid package
pyric1759Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython Wireless Library
python-openid1747Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableOpenID support for servers and consumers.
trustme1731System :: Networking,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Testing4 - Beta#1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester
dirsync1721Desktop Environment,System :: Archiving :: Backup,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,Utilities4 - BetaAdvanced directory tree synchronisation tool
scout-apm1711System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableScout Application Performance Monitoring Agent
dbus-next1706Desktop Environment :: Gnome,Software Development :: Embedded Systems3 - AlphaA zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support
apache-airflow-providers-cloudant1702System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-cloudant for Apache Airflow
faust1688System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking5 - Production/StablePython Stream processing.
rq-dashboard1680Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - Betarq-dashboard is a general purpose, lightweight, web interface to monitor your RQ queues, jobs, and workers in realtime.
apache-airflow-providers-hashicorp1669System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-hashicorp package
btsocket1660System :: Hardware,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Home Automation,Education3 - AlphaPython library for BlueZ Bluetooth Management API
ahrs1648Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaAttitude and Heading Reference Systems.
autodynatrace1635System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAuto instrumentation for the OneAgent SDK
redislite1630Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaRedis built into a python package
pingparsing1629Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - Betapingparsing is a python library of parsing ping command output.
apache-airflow-providers-jenkins1624System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-jenkins for Apache Airflow
aws-configure1621System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA CLI to configure AWS named profiles in ~/.aws/config and ~/.aws/credentials files
apache-airflow-providers-asana1620System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-asana package
hanziconv1607System,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaHanzi Converter for Traditional and Simplified Chinese
libtmux1601System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/Stablescripting library / orm for tmux
robinhood-aiokafka1587System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking4 - BetaKafka integration with asyncio.
cwltool1582Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Scientific/Engineering :: Atmospheric Science,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,System :: Distributed Computing,Utilities5 - Production/StableCommon workflow language reference implementation
apache-airflow-providers-opsgenie1575System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-opsgenie for Apache Airflow
scriptcollection1558System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,TerminalsNo statusThe ScriptCollection is the place for reusable scripts.
interruptingcow1545Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring,Utilities3 - AlphaA watchdog that interrupts long running code.
logbeam1527System :: Logging5 - Production/StableCloudWatch Logs - Python logging handler
arq1515Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaJob queues in python with asyncio, redis and msgpack.
concurrentloghandler1506Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableConcurrent logging handler (drop-in replacement for RotatingFileHandler) Python 2.4+
python-vxi111498Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Networking4 - BetaPython VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet
python-iptables1491Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython bindings for iptables
python-miio1484Home Automation,System :: Hardware5 - Production/StablePython library for interfacing with Xiaomi smart appliances
gcg1473Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities3 - AlphaGit Changelog Generator
datadog-checks-base1456System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableThe Datadog Check Toolkit
shelljob1448Software Development :: Build Tools,System,Terminals4 - BetaRun multiple subprocesses asynchronous/in parallel with streamed output/non-blocking reading
alerta-server1448System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAlerta server WSGI application
dnsdiag1444Internet :: Name Service (DNS),System :: Networking5 - Production/StableDNS Diagnostics and measurement tools (ping, traceroute)
pyrasite1443Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaInject code into a running Python process
apache-airflow-backport-providers-email1384System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported* package for Airflow 1.10.*
django-encrypted-model-fields1377Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableA set of fields that wrap standard Django fields with encryption provided by the python cryptography library.
alerta1362Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAlerta unified command-line tool and SDK
chromedriver-binary-auto1358Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableInstaller for chromedriver.
elasticecshandler1356System :: Logging,Software Development :: Libraries,Internet :: Log Analysis5 - Production/StableElasticsearch ECS Log handler for the logging library
adafruit-nrfutil1340System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusPython 3 version of Nordic Semiconductor nrfutil utility and Python library (modified by Adafruit)
fs-gcsfs1304System :: Filesystems4 - BetaA PyFilesystem interface to Google Cloud Storage
pynsca1294Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring3 - AlphaSimple Python interface to Nagios Service Check Architecture
cpufeature1291Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPython CPU Feature Detection
cloudmesh-common1278Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA set of useful APIs for cloudmesh
cyclonedx-bom1274Security,Software Development,System :: Software DistributionNo statusCycloneDX software bill-of-material (SBOM) generation utility
oneagent-sdk1247System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableDynatrace OneAgent SDK for Python
certbot-dns-cloudflare1243Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableCloudflare DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
apache-airflow-backport-providers-google1243System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported* package for Airflow 1.10.*
xstatic1237Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableXStatic base package with minimal support code
pip-review1233System :: Systems Administration4 - Betapip-review lets you smoothly manage all available PyPI updates.
chaostoolkit-lib1223System :: Distributed Computing2 - Pre-AlphaChaos engineering toolkit core library
apache-airflow-providers-apache-beam1221System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-beam for Apache Airflow
pyldap1218Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
pyrad1218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory6 - MatureRADIUS tools
python-logging-loki1201Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Grafana Loki.
manhole1199Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,Utilities5 - Production/StableManhole is in-process service that will accept unix domain socket connections and present the
pyinfra1198System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaDeploy stuff by diff-ing the state you want against the remote server.
unlzw31189System :: Archiving :: Compression,Utilities4 - BetaPure Python decompression module for .Z files compressed using Unix compress utility
picologging1172System :: Logging3 - AlphaA fast and lightweight logging library for Python
pyprof2calltree1170Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE),Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: System Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableHelp visualize profiling data from cProfile with kcachegrind
aiologger1163System :: Logging4 - BetaNone
table-logger1158Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableTableLogger is a handy Python utility for logging tabular data into a console or a file.
aws1150Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration3 - AlphaUtility to manage your Amazon Web Services and run Fabric against filtered set of EC2 instances.
pyxattr1147System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableFilesystem extended attributes for python
zipstream-ng1145System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusA modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
submitit1138System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePython 3.6+ toolbox for submitting jobs to Slurm
crudini1130Utilities,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA utility for manipulating ini files
apache-airflow-providers-grpc1128System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-grpc for Apache Airflow
netdev1127System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaAsynchronous multi-vendor library for interacting with network devices
deb-pkg-tools1111Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals,Utilities5 - Production/StableDebian packaging tools
python-freeipa1108Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusLightweight FreeIPA client
pytest-trio1099Software Development :: Testing,System :: NetworkingNo statusPytest plugin for trio
eliot1087System :: LoggingNo statusLogging library that tells you why it happened
netutils1077Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: pygame,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaReserve names for currrent development items until release.
dns-lexicon1071Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableManipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized/agnostic way
shell1062System :: Shells5 - Production/StableA better way to run shell commands in Python.
lithoxyl1058Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,System :: Logging,UtilitiesNo statusA systematic approach to logging, profiling, and statisticscollection. Very lightweight, very Pythonic.
hwcounter1050System :: Benchmark3 - AlphaHighly accurate counter for measuring elapsed time in Python
skein1049Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA simple tool and library for deploying applications on Apache YARN
naturalsort1040Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing :: General6 - MatureSimple natural order sorting API for Python
chaostoolkit1036System :: Distributed Computing2 - Pre-AlphaChaos engineering toolkit
apache-airflow-providers-trino1024System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-trino for Apache Airflow
redis-dump-load1024Database,System :: Archiving4 - BetaDump and load redis databases
bagit1017Communications :: File Sharing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: FilesystemsNo statusThis package can be used to create BagIt style packages of digital content for safe transmission and digital preservation. See: for more details.
smpplib1016Communications :: Telephony,System :: Networking3 - AlphaSMPP Library for Python
layer993Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaLayer AI SDK
pysnmp-mibs991Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA collection of IETF & IANA MIBs pre-compiled for PySNMP
honeybadger990System :: Monitoring4 - BetaSend Python and Django errors to Honeybadger
minimalmodbus989Communications,Home Automation,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Hardware :: Hardware DriversNo statusSimple Modbus RTU implementation for Python
awxkit987System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableThe official command line interface for Ansible AWX
borgbackup976Security :: Cryptography,System :: Archiving :: Backup4 - BetaDeduplicated, encrypted, authenticated and compressed backups
pypiserver969Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableA minimal PyPI server for use with pip/easy_install.
frappe-bench953Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableCLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
opentelemetry-exporter-dynatrace-metrics953System :: Monitoring4 - BetaDynatrace Metric Exporter for OpenTelemetry
smart-getenv934System,Utilities5 - Production/StableWrapper for os.getenv that achieves return values of a specified type
pyclamd930Security,System5 - Production/StablepyClamd is a python interface to Clamd (Clamav daemon).
mdc926System :: LoggingNo statusMapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) library for python
trio-asyncio924System :: Networking4 - BetaA re-implementation of the asyncio mainloop on top of Trio
certbot-dns-rfc2136899Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaRFC 2136 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
stream-unzip897System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusPython function to stream unzip all the files in a ZIP archive, without loading the entire ZIP file into memory or any of its uncompressed files
stream-inflate892System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusUncompress DEFLATE streams in pure Python
wakeonlan885System :: Networking5 - Production/StableA small python module for wake on lan.
tailhead884Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text ProcessingNo statustailhead is a simple implementation of GNU tail and head.
systemd880Software Development :: Libraries,System,System :: Operating System4 - BetaPython systemd wrapper
epicscorelibs873Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableThe EPICS Core libraries for use by python modules
es2csv873Database,Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableA CLI tool for exporting data from Elasticsearch into a CSV file.
pwntools869Security,Software Development :: Assemblers,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: System Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StablePwntools CTF framework and exploit development library.
pynng865Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking3 - AlphaNetworking made simply using nng
z0lib861Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: System Shells4 - BetaBash zeroincombenze lib
ops855Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusLibrary for scripting systems administration tasks
dask-geopandas834Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing4 - BetaGeoPandas objects backed with Dask
flask-rq2831Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA Flask extension for RQ.
tcping829System,Utilities4 - Betacommand line for tcp ping
gipc828Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Symmetric Multi-processing4 - Betagevent-cooperative child processes and inter-process communication.
borgmatic823Security :: Cryptography,System :: Archiving :: Backup5 - Production/StableSimple, configuration-driven backup software for servers and workstations
iperf3822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - BetaPython wrapper around iperf3
pyvcloud822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing1 - PlanningVMware vCloud Python SDK
cysecuretools821Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusCypress secure tools for Python
perfmetrics816System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableSend performance metrics about Python code to Statsd
apache-airflow-providers-zendesk811System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-zendesk package
cloud802Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking5 - Production/StablePiCloud client-side library
slack-logger794Communications :: Chat,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableA Python logging handler for Slack integration
apache-airflow-providers-qubole794System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-qubole for Apache Airflow
ixnetwork793Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableIxNetwork Low Level API
pylsl789System :: Networking,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StablePython interface to the Lab Streaming Layer
pc-ble-driver-py783System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems4 - BetaPython bindings for the Nordic pc-ble-driver SoftDevice serialization library
cisco-gnmi777System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableThis library wraps gNMI functionality to ease usage with Cisco implementations.
thespian772System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePython Actor concurrency library
ovh761Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaOfficial API wrapper
apache-airflow-providers-apache-cassandra761System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider for Apache Airflow. Implements apache-airflow-providers-apache-cassandra package
htcondor758Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableHTCondor Python bindings
labjack-ljm756Software Development,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware5 - Production/StableLJM library Python wrapper for LabJack T7 and T4.
bundlewrap753System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableConfig management with Python
check-docker739System :: NetworkingNo statusNRPE plugin for monitoring Docker containers and swarms
spidev738Software Development,System :: Hardware,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers5 - Production/StablePython bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev
apache-airflow-backport-providers-postgres735System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-postgres for Apache Airflow
apstools730Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableVarious Python tools for use with the Bluesky Framework at the APS
easysnmp730System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring4 - BetaA blazingly fast and Pythonic SNMP library based on the official Net-SNMP bindings
pydivert730Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Utilities2 - Pre-AlphaPython binding to windivert driver
py-radix729Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: NetworkingNo statusRadix tree implementation
pyspinel727System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems3 - AlphaA Python interface to the OpenThread Network Co-Processor (NCP)
pypemicro724Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware,UtilitiesNo statusPython tool to control PEMicro Debug probes
pyocd-pemicro720Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware,UtilitiesNo statusPyOCD debug probe plugin for PEMicro debug probes
apache-airflow-providers-vertica719System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-vertica for Apache Airflow
area4712Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System,Terminals,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableDividers in Python, the easy way!
cloudwatchmon709System :: MonitoringNo statusLinux monitoring scripts for CloudWatch
xmpppy704Communications,Communications :: Chat,Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaXMPP implementation in Python
fastybird-redisdb-exchange-plugin701Communications,Home Automation,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaFastyBird Redis database data exchange plugin
apache-airflow-backport-providers-databricks701System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported airflow.providers.databricks.* package for Airflow 1.10.*
wheel-inspect697Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution4 - BetaExtract information from wheels
extension-helpers697Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging5 - Production/StableUtilities for building and installing packages in the Astropy ecosystem
zfex691Utilities,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Filesystems,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries,Communications :: Usenet News,System :: Archiving :: Backup,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,System :: Archiving5 - Production/StableA fast, efficient, portable erasure coding tool
pysphere686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Emulators,System :: Operating System,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython API for interacting with the vSphere Web Services SDK
nrfutil683Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Networking4 - BetaNordic Semiconductor nrfutil utility and Python library
molecule-podman680System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableMolecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
cysignals680Software Development :: Debuggers,System5 - Production/StableInterrupt and signal handling for Cython
gitman671Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableA language-agnostic dependency manager using Git.
eggtestinfo668Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging3 - AlphaAdd test information to .egg-info
newrelic-airflow-plugin667System :: Monitoring3 - AlphaNew Relic Plugin for Apache Airflow
syslog-rfc5424-formatter660System :: Logging3 - AlphaLogging formatter which produces well-formatted RFC5424 Syslog Protocol messages
apache-airflow-providers-exasol658System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-exasol for Apache Airflow
lpc-checksum658Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StablePython script to calculate LPC firmware checksums
indexed-gzip656System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - AlphaFast random access of gzip files in Python
cloudmesh-installer655Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA dynamic extensible CMD based command shell
bacpypes654Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,Utilities4 - BetaBACnet Python Library
consulate653Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaA Client library for the Consul
aws-google-auth650Security,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory3 - AlphaAcquire AWS STS (temporary) credentials via Google Apps SAML Single Sign On
onlysnarf649System :: Shells5 - Production/StableOnlyFans Content Distribution Tool
minilog648Software Development,System :: Logging4 - BetaMinimalistic wrapper for Python logging.
bsddb3646Database,Software Development,System :: Clustering5 - Production/StablePython interface for Berkeley DB
apache-airflow-providers-neo4j643System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-neo4j for Apache Airflow
ps-mem639Utilities,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA utility to report core memory usage per program
langtable633System :: Installation/Setup2 - Pre-Alphaguess reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard, territory, ...
fastybird-fb-bus-connector629Communications,Home Automation,System :: Hardware4 - BetaFastyBird IoT connector for FB BUS devices
pyhdfs621System :: FilesystemsNo statusPure Python WebHDFS client
supervisord-dependent-startup621System :: Boot :: InitNo statusA plugin for Supervisor that allows starting up services after dependent services have reached specific states. Based on ordered-startup-supervisord by Jason Corbett
benchexec620System :: Benchmark5 - Production/StableA Framework for Reliable Benchmarking and Resource Measurement.
certbot-dns-nsone617Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaNS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
authencoding614System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP6 - MatureFramework for handling LDAP style password hashes.
capirca614Security,System :: Networking :: Firewalls5 - Production/StableCapirca
zipfile37610System :: Archiving :: CompressionNo statusRead and write ZIP files - backport of the zipfile module from Python 3.7
pyro5603Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking4 - BetaRemote object communication library, fifth major version
apache-airflow-providers-facebook602System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-facebook for Apache Airflow
d2to1600Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging5 - Production/StableAllows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools
devpi-plumber595System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaMario, the devpi-plumber, helps to automate and test large devpi installations.
py2exe592Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaBuild standalone executables for Windows
command-runner592Software Development,System,System :: Operating System,System :: Shells5 - Production/StablePlatform agnostic command and shell execution tool, also allows UAC/sudo privilege elevation
edgedriver-autoinstaller591Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAutomatically install edgedriver that supports the currently installed version of edge.
ravenpackapi587System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableRavenPack API - Python client
rfc5424-logging-handler586Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableAn up-to-date, RFC5424-Compliant syslog handler for the Python logging framework
fastybird-devices-module581Communications,Home Automation,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaFastyBird metadata for modules.
pydig576Internet :: Name Service (DNS),System :: Monitoring,UtilitiesNo statusPython wrapper library for the 'dig' command line tool
google-cloud-logger570System :: LoggingNo statusGoogle Cloud Logger Formatter
apache-airflow-backport-providers-mysql569System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported airflow.providers.mysql.* package for Airflow 1.10.*
redlibssh569System :: Shells,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAlternate bindings for libssh C library
apache-airflow-providers-apache-pinot561System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-pinot for Apache Airflow
excel2json-3561Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,Text Processing1 - PlanningConvert MS Excel file formats to JSON
awslimitchecker559Internet,System :: Monitoring6 - MatureA script and python module to check your AWS service limits and usage, and warn when usage approaches limits.
pvxslibs558Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePVXS libraries packaged for python
apache-airflow-providers-apache-kylin548System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-apache-kylin for Apache Airflow
fonts545Software Development,System :: Hardware5 - Production/StablePython Fonts
cannon545Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAn SSH automation tool based on Exscript
flameprof541Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetacProfile flamegraph generator
apache-airflow-providers-yandex539System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-yandex for Apache Airflow
duplicity537System :: Archiving :: Backup6 - MatureEncrypted backup using rsync algorithm
s1db534Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaS1 API Library for Python
certbot-dns-digitalocean533Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaDigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
apache-airflow-backport-providers-apache-cassandra532System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBack-ported apache-airflow-backport-providers-apache-cassandra package for Airflow 1.10.*
ezenv530System :: Systems Administration,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA more convenient interface to environment variables.
appenginetaskutils528Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaUtilities for using appengine tasks. Inspired by deferred.
tcconfig527Software Development :: Testing,System :: Networking,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux,System :: Systems Administration4 - Betatcconfig is a tc command wrapper. Make it easy to set up traffic control of network bandwidth/latency/packet-loss/packet-corruption/etc. to a network-interface/Docker-container(veth).
pi523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Filesystems2 - Pre-AlphaSimpler python package installation
inputs522Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,UtilitiesNo statusCross-platform Python support for keyboards, mice and gamepads.
ratarmountcore522System :: Archiving4 - BetaRandom Access Read-Only Tar Mount Library
apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-winrm518System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableProvider package apache-airflow-providers-microsoft-winrm for Apache Airflow
signify517Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Security :: Cryptography,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities3 - AlphaModule to generate and verify PE signatures
librabbitmq517Communications,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking3 - AlphaAMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library.
fastybird-triggers-module516Communications,Home Automation,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaFastyBird metadata for modules.
binary-refinery511System :: Shells,Utilities3 - AlphaA toolkit to transform and refine (mostly) binary data.
logging-slackhandler511Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableA logging handler for Slack
molecule-vagrant511System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableVagrant Molecule Plugin :: run molecule tests using Vagrant
certbot-dns-google510Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - Alphagoogle DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
certbot-dns-azure505Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableAzure DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
apache-airflow-backport-providers-sftp505System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableBackport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-sftp for Apache Airflow
ryu505System :: Networking5 - Production/StableComponent-based Software-defined Networking Framework
bluetooth-mesh504System :: Networking3 - AlphaBluetooth mesh for Python
barman502System :: Archiving :: Backup,Database,System :: Recovery Tools5 - Production/StableBackup and Recovery Manager for PostgreSQL
bonsai501Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP4 - BetaModule for Python 3 to access LDAP directory servers.