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List of Pypi software development packages






urllib39688681Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries No statusHTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
requests8823089Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePython HTTP for Humans.
idna8447565Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableInternationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
typing-extensions7925438Software Development 3 - AlphaBackported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.5+
charset-normalizer6497378Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Utilities No statusThe Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet.
pip4951232Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableThe PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.
numpy4740031Software Development,Scientific/Engineering 5 - Production/StableNumPy is the fundamental package for array computing with Python.
attrs4491240Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableClasses Without Boilerplate
pyasn14155885Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePure-Python implementation of ASN.1 types and DER/BER/CER codecs (X.208)
pytz4147629Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 6 - MatureWorld timezone definitions, modern and historical
oauthlib3462130Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA generic, spec-compliant, thorough implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic
cachetools2836238Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableExtensible memoizing collections and decorators
pyasn1-modules2622412Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA collection of ASN.1-based protocols modules
docutils2587648Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing 4 - BetaDocutils -- Python Documentation Utilities
chardet2167450Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/StableUniversal encoding detector for Python 3
lxml2074641Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePowerful and Pythonic XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API.
tomli1998356Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusA lil' TOML parser
isodate1988607Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaAn ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
decorator1878808Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableDecorators for Humans
py1859783Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 6 - Maturelibrary with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
async-timeout1855489Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableTimeout context manager for asyncio programs
pytest1761421Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 6 - Maturepytest: simple powerful testing with Python
soupsieve1727596Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.
greenlet1714752Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusLightweight in-process concurrent programming
platformdirs1650523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir".
msrest1640142Software Development 4 - BetaAutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime.
tqdm1626675Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Shells,Terminals,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFast, Extensible Progress Meter
filelock1565612Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System 5 - Production/StableA platform independent file lock.
scipy1540319Software Development :: Libraries,Scientific/Engineering 5 - Production/StableFundamental algorithms for scientific computing in Python
websocket-client1520295Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaWebSocket client for Python with low level API options
tabulate1511268Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaPretty-print tabular data
psycopg2-binary1354681Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stablepsycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
proto-plus1336980Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBeautiful, Pythonic protocol buffers.
virtualenv1278889Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableVirtual Python Environment builder
coverage1262404Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableCode coverage measurement for Python
distlib1176226Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDistribution utilities
scikit-learn1141506Software Development,Scientific/Engineering 5 - Production/StableA set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
pydantic1107620Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet 5 - Production/StableData validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting
docker1058925Software Development,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA Python library for the Docker Engine API.
py4j1041490Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Object Brokering 4 - BetaEnables Python programs to dynamically access arbitrary Java objects
mccabe983687Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableMcCabe checker, plugin for flake8
setuptools9146210Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableEasily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
python-dateutil6311210Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableExtensions to the standard Python datetime module
pluggy1761897Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 6 - Matureplugin and hook calling mechanisms for python
httplib21151050Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaA comprehensive HTTP client library.
pyyaml6040296Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup 5 - Production/StableYAML parser and emitter for Python
pyopenssl1611960Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 6 - MaturePython wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
deprecated1127213Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython @deprecated decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
sqlparse1051025Database,Software Development 5 - Production/StableA non-validating SQL parser.
cython1003786Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaThe Cython compiler for writing C extensions for the Python language.
cloudpickle969314Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing 4 - BetaExtended pickling support for Python objects
gunicorn948962Internet,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content 5 - Production/StableWSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
pathspec889143Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 4 - BetaUtility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths.
regex871433Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General 5 - Production/StableAlternative regular expression module, to replace re.
typing-inspect856359Software Development 3 - AlphaRuntime inspection utilities for typing module.
joblib849380Scientific/Engineering,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableLightweight pipelining with Python functions
isort807068Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 6 - MatureA Python utility / library to sort Python imports.
prompt-toolkit766586Software Development 5 - Production/StableLibrary for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
dill747357Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 5 - Production/Stableserialize all of python
libcst738880Software Development :: Libraries No statusA concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, and 3.10 programs.
markdown737793Communications :: Email :: Filters,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown 5 - Production/StablePython implementation of Markdown.
snowflake-connector-python732392Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis 5 - Production/StableSnowflake Connector for Python
flake8723187Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/Stablethe modular source code checker: pep8 pyflakes and co
networkx720266Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics 5 - Production/StablePython package for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
pkginfo702772Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution No statusQuery metadatdata from sdists / bdists / installed packages.
pyflakes698910Software Development,Utilities 6 - Maturepassive checker of Python programs
secretstorage698365Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython bindings to Secret Service API
xlrd659015Database,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLibrary for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) .xls spreadsheet files
dnspython651100Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDNS toolkit
sentry-sdk646264Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython client for Sentry (
absl-py630782Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusAbseil Python Common Libraries, see
threadpoolctl630613Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusthreadpoolctl
pg8000619664Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePostgreSQL interface library
pytest-cov606734Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePytest plugin for measuring coverage.
black592930Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 4 - BetaThe uncompromising code formatter.
setuptools-scm591618Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablethe blessed package to manage your versions by scm tags
emoji590583Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaEmoji for Python
redshift-connector579706Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableRedshift interface library
jedi575564Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Integrated Development Environments (IDE),Utilities 4 - BetaAn autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
parso571092Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Integrated Development Environments (IDE),Utilities 4 - BetaA Python Parser
more-itertools557491Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableMore routines for operating on iterables, beyond itertools
psycopg2555537Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stablepsycopg2 - Python-PostgreSQL Database Adapter
simplejson553797Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple, fast, extensible JSON encoder/decoder for Python
backoff552628Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFunction decoration for backoff and retry
astroid541027Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 6 - MatureAn abstract syntax tree for Python with inference support.
google-cloud-datastore537663Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Datastore API client library
babel537239Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableInternationalization utilities
tensorboard533616Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaTensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
argcomplete528697Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Shells,Terminals 5 - Production/StableBash tab completion for argparse
bleach524704Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAn easy safelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool.
mypy516412Software Development 4 - BetaOptional static typing for Python
pylint498588Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 6 - Maturepython code static checker
typed-ast476675Software Development 5 - Production/Stablea fork of Python 2 and 3 ast modules with type comment support
tensorflow469621Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
matplotlib-inline462027Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusInline Matplotlib backend for Jupyter
poetry-core439429Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPoetry PEP 517 Build Backend
mysql-connector-python433908Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMySQL driver written in Python
tensorflow-estimator404930Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Estimator.
humanfriendly391351Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,System :: System Shells,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Utilities 6 - MatureHuman friendly output for text interfaces using Python
selenium391177Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableNone
jsonpointer365472Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableIdentify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)
shellingham364920Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaTool to Detect Surrounding Shell
debugpy362198Software Development :: Debuggers 5 - Production/StableAn implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Python
distro361647Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Operating System 5 - Production/StableDistro - an OS platform information API
numba342114Software Development :: Compilers 4 - Betacompiling Python code using LLVM
jsonpickle340925Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython library for serializing any arbitrary object graph into JSON
django339693Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
poetry337336Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython dependency management and packaging made easy.
argon2-cffi335129Security :: Cryptography,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableThe secure Argon2 password hashing algorithm.
jsonpatch322266Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableApply JSON-Patches (RFC 6902)
responses321792Software Development No statusA utility library for mocking out the `requests` Python library.
torch320165Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration
python-slugify315239Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableA Python Slugify application that handles Unicode
argon2-cffi-bindings314269Security :: Cryptography,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLow-level CFFI bindings for Argon2
fastapi312947Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaFastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
llvmlite310449Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers 4 - Betalightweight wrapper around basic LLVM functionality
pygithub306378Software Development 5 - Production/StableUse the full Github API v3
keras306052Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDeep learning for humans.
fastavro300050Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis 5 - Production/StableFast read/write of AVRO files
gspread298301Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Spreadsheets Python API
sphinx294922Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Printing,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython documentation generator
pytest-mock293001Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableThin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with pytest
aenum286073Software Development 5 - Production/StableAdvanced Enumerations (compatible with Python's stdlib Enum), NamedTuples, and NamedConstants
semver285911Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython helper for Semantic Versioning (
arrow285174Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBetter dates & times for Python
pathlib2275796Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableObject-oriented filesystem paths
nodeenv271137Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusNode.js virtual environment builder
gevent269780Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaCoroutine-based network library
ijson269435Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableIterative JSON parser with a standard Python iterator interface
asttokens266105Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Pre-processors 5 - Production/StableAnnotate AST trees with source code positions
pycountry261775Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization 5 - Production/StableISO country, subdivision, language, currency and script definitions and their translations
watchdog258429Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Monitoring,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 3 - AlphaFilesystem events monitoring
setproctitle254104Software Development 5 - Production/StableA Python module to customize the process title
deepdiff253060Software Development 5 - Production/StableDeep Difference and Search of any Python object/data.
croniter252982Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - Betacroniter provides iteration for datetime object with cron like format
faker249024Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFaker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
kombu248791Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMessaging library for Python.
email-validator243455Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA robust email syntax and deliverability validation library.
execnet241770Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking 5 - Production/Stableexecnet: rapid multi-Python deployment
celery241581System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Object Brokering 5 - Production/StableDistributed Task Queue.
pytest-forked240300Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities 7 - Inactiverun tests in isolated forked subprocesses
pytest-xdist239052Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepytest xdist plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes
watchtower235656Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython CloudWatch Logging
moto232294Software Development :: Testing No statusA library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library
invoke230410Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StablePythonic task execution
stack-data227728Software Development :: Debuggers No statusExtract data from python stack frames and tracebacks for informative displays
billiard223883Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StablePython multiprocessing fork with improvements and bugfixes
pywavelets222212Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePyWavelets, wavelet transform module
ua-parser207694Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython port of Browserscope's user agent parser
pyproj207367Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython interface to PROJ (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library)
tensorflow-metadata206976Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLibrary and standards for schema and statistics.
opencv-python197176Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development 5 - Production/StableWrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
snowflake-sqlalchemy190670Database,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSnowflake SQLAlchemy Dialect
apache-beam190625Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusApache Beam SDK for Python
tox188873Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stabletox is a generic virtualenv management and test command line tool
great-expectations184725Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Testing 4 - BetaAlways know what to expect from your data.
multiprocess183804Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 5 - Production/Stablebetter multiprocessing and multithreading in python
pydot183437Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython interface to Graphviz's Dot
geopy179587Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython Geocoding Toolbox
flask-wtf176250Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple integration of Flask and WTForms.
semantic-version172526Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme.
trio-websocket168959Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaWebSocket library for Trio
aws-sam-translator168839Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 4 - BetaAWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates
google-cloud-pubsublite166863Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
sqlalchemy-utils162148Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusVarious utility functions for SQLAlchemy.
libclang160512Software Development :: Compilers 5 - Production/StableClang Python Bindings, mirrored from the official LLVM repo:, to make the installation process easier.
holidays160297Office/Business :: Scheduling,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization 4 - BetaGenerate and work with holidays in Python
tensorflow-io-gcs-filesystem158595Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaTensorFlow IO
structlog157206Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableStructured Logging for Python
pytest-asyncio152839Software Development :: Testing 4 - BetaPytest support for asyncio
fire149485Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA library for automatically generating command line interfaces.
jira146580Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StablePython library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
flask-appbuilder145271Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple and rapid application development framework, built on top of Flask. includes detailed security, auto CRUD generation for your models, google charts and much more.
aniso8601144786Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library for parsing ISO 8601 strings.
tfx-bsl143208Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stabletfx_bsl (TFX Basic Shared Libraries) contains libraries shared by many TFX (TensorFlow eXtended) libraries and components.
autopep8140606Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableA tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style guide
python-gnupg140580Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA wrapper for the Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG or GnuPG)
texttable137487Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablemodule for creating simple ASCII tables
graphql-core137093Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableGraphQL implementation for Python, a port of GraphQL.js, the JavaScript reference implementation for GraphQL.
google-cloud-appengine-logging134753Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
hijri-converter133832Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities 5 - Production/StableAccurate Hijri-Gregorian date converter based on the Umm al-Qura calendar
pymssql133666Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDB-API interface to Microsoft SQL Server for Python. (new Cython-based version)
shortuuid133598Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusA generator library for concise, unambiguous and URL-safe UUIDs.
connexion131583Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableConnexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
pika131022Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePika Python AMQP Client Library
jpype1127350Software Development,Scientific/Engineering No statusA Python to Java bridge.
sh127055Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython subprocess replacement
google-cloud-firestore126669Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Firestore API client library
pypdf2126060Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA pure-python PDF library capable of splitting, merging, cropping, and transforming PDF files
tensorflow-transform125488Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library for data preprocessing with TensorFlow
pathos125453Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 5 - Production/Stableparallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing
requests-mock124941Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableMock out responses from the requests package
hypothesis124406Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA library for property-based testing
yamllint124336Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA linter for YAML files.
docstring-parser121934Documentation :: Sphinx,Text Processing :: Markup,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - Beta"Parse Python docstrings in reST, Google and Numpydoc format"
pox120593Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 5 - Production/Stableutilities for filesystem exploration and automated builds
ppft120216Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 5 - Production/Stabledistributed and parallel python
imbalanced-learn117389Software Development,Scientific/Engineering No statusToolbox for imbalanced dataset in machine learning.
python-snappy116230Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Compression 4 - BetaPython library for the snappy compression library from Google
flask-caching115746Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds caching support to your Flask application
django-cors-headers114293Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stabledjango-cors-headers is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).
pybind11114047Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSeamless operability between C++11 and Python
azure-kusto-data113682Software Development 4 - BetaKusto Data Client
pyhocon112055Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusHOCON parser for Python
flask-jwt-extended111849Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableExtended JWT integration with Flask
sphinx-rtd-theme110747Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation 5 - Production/StableRead the Docs theme for Sphinx
kfp106784Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusKubeFlow Pipelines SDK
twilio101440Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Communications :: Telephony 5 - Production/StableTwilio API client and TwiML generator
mpmath101343Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
uritools99622Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableURI parsing, classification and composition
hyperlink98679Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableA featureful, immutable, and correct URL for Python.
hiredis98099Software Development 5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for hiredis
flask-babel97787Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
pytest-metadata97160Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for test session metadata
markdown-it-py93965Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup 3 - AlphaPython port of markdown-it. Markdown parsing, done right!
factory-boy93902Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA versatile test fixtures replacement based on thoughtbot's factory_bot for Ruby.
mmh393547Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for MurmurHash (MurmurHash3), a set of fast and robust hash functions.
pytest-timeout92947Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin to abort hanging tests
pytest-html92734Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for generating HTML reports
flask-compress86612Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusCompress responses in your Flask app with gzip, deflate or brotli.
spark-nlp85792Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableJohn Snow Labs Spark NLP is a natural language processing library built on top of Apache Spark ML. It provides simple, performant & accurate NLP annotations for machine learning pipelines, that scale easily in a distributed environment.
service-identity84707Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableService identity verification for pyOpenSSL & cryptography.
boxsdk84557Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableOfficial Box Python SDK
opencv-python-headless82567Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development 5 - Production/StableWrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
mdit-py-plugins82218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup 3 - AlphaCollection of plugins for markdown-it-py
onnxruntime81024Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models
tensorflow-text80724Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTF.Text is a TensorFlow library of text related ops, modules, and subgraphs.
langcodes80517Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusLabels and compares human languages in a standardized way
pytest-rerunfailures79563Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures
sqlalchemy-jsonfield79138Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaSQLALchemy JSONField implementation for storing dicts at SQL
cmd278799Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stablecmd2 - quickly build feature-rich and user-friendly interactive command line applications in Python
cookiecutter78692Software Development 5 - Production/StableA command-line utility that creates projects from project templates, e.g. creating a Python package project from a Python package project template.
timezonefinder78653Software Development :: Localization 5 - Production/Stablefast python package for finding the timezone of any point on earth (coordinates) offline
mdurl77622Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusMarkdown URL utilities
pytest-django76748Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA Django plugin for pytest.
boltons74123Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableWhen they're not builtins, they're boltons.
urlextract72726Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableCollects and extracts URLs from given text.
dynaconf72589Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableThe dynamic configurator for your Python Project
javaproperties71866Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Utilities 4 - BetaRead & write Java .properties files
terminaltables71530Software Development :: Libraries,Terminals,Text Processing :: Markup 5 - Production/StableGenerate simple tables in terminals from a nested list of strings. (has wheels!)
ciso860170949Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusFast ISO8601 date time parser for Python written in C
nox69939Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableFlexible test automation.
imdbpy69519Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython package to access the IMDb's database
toposort69401Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stable"Implements a topological sort algorithm."
openapi-spec-validator69076Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaOpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3 spec validator
unittest-xml-reporting68678Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/Stableunittest-based test runner with Ant/JUnit like XML reporting.
autopage68190Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities No statusA library to provide automatic paging for console output
cron-descriptor67928Software Development 5 - Production/StableA Python library that converts cron expressions into human readable strings.
tensorflow-addons67919Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaTensorFlow Addons.
aioredis67852Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/Stableasyncio (PEP 3156) Redis support
cinemagoer67477Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython package to access the IMDb's database
vcrpy66497Software Development :: Testing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableAutomatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
stripe65867Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Stripe API
graphql-relay65162Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableRelay library for graphql-core
wandb64290Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableA CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
django-redis62991Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFull featured redis cache backend for Django.
blessed62615Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals 5 - Production/StableEasy, practical library for making terminal apps, by providing an elegant, well-documented interface to Colors, Keyboard input, and screen Positioning capabilities.
elementpath62591Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML 5 - Production/StableXPath 1.0/2.0/3.0 parsers and selectors for ElementTree and lxml
pyrogram62564Internet,Communications,Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableTelegram MTProto API Client Library and Framework for Python
dacite62380Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple creation of data classes from dictionaries.
django-debug-toolbar62148Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response.
yq61593Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusCommand-line YAML/XML processor - jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents
flake8-bugbear61277Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableA plugin for flake8 finding likely bugs and design problems in your program. Contains warnings that don't belong in pyflakes and pycodestyle.
pmdarima61213Software Development,Scientific/Engineering No statusPython's forecast::auto.arima equivalent
graphene60123Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaGraphQL Framework for Python
agate59500Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA data analysis library that is optimized for humans instead of machines.
feedparser58924Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML 5 - Production/StableUniversal feed parser, handles RSS 0.9x, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0, CDF, Atom 0.3, and Atom 1.0 feeds
google-cloud-resource-manager58642Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Resource Manager API client library
optuna57840Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA hyperparameter optimization framework
atlassian-python-api57286Utilities,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 4 - BetaPython Atlassian REST API Wrapper
furl57151Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableURL manipulation made simple.
bracex57063Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBash style brace expander.
google-cloud-recommendations-ai56719Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaNone
pep8-naming56239Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableCheck PEP-8 naming conventions, plugin for flake8
xmlschema56207Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML 5 - Production/StableAn XML Schema validator and decoder
linkify-it-py55616Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaLinks recognition library with FULL unicode support.
openapi-schema-validator55253Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaOpenAPI schema validation for Python
pgpy54603Security,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPretty Good Privacy for Python
pydash54068Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableThe kitchen sink of Python utility libraries for doing "stuff" in a functional way. Based on the Lo-Dash Javascript library.
discord-py-slash-command53662Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 4 - BetaA simple interaction handler for
pyhamcrest53542Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableHamcrest framework for matcher objects
google-cloud-aiplatform53066Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableVertex AI API client library
gql52684Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableGraphQL client for Python
cytoolz52516Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCython implementation of Toolz: High performance functional utilities
watchgod52325Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableSimple, modern file watching and code reload in python.
flask-admin52001Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaSimple and extensible admin interface framework for Flask
pkgconfig51973Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableInterface Python with pkg-config
hologram51810Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaJSON schema generation from dataclasses
tensorflow-data-validation51572Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library for exploring and validating machine learning data.
uc-micro-py51567Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMicro subset of unicode data files for linkify-it-py projects.
launchdarkly-server-sdk51403Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries No statusLaunchDarkly SDK for Python
qrcode51149Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableQR Code image generator
clickhouse-driver50473Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis 4 - BetaPython driver with native interface for ClickHouse
robotframework50438Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: BDD 5 - Production/StableGeneric automation framework for acceptance testing and robotic process automation (RPA)
python-box50144Utilities,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdvanced Python dictionaries with dot notation access
scrapy49969Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
wcmatch49932Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableWildcard/glob file name matcher.
minio49538Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMinIO Python SDK for Amazon S3 Compatible Cloud Storage
setuptools-rust49468Software Development :: Version Control 5 - Production/StableSetuptools Rust extension plugin
aws-sam-cli48756Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 5 - Production/StableAWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
python-crfsuite47885Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Linguistic 4 - BetaPython binding for CRFsuite
tensorflow-model-analysis47341Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA library for analyzing TensorFlow models
jproperties47116Software Development 5 - Production/StableJava Property file parser and writer for Python
django-environ46171Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA package that allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
pympler45797Software Development :: Bug Tracking 4 - BetaA development tool to measure, monitor and analyze the memory behavior of Python objects.
plumbum45449Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StablePlumbum: shell combinators library
tgcrypto45430Security,Security :: Cryptography,Internet,Communications,Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFast and Portable Cryptography Extension Library for Pyrogram
yappi44891Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableYet Another Python Profiler
cchardet44093Software Development :: Libraries No statuscChardet is high speed universal character encoding detector.
ccxt43555Software Development :: Build Tools,Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment 4 - BetaA JavaScript / Python / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 130+ exchanges
diff-cover43147Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableRun coverage and linting reports on diffs
drf-yasg42888Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators 5 - Production/StableAutomated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code.
jwcrypto42887Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusImplementation of JOSE Web standards
pandas-profiling42507Software Development :: Build Tools,Scientific/Engineering 5 - Production/StableGenerate profile report for pandas DataFrame
pylint-plugin-utils41838Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableUtilities and helpers for writing Pylint plugins
webdriver-manager41575Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusLibrary provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers
dash41176Database :: Front-Ends,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Widget Sets 5 - Production/StableA Python framework for building reactive web-apps. Developed by Plotly.
dj-database-url40753Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusUse Database URLs in your Django Application.
firebase-admin40491Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableFirebase Admin Python SDK
dulwich40406Software Development :: Version Control 4 - BetaPython Git Library
bytecode39845Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython module to generate and modify bytecode
tables39713Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableHierarchical datasets for Python
pytest-localserver39592Software Development :: Testing 4 - Betapy.test plugin to test server connections locally.
parsimonious39288Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: General 3 - Alpha(Soon to be) the fastest pure-Python PEG parser I could muster
autobahn39153Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering 5 - Production/StableWebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
watchfiles39077Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableSimple, modern and high performance file watching and code reload in python.
eventlet39056Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaHighly concurrent networking library
codecov38765Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableHosted coverage reports for GitHub, Bitbucket and Gitlab
pyvmomi38324Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableVMware vSphere Python SDK
altgraph37265Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization No statusPython graph (network) package
tweepy37200Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableTwitter library for Python
flask-bcrypt36894Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusBrcrypt hashing for Flask.
locust36654Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Distributed Computing 5 - Production/StableDeveloper friendly load testing framework
bidict36629Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaThe bidirectional mapping library for Python.
collections-extended36562Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableExtra Python Collections - bags (multisets) and setlists (ordered sets)
funcy36300Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA fancy and practical functional tools
django-celery-beat35654Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDatabase-backed Periodic Tasks.
dm-tree35503Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaTree is a library for working with nested data structures.
jsii35340Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython client for jsii runtime
ortools35298Office/Business :: Scheduling,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle OR-Tools python libraries and modules
pymdown-extensions35209Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableExtension pack for Python Markdown.
office365-rest-python-client35050Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaOffice 365 Library for Python
pylint-django34722Software Development :: Quality Assurance No statusA Pylint plugin to help Pylint understand the Django web framework
lru-dict34153Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAn Dict like LRU container.
pyinstaller33948Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 6 - MaturePyInstaller bundles a Python application and all its dependencies into a single package.
checkov33015Security,Software Development :: Build Tools No statusInfrastructure as code static analysis
rope31685Software Development 4 - Betaa python refactoring library...
gtts30773Software Development :: Libraries,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Speech No statusgTTS (Google Text-to-Speech), a Python library and CLI tool to interface with Google Translate text-to-speech API
python-telegram-bot30733Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Communications :: Chat,Internet 5 - Production/StableWe have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
itemadapter30603Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaCommon interface for data container classes
python-ldap30369Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP 5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
appium-python-client29987Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StablePython client for Appium
mkdocs-material-extensions29980Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableExtension pack for Python Markdown.
sqlfluff29847Utilities,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 4 - BetaThe SQL Linter for Humans
mongoengine29830Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMongoEngine is a Python Object-Document Mapper for working with MongoDB.
django-crispy-forms29725Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBest way to have Django DRY forms
flake8-isort29716Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/Stableflake8 plugin that integrates isort .
playwright29168Software Development :: Testing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers No statusA high-level API to automate web browsers
dbutils28931Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDatabase connections for multi-threaded environments.
myst-parser28926Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup 4 - BetaAn extended commonmark compliant parser, with bridges to docutils & sphinx.
ansible-lint28826Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableChecks playbooks for practices and behaviour that could potentially be improved
types-awscrt28594Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableType annotations and code completion for awscrt
pysaml228098Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython implementation of SAML Version 2 Standard
tensorflow-probability28007Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaProbabilistic modeling and statistical inference in TensorFlow
python-hcl227963Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA parser for HCL2
tf-estimator-nightly27764Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Estimator.
questionary27567Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaPython library to build pretty command line user prompts ⭐️
num2words27493Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/StableModules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible.
dohq-artifactory27344Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/StableA Python interface to Artifactory
requests-cache27121Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA transparent persistent cache for the requests library
tb-nightly27119Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaTensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
addict26971Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusAddict is a dictionary whose items can be set using both attribute and item syntax.
robotframework-requests26933Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableRobot Framework keyword library wrapper around requests
txaio26888Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableCompatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
asyncssh26754Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StableAsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library
drf-spectacular26685Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators 5 - Production/StableSane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework
tink26452Software Development :: Libraries No statusA multi-language, cross-platform library that provides cryptographic APIs that are secure, easy to use correctly, and hard(er) to misuse.
pooch26370Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePooch manages your Python library's sample data files: it automatically downloads and stores them in a local directory, with support for versioning and corruption checks.
pygit226223Software Development :: Version Control 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for libgit2.
pytest-repeat26146Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for repeating tests
dependency-injector26129Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDependency injection framework for Python
tensorflow-recommenders26092Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaTensorflow Recommenders, a TensorFlow library for recommender systems.
pyusb26059Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers 5 - Production/StablePython USB access module
ml-metadata25989Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library for maintaining metadata for artifacts.
neptune-client25552Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence 5 - Production/StableNeptune Client
dominate25459Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML No statusDominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API.
opencv-contrib-python25433Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development 5 - Production/StableWrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
rdflib25399Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusRDFLib is a Python library for working with RDF, a simple yet powerful language for representing information.
umap-learn25391Software Development,Scientific/Engineering 3 - AlphaUniform Manifold Approximation and Projection
rq25318Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableRQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and processing them.
construct25200Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators 5 - Production/StableA powerful declarative symmetric parser/builder for binary data
anyconfig24988Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities 4 - BetaLibrary provides common APIs to load and dump configuration files in various formats
py7zr24972System :: Archiving :: Compression,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPure python 7-zip library
multimethod24483Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMultiple argument dispatching.
influxdb-client24171Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaInfluxDB 2.0 Python client library
pex23968Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities 5 - Production/StableThe PEX packaging toolchain.
hdbcli23821Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSAP HANA Python Client
flake8-quotes23610Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableFlake8 lint for quotes.
aws-lambda-builders23462Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 4 - BetaPython library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks.
django-celery-results23447Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableCelery result backends for Django.
limits23431Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableRate limiting utilities
httpretty23259Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableHTTP client mock for Python
fixtures23216Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 6 - MatureFixtures, reusable state for writing clean tests and more.
pint23045Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaPhysical quantities module
colorclass22793Software Development :: Libraries,Terminals,Text Processing :: Markup 5 - Production/StableColorful worry-free console applications for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
django-allauth22768Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet 4 - BetaIntegrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
django-js-asset22541Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks No statusscript tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
testtools22510Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableExtensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework
pytest-bdd22506Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 6 - MatureBDD for pytest
nose222370Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing 4 - Betaunittest2 with plugins, the succesor to nose
markdown222282Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableA fast and complete Python implementation of Markdown
tfx22208Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
pandas-market-calendars22071Software Development 5 - Production/StableMarket and exchange trading calendars for pandas
packageurl-python21927Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 4 - BetaA purl aka. Package URL parser and builder
zeroconf21890Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaPure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library (Bonjour/Avahi compatible)
readchar21835Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces 5 - Production/StableUtilities to read single characters and key-strokes
django-import-export21734Software Development No statusDjango application and library for importing and exporting data with included admin integration.
ml-pipelines-sdk21595Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA dependency-light distribution of the core pipeline authoring functionality of TensorFlow Extended (TFX).
tensorflow-cpu21493Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
falcon21272Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableAn unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends.
flatdict21200Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePython module for interacting with nested dicts as a single level dict with delimited keys.
pathvalidate21173Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing 5 - Production/Stablepathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
localstack-ext21141Software Development :: Testing No statusExtensions for LocalStack
types-s3transfer21015Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableType annotations and code completion for s3transfer
pyfakefs20905Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Filesystems 5 - Production/Stablepyfakefs implements a fake file system that mocks the Python file system modules.
pybase6420899Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFast Base64 encoding/decoding
coveralls20831Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableShow coverage stats online via
elastic-apm20802Software Development No statusThe official Python module for Elastic APM
pytest-benchmark20694Software Development :: Testing,System :: Benchmark,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA ``pytest`` fixture for benchmarking code. It will group the tests into rounds that are calibrated to the chosen timer.
pamqp20685Communications,Internet,Software Development 5 - Production/StableRabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
cloudscraper20682Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page.
python-stdnum20634Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General 5 - Production/StablePython module to handle standardized numbers and codes
pluginbase20617Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePluginBase is a module for Python that enables the development of flexible plugin systems in Python.
pytube20358Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
pyppmd20313Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaPPMd compression/decompression library
instana20230Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stable🐍 Python Distributed Tracing & Metrics Sensor for Instana
robotframework-pythonlibcore20189Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableTools to ease creating larger test libraries for Robot Framework using Python.
cyclonedx-python-lib20072Security,Software Development,System :: Software Distribution 5 - Production/StableA library for producing CycloneDX SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) files.
apipkg19992Software Development :: Libraries 4 - Betaapipkg: namespace control and lazy-import mechanism
google-cloud-workflows19815Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
tensorflow-gpu19313Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
python-benedict19304Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepython-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
smartsheet-python-sdk19290Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet 5 - Production/StableLibrary that uses Python to connect to Smartsheet services (using API 2.0).
flake8-eradicate19209Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableFlake8 plugin to find commented out code
yellowbrick18538Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization 5 - Production/StableA suite of visual analysis and diagnostic tools for machine learning.
yfinance18262Office/Business :: Financial,Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableYahoo! Finance market data downloader
requirements-parser18189Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution 5 - Production/StableThis is a small Python module for parsing Pip requirement files.
pytest-aiohttp18183Software Development :: Testing 4 - BetaPytest plugin for aiohttp support
vertica-python18177Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableOfficial native Python client for the Vertica database.
sphinx-tabs18157Documentation :: Sphinx,Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableTabbed views for Sphinx
cxxfilt18043Software Development :: Build Tools 3 - AlphaPython interface to c++filt / abi::__cxa_demangle
google-cloud-memcache17897Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
makefun17881Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSmall library to dynamically create python functions.
pywinrm17879Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration 4 - BetaPython library for Windows Remote Management
pybcj17820Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - Betabcj filter library
keras-nightly17816Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Keras.
pytest-check17753Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test.
prospector17582Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/StableNone
flake8-print17435Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 3 - Alphaprint statement checker plugin for flake8
param17363Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableMake your Python code clearer and more reliable by declaring Parameters.
flask-talisman17267Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableHTTP security headers for Flask.
svgwrite17089Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA Python library to create SVG drawings.
nextcord17061Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from
semgrep17023Security,Software Development :: Quality Assurance No statusLightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code.
circlify16948Software Development,Utilities,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization 4 - BetaCircle packing algorithm for Python
pyagrum-nightly16925Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBayesian networks and other Probabilistic Graphical Models.
wavelink16868Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities No statusA robust and powerful Lavalink wrapper for
clickhouse-sqlalchemy16831Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis 4 - BetaSimple ClickHouse SQLAlchemy Dialect
ansible-compat16814Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableAnsible compatibility goodies
flask-limiter16729Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableRate limiting for flask applications
av16670Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion 5 - Production/StablePythonic bindings for FFmpeg's libraries.
rjsmin16602Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StableJavascript Minifier
bc-python-hcl216515Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusA parser for HCL2
neo4j16477Database,Software Development No statusNeo4j Bolt driver for Python
python-fsutil16460Desktop Environment :: File Managers,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablefile-system utilities for lazy devs.
scan-build16431Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 5 - Production/Stablestatic code analyzer wrapper for Clang.
panel16191Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Office/Business,Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableA high level app and dashboarding solution for Python.
multitasking16089Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNon-blocking Python methods using decorators
pytest-flake816075Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing 4 - Betapytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
rcssmin16003Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCSS Minifier
flake8-broken-line15905Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 4 - BetaFlake8 plugin to forbid backslashes for line breaks
tensorflow-io15856Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaTensorFlow IO
pydicom15812Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePure python package for DICOM medical file reading and writing
okta15760Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython SDK for the Okta Management API
recordclass15710Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaMutable variant of collections.namedtuple -- recordclass.recordclass, which support assignments, and other memory saving variants.
pytest-subtests15596Software Development :: Testing 4 - Betaunittest subTest() support and subtests fixture
createsend15530Communications,Communications :: Email,Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableA library which implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.
hypercorn15520Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn.
prefect15420Software Development :: Libraries No statusWorkflow orchestration and management.
holoviews15351Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableStop plotting your data - annotate your data and let it visualize itself.
jishaku15328Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA extension including useful tools for bot development and debugging.
flake8-debugger15308Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 3 - Alphaipdb/pdb statement checker plugin for flake8
aio-pika15166Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries No statusWrapper for the aiormq for asyncio and humans.
inquirer15154Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces 5 - Production/StableCollection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js
kaitaistruct15133Software Development :: Build Tools 4 - BetaKaitai Struct declarative parser generator for binary data: runtime library for Python
pytest-socket15107Software Development :: Testing 4 - BetaPytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests
albumentations15088Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaFast image augmentation library and easy to use wrapper around other libraries
six6271755Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities No statusPython 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
jinja24726799Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableA small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
markupsafe4122239Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableImplements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
importlib-metadata4078832Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaRead metadata from Python packages
werkzeug3625927Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableThe Swiss Army knife of Python web development
flask3346852Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
psutil2095840Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Benchmark,System :: Hardware,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring :: Hardware Watchdog,System :: Operating System,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.
beautifulsoup41750144Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML 5 - Production/StableScreen-scraping library
discord1646181Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 4 - BetaWrapper for
mypy-extensions1598716Software Development 2 - Pre-AlphaExperimental type system extensions for programs checked with the mypy typechecker.
importlib-resources1436082Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableRead resources from Python packages
iniconfig1426969Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 4 - Betainiconfig: brain-dead simple config-ini parsing
gitpython1106475Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython Git Library
pexpect962198Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,Terminals 5 - Production/StablePexpect allows easy control of interactive console applications.
pycodestyle946713Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython style guide checker
wcwidth935015Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Localization,Terminals 2 - Pre-AlphaMeasures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes
uritemplate933465Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaURI Templates
portalocker854389Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaWraps the portalocker recipe for easy usage
scramp715923Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaAn implementation of the SCRAM protocol.
asynctest630981Software Development :: Testing 3 - AlphaEnhance the standard unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries
tzdata556459Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableExtensions to the standard Python datetime module
msrestazure526631Software Development 4 - BetaAutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime. Azure-specific module.
tensorflow-serving-api510284Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Serving Python API.
lockfile493536Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPlatform-independent file locking module
html5lib468819Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableHTML parser based on the WHATWG HTML specification
progressbar2460611Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals 5 - Production/StableText progress bar library for Python.
appdirs454480Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir".
mock443397Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing
aioitertools438149Software Development :: Libraries 4 - Betaitertools and builtins for AsyncIO and mixed iterables
dataclasses435644Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaAn implementation of PEP 557: Data Classes
text-unidecode423272Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/StableThe most basic Text::Unidecode port
configparser403998Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaThis library brings the updated configparser from Python 3.2+ to Python 2.5-2.7.
h5py401877Database,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableRead and write HDF5 files from Python
fastjsonschema379822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFastest Python implementation of JSON schema
applicationinsights365435Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaThis project extends the Application Insights API surface to support Python.
commonmark362012Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities 4 - BetaPython parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
pendulum360518Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython datetimes made easy.
typing359484Software Development 5 - Production/StableType Hints for Python
pytzdata346412Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusOfficial Olson tzdata database for Python.
bs4324087Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML 5 - Production/StableDummy package for Beautiful Soup
orderedmultidict317195Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaOrderedMultiDict: Ordered Multivalue Dictionary
cleo313676Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusCleo allows you to create beautiful and testable command-line commands.
cachy310062Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusCachy provides a simple yet effective caching library.
blinker293428Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
thrift292261Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
typer290234Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development 4 - BetaTyper, build great CLIs. Easy to code. Based on Python type hints.
confluent-kafka287978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableConfluent's Python client for Apache Kafka
retry286911Software Development 4 - BetaEasy to use retry decorator.
brotli283796Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving,System :: Archiving :: Compression,Text Processing :: Fonts,Utilities 4 - BetaPython bindings for the Brotli compression library
keras-preprocessing282495Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableEasy data preprocessing and data augmentation for deep learning models
flatbuffers277851Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusThe FlatBuffers serialization format for Python
kafka-python274829Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPure Python client for Apache Kafka
tensorboard-data-server263540Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries 2 - Pre-AlphaFast data loading for TensorBoard
python-editor258185Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaProgrammatically open an editor, capture the result.
enum34245451Software Development 5 - Production/StablePython 3.4 Enum backported to 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5, and 2.4
astunparse243890Software Development :: Code Generators 5 - Production/StableAn AST unparser for Python
alabaster230125Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation No statusA configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
argparse227552Software Development 5 - Production/StablePython command-line parsing library
nose223661Software Development :: Testing 4 - Betanose extends unittest to make testing easier
flask-cors215626Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusA Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support
azure-cosmos198293Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusAzure Cosmos Python SDK
delta-spark196816Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython APIs for using Delta Lake with Apache Spark
xlwt190653Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLibrary to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.3 to 2.7
junit-xml187666Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableCreates JUnit XML test result documents that can be read by tools such as Jenkins
flask-sqlalchemy182019Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application.
ndg-httpsclient178813Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableProvides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL
sentencepiece178320Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/StableSentencePiece python wrapper
singledispatch172918Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableThis library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3.
promise167056Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePromises/A+ implementation for Python
monotonic166278Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAn implementation of time.monotonic() for Python 2 & < 3.3
munch158322Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects).
statsd156700Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA simple statsd client.
astor153787Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers 3 - AlphaRead/rewrite/write Python ASTs
sshtunnel151756Software Development :: Build Tools 3 - AlphaPure python SSH tunnels
python-daemon149364Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaLibrary to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process
korean-lunar-calendar147153Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaKorean Lunar Calendar
flask-login142120Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaUser session management for Flask
google-apitools138298Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusclient libraries for humans
pygobject136130Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython bindings for GObject Introspection
netaddr134000Communications,Documentation,Education,Education :: Testing,Home Automation,Internet,Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Benchmark,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
geographiclib133800Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA translation of the GeographicLib::Geodesic class to Python
wtforms126556Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development.
deprecation126463Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library to handle automated deprecations
parse122057Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusparse() is the opposite of format()
qtpy120602Software Development :: Widget Sets 4 - BetaProvides an abstraction layer on top of the various Qt bindings (PyQt5, PyQt4 and PySide) and additional custom QWidgets.
tensorflow-hub119257Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaTensorFlow Hub is a library to foster the publication, discovery, and consumption of reusable parts of machine learning models.
keras-applications117839Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableReference implementations of popular deep learning models
google117295Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython bindings to the Google search engine.
funcsigs115241Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython function signatures from PEP362 for Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.2+
validators114446Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython Data Validation for Humans™.
ratelimit110226Software Development 5 - Production/StableAPI rate limit decorator
parsedatetime110047Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing 5 - Production/StableParse human-readable date/time text.
heapdict107524Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stablea heap with decrease-key and increase-key operations
catboost104574Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableCatboost Python Package
jaydebeapi104530Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaA bridge from JDBC database drivers to Python DB-API.
pyserial102833Communications,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals :: Serial 5 - Production/StablePython Serial Port Extension
testpath101386Software Development :: Testing No statusTest utilities for code working with files and commands
cachelib101216Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA collection of cache libraries in the same API interface.
sarif-om100903Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableClasses implementing the SARIF 2.1.0 object model.
user-agents100536Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities by parsing (browser/HTTP) user agent strings
rx99249Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableReactive Extensions (Rx) for Python
jschema-to-python99229Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGenerate source code for Python classes from a JSON schema.
setuptools-git98388Software Development :: Version Control 4 - BetaSetuptools revision control system plugin for Git
fabric97387Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration 5 - Production/StableHigh level SSH command execution
python3-openid97237Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableOpenID support for modern servers and consumers.
ipdb95621Software Development :: Debuggers No statusIPython-enabled pdb
protobuf3-to-dict95306Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaBen Hodgson: A teeny Python library for creating Python dicts from protocol buffers and the reverse. Useful as an intermediate step before serialisation (e.g. to JSON). Kapor: upgrade it to PB3 and PY3, rename it to protobuf3-to-dict
pyaml93671Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPyYAML-based module to produce pretty and readable YAML-serialized data
constantly92152Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusSymbolic constants in Python
pathlib91277Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems 3 - AlphaObject-oriented filesystem paths
frozendict89927Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA simple immutable dictionary
python-multipart89387Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaA streaming multipart parser for Python
pathtools86043Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems,Utilities 3 - AlphaFile system general utilities
passlib84972Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/Stablecomprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes
resolvelib84820Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaResolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
yapf81773Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance 4 - BetaA formatter for Python code.
lunarcalendar79160Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 4 - BetaA lunar calendar converter, including a number of lunar and solar holidays, mainly from China.
flask-session77856Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusAdds server-side session support to your Flask application
expiringdict76075Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaDictionary with auto-expiring values for caching purposes
inflect75065Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic 3 - AlphaCorrectly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, indefinite articles; convert numbers to words
timeout-decorator74168Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaTimeout decorator
bottle73678Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 4 - BetaFast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications.
influxdb73405Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaInfluxDB client
botocore-stubs71334Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableType annotations and code completion for botocore
installer70113Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 1 - PlanningA library for installing python packages.
gspread-dataframe68895Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableRead/write gspread worksheets using pandas DataFrames
opentracing66879Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaOpenTracing API for Python. See documentation at
hyperopt66214Scientific/Engineering,Software Development 3 - AlphaDistributed Asynchronous Hyperparameter Optimization
configobj65963Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 6 - MatureConfig file reading, writing and validation.
ninja64992Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableNinja is a small build system with a focus on speed
json564273Software Development :: Testing 2 - Pre-AlphaA Python implementation of the JSON5 data format.
bitstring64256Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple construction, analysis and modification of binary data.
pypika63470Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA SQL query builder API for Python
python-docx62911Office/Business :: Office Suites,Software Development :: Libraries 3 - AlphaCreate and update Microsoft Word .docx files.
xxhash62215Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaxxHash Bindings for Python
intervaltree61650Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Text Processing :: Markup 4 - BetaEditable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3
dockerpty61240Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals 4 - BetaPython library to use the pseudo-tty of a docker container
flask-openid60888Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaOpenID support for Flask
ftfy60690Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters 5 - Production/StableFixes some problems with Unicode text after the fact
flask-oidc59622Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
parse-type59155Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaSimplifies to build parse types based on the parse module
pyotp58627Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython One Time Password Library
leather58404Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 2 - Pre-AlphaPython charting for 80% of humans.
python-socketio58112Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusSocket.IO server
python-engineio57335Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusEngine.IO server
raven57330Software Development No statusRaven is a client for Sentry (
dpath57261Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFilesystem-like pathing and searching for dictionaries
pydub57094Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Analysis,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Editors,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Mixers,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 5 - Production/StableManipulate audio with an simple and easy high level interface
python-nvd356994Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython NVD3
pastedeploy55866Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLoad, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
concurrent-log-handler54354Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging 4 - BetaConcurrent logging handler (drop-in replacement for RotatingFileHandler)
snakebite-py354335Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Utilities No statusPure Python HDFS client
plac53860Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 3 - AlphaThe smartest command line arguments parser in the world
mysql-connector52683Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableMySQL driver written in Python
pure-sasl52214Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPure Python client SASL implementation
lark-parser51789Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/Stablea modern parsing library
cmake51388Software Development :: Build Tools 5 - Production/StableCMake is an open-source, cross-platform family of tools designed to build, test and package software
translationstring49977Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization 5 - Production/StableUtility library for i18n relied on by various Repoze and Pyramid packages
json-log-formatter49367Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusJSON log formatter
blessings49185Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals 5 - Production/StableA thin, practical wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning
pydispatcher48969Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusMulti-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism
clang48706Software Development :: Compilers 5 - Production/Stablelibclang python bindings
ldap348636Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP 5 - Production/StableA strictly RFC 4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
fakeredis48533Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFake implementation of redis API for testing purposes.
fake-useragent48360Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableUp to date simple useragent faker with real world database
pymsteams47351Internet,Office/Business,Office/Business :: Groupware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFormat messages and post to Microsoft Teams.
python-pptx46612Office/Business :: Office Suites,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaGenerate and manipulate Open XML PowerPoint (.pptx) files
mkdocs-material46316Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableA Material Design theme for MkDocs
flake8-polyfill46126Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusPolyfill package for Flake8 plugins
netcdf445686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - Alphapython/numpy interface to netCDF library (versions 3 and 4)
contextvars44547Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableContexted variables framework for Python
pygsheets44455Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaGoogle Spreadsheets Python API v4
simplegeneric43888Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureSimple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
linecache243795Software Development6 - MatureBackports of the linecache module
subprocess3243504Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA backport of the subprocess module from Python 3 for use on 2.x.
cherrypy43339Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableObject-Oriented HTTP framework
timm43220Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alpha(Unofficial) PyTorch Image Models
traceback243114Software Development6 - MatureBackports of the traceback module
lark42894Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/Stablea modern parsing library
flask-swagger42720Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusExtract swagger specs from your flask project
peewee42698Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablea little orm
jsonlines40978Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,Utilities5 - Production/StableLibrary with helpers for the jsonlines file format
unittest240592Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaThe new features in unittest backported to Python 2.4+.
ws4py40534Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWebSocket client and server library for Python 2 and 3 as well as PyPy
glom40335Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusA declarative object transformer and formatter, for conglomerating nested data.
flask-migrate40195Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
py-spy40175Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA Sampling Profiler for Python
autoflake39986Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusRemoves unused imports.
cssutils39279Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaA CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
pynvml38874Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
naked38717Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA command line application framework
nameparser38673Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableA simple Python module for parsing human names into their individual components.
atpublic38072Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepublic -- @public for populating __all__
mozlog38048Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRobust log handling specialized for logging in the Mozilla universe
dropbox37682Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOfficial Dropbox API Client
nvidia-ml-py337621Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
mozrunner37326Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaReliable start/stop/configuration of Mozilla Applications (Firefox, Thunderbird, etc.)
face37202Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusA command-line application framework (and CLI parser). Friendly for users, full-featured for developers.
aiosqlite36789Software Development :: Libraries4 - Betaasyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
flask-socketio36741Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSocket.IO integration for Flask applications
delighted35978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA CLI client and Python API library for the delighted platform.
distribute35890Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableEasily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages
colorful35605Software Development4 - Betapython module to decorate text with ANSI colors and modifiers
probableparsing35334Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCommon methods for propbable parsers
olefile35322Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython package to parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files (Structured Storage or Compound Document, Microsoft Office) - Improved version of the OleFileIO module from PIL, the Python Image Library.
gorilla35306Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaConvenient approach to monkey patching.
behave34955Software Development :: Testing4 - Betabehave is behaviour-driven development, Python style
usaddress34587Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaParse US addresses using conditional random fields
python-decouple33970Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableStrict separation of settings from code.
pytest-sugar33816Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - Alphapy.test is a plugin for py.test that changes the default look and feel of py.test (e.g. progressbar, show tests that fail instantly).
glob233755Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaVersion of the glob module that can capture patterns and supports recursive wildcards
scikit-optimize32983Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusSequential model-based optimization toolbox.
enum-compat32203Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusenum/enum34 compatibility package
pytest-random-order31891Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRandomise the order in which pytest tests are run with some control over the randomness
flask-basicauth31496Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusHTTP basic access authentication for Flask.
cassandra-driver31467Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython driver for Cassandra
click-option-group31257Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOption groups missing in Click
allure-python-commons31129Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaCommon module for integrate allure with python-based frameworks
j2cli31010Software Development5 - Production/StableCommand-line interface to Jinja2 for templating in shell scripts.
pyluach30988Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePyluach is a Python package for manipulating Hebrew dates,
intelhex30783Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython library for Intel HEX files manipulations
colour30641Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version ControlNo statusconverts and manipulates various color representation (HSL, RVB, web, X11, ...)
lunardate30605Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Chinese Calendar Library in Pure Python
url-normalize30235Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing,UtilitiesNo statusURL normalization for Python (python3)
python-memcached30215Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePure python memcached client
ansiwrap30126Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters4 - Betatextwrap, but savvy to ANSI colors and styles
keras-tuner30041Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusHypertuner for Keras
prophet30037Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMicroframework for analyzing financial markets.
textwrap329969Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters4 - Betatextwrap from Python 3.6 backport (plus a few tweaks)
pyxb29845Software Development :: Code Generators,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StablePython XML Schema Bindings
flaky29812Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPlugin for nose or pytest that automatically reruns flaky tests.
tzwhere29195Software Development :: LocalizationNo statusPython library to look up timezone from lat / long offline
path29127Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA module wrapper for os.path
ansicolors29044Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusANSI colors for Python
pyinstaller-hooks-contrib28646Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusCommunity maintained hooks for PyInstaller
flit-core28636Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDistribution-building parts of Flit. See flit package for more information
pep828632Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython style guide checker
pprintpp28580Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaA drop-in replacement for pprint that's actually pretty
bz2file28080Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaRead and write bzip2-compressed files.
isoduration27860Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOperations with ISO 8601 durations
fpdf27398Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: PHP Classes,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple PDF generation for Python
conan27353Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableConan C/C++ package manager
statsd-telegraf26962Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA fork of pystatsd package with Telegraf-compatible tag support.
premailer26658Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTurns CSS blocks into style attributes
pytest-custom-exit-code26650Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaExit pytest test session with custom exit code in different scenarios
allure-pytest26562Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAllure pytest integration
robotframework-seleniumlibrary26296Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableWeb testing library for Robot Framework
pefile26121Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython PE parsing module
swagger-spec-validator26055Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableValidation of Swagger specifications
pyudev26025Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux4 - BetaA libudev binding
awscliv225712Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWrapper for AWS CLI v2
retry-decorator25662Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRetry Decorator
robotframework-jsonlibrary25146Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablerobotframework-jsonlibrary is a Robot Framework test library for manipulating JSON Object. You can manipulate your JSON object using JSONPath
pyminizip25044Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression3 - AlphaA minizip wrapper - To create a password encrypted zip file in python.
gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin24982Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules7 - InactiveAuth plugin allowing use the use of OAuth 2.0 credentials for Google Cloud Storage in the Boto library.
odfpy24976Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
comtypes24862Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePure Python COM package
stone24719Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaStone is an interface description language (IDL) for APIs.
detect-secrets24218Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableTool for detecting secrets in the codebase
flask-restx24127Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution3 - AlphaFully featured framework for fast, easy and documented API development with Flask
utils24069Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusA grab-bag of utility functions and objects
polib24055Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaA library to manipulate gettext files (po and mo files).
cloudformation-cli23741Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableNone
genson23677Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableGenSON is a powerful, user-friendly JSON Schema generator.
argh23572Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - BetaA simple argparse wrapper.
pytest-ordering23493Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - Alphapytest plugin to run your tests in a specific order
cloudformation-cli-java-plugin23288Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableNone
cloudformation-cli-typescript-plugin23137Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableTypescript language support for the CloudFormation CLI
cloudformation-cli-go-plugin23097Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators4 - BetaNone
cloudformation-cli-python-plugin23089Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StablePython 3.6 and 3.7 language support for the CloudFormation CLI
pynndescent23014Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaNearest Neighbor Descent
pyu2f22839Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusU2F host library for interacting with a U2F device over USB.
jsmin22775Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters5 - Production/StableJavaScript minifier.
scrapy-splash22681Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJavaScript support for Scrapy using Splash
asana22614Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple wrapper for the Asana api
geocoder22253Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGeocoder is a simple and consistent geocoding library.
python-string-utils22230Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableUtility functions for strings checking and manipulation.
flake8-builtins22094Software Development3 - AlphaCheck for python builtins being used as variables or parameters.
aliyun-python-sdk-core21949Software Development5 - Production/StableThe core module of Aliyun Python SDK.
pyquaternion21943Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA fully featured, pythonic library for representing and using quaternions.
wikipedia21787Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaWikipedia API for Python
flask-httpauth21349Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBasic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes
paste21320Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
nvidia-ml-py21087Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library - r295 driver features
treelib20897Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python 2/3 implementation of tree structure.
flake8-black20508Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusflake8 plugin to call black as a code style validator
cbor20440Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRFC 7049 - Concise Binary Object Representation
mozprocess20253Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMozilla-authored process handling
pyinotify20215Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableLinux filesystem events monitoring
kornia20196Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusOpen Source Differentiable Computer Vision Library for PyTorch
tbb20144Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Threading Building Blocks
multivolumefile20126Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-Alphamulti volume file wrapper library
memory-profiler20012Software Development4 - BetaA module for monitoring memory usage of a python program
pyjarowinkler20009Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFind the Jaro Winkler Distance which indicates the similarity score between two Strings
basictracer19907Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaUNKNOWN
pdoc319801Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities5 - Production/StableAuto-generate API documentation for Python projects.
eradicate19742Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusRemoves commented-out code.
python-gflags19693Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusObsolete. Please migrate to absl-py instead.
patch-ng19644Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableLibrary to parse and apply unified diffs.
livereload19569Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Debuggers4 - BetaPython LiveReload is an awesome tool for web developers
etils19561Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCollection of common python utils
pyarmor19510Security,Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaA tool used to obfuscate python scripts, bind obfuscated scripts to fixed machine or expire obfuscated scripts.
bridgecrew19490Security,Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusInfrastructure as code static analysis
flask-oauthlib19409Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOAuthlib for Flask
pydevd19370Software Development :: Debuggers6 - MaturePyDev.Debugger (used in PyDev, PyCharm and VSCode Python)
stop-words19312Software DevelopmentNo statusGet list of common stop words in various languages in Python
python-logstash19198Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Logstash.
pytest-instafail19066Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - Betapytest plugin to show failures instantly
pattern18968Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableWeb mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
isoweek18954Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableObjects representing a week
pygtrie18921Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTrie data structure implementation.
pygdbmi18794Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusParse gdb machine interface output with Python
pywinauto18757Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - Betapywinauto is a set of python modules to automate the Microsoft Windows GUI
gprof2dot18703Software Development6 - MatureGenerate a dot graph from the output of several profilers.
dockerfile-parse18687Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython library for Dockerfile manipulation
splunk-sdk18687Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaThe Splunk Software Development Kit for Python.
verboselogs18686Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System,System :: Logging,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals5 - Production/StableVerbose logging level for Python's logging module
python-mimeparse18685Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges.
pyftpdlib18668Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableVery fast asynchronous FTP server library
prance18640Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSwagger/OpenAPI 2.0 Parser
kconfiglib18607Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux5 - Production/StableA flexible Python Kconfig implementation
hdbscan18602Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaClustering based on density with variable density clusters
inject18498Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython dependency injection framework
flake8-bandit18298Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusAutomated security testing with bandit and flake8.
biopython18276Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFreely available tools for computational molecular biology.
humbug18218Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaHumbug: Do you build developer tools? Humbug helps you know your users.
pyhdb18109Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSAP HANA Database Client for Python
object-mapper17725Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableObjectMapper is a class for automatic object mapping. It helps you to create objects between project layers (data layer, service layer, view) in a simple, transparent way.
pyisemail17579Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple, robust email validation
mozprofile17529Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLibrary to create and modify Mozilla application profiles
hjson17477Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHjson, a user interface for JSON.
pycalverter17297Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython Calendar Converter
flask-script17164Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableScripting support for Flask (legacy version, compatible with v0.6)
lkml17037Software Development5 - Production/StableA speedy LookML parser implemented in pure Python.
licensing16992Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusClient library for Cryptolens licensing Web API.
aiomultiprocess16983Software Development :: Libraries4 - Betaasyncio version of the standard multiprocessing module
dbus-python16968Software Development :: Object Brokering7 - InactivePython bindings for libdbus
scrapy-sentry16953Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSentry component for Scrapy
mxnet16896Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableApache MXNet is an ultra-scalable deep learning framework. This version uses openblas and ONEDNN.
kafka16879Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPure Python client for Apache Kafka
yattag16727Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerate HTML or XML in a pythonic way. Pure python alternative to web template engines.Can fill HTML forms with default values and error messages.
graphene-django16723Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaGraphene Django integration
neotime16702Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusHigh resolution temporal types
mixpanel16626Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSmall Python library to make calls to mixpanel's API. Requires beanstalkd server.
flask-testing16484Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUnit testing for Flask
pytest-dependency16456Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaManage dependencies of tests
config16389Software Development5 - Production/StableA hierarchical, easy-to-use, powerful configuration module for Python
pygments-style-tomorrow16218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPygments version of the tomorrow theme, Based on mozmorris/tomorrow-pygments.
pygments-style-dracula16204Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPygments version of the dracula theme, based on dracula/pygments.
plyvel16162Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPlyvel, a fast and feature-rich Python interface to LevelDB
fuzzysearch15980Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphafuzzysearch is useful for finding approximate subsequence matches
pydoe15897Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableDesign of experiments for Python
beautifulsoup15895Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: SGML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableScreen-scraping library
pytoml15822Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusA parser for TOML-0.4.0
serverlessrepo15689Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities4 - BetaA Python library with convenience helpers for working with the AWS Serverless Application Repository.
flask-mail15687Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlask extension for sending email
aliyun-python-sdk-kms15626Software Development4 - BetaThe kms module of Aliyun Python sdk.
bravado-core15618Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary for adding Swagger support to clients and servers
salesforce-fuelsdk15597Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaSalesforce Marketing Cloud Fuel SDK for Python
conda-pack15529System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaPackage conda environments for redistribution
xmlrunner15392Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePyUnit-based test runner with JUnit like XML reporting.
simpleeval15369Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple, safe single expression evaluator library.
stanza15296Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA Python NLP Library for Many Human Languages, by the Stanford NLP Group
pytest-parallel15235Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - Alphaa pytest plugin for parallel and concurrent testing
urwid15214Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableA full-featured console (xterm et al.) user interface library
pyinstrument15190Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: TestingNo statusCall stack profiler for Python. Shows you why your code is slow!
jenkinsapi15161Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaA Python API for accessing resources on a Jenkins continuous-integration server.
robotframework-pabot15082Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableParallel test runner for Robot Framework
pyworldzipcode15030Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusinfer geo location name using postal code
svglib14917Documentation,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Printing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Utilities4 - BetaAn experimental library for reading and converting SVG.
python3-logstash14836Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging handler for Logstash.
gdbgui14818Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusbrowser-based gdb frontend using Flask and JavaScript to visually debug C, C++, Go, or Rust
tsfresh14711Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - Betatsfresh extracts relevant characteristics from time series
gnupg14697Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for GnuPG
pytest-order14695Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities4 - Betapytest plugin to run your tests in a specific order
ipaddr14605Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableGoogle's IP address manipulation library
xmljson14585Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaConverts XML into JSON/Python dicts/arrays and vice-versa.
cheetah314560Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Text Processing4 - BetaCheetah is a template engine and code generation tool
pyshp14543Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPure Python read/write support for ESRI Shapefile format
getmac14498Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Networking,Utilities4 - BetaGet MAC addresses of remote hosts and local interfaces
aiormq14482Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering5 - Production/StablePure python AMQP asynchronous client library
dedupe14464Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA python library for accurate and scaleable data deduplication and entity-resolution
flake8-commas14460Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusFlake8 lint for trailing commas.
property-manager14457Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUseful property variants for Python programming (required properties, writable properties, cached properties, etc)
darglint14430Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaA utility for ensuring Google-style docstringsstay up to date with the source code.
flask-restplus14426Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution3 - AlphaHelpers, syntaxic sugar and Swagger documentation for Flask-Restful
numpy-financial14417Scientific/Engineering,Software Development5 - Production/StableSimple financial functions
pyviz-comms14410Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableBidirectional communication for the HoloViz ecosystem.
pytest-lazy-fixture14401Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaIt helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
py-cord14375Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA Python wrapper for the Discord API
pylint-flask14287Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - Betapylint-flask is a Pylint plugin to aid Pylint in recognizing and understanding errors caused when using Flask
flake8-import-order14279Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaFlake8 and pylama plugin that checks the ordering of import statements.
django-anymail14214Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaDjango email backends for Mailgun, Postmark, SendGrid and other transactional ESPs
yaspin14183Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Shells,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaYet Another Terminal Spinner
mbstrdecoder14167Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphamulti-byte character string decoder
tritonclient14102Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython client library and utilities for communicating with Triton Inference Server
bravado14043Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary for accessing Swagger-enabled API's
o36514027Office/Business :: Office Suites,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaMicrosoft Graph and Office 365 API made easy
optbinning13958Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOptBinning: The Python Optimal Binning library
ddlparse13893Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDDL parase and Convert to BigQuery JSON schema
typepy13815Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stabletypepy is a Python library for variable type checker/validator/converter at a run time.
ropwr13805Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusRoPWR: Robust Piecewise Regression
p4python13797Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control,Utilities5 - Production/StableP4Python - Python interface to Perforce API
parsy13789Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Text Processing5 - Production/Stableeasy-to-use parser combinators, for parsing in pure Python
pyahocorasick13752Software Development :: Libraries,Text Editors :: Text Processing5 - Production/Stablepyahocorasick is a fast and memory efficient library for exact or approximate multi-pattern string search. With the ahocorasick.Automaton class, you can find multiple key strings occurrences at once in some input text. You can use it as a plain dict-like Trie or convert a Trie to an automaton for efficient Aho-Corasick search. Implemented in C and tested on Python 2.7 and 3.4+. Works on Linux, Mac and Windows. BSD-3-clause license.
theano-pymc13685Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics6 - MatureOptimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs.
mbed-os-tools13660Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StableThe tools to build, test, and work with Mbed OS
django-waffle13611Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA feature flipper for Django.
janus13587Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusMixed sync-async queue to interoperate between asyncio tasks and classic threads
mbed-ls13569Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/Stablembed-ls is a Python module that detects and lists mbed-enabled devices connected to the host computer
libsass13563Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers5 - Production/StableSass for Python: A straightforward binding of libsass for Python.
vyper-config13417Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython configuration with (more) fangs
vulture13411Software Development,UtilitiesNo statusFind dead code
rpyc13388Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableRemote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
plaid-python13344Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython client library for the Plaid API and Link
wasmer13281Software Development,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: InterpretersNo statusPython extension to run WebAssembly binaries
gevent-websocket13230Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebsocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library
psycopg13214Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPostgreSQL database adapter for Python
imgaug13116Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaImage augmentation library for deep neural networks
django-polymorphic13098Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSeamless Polymorphic Inheritance for Django Models
distconfig13010Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLibrary to manage configuration using Zookeeper, Etcd, Consul
pytest-freezegun12915Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaWrap tests with fixtures in freeze_time
rollbar12838Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaRollbar generic python library
args12756Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCommand Arguments for Humans.
aiodataloader12743Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAsyncio DataLoader implementation for Python
grequests12716Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusRequests + Gevent
htmldate12704Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaThis module can handle all the steps needed from web page download to HTML parsing, including scraping and textual analysis. Its goal is to find the creation date of a page all common structural patterns, text-based heuristics and robust date extraction. It takes URLs, HTML files or trees as input and outputs a date.
meson12697Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA high performance build system
gssapi12639Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython GSSAPI Wrapper
immutabledict12629Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImmutable wrapper around dictionaries (a fork of frozendict)
optax12601Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA gradient processing and optimisation library in JAX.
segtok12594Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - Alphasentence segmentation and word tokenization tools
kopf12593Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusKubernetes Operator Pythonic Framework (Kopf)
pyclipper12584Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCython wrapper for the C++ translation of the Angus Johnson's Clipper library (ver. 6.4.2)
strictyaml12565Text Processing :: Markup,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaStrict, typed YAML parser
assertpy12547Software Development,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAssertion library for python unit testing with a fluent API
speechrecognition12543Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Speech,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary for performing speech recognition, with support for several engines and APIs, online and offline.
model-bakery12533Software Development5 - Production/StableSmart object creation facility for Django.
doublemetaphone12503Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusPython wrapper for C++ Double Metaphone
snapshottest12484Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaSnapshot Testing utils for Python
pytest-pythonpath12476Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH from command line or configs.
shtab12458Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Shells,System :: System Shells,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaAutomagic shell tab completion for Python CLI applications
django-otp12455Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA pluggable framework for adding two-factor authentication to Django using one-time passwords.
btrees12439Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureScalable persistent object containers
attr12432Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple decorator to set attributes of target function or class in a DRY way.
intel-openmp12388Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® OpenMP* Runtime Library
persistent12380Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureTranslucent persistent objects
pytest-flask12370Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA set of py.test fixtures to test Flask applications.
json-rpc12358Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJSON-RPC transport realisation
pythran12301Software Development :: Code Generators4 - Betaa claimless python to c++ converter
platformio12251Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Compilers5 - Production/StableA new generation ecosystem for embedded development. Cross-platform IDE and Unified Debugger. Static Code Analyzer and Remote Unit Testing. Multi-platform and Multi-architecture Build System. Firmware File Explorer and Memory Inspection. Arduino, ARM mbed, Espressif (ESP8266/ESP32), STM32, PIC32, nRF51/nRF52, RISC-V, FPGA, CMSIS, SPL, AVR, Samsung ARTIK, libOpenCM3
wasmer-compiler-cranelift12191Software Development,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: InterpretersNo statusThe Cranelift compiler for the `wasmer` package (to compile WebAssembly module)
pikepdf12183Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableRead and write PDFs with Python, powered by qpdf
pytest-split12170Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPytest plugin which splits the test suite to equally sized sub suites based on test execution time.
cement12131Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCLI Application Framework for Python
python-igraph12115Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHigh performance graph data structures and algorithms
sodapy11983Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython library for the Socrata Open Data API
m2crypto11949Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableM2Crypto: A Python crypto and SSL toolkit
arabic-reshaper11892Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusReconstruct Arabic sentences to be used in applications that don't support Arabic
pyenchant11783Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Enchant spellchecking system
pytest-base-url11766Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for URL based testing
django-picklefield11737Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePickled object field for Django
sktime11733Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusA unified framework for machine learning with time series
mkl11728Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
imapclient11716Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableEasy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library
pgeocode11712Software DevelopmentNo statusApproximate geocoding
sphinx-autobuild11694Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWatch a Sphinx directory and rebuild the documentation when a change is detected. Also includes a livereload enabled web server.
more-executors11614Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library of composable Python executors and futures
websocket11604Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebsocket implementation for gevent
django-nose11534Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango test runner that uses nose.
lenses11530Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaA lens library for python
neobolt11428Database,Software DevelopmentNo statusNeo4j Bolt connector for Python
thriftpy211423Software Development4 - BetaPure python implementation of Apache Thrift.
django-treebeard11413Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableEfficient tree implementations for Django 1.7+
pylbfgs11357Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusLBFGS and OWL-QN optimization algorithms
mpi4py11345Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMPI for Python
pytest-clarity11329Software Development :: TestingNo statusA plugin providing an alternative, colourful diff output for failing assertions.
pytest-icdiff11314Software Development :: Testing4 - Betause icdiff for better error messages in pytest assertions
pydocumentdb11273Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAzure DocumentDB Python SDK
pysmi11268Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableSNMP SMI/MIB Parser
wemake-python-styleguide11248Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaThe strictest and most opinionated python linter ever
django-csp11244Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango Content Security Policy support.
ddt11243Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaData-Driven/Decorated Tests
pysnmp11239Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableSNMP library for Python
fastapi-utils11235Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaReusable utilities for FastAPI
robotframework-sshlibrary11185Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework test library for SSH and SFTP
tomli-w11161Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA lil' TOML writer
pypresence11160Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDiscord RPC client written in Python
setupmeta11137Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimplify your
django-rest-auth11106Software DevelopmentNo statusCreate a set of REST API endpoints for Authentication and Registration
django-widget-tweaks11058Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTweak the form field rendering in templates, not in python-level form definitions.
affinegap10991Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Cython implementation of the affine gap string distance
pem10986Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableParse and split PEM files painlessly.
pysmb10831Communications :: File Sharing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/Stablepysmb is an experimental SMB/CIFS library written in Python to support file sharing between Windows and Linux machines
theano10796Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers4 - BetaOptimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs.
radon10785Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities5 - Production/StableCode Metrics in Python
pytest-factoryboy10665Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities6 - MatureFactory Boy support for pytest.
ssh2-python10660System :: Shells,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSuper fast SSH library - bindings for libssh2
cmarkgfm10643Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaMinimal bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark
django-fsm10606Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango friendly finite state machine support.
pytest-mypy10579Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaMypy static type checker plugin for Pytest
aiojobs10574Software Development4 - BetaJobs scheduler for managing background task (asyncio).
rauth10548Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
maturin10493Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusBuild and publish crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages
pyroute210489Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaPython Netlink library
pypng10477Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPure Python PNG image encoder/decoder
mando10466Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaCreate Python CLI apps with little to no effort at all!
textile10451Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTextile processing for python.
requests-oauth10406Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHook for adding Open Authentication support to Python-requests HTTP library.
google-compute-engine10403Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableGoogle Compute Engine
aioresponses10387Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking4 - BetaMock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package
testcontainers10366Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLibrary provides lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a Docker container
snappi10365Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation3 - AlphaThe Snappi Open Traffic Generator Python Package
levenshtein-search10280Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information AnalysisNo statusSearch through documents for approximately matching strings
ocspresponder10185Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaRFC 6960 compliant OCSP Responder framework written in Python 3.5+.
categorical-distance10173Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCompare two categorical variables
quart10141Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask
pytype10140Software Development3 - AlphaPython type inferencer
flake8-simplify10107Software Development4 - Betaflake8 plugin which checks for code that can be simpified
python-xlib10067Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StablePython X Library
highered10058Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLearnable Edit Distance Using PyHacrf
datetime-distance10053Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCompare string distances between dates, timestamps, or datetime objects.
simplecosine10036Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple cosine distance
func-timeout10036Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module which allows you to specify timeouts when calling any existing function. Also provides support for stoppable-threads
mailchimp310031Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA python client for v3 of MailChimp API
yamlpath10016Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGenerally-useful YAML and EYAML tools employing a human-friendly YAML Path
freeza-offset9996Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSpark stream consumption commit in kafka consumer group
rake-nltk9980Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython implementation of the Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction algorithm using NLTK
marisa-trie9976Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaStatic memory-efficient & fast Trie-like structures for Python (based on marisa-trie C++ library)
google-cloud-billing9962Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
chex9957Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableChex: Testing made fun, in JAX!
sqlparams9933Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableConvert DB API 2.0 named parameters to ordinal parameters.
line-profiler9908Software Development5 - Production/StableLine-by-line profiler.
ptvsd9899Software Development :: Debuggers5 - Production/StableRemote debugging server for Python support in Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code
testresources9841Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableTestresources, a pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources
django-ses9757Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Django email backend for Amazon's Simple Email Service
gcovr9749Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python script for summarizing gcov data.
importlab9732Software Development3 - AlphaA library to calculate python dependency graphs.
flake8-string-format9647Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - Alphastring format checker, plugin for flake8
jinja2-simple-tags9646Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBase classes for quick-and-easy development of template tags
simplefix9644Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSimple FIX Protocol implementation for Python
pdbpp9631Software Development :: Debuggers,Utilities4 - Betapdb++, a drop-in replacement for pdb
sqlalchemy-migrate9592Software Development :: Version Control,Utilities5 - Production/StableDatabase schema migration for SQLAlchemy
strawberry-graphql9544Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library for creating GraphQL APIs
pydotplus9522Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython interface to Graphviz's Dot language
line-bot-sdk9521Software Development5 - Production/StableLINE Messaging API SDK for Python
doit9510Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betadoit - Automation Tool
sanic-cors9499Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Sanic extension adding a decorator for CORS support. Based on flask-cors by Cory Dolphin.
dodgy9487Software Development :: Quality Assurance2 - Pre-AlphaDodgy: Searches for dodgy looking lines in Python code
python3-xlib9476Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - BetaPython3 X Library
flake8-rst-docstrings9462Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusPython docstring reStructuredText (RST) validator
petl9407Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA tentative Python module for extracting, transforming and loading tables of data.
pytest-vcr9374Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaPlugin for managing cassettes
shyaml9374Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaYAML for command line
bugsnag9365Software Development5 - Production/StableAutomatic error monitoring for django, flask, etc. (
tensorflowonspark9362Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaDeep learning with TensorFlow on Apache Spark clusters
localstack-client9360Software Development :: TestingNo statusA lightweight Python client for LocalStack.
pyrtf39356Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Text Processing4 - BetaPyRTF - Rich Text Format Document Generation
easygui9333Software Development :: User InterfacesNo statusEasyGUI is a module for very simple, very easy GUI programming in Python. EasyGUI is different from other GUI generators in that EasyGUI is NOT event-driven. Instead, all GUI interactions are invoked by simple function calls.
codespell9332Software DevelopmentNo statusCodespell
keyboard9326Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaHook and simulate keyboard events on Windows and Linux
mkdocstrings9259Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaAutomatic documentation from sources, for MkDocs.
jinja2-cli9253Software DevelopmentNo statusA CLI interface to Jinja2
routes9252Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRouting Recognition and Generation Tools
pysnooper9191Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusA poor man's debugger for Python.
pyjwkest9150Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython implementation of JWT, JWE, JWS and JWK
psycopg-binary9127Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePostgreSQL database adapter for Python -- C optimisation distribution
webapp29125Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTaking Google App Engine's webapp to the next level!
celery-batches9115System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Object Brokering3 - AlphaExperimental task class that buffers messages and processes them as a list.
algoliasearch9114Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAlgolia Search API Client for Python
grpclib9090Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPure-Python gRPC implementation, based on asyncio and hyper-h2
sparqlwrapper9084Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSPARQL Endpoint interface to Python
hashin9032Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusEdits your requirements.txt by hashing them in
python-subunit9028Software Development :: TestingNo statusPython implementation of subunit test streaming protocol
google-cloud-dataproc-metastore9009Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDataproc Metastore API client library
daemonize8975Software Development5 - Production/StableLibrary to enable your code run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems.
parallel-ssh8928Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAsynchronous parallel SSH library
rlr8920Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCase weighted L2 regularized logistic regression
pyfunctional8916Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePackage for creating data pipelines with chain functional programming
nulltype8910Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSuperclass for null types parallel to, but different from, None
yarg8830Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaA semi hard Cornish cheese, also queries PyPI (PyPI client)
hatchling8806Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableModern, extensible Python build backend
flake8-use-fstring8801Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaFlake8 plugin for string formatting style.
pytricia8799Internet :: Log Analysis,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn efficient IP address storage and lookup module for Python.
graphql-server-core8768Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableGraphQL Server tools for powering your server
mkdocs-autorefs8767Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaAutomatically link across pages in MkDocs.
python-etcd8760Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed ComputingNo statusA python client for etcd
webassets8738Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaMedia asset management for Python, with glue code for various web frameworks
apiclient8736Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusFramework for making good API client libraries using urllib3.
cassandra-sigv48714Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImplements a sigv4 authentication plugin for the open-source Datastax Python Driver for Apache Cassandra
requirements-detector8712Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StablePython tool to find and list requirements of a Python project
pdm-pep5178703Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA PEP 517 backend for PDM that supports PEP 621 metadata
onetimepass8685Security,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaModule for generating and validating HOTP and TOTP tokens
daal8683Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library
daal4py8664Scientific/Engineering,System,Software Development5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library
pybreaker8664Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern
tf-slim8591Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTensorFlow-Slim: A lightweight library for defining, training and evaluating complex models in TensorFlow
libusb18580Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware :: Hardware DriversNo statusPure-python wrapper for libusb-1.0
auth8575Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAuthorization for humans
cookies8563Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFriendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
pyfcm8522Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android & iOS)..
python-interface8519Software Development :: Pre-processors5 - Production/StablePythonic Interface definitions
easy-thumbnails8514Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaEasy thumbnails for Django
sqlfluff-templater-dbt8491Utilities,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaLint your dbt project SQL.
py-moneyed8488Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaProvides Currency and Money classes for use in your Python code.
pynput8477Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableMonitor and control user input devices
flake8-mutable8473Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablemutable defaults flake8 extension
pyftdi8464Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers4 - BetaFTDI device driver (pure Python)
rdflib-jsonld8463Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusrdflib extension adding JSON-LD parser and serializer
furo8426Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableA clean customisable Sphinx documentation theme.
expandvars8384Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaExpand system variables Unix style
dataproperty8371Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython library for extract property from data.
arpeggio8369Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePackrat parser interpreter
mecab-python38368Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statuspython wrapper for mecab: Morphological Analysis engine
neo4j-driver8350Database,Software DevelopmentNo statusNeo4j Bolt driver for Python
requests-pkcs128345Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdd PKCS#12 support to the requests library in a clean way, without monkey patching or temporary files
pygeos8336Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaGEOS wrapped in numpy ufuncs
sqlalchemy-filters8330Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA library to filter SQLAlchemy queries.
pytest-deadfixtures8328Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA simple plugin to list unused fixtures in pytest
demjson8326Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableencoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159
outdated8298Software DevelopmentNo statusCheck if a version of a PyPI package is outdated
fpdf28289Printing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation5 - Production/StableSimple PDF generation for Python
aiosmtplib8272Communications,Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableasyncio SMTP client
pytest-tornado8272Software Development,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA py.test plugin providing fixtures and markers to simplify testing of asynchronous tornado applications.
lyricsgenius8257Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusDownload lyrics and metadata from
scikit-learn-intelex8243Scientific/Engineering,System,Software Development5 - Production/StableIntel(R) Extension for Scikit-learn is a seamless way to speed up your Scikit-learn application.
pyqrcode8199Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA QR code generator written purely in python 3 with SVG and PNG output.
jwt8196Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJSON Web Token library for Python 3.
hachoir8187Multimedia,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StablePackage of Hachoir parsers used to open binary files
flask-graphql8184Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds GraphQL support to your Flask application
pykakasi8177Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython implementation of kakasi - kana kanji simple inversion library
pyside28167Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
coralogix-logger8164Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Utilities5 - Production/StableCoralogix Python SDK
pytest-grpc8152Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statuspytest plugin for grpc
mleap8148Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Communications :: Chat,Internet5 - Production/StableMLeap Python API
uncertainties8141Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableTransparent calculations with uncertainties on the quantities involved (aka "error propagation") ; calculation of derivatives
nbstripout8136Software Development :: Version Control4 - BetaStrips outputs from Jupyter and IPython notebooks
rpaframework8124Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA collection of tools and libraries for RPA
pygraphviz8096Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython interface to Graphviz
frictionless8084Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaData management framework for Python that provides functionality to describe, extract, validate, and transform tabular data
macholib8061Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMach-O header analysis and editing
yake8052Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaKeyword extraction Python package
google-cloud-recaptcha-enterprise8047Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
envyaml8041Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple YAML configuration file parser with easy access for structured data
sphinx-panels8005Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA sphinx extension for creating panels in a grid layout.
mirakuru7963Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableProcess executor for tests.
inflate647925Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadeflate64 compression/decompression library
django-coverage-plugin7872Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableDjango template plugin
acryl-datahub7864Software Development5 - Production/StableA CLI to work with DataHub metadata
pytest-testinfra7831Software Development :: Testing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableTest infrastructures
tabulator7824Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaConsistent interface for stream reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc)
pytest-assume7797Software Development :: TestingNo statusA pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test
pylru7788Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA least recently used (LRU) cache implementation
dataclasses-avroschema7770Software DevelopmentNo statusGenerate Avro Schemas from a Python class
dlint7752Security,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusDlint is a tool for encouraging best coding practices and helping ensure we're writing secure Python code.
progressbar7741Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals5 - Production/StableText progressbar library for python.
django-autocomplete-light7735Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFresh autocompletes for Django
whoosh7731Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing3 - AlphaFast, pure-Python full text indexing, search, and spell checking library.
pdfrw7725Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Printing,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaPDF file reader/writer library
shopifyapi7713Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableShopify API for Python
scons7706Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableOpen Source next-generation build tool.
django-ratelimit7692Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCache-based rate-limiting for Django.
httpie7654Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,System :: Networking,Terminals,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableHTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans.
testscenarios7652Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing6 - MatureTestscenarios, a pyunit extension for dependency injection
pytest-azurepipelines7635Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaFormatting PyTest output for Azure Pipelines UI
django-user-agents7634Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA django package that allows easy identification of visitor's browser, operating system and device information (mobile phone, tablet or has touch capabilities).
pretrainedmodels7594Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPretrained models for Pytorch
editables7593Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableEditable installations
django-redis-cache7591Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusRedis Cache Backend for Django
munkres7585Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusmunkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem
transaction7523Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureTransaction management for Python
tableschema7508Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA utility library for working with Table Schema in Python
tensorflow-ranking7505Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePip package setup file for TensorFlow Ranking.
gin-config7504Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaGin-Config: A lightweight configuration library for Python
ulid-py7499Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUniversally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
thriftrw7493Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library to serialize and deserialize Thrift values.
mockito7471Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaSpying framework
snowflake7465Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaSimple persistent unique IDs.
jobspy7453Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUse Redis as a job input/output coordinator.
flit7440Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple packaging tool for simple packages.
guppy37434Software Development :: Debuggers4 - BetaGuppy 3 -- Guppy-PE ported to Python 3
ibm-cloud-sdk-core7427Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableCore library used by SDKs for IBM Cloud Services
memoization7418Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA powerful caching library for Python, with TTL support and multiple algorithm options. (
sphinx-bootstrap-theme7390Internet,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableSphinx Bootstrap Theme.
open3d7382Education,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - Alpha['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.']
flask-opentracing7381Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenTracing support for Flask applications
xmindparser7372Software Development,UtilitiesNo statusConvert xmind to programmable data types.
flake8-annotations7370Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusFlake8 Type Annotation Checks
clipboard7369Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableA cross platform clipboard operation library of Python. Works for Windows, Mac and Linux.
cloudml-hypertune7363Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaA library to report Google CloudML Engine HyperTune metrics.
robotframework-stacktrace7351Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: AcceptanceNo statusA listener that prints a Stack Trace to console to faster find the code section where the failure appears.
shiboken27341Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython / C++ bindings helper module
cdifflib7334Software Development,Text Processing :: General4 - BetaC implementation of parts of difflib
ipy7314Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableClass and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
pypdf37298Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePure Python PDF toolkit
adafruit-platformdetect7296Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPlatform detection for use by libraries like Adafruit-Blinka.
postgres7277Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablepostgres is a high-value abstraction over psycopg2.
python-baseconv7267Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableConvert numbers from base 10 integers to base X strings and back again.
aws-assume-role-lib7262Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaAssumed role session chaining (with credential refreshing) for boto3
disnake7259Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for the Discord API
cityhash7257Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython-bindings for CityHash, a fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
lupa7249Software Development4 - BetaPython wrapper around Lua and LuaJIT
rpqueue7249Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUse Redis as a priority-enabled and time-based task queue.
pysam7242Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - Betapysam
pytest-nunit7232Software Development :: Testing2 - Pre-AlphaA pytest plugin for generating Nunit3 test result XML output
adafruit-circuitpython-busdevice7182Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaCircuitPython bus device classes to manage bus sharing.
tox-gh-actions7146Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaSeamless integration of tox into GitHub Actions
flake8-pytest-style7145Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaA flake8 plugin checking common style issues or inconsistencies with pytest-based tests.
fabric37123Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableFabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment (py2.7/py3.4+ compatible fork).
pyactiveresource7110Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableActiveResource for Python
sttable7101Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaParser of string representation tables
polyline7085Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python implementation of Google's Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format.
django-colorfield7075Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/Stablesimple color field for your models with a nice color-picker in the admin-interface.
django-braces7062Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableReusable, generic mixins for Django
msgpack-numpy7055Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaNumpy data serialization using msgpack
collection7021Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaLaravel-style collection class that provides an interface for pipeline programming
yagmail7003Communications :: Email,Communications :: Email :: Email Clients (MUA),Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusYet Another GMAIL client
adafruit-circuitpython-typing6988Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaTypes needed for type annotation that are not in `typing`
webdrivermanager6929Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaModule for facilitating download and deploy of WebDriver binaries.
tf-nightly6926Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
import-deps6920Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/Stablefind python module imports
pytest-incremental6917Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphaan incremental test runner (pytest plugin)
django-tables26898Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableTable/data-grid framework for Django
requests-http-signature6890Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Requests auth module for HTTP Message Signatures
pypd6885Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA python client for PagerDuty API
lit6880Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaA Software Testing Tool
robotframework-databaselibrary6871Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaDatabase Library contains utilities meant for Robot Framework's usage. This can allow you to query your database after an action has been made to verify the results. This is compatible* with any Database API Specification 2.0 module.
crc166803Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaLibrary for calculating CRC16
teamcity-messages6798Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableSend test results to TeamCity continuous integration server from unittest, nose and py.test (Python 2.6+)
stringdist6790Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableThis package provides the stringdist module, which includes several functions for calculating string distances. Under the hood, a C extension module is preferentially used for optimal performance, with an automatic fallback to a Python implementation.
pyobjc-core6775Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StablePython<->ObjC Interoperability Module
adafruit-pureio6773Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPure python (i.e. no native extensions) access to Linux IO including I2C and SPI. Drop in replacement for smbus and spidev modules.
agate-sql6765Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaagate-sql adds SQL read/write support to agate.
fortnitepy6763Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusLibrary for interacting with fortnite services
pytest-datadir6756Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for test data directories and files
fastcrc6743Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA hyper-fast Python module for computing CRC(16, 32, 64) checksum
ajsonrpc6729Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAsync JSON-RPC 2.0 protocol + server powered by asyncio
allure-behave6716Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: BDD5 - Production/StableAllure behave integration
pebble6684Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThreading and multiprocessing eye-candy.
pytest-flask-sqlalchemy6681Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin for preserving test isolation in Flask-SQlAlchemy using database transactions.
dotty-dict6680Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaDotty dict-like object allow to access deeply nested keys using dot notation.
uhashring6675Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusConsistent hashing implementation compatible with the ketama hash ring.
spark-df-profiling6668Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCreate HTML profiling reports from Apache Spark DataFrames
rednose6667Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betacoloured output for nosetests
textfsm6667Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython module for parsing semi-structured text into python tables.
scrypt6654Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaBindings for the scrypt key derivation function library
ssh-python6651Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Shells4 - BetaWrapper for libssh C library.
python-barcode6650Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCreate standard barcodes with Python. No external modules needed. (optional Pillow support included).
mcstatus6637Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA library to query Minecraft Servers for their status and capabilities.
lml6619Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusLoad me later. A lazy plugin management system.
epsagon6577Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEpsagon Instrumentation for Python
pyglet6542Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCross-platform windowing and multimedia library
namedlist6542Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimilar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable.
pyhanko6506Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTools for stamping and signing PDF files
pyspellchecker6499Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaPure python spell checker based on work by Peter Norvig
rarfile6490Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Compression5 - Production/StableRAR archive reader for Python
pyqt5-tools6486Software Development,UtilitiesNo statusTools to supplement the official PyQt5 wheels
django-auth-ldap6482Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StableDjango LDAP authentication backend.
pyobjc-framework-cocoa6482Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the Cocoa frameworks on macOS
termstyle6461Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusconsole colouring for python
pytest-profiling6441Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableProfiling plugin for py.test
pyicu6434Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization5 - Production/StablePython extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
simple-ddl-parser6425Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusSimple DDL Parser to parse SQL & HQL ddl files to json/python dict with full information about columns: types, defaults, primary keys, etc.
mitmproxy6418Internet,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAn interactive, SSL-capable, man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
bashlex6410Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: System Shells,Text Processing4 - BetaPython parser for bash
dlipower6403Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Power (UPS),System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableControl digital loggers web power switch
coverage-badge6376Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableGenerate coverage badges for
featuretools6363Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/Stablea framework for automated feature engineering
tabledata6361Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stabletabledata is a Python library to represent tabular data. Used for pytablewriter/pytablereader/SimpleSQLite.
keepalive6359Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaurllib keepalive support for python
zipcodes6359Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableLightweight U.S. zip-code validation package for Python (2 and 3).
pockets6351Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA collection of helpful Python tools!
pyomo6350Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
recordtype6350Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimilar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable.
pylint-pytest6347Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableA Pylint plugin to suppress pytest-related false positives.
fcm-django6345Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSend push notifications to mobile devices & browsers through FCM in Django.
mimesis6345Software Development,Software Development :: TestingNo statusMimesis: mock data for developers.
robotframework-excellib6338Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework library for working with Excel documents
opyoid6332Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDependency injection library
syrupy6308Software Development :: Libraries1 - PlanningPyTest Snapshot Test Utility
pytest-black6306Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin to enable format checking with black
goslate6304Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableGoslate: Free Google Translate API
jupyter-cache6295Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA defined interface for working with a cache of jupyter notebooks.
pyexcel-io6295Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA python library to read and write structured data in csv, zipped csv format and to/from databases
openapi-core6290Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
discord-ui6289Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA extension for discord's ui/interaction features
jours-feries-france6282Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableGet bank holidays for France
flask-principal6258Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIdentity management for flask
cpp-coveralls6255Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities3 - AlphaUpload gcov to
deprecat6252Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython @deprecat decorator to deprecate old python classes, functions or methods.
ariadne6241Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAriadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
simplification6241Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFast linestring simplification using RDP or Visvalingam-Whyatt and a Rust binary
joblibspark6235Scientific/Engineering,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableJoblib Apache Spark Backend
py2neo6231Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries6 - MaturePython client library and toolkit for Neo4j
astral6210Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCalculations for the position of the sun
pytest-httpserver6192Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphapytest-httpserver is a httpserver for pytest
yoyo-migrations6157Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Version Control5 - Production/StableDatabase migrations with SQL
caio6150Software Development,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusAsynchronous file IO for Linux Posix and Windows.
pytest-variables6140Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for providing variables to tests/fixtures
django-cacheops6129Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation for Django.
dash-cytoscape6127Database :: Front-Ends,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusA Component Library for Dash aimed at facilitating network visualization in Python, wrapped around Cytoscape.js
multiprocessing-logging6117Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLogger for multiprocessing applications
pyre26102Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython wrapper for Google\'s RE2 using Cython
rasa6074Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOpen source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
sphinx-markdown-tables6073Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA Sphinx extension for rendering tables written in markdown
django-dirtyfields6068Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTracking dirty fields on a Django model instance (actively maintained)
tflite-model-maker-nightly6061Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTFLite Model Maker: a model customization library for on-device applications.
mechanize6042Internet,Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableStateful programmatic web browsing.
mgzip6041Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA multi-threading implementation of Python gzip module
flask-oidc-ext6020Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
pansi6012Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Console Fonts,System :: Shells,Terminals,Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X Terminals,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities1 - PlanningANSI escape code library for Python
stumpy6008Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaA powerful and scalable library that can be usedfor a variety of time series data mining tasks
pudb6008Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Software Distribution,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaA full-screen, console-based Python debugger
textsearch6007Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusFind strings/words in text; convenience and C speed
pytgcalls6000Internet,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Capture,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Communications,Communications :: Internet Phone,Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLibrary connecting python binding for tgcalls and pyrogram
rstr5994Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableGenerate random strings in Python
circleci5983Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for the CircleCI API
myst-nb5978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup3 - AlphaA Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
homoglyphs5975Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHomoglyphs
geolib5939Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library for geohash encoding, decoding and associated functions
python-ctags35936Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCtags indexing python bindings
draftjs-exporter5917Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Word ProcessorsNo statusLibrary to convert the Facebook Draft.js editor's raw ContentState to HTML
djangorestframework-api-key5907Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAPI key permissions for the Django REST Framework
opencv-contrib-python-headless5902Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development5 - Production/StableWrapper package for OpenCV python bindings.
zxcvbn5893Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusNone
django-admin-sortable25876Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGeneric drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabular-Inlines Views in the Django Admin
deap5872Scientific/Engineering,Software Development5 - Production/StableDistributed Evolutionary Algorithms in Python
setoptconf-tmp5867Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA module for retrieving program settings from various sources in a consistant method.
ncclient5860Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StablePython library for NETCONF clients
json-tricks5855Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableExtra features for Python's JSON: comments, order, numpy, pandas, datetimes, and many more! Simple but customizable.
mdformat5825Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: MarkupNo statusCommonMark compliant Markdown formatter
flake8-pie5821Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that implements misc. lints
edn-format5816Software Development4 - BetaEDN format reader and writer in Python
relevanceai-dev5814Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableNone
httmock5799Software Development :: TestingNo statusA mocking library for requests.
opentracing-instrumentation5795Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTracing Instrumentation using OpenTracing API (
pydevd-pycharm5790Software Development :: Debuggers6 - MaturePyCharm Debugger (used in PyCharm and PyDev)
sops5784Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSecrets OPerationS (sops) is an editor of encrypted files
backoff-stubs5779Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableExternal type annotations for the backoff library
xlrd35759Database,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel (tm) spreadsheet files
pytest-selenium5748Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin for Selenium
warlock5745Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython object model built on JSON schema and JSON patch.
woodwork5734Software Development,Scientific/Engineering3 - Alphaa two-dimensional data object with labeled axes and typing information
python-twitter5732Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper around the Twitter API
pytest-docker-tools5727Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaDocker integration tests for pytest
pylibftdi5723Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware4 - BetaPythonic interface to FTDI devices using libftdi
apns25723Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification Service via HTTP/2 protocol
mkdocstrings-python-legacy5715Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaA legacy Python handler for mkdocstrings.
flask-bootstrap5712Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.
pygresql5696Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MaturePython PostgreSQL Interfaces
pytablewriter5682Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betapytablewriter is a python library to write a table in various formats: CSV/HTML/JavaScript/JSON/Markdown/Excel/Pandas/Python/reStructuredText
cpplint5677Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableAutomated checker to ensure C++ files follow Google's style guide
tgcalls5664Internet,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Capture,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Communications,Communications :: Internet Phone,Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablea Python binding for tgcalls C++ library
chromedriver-autoinstaller5656Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableAutomatically install chromedriver that supports the currently installed version of chrome.
implicit5652Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCollaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets
warcio5648Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaStreaming WARC (and ARC) IO library
evdev5638Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableBindings for the linux input handling subsystem
tcolorpy5621Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Text Processing3 - Alphatcolopy is a Python library to apply true color for terminal text.
couchbase5611Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython Client for Couchbase
awscli-local5606Software Development :: TestingNo statusThin wrapper around the "aws" command line interface for use with LocalStack
psycopg-pool5604Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableConnection Pool for Psycopg
django-admin-autocomplete-filter5598Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autocomplete widget
decopatch5594Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableCreate decorators easily in python.
flask-assets5589Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAsset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files.
hvplot5586Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA high-level plotting API for the PyData ecosystem built on HoloViews.
pytkdocs5561Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaLoad Python objects documentation.
devtools5560Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython's missing debug print command and other development tools.
instagrapi5549Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFast and effective Instagram Private API wrapper
twython5548Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn easy (and up to date) way to access Twitter data with Python.
pyserial-asyncio5540Communications,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals :: Serial4 - BetaPython Serial Port Extension - Asynchronous I/O support
contractions5528Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,UtilitiesNo statusFixes contractions such as `you're` to you `are`
user-agent5526Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusUser-Agent generator
distance5523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUtilities for computing similarities between sequences
celery-redbeat5502Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableA Celery Beat Scheduler using Redis for persistent storage
flake8-deprecated5493Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableWarns about deprecated method calls.
flask-debugtoolbar5473Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
django-classy-tags5471Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableClass based template tags for Django
csvkit5470Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA suite of command-line tools for working with CSV, the king of tabular file formats.
parsley5469Software Development :: Code Generators,Text Processing :: General6 - MatureParsing and pattern matching made easy.
pyro45452Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking5 - Production/Stabledistributed object middleware for Python (RPC)
eyes-selenium5449Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableApplitools Eyes SDK For Selenium Python WebDriver
pylama5447Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableCode audit tool for python
singer-sdk5438Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusA framework for building Singer taps
logutils5432Software Development5 - Production/StableLogging utilities
domdf-python-tools5426Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHelpful functions for Python 🐍 🛠️
cloudflare5424Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for the Cloudflare v4 API
serpent5424Software Development4 - BetaSerialization based on ast.literal_eval
beartype5414Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableUnbearably fast runtime type checking in pure Python.
tf2onnx5381Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorflow to ONNX converter
tendo5371Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python library that extends some core functionality
pydantic-factories5357Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit,UtilitiesNo statusMock data generation for pydantic based models
signxml5348Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython XML Signature library
pyphonetics5339Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Python 3 phonetics library.
matrixprofile5329Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusAn open source time series data mining library based on Matrix Profile algorithms.
gviz-api5329Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython API for Google Visualization
nose-timer5325Software Development :: TestingNo statusA timer plugin for nosetests
fredapi5324Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython API for Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) from St. Louis Fed
pyairtable5320Software DevelopmentNo statusPython Client for the Airtable API
l18n5310Software Development :: Internationalization5 - Production/StableInternationalization for pytz timezones and territories
aliyun-python-sdk-ecs5303Software Development4 - BetaThe ecs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
sanic-plugin-toolkit5282Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe all-in-one toolkit for creating powerful Sanic Plugins
yapsy5271Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableYet another plugin system
pytest-describe5265Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaDescribe-style plugin for pytest
tatsu5243Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Text Processing :: General5 - Production/StableTatSu takes a grammar in a variation of EBNF as input, and outputs a memoizing PEG/Packrat parser in Python.
pyexcel5231Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in different excel formats: csv, ods, xls, xlsx and xlsm.
icecream5222Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaNever use print() to debug again; inspect variables, expressions, and program execution with a single, simple function call.
google-cloud-compute5202Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaNone
forex-python5201Software Development :: InternationalizationNo statusForeign exchange rates and currency conversion.
robotremoteserver5199Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework remote server implemented with Python
pyiso85835186Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA serializer and deserializer of ISO8583 data.
dumbyaml5181Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaA YAML parser that reads only a restricted version of YAML.
envparse5179Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEnvironment Variable Parsing for Something Something
hdx-python-country5174Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHDX Python country mapping utilities
django-tinymce5166Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django application that contains a widget to render a form field as a TinyMCE editor.
google-api-helper5164Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaPython helper class to streamlime interaction with Google APIs. Based on python-google-api-client.
shodan5162Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython library and command-line utility for Shodan (
events5162Software Development4 - BetaBringing the elegance of C# EventHanlder to Python
ahocorapy5152Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableahocorapy - Pure python ahocorasick implementation
instant-api-client5151Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusCreate API wrappers/clients in minutes, enjoying both blocking and async interfaces from one codebase!
hdx-python-utilities5119Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHDX Python Utilities
python-debian5100Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDebian package related modules
usbinfo5097Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System,System :: Shells,Terminals5 - Production/StableModule for introspecting USB devices on a system
eight5094Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython 2 to the power of 3. A lightweight porting helper library.
pytest-testmon5090Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - Betatake TDD to a new level with py.test and testmon
libscrc5089Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLibrary for calculating CRC3/CRC4/CRC8/CRC16/CRC24/CRC32/CRC64/CRC82
pyopengl5087Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusStandard OpenGL bindings for Python
mxnet-mkl5082Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMXNet is an ultra-scalable deep learning framework. This version uses MKLDNN.
pytest-spark5080Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapytest plugin to run the tests with support of pyspark.
dbnd5075Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
deep-translator5071Education,Software Development,Communications,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableA flexible python tool to translate between different languages in a simple way.
aiofile5070Software Development :: Libraries,System,System :: Operating System5 - Production/StableAsynchronous file operations.
dj-rest-auth5058Software DevelopmentNo statusAuthentication and Registration in Django Rest Framework
google-cloud-retail5047Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
darts5040Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusA python library for easy manipulation and forecasting of time series.
pyobjc-framework-applicationservices5035Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ApplicationServices on macOS
qiniu5023Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusQiniu Resource Storage SDK
pytils5020Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaUtils for easy processing string in russian.
django-bootstrap45013Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaBootstrap support for Django projects
django-rq5009Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
apache-libcloud5005Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA standard Python library that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud provider APIs. For more information and documentation, please see
pyright4999Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCommand line wrapper for pyright
tensorboard-plugin-profile4985Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusProfile Tensorboard Plugin
pamela4981Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory4 - BetaPAM interface using ctypes
graphene-sqlalchemy4976Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaGraphene SQLAlchemy integration
tika4974Database :: Front-Ends,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaApache Tika Python library
google-analytics-data4961Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaNone
localstack4952Software Development :: TestingNo statusAn easy-to-use test/mocking framework for developing Cloud applications
javaobj-py34950Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaModule for serializing and de-serializing Java objects.
executor4947Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Shells,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableProgrammer friendly subprocess wrapper
pyre-extensions4947Software Development3 - AlphaType system extensions for use with the pyre type checker
sphinx-notfound-page4934Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableSphinx extension to build a 404 page with absolute URLs
sphinx-argparse4920Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableA sphinx extension that automatically documents argparse commands and options
tensorflow-cloud4897Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusNone
email-reply-parser4895Software DevelopmentNo statusEmail reply parser
readability-lxml4882Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing,UtilitiesNo statusfast html to text parser (article readability tool) with python3 support
pygelf4878Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging implementation of GELF (graylog extended log format)
flake8-markdown4877Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusLints Python code blocks in Markdown files using flake8
speaklater4872Software Development :: Internationalization5 - Production/Stableimplements a lazy string for python useful for use with gettext
tavern4843Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimple testing of RESTful APIs
starlette-context4841Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaAccess context in Starlette
sphinx-basic-ng4833Documentation,Software Development :: DocumentationNo statusA modern skeleton for Sphinx themes.
rpaframework-core4823Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCore utilities used by RPA Framework
pcodedmp4820Security,Software Development :: Disassemblers,Utilities5 - Production/StableA VBA p-code disassembler
formencode4803Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHTML form validation, generation, and conversion package
oic4802Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython implementation of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
airtable-python-wrapper4784Software Development4 - BetaPython API Wrapper for the Airtable API
pyobjc-framework-quartz4782Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the Quartz frameworks on Mac OS X
rel4775Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaRegistered Event Listener. Provides standard (pyevent) interface and functionality without external dependencies
nbval4755Software Development :: TestingNo statusA py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
warrant4738Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython class to integrate Boto3's Cognito client so it is easy to login users. With SRP support.
pytest-shutil4735Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableA goodie-bag of unix shell and environment tools for py.test
flake8-variables-names4713Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that helps to make more readable variables names
hmmlearn4705Software Development,Scientific/Engineering3 - AlphaHidden Markov Models in Python with scikit-learn like API
facebook-wda4684Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaPython Client for Facebook WebDriverAgent
recurring-ical-events4682Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA Python module which repeats ICalendar events by RRULE, RDATE and EXDATE.
flake8-executable4679Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA Flake8 plugin for checking executable permissions and shebangs.
sparkaid4674Software Development :: Build Tools4 - Betautils for working with Spark
authcaptureproxy4659Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Python project to create a proxy to capture authentication information from a webpage. This is useful to capture oauth login details without access to a third-party oauth.
django-sekizai4655Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableDjango Sekizai
pyqtgraph4651Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - BetaScientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python
griffe4647Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaSignatures for entire Python programs. Extract the structure, the frame, the skeleton of your project, to generate API documentation or find breaking changes in your API.
agate-excel4630Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaagate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate.
numcodecs4629Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python package providing buffer compression and transformation codecs for use in data storage and communication applications.
agate-dbf4592Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaagate-dbf adds read support for dbf files to agate.
ip2location4589Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThis is an IP geolocation library that enables the user to find the country, region, city, latitude and longitude, ZIP code, time zone, ISP, domain name, area code, weather info, mobile info, elevation, usage type, address type and IAB category from an IP address. It supports both IPv4 and IPv6 lookup.
pylogbeat4567Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableSimple, incomplete implementation of the Beats protocol used by Elastic Beats and Logstash.
django-solo4562Software Development5 - Production/Stabledjango-solo helps working with singletons: things like global settings that you want to edit from the admin site.
djangorestframework-dataclasses4561Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA dataclasses serializer for Django REST Framework
sqlalchemy-continuum4554Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusVersioning and auditing extension for SQLAlchemy.
pytest-qt4547Desktop Environment :: Window Managers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/Stablepytest support for PyQt and PySide applications
hgtools4546Software Development :: Version Control5 - Production/StableClasses and setuptools plugin for Mercurial repositories
pylint-quotes4539Software Development,UtilitiesNo statusQuote consistency checker for Pylint
enum4535Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRobust enumerated data types in Python
twofish4514Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaBindings for the Twofish implementation by Niels Ferguson
datetimerange4508Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Beta`DateTimeRange `__ is a Python library to handle a time range. e.g. check whether a time is within the time range, get the intersection of time ranges, truncating a time range, iterate through a time range, and so forth.
aiocron4485Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCrontabs for asyncio
pykerberos4484Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusHigh-level interface to Kerberos
robotframework-httpctrl4483Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablerobotframework-httpctrl is a library for Robot Framework that provides HTTP/HTTPS client and HTTP server services
pyjks4482Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaPure-Python Java Keystore (JKS) library
blosc4480Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBlosc data compressor
empy4473Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities6 - MatureA powerful and robust templating system for Python.
structlog-sentry4469Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSentry integration for structlog
dbnd-spark4463Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
dm-haiku4459Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaHaiku is a library for building neural networks in JAX.
nflx-genie-client4455Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,Utilities5 - Production/StableGenie Python Client.
infinity4451Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAll-in-one infinity value for Python. Can be compared to any object.
types-boto34448Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableProxy package for boto3-stubs
pyre-check4447Software Development5 - Production/StableA performant type checker for Python
pyobjc-framework-corebluetooth4435Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreBluetooth on Mac OS X
xdoctest4429Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA rewrite of the builtin doctest module
frida4421Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableInject JavaScript to explore native apps on Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android, and QNX
simple-crypt4419Security,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development4 - BetaSimple encryption and decryption for Python 3
pytest-postgresql4417Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePostgresql fixtures and fixture factories for Pytest.
flake8-django4417Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusPlugin to catch bad style specific to Django Projects.
flake8-assertive4410Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit5 - Production/StableFlake8 unittest assert method checker
xvfbwrapper4385Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusrun headless display inside X virtual framebuffer (Xvfb)
zarr4384Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA minimal implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python.
pyobjc4381Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StablePython<->ObjC Interoperability Module
rq-scheduler4360Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaProvides job scheduling capabilities to RQ (Redis Queue)
pdoc4358Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities5 - Production/StableAPI Documentation for Python Projects
discord-py-interactions4350Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaEasy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
pandoc4345Software Development,Text Processing5 - Production/StablePandoc Documents for Python
djangosaml2idp4339Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSAML 2.0 Identity Provider for Django
browsermob-proxy4338Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaA library for interacting with the Browsermob Proxy
hypothesis-jsonschema4335Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGenerate test data from JSON schemata with Hypothesis
django-graphql-jwt4335Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON Web Token for Django GraphQL.
aiogram4330Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableIs a pretty simple and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
backports-datetime-fromisoformat4314Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBackport of Python 3.7's datetime.fromisoformat
pytools4312Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaA collection of tools for Python
django-autoslug4309Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General5 - Production/StableAn automated slug field for Django.
flake8-expression-complexity4300Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that checks expressions complexity
pycarlo4299Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaMonte Carlo's Python SDK
dnspython34289Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA DNS toolkit for Python 3.x
poetry-dynamic-versioning4283Software Development :: Version Control,Software Development :: Version Control :: Bazaar,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,Software Development :: Version Control :: Mercurial4 - BetaPlugin for Poetry to enable dynamic versioning based on VCS tags
rabbitpy4269Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and pythonic RabbitMQ client library
cli-helpers4263Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals :: Terminal Emulators/X TerminalsNo statusHelpers for building command-line apps
vtk4259Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaVTK is an open-source toolkit for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization
clearml4252Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableClearML - Auto-Magical Experiment Manager, Version Control, and MLOps for AI
flask-log-request-id4252Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask extension that can parse and handle multiple types of request-id sent by request processors like Amazon ELB, Heroku or any multi-tier infrastructure as the one used for microservices.
pubnub4252Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePubNub Real-time push service in the cloud
pyglm4248Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOpenGL Mathematics library for Python
flake8-colors4243Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusError highlight plugin for Flake8.
testinfra4242Software Development :: Testing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableTest infrastructures
sauceclient4239Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPython client library for Sauce Labs API.
pyvisa4226Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython VISA bindings for GPIB, RS232, and USB instruments
flask-seasurf4217Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn updated CSRF extension for Flask.
flake8-fixme4217Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableCheck for FIXME, TODO and other temporary developer notes. Plugin for flake8.
stestr4198Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: TestingNo statusA parallel Python test runner built around subunit
pyobjc-framework-systemconfiguration4198Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SystemConfiguration on macOS
robotframework-seleniumtestability4192Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaSeleniumTestability library that helps speed up tests withasyncronous evens
python-schema-registry-client4190Software DevelopmentNo statusPython Rest Client to interact against Schema Registry Confluent Server to manage Avro Schemas
tartufo4165Security,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git5 - Production/Stabletartufo is a tool for scanning git repositories for secrets/passwords/high-entropy data
dawg-python4163Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaPure-python reader for DAWGs created by dawgdic C++ library or DAWG Python extension.
word2number4160Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Text Processing,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusConvert number words eg. three hundred and forty two to numbers (342).
schedula4155Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableProduce a plan that dispatches calls based on a graph of functions, satisfying data dependencies.
yahoo-finance4142Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module to get stock data from Yahoo! Finance
formulas4140Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaParse and compile Excel formulas and workbooks in python code.
django-mathfilters4135Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA set of simple math filters for Django
funcparserlib4115Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing5 - Production/StableRecursive descent parsing library based on functional combinators
django-bootstrap34111Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaBootstrap support for Django projects
contentful4104Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableContentful Delivery API Client
dxpy4098Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDNAnexus Platform API bindings for Python
splitio-client4094Software Development :: Libraries3 - Python Client
intervals4087Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects).
docarray4071Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe data structure for unstructured data
robotframework-selenium2library4066Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableWeb testing library for Robot Framework
whois4064Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython module/library for retrieving WHOIS information of domains.
jingtrang4062Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaWrapping jing and trang RELAX NG tools into Python script
anytemplate4062Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities4 - BetaA python template abstraction layer module
interrogate4058Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaInterrogate a codebase for docstring coverage.
robotframework-faker4056Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework wrapper for faker, a fake test data generator
ipwhois4049Internet,Software Development3 - AlphaIP Whois Resolution and Parsing
pymorphy24049Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaMorphological analyzer (POS tagger + inflection engine) for Russian language.
pyarango4048Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn easy to use python driver for ArangoDB with built-in validation
sdnotify4016Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA pure Python implementation of systemd's service notification protocol (sd_notify)
eyes-core4004Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaApplitools Python SDK. Core package
pact-python3998Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaTools for creating and verifying consumer driven contracts using the Pact framework.
eyes-common3997Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaApplitools Python SDK. Common package
pylzma3994Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the LZMA library by Igor Pavlov.
jsonpath3990Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup4 - BetaAn XPath for JSON
artifactory3984Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems3 - AlphaA Python to Artifactory interface
rpaframework-pdf3984Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPDF library of RPA Framework
google-play-scraper3978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaGoogle-Play-Scraper provides APIs to easily crawl the Google Play Store for Python without any external dependencies!
pymobiledetect3968Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableDetect mobile and tablet browsers
rawpy3961Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython wrapper for the LibRaw library
dbnd-airflow3959Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
pytest-snapshot3952Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA plugin to enable snapshot testing with pytest.
pyobjc-framework-coretext3948Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreText on macOS
django-saml2-auth3938Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango SAML2 Authentication Made Easy, integrate with SAML2 SSO such as Okta easily
django-auditlog3926Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAudit log app for Django
pynput-robocorp-fork3924Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableMonitor and control user input devices
pytest-logger3923Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPlugin configuring handlers for loggers from Python logging module.
clang-format3922Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusClang-Format is an LLVM-based code formatting tool
couchdb3920Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython library for working with CouchDB
simpleitk3920Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableSimpleITK is a simplified interface to the Insight Toolkit (ITK) for image registration and segmentation
asyncio-throttle3913Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple, easy-to-use throttler for asyncio
bindep3906Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,Utilities5 - Production/StableBinary dependency utility
flake8-pyi3906Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaA plugin for flake8 to enable linting .pyi files.
scikit-learn-extra3895Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusA set of tools for scikit-learn.
justext3895Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableHeuristic based boilerplate removal tool
flask-babelex3893Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
crispy-bootstrap53872Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBootstrap5 template pack for django-crispy-forms
flake8-formatter-junit-xml3867Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusJUnit XML Formatter for flake8
onnxruntime-gpu3862Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableONNX Runtime is a runtime accelerator for Machine Learning models
bootstrap-flask3860Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBootstrap helper for Flask/Jinja2.
discord-together3859Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableUtilize the BETA Discord VC Party Games feature!
pydoop3845Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusPydoop: a Python MapReduce and HDFS API for Hadoop
unitypy3835Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Games/Entertainment,Multimedia :: Graphics5 - Production/StableA pythonic port of AssetStudio by Perfare
snakeviz3830Software DevelopmentNo statusA web-based viewer for Python profiler output
pywebview3826Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User InterfacesNo statusA cross-platform lightweight native wrapper around a web view component
ldaptor3820Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StableA Pure-Python Twisted library for LDAP
relstorage3810Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA backend for ZODB that stores pickles in a relational database.
pytest-cases3803Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableSeparate test code from test cases in pytest.
plette3799Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningStructured Pipfile and Pipfile.lock models.
databand3799Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
objectpath3790Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureThe agile query language for semi-structured data. #JSON
requests-ntlm23786Software Development :: Version Control :: Git5 - Production/StableThe HTTP NTLM proxy and/or server authentication library.
flake8-pep31013772Software Development3 - AlphaChecks for old string formatting.
pytest-remotedata3766Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaPytest plugin for controlling remote data access.
flask-pymongo3759Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPyMongo support for Flask applications
pytest-reraise3757Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableMake multi-threaded pytest test cases fail when they should
mediapipe3746Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMediaPipe is the simplest way for researchers and developers to build world-class ML solutions and applications for mobile, edge, cloud and the web.
eyes-universal3741Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaApplitools Eyes Universal SDK Server
gnureadline3737Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe standard Python readline extension statically linked against the GNU readline library.
cognitive-complexity3737Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusLibrary to calculate Python functions cognitive complexity via code
esptool3736Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StableA serial utility to communicate & flash code to Espressif chips.
asyncpool3732Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: TestingNo statusAsync coroutine worker pool
ics3726Office/Business :: Scheduling,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaPython icalendar (rfc5545) parser
fuckit3718Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusThe Python Error Steamroller
gspread-formatting3710Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableComplete Google Sheets formatting support for gspread worksheets
pyangbind3709Software Development :: Code Generators4 - BetaPyangBind is a plugin for pyang which converts YANG datamodels into a Python class hierarchy, such that Python can be used to manipulate data that conforms with a YANG model.
python-terraform3706Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThis is a python module provide a wrapper of terraform command line tool
qdarkstyle3702Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableThe most complete dark stylesheet for Python and Qt applications
parasail3702Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betapairwise sequence alignment library
pyshorteners3700Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python lib to wrap and consume the most used shorteners APIs
dbnd-aws3695Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
pytest-httpx3686Software Development :: Build Tools,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableSend responses to httpx.
dictpath3685Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaObject-oriented dictionary paths
liac-arff3682Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA module for read and write ARFF files in Python.
pyobjc-framework-applescriptkit3678Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AppleScriptKit on macOS
wslink3676Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython/JavaScript library for communicating over WebSocket
colour-runner3658Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaColour formatting for unittest tests
ml-collections3653Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaML Collections is a library of Python collections designed for ML usecases.
lief3646Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Security,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaLIEF is a library to instrument executable formats
pyobjc-framework-applescriptobjc3641Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AppleScriptObjC on Mac OS X
lizard3640Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableA code analyzer without caring the C/C++ header files. It works with Java, C/C++, JavaScript, Python, Ruby, Swift, Objective C. Metrics includes cyclomatic complexity number etc.
ansimarkup3639Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableProduce colored terminal text with an xml-like markup
mdutils3638Utilities,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/StableUseful package for creating Markdown files while executing python code.
locustio3637Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation4 - BetaWebsite load testing framework
pyobjc-framework-security3634Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Security on macOS
pyobjc-framework-coreservices3619Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreServices on macOS
flake8-coding3617Software Development3 - AlphaAdds coding magic comment checks to flake8
pyobjc-framework-opendirectory3612Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework OpenDirectory on macOS
pyobjc-framework-launchservices3608Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework LaunchServices on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-coremedia3607Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreMedia on macOS
pyobjc-framework-instantmessage3603Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework InstantMessage on macOS
pyobjc-framework-exceptionhandling3598Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ExceptionHandling on macOS
times3598Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,System,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaTimes is a small, minimalistic, Python library for dealing with time conversions between universal time and arbitrary timezones.
pyobjc-framework-localauthentication3598Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework LocalAuthentication on Mac OS X
svn3597Software Development :: Version Control5 - Production/StableStraight-forward Subversion wrapper.
pyobjc-framework-automator3594Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Automator on macOS
pyobjc-framework-fsevents3592Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework FSEvents on macOS
azure-iot-device3589Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMicrosoft Azure IoT Device Library
pyobjc-framework-installerplugins3585Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework InstallerPlugins on macOS
wxpython3584Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaCross platform GUI toolkit for Python, "Phoenix" version
pyobjc-framework-latentsemanticmapping3584Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework LatentSemanticMapping on macOS
pyobjc-framework-searchkit3584Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SearchKit on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-diskarbitration3582Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DiskArbitration on macOS
pyobjc-framework-discrecordingui3582Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DiscRecordingUI on macOS
sure3579Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stableutility belt for automated testing in python for python
pyobjc-framework-preferencepanes3578Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PreferencePanes on macOS
pyobjc-framework-osakit3575Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework OSAKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-securityfoundation3573Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SecurityFoundation on macOS
pyobjc-framework-libdispatch3571Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for libdispatch on macOS
urwid-readline3570Desktop Environment,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Widget Sets4 - BetaA textbox edit widget for urwid that supports readline shortcuts
pyobjc-framework-iosurface3568Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework IOSurface on macOS
pyobjc-framework-coreaudio3568Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreAudio on macOS
pyobjc-framework-netfs3567Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework NetFS on macOS
pyobjc-framework-dvdplayback3566Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DVDPlayback on macOS
pyobjc-framework-ituneslibrary3566Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework iTunesLibrary on macOS
pyobjc-framework-collaboration3565Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Collaboration on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-servicemanagement3562Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ServiceManagement on macOS
pyobjc-framework-dictionaryservices3562Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DictionaryServices on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-medialibrary3558Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MediaLibrary on macOS
erlang-py3558Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableErlang Binary Term Format for Python
pyobjc-framework-calendarstore3557Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CalendarStore on macOS
biplist3557Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/Stablebiplist is a library for reading/writing binary plists.
pyobjc-framework-vision3555Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Vision on macOS
pyobjc-framework-avfoundation3554Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AVFoundation on macOS
pyobjc-framework-social3552Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Social on Mac OS X
pytest-test-groups3551Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA Pytest plugin for running a subset of your tests by splitting them in to equally sized groups.
pyobjc-framework-findersync3550Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework FinderSync on macOS
iniparse3549Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAccessing and Modifying INI files
pyobjc-framework-accounts3549Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Accounts on macOS
pyobjc-framework-mediaplayer3547Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MediaPlayer on macOS
pyobjc-framework-eventkit3546Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Accounts on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-mediaaccessibility3546Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MediaAccessibility on macOS
pyobjc-framework-photos3545Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Photos on macOS
pyobjc-framework-cloudkit3542Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CloudKit on macOS
selenium-stealth3541Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,UtilitiesNo statusTrying to make python selenium more stealthy.
pyobjc-framework-colorsync3536Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ColorSync on Mac OS X
colormath3536Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableColor math and conversion library.
pyobjc-framework-businesschat3535Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework BusinessChat on macOS
python-redmine3534Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableLibrary for communicating with a Redmine project management application
pyobjc-framework-coreml3533Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreML on macOS
pyobjc-framework-naturallanguage3532Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework NaturalLanguage on macOS
emails3526Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaModern python library for emails.
pykafka3525Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFull-Featured Pure-Python Kafka Client
pyobjc-framework-videosubscriberaccount3525Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework VideoSubscriberAccount on macOS
pyobjc-framework-adsupport3523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AdSupport on macOS
pyobjc-framework-coredata3520Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreData on macOS
pyobjc-framework-securityinterface3518Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SecurityInterface on macOS
setoptconf3516Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA module for retrieving program settings from various sources in a consistant method.
acachecontrol3514Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCache-Control for aiohttp
pyobjc-framework-spritekit3514Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SpriteKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-addressbook3513Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AddressBook on macOS
pyobjc-framework-screensaver3513Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ScreenSaver on macOS
pyobjc-framework-syncservices3512Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SyncServices on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-webkit3509Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework WebKit on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-coreaudiokit3501Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreAudioKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-cfnetwork3499Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CFNetwork on macOS
pyobjc-framework-discrecording3498Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DiscRecording on macOS
easypost3497Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableEasyPost Shipping API Client Library for Python
pyobjc-framework-corewlan3491Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreWLAN on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-inputmethodkit3488Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework InputMethodKit on macOS
bcj-cffi3487Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphabcj algorithm library
pyobjc-framework-imagecapturecore3487Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ImageCaptureCore on macOS
pyobjc-framework-corelocation3485Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreLocation on macOS
pybboxes3485Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence5 - Production/StableEvaluation toolkit for neural language generation.
xenon3484Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities4 - BetaMonitor code metrics for Python on your CI server
pyobjc-framework-scriptingbridge3483Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ScriptingBridge on macOS
flake8-cognitive-complexity3482Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusAn extension for flake8 that validates cognitive functions complexity
scann3481Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusScalable Approximate Nearest Neighbor search library
single-source3478Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAccess to the project version in Python code for PEP 621-style projects
configspace3476Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development4 - BetaCreation and manipulation of parameter configuration spaces for automated algorithm configuration and hyperparameter tuning.
pyexcel-xlsx3476Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xlsx and xlsm format
pyobjc-framework-scenekit3476Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SceneKit on macOS
password-strength3473Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePassword strength and validation
pyobjc-framework-gamecontroller3472Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework GameController on macOS
kivy3471Artistic Software,Games/Entertainment,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture :: Digital Camera,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players :: MP3,Multimedia :: Video :: Display,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableA software library for rapid development of hardware-accelerated multitouch applications.
pyobjc-framework-intents3471Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Intents on macOS
pastescript3471Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
pyobjc-framework-multipeerconnectivity3470Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MultipeerConnectivity on macOS
pyobjc-framework-mapkit3470Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MapKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-coremediaio3469Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreMediaIO on macOS
pyobjc-framework-notificationcenter3467Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework NotificationCenter on macOS
genshi3466Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaA toolkit for generation of output for the web
pyobjc-framework-cryptotokenkit3466Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CryptoTokenKit on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-networkextension3466Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework NetworkExtension on macOS
pyobjc-framework-avkit3466Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AVKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-contactsui3465Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ContactsUI on macOS
pyobjc-framework-imserviceplugin3465Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework IMServicePlugIn on macOS
pyobjc-framework-modelio3464Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ModelIO on macOS
pyobjc-framework-storekit3464Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework StoreKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-externalaccessory3463Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ExternalAccessory on macOS
pyobjc-framework-videotoolbox3463Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework VideoToolbox on macOS
pyobjc-framework-gamecenter3462Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework GameCenter on macOS
pyobjc-framework-contacts3462Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Contacts on macOS
pyobjc-framework-safariservices3462Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SafariServices on Mac OS X
pyobjc-framework-mediatoolbox3460Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MediaToolbox on macOS
pyobjc-framework-gameplaykit3460Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework GameplayKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-corespotlight3458Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreSpotlight on macOS
pyobjc-framework-photosui3457Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PhotosUI on macOS
pyobjc-framework-gamekit3456Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework GameKit on macOS
gitlint3452Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGit commit message linter written in python, checks your commit messages for style.
python-graphql-client3452Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaPython GraphQL Client
json-logic3448Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBuild complex rules, serialize them as JSON, and execute them in Python
pyobjc-framework-network3448Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Network on macOS
nose-exclude3446Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaExclude specific directories from nosetests runs.
pyobjc-framework-usernotifications3442Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework UserNotifications on macOS
fcache3440Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/Stablea simple, persistent, file-based cache module for Python
django-webtest3430Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableInstant integration of Ian Bicking's WebTest ( with Django's testing framework.
fab-classic3430Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/Stablefab-classic is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment.
aioretry3430Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAsyncio retry utility for Python 3.7+
crowdstrike-falconpy3428Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaThe CrowdStrike Falcon OAuth2 API SDK for Python 3
iso42173422Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Internationalization5 - Production/StableISO 4217 currency data package for Python
dbnd-qubole3411Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
okta-jwt-verifier3409Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOkta JWT Verifier
starsessions3407Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePluggable session support for Starlette.
rootpath3406Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython project/package root path detection.
mysql-connector-python-rf3404Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMySQL driver written in Python
wikipedia-api3402Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython Wrapper for Wikipedia
censys3397Internet,Security,Documentation :: Sphinx,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for the Censys Search Engine (
uiautomator3389Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaPython Wrapper for Android UiAutomator test tool
dbnd-airflow-versioned-dag3378Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
pytest-isort3369Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuspy.test plugin to check import ordering using isort
python-i18n3365Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaTranslation library for Python
chameleon3364Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XMLNo statusXML-based template compiler.
dict2xml3362Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableSmall utility to convert a python dictionary into an XML string
pymodm3359Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPyMODM is a generic ODM on top of PyMongo.
aliyun-python-sdk-sts3349Software Development4 - BetaThe sts module of Aliyun Python sdk.
python-logstash-async3347Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaAsynchronous Python logging handler for Logstash.
tweedledum3338Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA library for synthesizing and manipulating quantum circuits
plux3331Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableA dynamic code loading framework for building pluggable Python distributions
aqtinstall3324Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaAnother unofficial Qt installer
dbnd-docker3322Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
dlib3320Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development5 - Production/StableA toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications
pytest-circleci-parallelized3316Software Development :: TestingNo statusParallelize pytest across CircleCI workers.
ggplot3312Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusggplot for python
scrapy-crawlera3311Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCrawlera middleware for Scrapy
unittest-parallel3310Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableParallel unit test runner with coverage support
liccheck3306Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableCheck python packages from requirement.txt and report issues
pyyaml-include3302Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/StableExtending PyYAML with a custom constructor for including YAML files within YAML files
flake8-functions3300Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that checks functions
pypi3293Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePyPI is the Python Package Index at
south3286Software Development5 - Production/StableSouth: Migrations for Django
aliyun-python-sdk-alidns3284Software Development4 - BetaThe alidns module of Aliyun Python sdk.
vistir3282Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMiscellaneous utilities for dealing with filesystems, paths, projects, subprocesses, and more.
flask-sockets3281Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusElegant WebSockets for your Flask apps.
cyksuid3279Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableCython implementation of ksuid
scim2-filter-parser3279Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningA customizable parser/transpiler for SCIM2.0 filters
easydev3274Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCommon utilities to ease the development of Python packages
django-test-migrations3266Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTest django schema and data migrations, including ordering
coincurve3265Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableCross-platform Python CFFI bindings for libsecp256k1
python-binance3265Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBinance REST API python implementation
auditwheel3263Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCross-distribution Linux wheels
morph3263Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA collection of routines to help identify and morph objects.
django-crum3258Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango middleware to capture current request and user.
airflow-code-editor3254Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusApache Airflow in browser code editor
sqlobject3238Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableObject-Relational Manager, aka database wrapper
sahi3234Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA vision library for performing sliced inference on large images/small objects
fake-factory3224Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaFaker is a Python package that generates fake data for you.
djangosaml23222Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/Stablepysaml2 integration for Django
flake8-noqa3220Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusFlake8 noqa comment validation
workflow3204Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimple workflows for Python
iocextract3196Internet,Security,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusAdvanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor.
pip-shims3191Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaCompatibility shims for pip versions 8 thru current.
mr-proper3188Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaStatic Python code analyzer, that tries to check if functions in code are pure or not and why.
dash-auth3185Database :: Front-Ends,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableDash Authorization Package.
flask-security3179Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple security for Flask apps
fissix3178Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaBackport of lib2to3, with enhancements
hl73178Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython library parsing HL7 v2.x messages
pymorphy2-dicts-ru3164Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaRussian dictionaries for pymorphy2
sphinx-prompt3163Documentation :: Sphinx,Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableSphinx directive to add unselectable prompt
tensorflowjs3161Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython Libraries and Tools for TensorFlow.js
pytest-stub3159Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableStub packages, modules and attributes.
keyvaultlib3147Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA KeyVault client wrapper that helps transition between using ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Libraries) and MSI (Managed Service Identity) as a token provider
requirementslib3146Software Development :: Build Tools2 - Pre-AlphaA tool for converting between pip-style and pipfile requirements.
pytest-cache3145Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - Alphapytest plugin with mechanisms for caching across test runs
amplpy3145Software Development,Scientific/Engineering4 - BetaPython API for AMPL
happybase3141Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA developer-friendly Python library to interact with Apache HBase
libconf3135Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA pure-Python libconfig reader with permissive license
pybit3132Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython3 Bybit HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
aliyun-python-sdk-ram3129Software Development4 - BetaThe ram module of Aliyun Python sdk.
h2o-wave3129Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Communications :: Chat,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Widget Sets,System :: Distributed Computing2 - Pre-AlphaPython driver for H2O Wave Realtime Apps
ovs3122Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableOpen vSwitch library
pyexcel-xls3118Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA wrapper library to read, manipulate and write data in xls format. It reads xlsx and xlsm format
pyaudio3118Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBindings for PortAudio v19, the cross-platform audio input/output stream library.
lithium-reducer3110Security,Software Development :: TestingNo statusLithium is an automated testcase reduction tool
filehash3108Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaModule to wrap around hashlib and facilitate generating checksums / hashes of files and directories.
fireblocks-sdk3104Software Development4 - BetaFireblocks python SDK
flask-mongoengine3103Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlask-MongoEngine is a Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine and WTF model forms.
fasttext-wheel3099Software Development,Scientific/Engineering3 - Alphafasttext Python bindings
kwonly-args3085Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaKeyword-only argument support for Python 2 as a decorator. Python 3 compatible.
flake8-annotations-complexity3085Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that checks for type annotations complexity
gitignore-parser3078Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA spec-compliant gitignore parser for Python 3.5+
json-cfg3078Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON config file parser with extended syntax (e.g.: comments), line/column numbers and other extras.
django-split-settings3069Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOrganize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files.
textx3068Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMeta-language for DSL implementation inspired by Xtext
plantuml3062Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaUNKNOWN
magicinvoke3061Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusPythonic task execution -- Based on invoke by Jeff Forcier
csscompressor3061Software Development :: Build Tools,Text Processing :: General,Utilities5 - Production/StableA python port of YUI CSS Compressor
chatterbot3054Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn open-source chat bot program written in Python.
xdis3048Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines
pytest-sftpserver3047Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphapy.test plugin to locally test sftp server connections.
pytest-helpers-namespace3040Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePyTest Helpers Namespace
webdavclient33036Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebDAV client, based on original package but uses requests instead of PyCURL
pytest-redis3033Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRedis fixtures and fixture factories for Pytest.
blockdiag3028Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup4 - Betablockdiag generate block-diagram image file from spec-text file.
cwcwidth3027Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython bindings for wc(s)width
pyinquirer3022Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces1 - PlanningA Python module for collection of common interactive command line user interfaces, based on Inquirer.js
aioprometheus3018Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaA Prometheus Python client library for asyncio-based applications
cons3015Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaAn implementation of Lisp/Scheme-like cons in Python.
mercurial3014Software Development :: Version Control6 - MatureFast scalable distributed SCM (revision control, version control) system
tflite-support-nightly3010Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTFLite Support is a toolkit that helps users to develop ML and deploy TFLite models onto mobile devices.
taskipy3006Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statustasks runner for python projects
yolov53006Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition5 - Production/StablePackaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
django-cms3001Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableAn Advanced Django CMS
dj-static3001Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusServe production static files with Django.
model-mommy2998Software DevelopmentNo statusSmart object creation facility for Django.
hatch2994Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaModern, extensible Python project management
nose-parallel2993Software Development :: TestingNo statusA nosetests plugin to split test suites to run in parallel
assemblyline-service-server2991Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAssemblyline 4 - Service Server
aiodocker2989Software Development4 - BetaDocker API client for asyncio
clickhouse-cityhash2986Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython-bindings for CityHash, a fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
dataclasses-jsonschema2980Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaJSON schema generation from dataclasses
aesara2977Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics6 - MatureOptimizing compiler for evaluating mathematical expressions on CPUs and GPUs.
pyscf2976Scientific/Engineering,Software Development5 - Production/StablePySCF: Python-based Simulations of Chemistry Framework
pykcs112975Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Full PKCS#11 wrapper for Python
flask-cache2975Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds cache support to your Flask application
plantuml-markdown2973Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableA PlantUML plugin for Markdown
dataprep2972Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaDataprep: Data Preparation in Python
guessit2972Multimedia,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGuessIt - a library for guessing information from video files.
dblpy2966Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA simple API wrapper for written in Python
django-redis-sessions2965Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusRedis Session Backend For Django
pytest-flakefinder2962Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaRuns tests multiple times to expose flakiness.
validator-collection2962Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableCollection of 60+ Python functions for validating data
logical-unification2957Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableLogical unification in Python
autologging2950Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableAutologging makes logging and tracing Python classes easy.
webvtt-py2949Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWebVTT reader, writer and segmenter
keymaker2947Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLightweight SSH key management on AWS EC2
pytest-catchlog2943Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapy.test plugin to catch log messages. This is a fork of pytest-capturelog.
sphinx-design2943Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup3 - AlphaA sphinx extension for designing beautiful, view size responsive web components.
mixer2938Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableMixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django ORM, SqlAlchemy ORM, Mongoengine ODM and custom python objects.
chromedriver-binary2933Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableInstaller for chromedriver.
vici2928Security,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableNative Python interface for strongSwan's VICI protocol
gitlint-core2925Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableGit commit message linter written in python, checks your commit messages for style.
django-suit2925Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableModern theme for Django admin interface.
pydateinfer2924Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaInfers date format from examples
contours2923Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaContour calculation with Matplotlib.
cibuildwheel2921Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableBuild Python wheels on CI with minimal configuration.
pip-requirements-parser2910Software Development,Utilities4 - Betapip requirements parser - a mostly correct pip requirements parsing library because it uses pip's own code.
mo-future2907Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMore future! Make Python 2/3 compatibility a bit easier
pdm2899Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPython Development Master
fnvhash2897Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPure Python FNV hash implementation
paypalrestsdk2897Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe PayPal REST SDK provides Python APIs to create, process and manage payments.
lorem2893Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaGenerator for random text that looks like Latin.
timedelta2887Software Development3 - Alphadatetime.timedelta replacement
coremltools2887Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaCommunity Tools for CoreML
pygerduty2884Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython Client Library for PagerDuty's REST API
pytest-shard2881Software Development :: TestingNo statusNone
connection-pool2870Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusthread safe connection pool
pyngrok2866Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for Ngrok.
detect-delimiter2864Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaDetects the delimiter used in CSV, TSV and other ad hoc file formats.
csvvalidator2864Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple library for validating data contained in CSV files or similar row-oriented data sources.
schemathesis2861Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaHypothesis strategies for Open API / Swagger schemas
django-celery-email2858Communications,Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableAn async Django email backend using celery
python-resize-image2849Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Small python package to easily resize images
jmp2845Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaJMP is a Mixed Precision library for JAX.
uncompyle62845Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython cross-version byte-code decompiler
control2841Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaPython Control Systems Library
argo-workflows2834Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaCommunity Maintained Python client for Argo Workflows
onnx-simplifier2834Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaSimplify your ONNX model
pecan2830Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableA WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast, with few dependancies.
hexdump2829Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusdump and restore binary data in hex form
static32829Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaA really simple WSGI way to serve static (or mixed) content.
callee2827Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaArgument matchers for unittest.mock
automaton2827Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaFriendly state machines for python.
sparknlp2824Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/Stablesparknlp package
threadpool2823Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEasy to use object-oriented thread pool framework.
flask-pydantic-spec2823Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusgenerate OpenAPI document and validate request&response with Python annotations.
rasa-sdk2822Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOpen source machine learning framework to automate text- and voice-based conversations: NLU, dialogue management, connect to Slack, Facebook, and more - Create chatbots and voice assistants
jose2821Security,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaAn implementation of the JOSE draft
pycobertura2820Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Cobertura coverage parser that can diff reports and show coverage progress.
wtforms-components2818Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAdditional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms.
azure-iot-hub2817Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMicrosoft Azure IoTHub Service Library
snakebite2814Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,UtilitiesNo statusPure Python HDFS client
asyncache2813Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHelpers to use cachetools with async functions
connectorx2812Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaLoad data from databases to dataframes, the fastest way.
cloudant2809Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableCloudant / CouchDB Client Library
pytest-virtualenv2807Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableVirtualenv fixture for py.test
pydriller2800Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFramework for MSR
dj-stripe2799Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango + Stripe made easy
apeye2795Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHandy tools for working with URLs and APIs.
wrapt-timeout-decorator2795Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe better timout decorator
django-q2791Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableA multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
pyscss2790Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/StablepyScss, a Scss compiler for Python
prometheus-async2786Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAsync helpers for prometheus_client.
torch-lr-finder2779Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software DevelopmentNo statusPytorch implementation of the learning rate range test
whatthepatch2770Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control,Text Processing2 - Pre-AlphaA patch parsing library
django-add-default-value2769Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaThis django Migration Operation can be used to transfer a fields default value to the database scheme.
py3nvml2769Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware,System :: Systems Administration3 - AlphaPython 3 Bindings for the NVIDIA Management Library
httplib2shim2765Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA wrapper over urllib3 that matches httplib2's interface
kerberos2765Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusKerberos high-level interface
pykeyboard2762Communications,Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBest Keyboard and Pagination for the Pyrogram Library.
spark-parser2758Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn Earley-Algorithm Context-free grammar Parser Toolkit
pyasn2756Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: NetworkingNo statusOffline IP address to Autonomous System Number lookup module.
geckodriver-autoinstaller2748Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableAutomatically install geckodriver that supports the currently installed version of chrome.
udp-test2743Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA simple udp server and client for network testing.
xattr2741Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython wrapper for extended filesystem attributes
sphinx-external-toc2741Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup3 - AlphaA sphinx extension that allows the site-map to be defined in a single YAML file.
b2sdk2736Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableBackblaze B2 SDK
gpy2735Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe Gaussian Process Toolbox
python-status2726Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities6 - MatureHTTP Status for Humans
xeger2723Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA library for generating random strings from a valid regular expression.
pypdf2720Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPDF toolkit
sfctl2714Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableAzure Service Fabric command line
pytest-print2702Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepytest-print adds the printer fixture you can use to print messages to the user (directly to the pytest runner, not stdout)
pyowm2700Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper around the OpenWeatherMap web API
authy2693Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAuthy API Client
flask-sslify2690Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusForce SSL on your Flask app.
mllib2689Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Documentation2 - Pre-AlphaA REST client for MarkLogic 8
taxjar2687Office/Business,Office/Business :: Financial,Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSales tax API client for Python
sphinx-thebe2679Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIntegrate interactive code blocks into your documentation with Thebe and Binder.
asammdf2674Software Development,Scientific/Engineering4 - BetaASAM MDF measurement data file parser
testrail-api2668Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper of the TestRail API
clearbit2667Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClearbit python bindings
pyocclient2663Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython client library for ownCloud
systemd-python2659Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython interface for libsystemd
stem2657Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableStem is a Python controller library that allows applications to interact with Tor (
pybind11-global2647Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSeamless operability between C++11 and Python
django-mock-queries2642Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit5 - Production/StableA django library for mocking queryset functions in memory for testing
taskflow2637Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing4 - BetaTaskflow structured state management library.
ebooklib2629Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaEbook library which can handle EPUB2/EPUB3 and Kindle format
django-rosetta2621Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization4 - BetaA Django application that eases the translation of Django projects
ciscoconfparse2619Communications,Internet,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableParse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Cisco IOS-style configurations
scikit-survival2614Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaSurvival analysis built on top of scikit-learn
constants2604Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaThe simple way to deal with environment constants.
datadiff2598Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDataDiff is a library to provide human-readable diffs of python data structures.
mpire2593Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python package for easy multiprocessing, but faster than multiprocessing
pytorch-forecasting2583Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusForecasting timeseries with PyTorch - dataloaders, normalizers, metrics and models
venv-pack2583Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Software Distribution4 - BetaPackage virtual environments for redistribution
sacred2581Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableFacilitates automated and reproducible experimental research
interchange2580Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries6 - MatureData types and interchange formats
pytest-faulthandler2578Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepy.test plugin that activates the fault handler module for tests
datadotworld2575Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython library for
jsonrpcclient2570Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON-RPC 2.0 client library for Python 3.
focal-loss2567Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningTensorFlow implementation of focal loss.
usps-api2560Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaPython wrapper for the USPS API
haikunator2557Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHeroku-like random name generator for python.
simplekml2552Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Simple KML creator
json2xml2550Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureSimple Python Library to convert JSON to XML
flask-pydantic2547Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask extension for integration with Pydantic library
kitchen2546Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General3 - AlphaKitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
zxing2535Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaWrapper for decoding/reading barcodes with ZXing (Zebra Crossing) library
segno2534Multimedia :: Graphics,Printing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableQR Code and Micro QR Code generator for Python 2 and Python 3
aws-kinesis-agg2534Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython module to assist in taking advantage of the Kinesis message aggregation format for both aggregation and deaggregation.
django-tenants2533Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas.
mo-dots2529Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMore Dots! Dot-access to Python dicts like Javascript
catboost-dev2529Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython package for catboost
frosted2528Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableA passive Python syntax checker
tortoise-orm2524Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEasy async ORM for python, built with relations in mind
mocker2524Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGraceful platform for test doubles in Python (mocks, stubs, fakes, and dummies).
djangocms-admin-style2523Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusAdds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface.
panda3d2521Games/Entertainment,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePanda3D is a framework for 3D rendering and game development for Python and C++ programs.
psd-tools2520Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython package for working with Adobe Photoshop PSD files
buttons2519Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA simple to use, interactive session and paginator with custom buttons for
pies2516Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableThe simplest way to write one program that runs on both Python 2 and Python 3.
mo-imports2514Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMore Imports! - Delayed importing
wsme2508Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaSimplify the writing of REST APIs, and extend them with additional protocols.
tox-travis2504Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaSeamless integration of Tox into Travis CI
orange32496Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOrange, a component-based data mining framework.
gobject2492Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePythonic Google Geocode API wrapper
synapseml2491Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaSynapse Machine Learning
sweetviz2483Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pandas-based library to visualize and compare datasets.
ecl2479Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StablePackage for reading and writing the result files from the ECLIPSE reservoir simulator
pur2478Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableUpdate packages in a requirements.txt file to latest versions.
assemblyline-service-client2478Software Development :: Libraries2 - Pre-AlphaAssemblyline 4 - Service client
easy-pil2476Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA library to make common tasks of Pillow easy.
fido22476Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython based FIDO 2.0 library
esprima2473Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General4 - BetaECMAScript parsing infrastructure for multipurpose analysis in Python
junos-eznc2465Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableJunos 'EZ' automation for non-programmers
djangorestframework-jsonapi2465Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django REST framework API adapter for the json-api spec.
openvino2462Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusJust a demo package
flake8-class-attributes-order2459Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that checks classes attributes order
animec2458Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn unofficial API to get data about anime characters, anime news and more.
scylla-driver2455Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableScylla Driver for Apache Cassandra
configcat-client2455Software Development,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusConfigCat SDK for Python.
language-tags2453Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThis project is a Python version of the language-tags Javascript project.
nuitka2448Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StablePython compiler with full language support and CPython compatibility
natto-py2448Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaA Tasty Python Binding with MeCab (FFI-based, no SWIG or compiler necessary)
pytest-otel2447Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statuspytest-otel report OpenTelemetry traces about test executed
jinja2schema2444Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaType inference for Jinja2 templates.
bunch2440Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableA dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
robotframework-appiumlibrary2439Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stableapp testing library for Robot Framework
daemoniker2437Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaCross-platform daemonization tools.
pycognito2437Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython class to integrate Boto3's Cognito client so it is easy to login users. With SRP support.
first2437Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableReturn the first true value of an iterable.
flask-sock2434Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebSocket support for Flask.
cwrap2429Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/Stablecwrap - ctypes blanket
ezdxf2428Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python package to create/manipulate DXF drawings.
rstcheck2424Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusChecks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it.
objsize2423Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCalculates an object deep size
django-ninja2422Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusDjango Ninja - Fast Django REST framework
lazy-import2420Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA module for lazy loading of Python modules
probablepeople2417Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaParse romanized names & companies using advanced NLP methods
pylint-junit2411Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - Betapylint reporter for junit format.
ofxparse2409Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaTools for working with the OFX (Open Financial Exchange) file format
django-admin-cursor-paginator2406Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDrop-in replacement for django admin default pagination that works fast with huge tables.
dohq-teamcity2406Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython JetBrains TeamCity REST API library
django-push-notifications2404Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableSend push notifications to mobile devices through GCM or APNS in Django.
ipcqueue2403Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIpcqueue provides POSIX and SYS V message queues functionality to exchange data among processes.
djangorestframework-queryfields2402Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusSerialize a partial subset of fields in the API
junit-xml-22396Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableFork of that has tarball published to pypi
yorm2391Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Filesystems,Text Editors :: Text Processing4 - BetaAutomatic object YAML mapping for Python.
airbyte-cdk2391Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
unipath2388Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusObject-oriented alternative to os/os.path/shutil
django-summernote2386Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSummernote plugin for Django
boost-histogram2386Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaThe Boost::Histogram Python wrapper.
pytest-openfiles2383Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaPytest plugin for detecting inadvertent open file handles
conan-package-tools2374Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaPackaging tools for Conan C/C++ package manager
pyside62373Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
flask-simplelogin2369Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask
pypubsub2364Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython Publish-Subscribe Package
capturer2362Communications,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Terminals,Text Processing :: General4 - BetaEasily capture stdout/stderr of the current process and subprocesses
pydoc-markdown2356Software Development :: Code Generators,Utilities3 - AlphaCreate Python API documentation in Markdown format
tox-pyenv2353Software DevelopmentNo statustox plugin that makes tox use `pyenv which` to find python executables
demjson32350Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/Stableencoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159
jupyter-book2350Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup4 - BetaJupyter Book: Create an online book with Jupyter Notebooks
amqpstorm2347Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableThread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client Library based on pamqp.
env2345Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEnvironment Variables for Humans
django-cors-middleware2344Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stabledjango-cors-middleware is a Django application for handling the server headers required for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). Fork of django-cors-headers.
curlylint2344Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - Alpha{{ 🎀}} Experimental HTML templates linting for Jinja, Nunjucks, Django templates, Twig, Liquid
retry22343Software Development4 - BetaEasy to use retry decorator.
pycel2342Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA library for compiling excel spreadsheets to python code & visualizing them as a graph
coala2341Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaLinting and Fixing Code for All Languages
wtforms-json2340Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAdds smart json support for WTForms. Useful for when using WTForms with RESTful APIs.
pyutilib2337Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePyUtilib: A collection of Python utilities
imohash2334Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaFast hashing for large files
razorpay2324Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRazorpay Python Client
jina2320Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJina is the cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data
unihandecode2317Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUS-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
cmsis-pack-manager2317Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Utilities4 - BetaPython manager for CMSIS-Pack index and cache with fast Rust backend
ddtrace-graphql2312Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusPython library for tracing graphql calls with Datadog
glog2311Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaSimple Google-style logging wrapper for Python.
py27hash2307Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusPython 2.7 hashing and iteration in Python 3+
pytest-fixture-config2305Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableFixture configuration utils for py.test
restinstance2297Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaRobot Framework test library for (RESTful) JSON APIs
blackfire2296Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableBlackfire Python SDK
siphash2294Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphasiphash - python siphash implementation
sphinx-toolbox2294Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableBox of handy tools for Sphinx 🧰 📔
atomacos2294Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableAutomated Testing on macOS
workdays2291Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaWorkday date utility functions to extend python's datetime
os-sys2287Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusa big plus lib for more functions to use
ghostscript2284Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableInterface to the Ghostscript C-API, both high- and low-level, based on ctypes
pypdf42283Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePDF toolkit
pytest-monitor2282Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePytest plugin for analyzing resource usage.
pytest-json2282Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGenerate JSON test reports
ldap2280Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLDAP utils.
cli-exit-tools2269Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablefunctions to exit an cli application properly
django-test-without-migrations2267Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableDisable migrations when running your Django tests.
flask-json2264Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBetter JSON support for Flask
cfnresponse2264Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSend a response object to a custom resource by way of an Amazon S3 presigned URL
veracode-api-signing2262Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Utilities5 - Production/StableEasily sign any request destined for the Veracode API Gateway
pony2261Software Development :: Libraries,Database4 - BetaPony Object-Relational Mapper
aliyun-python-sdk-core-v32260Software Development5 - Production/StableThe core module of Aliyun Python SDK.
tailbone2260Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBackoffice Web Application for Rattail
astatine2255Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSome handy helper functions for Python's AST module.
pyocd2252Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems4 - BetaCortex-M debugger for Python
drf-spectacular-sidecar2245Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableServe self-contained distribution builds of Swagger UI and Redoc with Django
flake8-warnings2244Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableLinter (flake8, pylint, custom CLI) for finding usage of deprecated functions.
hypothesis-graphql2243Software Development :: Testing1 - PlanningHypothesis strategies for GraphQL schemas and queries
scpclient2240Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betascp client, for use with paramiko.
django-celery2237Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableDjango Celery Integration.
django-parler2234Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple Django model translations without nasty hacks, featuring nice admin integration.
ftputil2234Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems6 - MatureHigh-level FTP client library (virtual filesystem and more)
docplex2233Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,System,Other/Nonlisted Topic5 - Production/StableThe IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python
robotframework-browser2225Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework Browser library powered by Playwright. Aiming for speed, reliability and visibility.
pytest-cover2223Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StablePytest plugin for measuring coverage. Forked from `pytest-cov`.
pygeodesy2222Software Development,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS5 - Production/StablePure Python geodesy tools
dict2css2218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA μ-library for constructing cascading style sheets from Python dictionaries.
b22215Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaCommand Line Tool for Backblaze B2
pyrabbit2213Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Pythonic interface to the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API
atc-dataplatform2212Software Development :: Build Tools2 - Pre-AlphaA common set of python libraries for DataBricks
rebulk2208Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRebulk - Define simple search patterns in bulk to perform advanced matching on any string.
mpu2208Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaMartins Python Utilities
flake8-pytest2208Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - Alphapytest assert checker plugin for flake8
simple-rest-client2205Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaSimple REST client for python 3.5+
codetiming2199Education,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA flexible, customizable timer for your Python code
django-memoize2191Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn implementation of memoization technique for Django.
topggpy2188Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA simple API wrapper for written in Python.
geonamescache2186Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGeonames data for continents, cities and US states.
spyder2181Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableScientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
amqplib2178Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaClient library for AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)
markdown-include2175Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableThis is an extension to Python-Markdown which provides an "include" function, similar to that found in LaTeX (and also the C pre-processor and Fortran). I originally wrote it for my FORD Fortran auto-documentation generator.
seleniumbase2173Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Utilities5 - Production/StableA complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
pytest-docker-compose2172Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableManages Docker containers during your integration tests
django-admin-interface2171Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/Stabledjango-admin-interface is a modern responsive flat admin interface customizable by the admin itself.
moz-sql-parser2167Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaExtract Parse Tree from SQL
nosexcover2165Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaExtends nose.plugins.cover to add Cobertura-style XML reports
ibm-watson2161Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks4 - BetaClient library to use the IBM Watson Services
snoop2159Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusPowerful debugging tools for Python
pytenable2159Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks3 - AlphaPython library to interface into Tenable's products and applications
ast-decompiler2156Software DevelopmentNo statusPython module to decompile AST to Python code
tkinterextensions2156Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaStrongly typed widgets and event with multiple built in helper functions to speed up development.
graphene-sqlalchemy-filter2152Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusFilters for Graphene SQLAlchemy integration
voila2148Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableServing read-only live Jupyter notebooks
django-admin-tools2144Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA collection of tools for the django administration interface
flake8-absolute-import2144Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/Stableflake8 plugin to require absolute imports
pyamg2137Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
sentinel2136Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCreate sentinel objects, akin to None, NotImplemented, Ellipsis
datalab2132Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGoogle Cloud Datalab
jupyter-bokeh2132Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Jupyter extension for rendering Bokeh content.
fbmessenger2131Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA python library to communicate with the Facebook Messenger API's
pylibjpeg-libjpeg2128Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for libjpeg, with a focus on use as a plugin for for pylibjpeg
pyexcel-webio2124Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA generic request and response interface for pyexcel web extensions.
pylons2124Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePylons Web Framework
sqlalchemy-hana2122Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaSQLAlchemy dialect for SAP HANA Database
null2121Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaImplements the null object pattern.
pytest-regressions2119Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableEasy to use fixtures to write regression tests.
aliyun-python-sdk-rds2116Software Development4 - BetaThe rds module of Aliyun Python sdk.
temp2115Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statustempdir(), tempfile() functions
pytest-mpl2115Software Development :: Testing,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization4 - Betapytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib
fastrlock2111Software Development5 - Production/StableFast, re-entrant optimistic lock implemented in Cython
requests-ntlm32110Software Development :: Version Control :: Git4 - BetaThe HTTP NTLM proxy and/or server authentication library.
zconfig2109Software Development5 - Production/StableStructured Configuration Library
cov-core2109Software Development :: Testing4 - Betaplugin core for use by pytest-cov, nose-cov and nose2-cov
css-html-js-minify2108Software Development5 - Production/StableCSS HTML JS Minifier
delocate2104Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMove OSX dynamic libraries into package
plyara2103Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableParse YARA rules.
edit-distance2100Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaComputing edit distance on arbitrary Python sequences.
postal-address2098Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaParse, normalize and render postal addresses.
memray2095Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusA memory profiler for Python applications
robotframework-lint2094Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableStatic analysis tool for robotframework plain text files
django-pglocks2093Software Development5 - Production/Stabledjango_pglocks provides useful context managers for advisory locks for PostgreSQL.
pyartifactory2090Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableTyped interactions with the Jfrog Artifactory REST API
eyed32087Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Editors,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython audio data toolkit (ID3 and MP3)
javalang2087Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPure Python Java parser and tools
envelopes2079Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMailing for human beings
pytest-responses2076Software DevelopmentNo statuspy.test integration for responses
simplesqlite2072Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimpleSQLite is a Python library to simplify SQLite database operations: table creation, data insertion and get data as other data formats. Simple ORM functionality for SQLite.
cx-freeze2072Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities5 - Production/StableCreate standalone executables from Python scripts
python-xmp-toolkit2069Multimedia,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython XMP Toolkit for working with metadata.
shiboken62068Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython / C++ bindings helper module
python-arq2067Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableAsynchronous Python Wrapper For A.R.Q API.
google-cloud-pipeline-components2062Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThis SDK enables a set of First Party (Google owned) pipeline components that allow users to take their experience from Vertex AI SDK and other Google Cloud services and create a corresponding pipeline using KFP or Managed Pipelines.
lib-detect-testenv2059Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stabledetects if pytest or doctest or pyrunner on pycharm is running
flask-redis2058Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRedis Extension for Flask Applications
apischema2052Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON (de)serialization, *GraphQL* and JSON schema generation using Python typing.
flask-jwt2052Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJWT token authentication for Flask apps
public2050Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Beta@public decorator, public(*objects) function - add objects names to __all__
aioredlock2048Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAsyncio implemetation of Redis distributed locks
clustershell2044Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableClusterShell library and tools
otel-extensions2043Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statusPython extensions for OpenTelemetry
alphabet-detector2041Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library to detect what alphabet something is written in.
python-youtube2040Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Python wrapper around for YouTube Data API.
tlslite-ng2040Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - BetaPure python implementation of SSL and TLS.
testslide2038Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: BDD,Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit5 - Production/StableA test framework for Python that makes mocking and iterating over code with tests a breeze
rockset2038Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Shells,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search4 - BetaRockset Python Client and `rock` CLI
fugue2036Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn abstraction layer for distributed computation
bitmath2036Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities5 - Production/StablePythonic module for representing and manipulating file sizes with different prefix notations.
behave-django2035Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaBehave BDD integration for Django
sparkpickle2028Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaProvides functions for reading SequenceFile-s with Python pickles.
rehash2028Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableResumable hashlib: a picklable interface to CPython's OpenSSL-based hashlib standard library
rpm-vercmp2026Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaPure Python implementation of rpmvercmp
pigweed2025Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusPigweed Python modules
esmre2022Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing4 - BetaRegular expression accelerator
dopamine-rl2021Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDopamine: A framework for flexible Reinforcement Learning research
django-session-security2020Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient and server side session timeout with warnings
python-lokalise-api2020Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOfficial Python interface for the Lokalise API v2
webhelpers2014Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWeb Helpers
robotframework-assertion-engine2011Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaGeneric way to create meaningful and easy to use assertions for the Robot Framework libraries.
django-ajax-selects2009Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableEdit ForeignKey, ManyToManyField and CharField in Django Admin using jQuery UI AutoComplete.
domaintools-api2007Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities6 - MatureDomainTools' Official Python API
fitter2007Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA tool to fit data to many distributions and best one(s)
cmreshandler2004Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Logging4 - BetaElasticsearch Log handler for the logging library
testlink-api-python-client1998Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPython XML-RPC client for TestLink 1.9.10
woocommerce1997Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for the WooCommerce REST API
pyobjc-framework-pubsub1995Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PubSub on macOS
pyrate-limiter1987Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusPython Rate-Limiter using Leaky-Bucket Algorimth Family
sphinxemoji1983Documentation,Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaAn extension to use emoji codes in your Sphinx documentation
pyld1982Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython implementation of the JSON-LD API
zodbpickle1980Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFork of Python 3 pickle module.
mkdocs-include-markdown-plugin1977Software Development :: Documentation,Documentation,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown5 - Production/StableMkdocs Markdown includer plugin.
androguard1976Security,Software Development,UtilitiesNo statusAndroguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
django-background-tasks1976Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDatabase backed asynchronous task queue
weblib1975Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSet of tools for web scraping projects
weberror1975Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWeb Error handling and exception catching
traceback-with-variables1975Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusAdds variables to python traceback. Simple, lightweight, controllable. Debug reasons of exceptions by pretty printing variable contexts for each frame in a stacktrace, showing every value. Dump locals environments after errors to console, files, and loggers.
django-revproxy1974Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableYet another Django reverse proxy application.
colcon-core1973Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCommand line tool to build sets of software packages.
adbutils1970Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPure Python Adb Library
slimit1968Software Development :: CompilersNo statusSlimIt - JavaScript minifier
adyen1966Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdyen Python Api
aliyun-python-sdk-vpc1965Software Development4 - BetaThe vpc module of Aliyun Python sdk.
aurora-data-api1965Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Python DB-API 2.0 client for the AWS Aurora Serverless Data API
arize1965Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA helper library to interact with Arize AI APIs
choice1960Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaEasy request and response GUI for Python
effdet1959Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaEfficientDet for PyTorch
localstack-plugin-loader1959Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableThe dynamic code loading framework used in LocalStack
ibm-watson-machine-learning1957Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Internet5 - Production/StableIBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
django-guid1956Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMiddleware that makes a request GUID available from anywhere and injects it into your logs.
lesscpy1956Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Pre-processors5 - Production/StablePython LESS compiler
jsonrpcserver1955Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON-RPC 2.0 server library for Python 3
translate-toolkit1954Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization5 - Production/StableTools and API for translation and localization engineering.
sqlacodegen1953Database,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableAutomatic model code generator for SQLAlchemy
multiprocessing1940Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableBackport of the multiprocessing package to Python 2.4 and 2.5
tmdbv3api1938Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA lightweight Python library for The Movie Database (TMDb) API.
pygtail1935Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaReads log file lines that have not been read.
flup1935Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRandom assortment of WSGI servers, middleware
sphinx-jsonschema1934Software Development :: Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx4 - BetaSphinx extension to display JSON Schema
aioextensions1929Software Development :: Libraries6 - MatureNone
tf-agents1927Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTF-Agents: A Reinforcement Learning Library for TensorFlow
cbapi1927Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCarbon Black REST API Python Bindings
mkdocstrings-python1925Documentation,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaA Python handler for mkdocstrings.
unrar1924Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Compression4 - BetaWrapper for UnRAR library, ctypes-based.
trie1921Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython implementation of the Ethereum Trie structure
softlayer1913Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA library for SoftLayer's API
xpinyin1913Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTranslate Chinese hanzi to pinyin (拼音) by Python, 汉字转拼音
x-wr-timezone1911Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python module and program to convert calendars using X-WR-TIMEZONE to standard ones.
pandas-vet1910Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance2 - Pre-AlphaA flake8 plugin to lint pandas in an opinionated way
pgsanity1910Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaCheck syntax of sql for PostgreSQL
javascriptpy1910Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusThis package lets you use Javascript like objects in python.
python-gettext1908Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: LocalizationNo statusPython Gettext po to mo file compiler.
pybedtools1907Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWrapper around BEDTools for bioinformatics work
pyvisa-py1905Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython VISA bindings for GPIB, RS232, and USB instruments
planout1904Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePlanOut is a framework for online field experimentation.
django-bitfield1902Software DevelopmentNo statusBitField in Django
mssql-cli1901Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCLI for SQL Server Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
windows-curses1901Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSupport for the standard curses module on Windows
django-defender1899Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Security,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaredis based Django app that locks out users after too many failed login attempts.
traits1894Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableObservable typed attributes for Python classes
pytest-recording1886Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin that allows you recording of network interactions via
pytest-expect1877Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapy.test plugin to store test expectations and mark tests based on them
pylibjpeg-openjpeg1876Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for openjpeg, with a focus on use as a plugin for for pylibjpeg
fastapi-sqlalchemy1874Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds simple SQLAlchemy support to FastAPI
aiodogstatsd1873Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn asyncio-based client for sending metrics to StatsD with support of DogStatsD extension
soccernet1872Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaSoccerNet SDK
datashape1871Software Development3 - AlphaA data description language.
logfury1869Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging6 - Mature('Toolkit for responsible, low-boilerplate logging of library method calls',)
ipcalc1866Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableIP subnet calculator
utilmy1855Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis3 - Alphautils
returns1854Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaMake your functions return something meaningful, typed, and safe!
configupdater1853Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableParser like ConfigParser but for updating configuration files
fabric21853Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableHigh level SSH command execution
pillow-heif1849Software Development,Multimedia :: GraphicsNo statusPython 3.6+ interface to libheif library
colcon-ros1849Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to support ROS packages.
chatterbot-voice1846Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA voice interface adapter for ChatterBot.
fastapi-jwt-auth1845Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support
pyclustering1845Education,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/Stablepyclustring is a python data mining library
sqlalchemy-api-handler1842Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application for handle apis.
pyobjc-framework-qtkit1842Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework QTKit on macOS
pygerrit21840Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient library for interacting with Gerrit's REST API
pytest-unordered1837Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities4 - BetaTest equality of unordered collections in pytest
qtawesome1831Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaFontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications
azure-cognitiveservices-speech1830Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
flake8-pylint1825Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableFlake8 plugin that runs PyLint.
environ-config1825Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBoilerplate-free configuration with env variables.
pysqlite31825Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDB-API 2.0 interface for Sqlite 3.x
unicode-slugify1823Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA slug generator that turns strings into unicode slugs.
dynamo-json1821Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaSwap between DynamoDB JSON and normal JSON
flask-injector1821Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableAdds Injector, a Dependency Injection framework, support to Flask.
flake8-annotations-coverage1820Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA flake8 extension that checks for type annotations coverage
click-shell1820Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn extension to click that easily turns your click app into a shell utility
awkward1818Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableManipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
selection1817Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAPI to extract content from HTML & XML documents
django-fsm-log1817Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLogging for django-fsm
shared-memory381817Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusBackport of multiprocessing.shared_memory in Python 3.8
rasa-core1814Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaMachine learning based dialogue engine for conversational software.
colcon-cmake1814Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to support CMake packages.
basemap1811Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePlot data on map projections with matplotlib
arcgis1811Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableArcGIS API for Python
ssdeep1811Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython wrapper for the ssdeep library
littlefs-python1810Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Filesystems3 - AlphaA python wrapper for littlefs
polygon-geohasher1807Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWrapper over Shapely that returns the set of geohashes that form a Polygon
circleclient1806Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaPython client for CircleCI API
qpd1805Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaQuery Pandas Using SQL
cornac1800Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StableA Comparative Framework for Multimodal Recommender Systems
flask-gzip1795Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCompress responses in your Flask app with gzip.
flake8-functions-names1794Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusAn extension for flake8 that validates functions names, decomposition and conformity with annotations.
pychromecast1793Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython module to talk to Google Chromecast.
mistletoe1791Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup3 - AlphaA fast, extensible Markdown parser in pure Python.
mo-logs1789Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMore Logs! Structured Logging and Exception Handling
django-jazzmin1788Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDrop-in theme for django admin, that utilises AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4 to make yo' admin look jazzy
mo-kwargs1785Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMore KWARGS! Let call parameters override kwargs
spark-tensorflow-distributor1780Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git1 - PlanningThis package helps users do distributed training with TensorFlow on their Spark clusters.
assemblyline-client1776Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAssemblyline v4 client library
ipytest1773Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaUnit tests in IPython notebooks.
robotfixml1770Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA tool for fixing broken Robot Framework output files
frozen-flask1770Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFreezes a Flask application into a set of static files.
gtts-token1769Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Speech,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusCalculates a token to run the Google Translate text to speech
riotwatcher1769Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Games/Entertainment :: Real Time Strategy,Games/Entertainment :: Role-PlayingNo statusRiotWatcher is a thin wrapper on top of the Riot Games API for League of Legends.
console-menu1765Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA simple console menu system
flake8-literal1765Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusFlake8 string literal validation
hdf5plugin1764Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHDF5 Plugins for windows,MacOS and linux
colcon-test-result1763Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide information about the test results.
torchfile1763Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableTorch7 binary serialized file parser
ssort1763Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableThe python statement sorter
openapi-python-client1762Software Development :: Code Generators3 - AlphaGenerate modern Python clients from OpenAPI
tiktokapi1761Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaThe Unofficial TikTok API Wrapper in Python 3.
weakrefmethod1761Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA WeakMethod class for storing bound methods using weak references.
pyric1759Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython Wireless Library
spyder-kernels1754Software Development :: Interpreters5 - Production/StableJupyter kernels for Spyder's console
pyside6-essentials1752Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Essentials)
watson-developer-cloud1752Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaClient library to use the IBM Watson Services
pyside6-addons1751Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework (Addons)
pretend1749Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA library for stubbing in Python
python-openid1747Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableOpenID support for servers and consumers.
django-cte1746Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCommon Table Expressions (CTE) for Django
tweak1739Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableApplication configuration engine
sphinxext-opengraph1736Documentation :: Sphinx,Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableSphinx Extension to enable OGP support
eth-brownie1735Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA Python framework for Ethereum smart contract deployment, testing and interaction.
django-cron1731Software DevelopmentNo statusRunning python crons in a Django project
trustme1731System :: Networking,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Testing4 - Beta#1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning tester
colcon-python-setup-py1729Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to support Python packages with the metadata in the file.
babelfish1728Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA module to work with countries and languages
ffn1727Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaFinancial functions for Python
query-string1724Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaquery_string(string) function - get url query string dict
flake8-comments1723Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaFind redundant comments in Python code
twitter-ads1722Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Twitter supported and maintained Ads API SDK for Python.
pyobjc-framework-metal1720Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Metal on macOS
django-dynamic-fixture1714Software DevelopmentNo statusA full library to create dynamic model instances for testing purposes.
starlette-prometheus1713Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePrometheus integration for Starlette
salesforce-api1712Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSalesforce API wrapper
pytest-subprocess1710Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA plugin to fake subprocess for pytest
chess1709Games/Entertainment :: Board Games,Games/Entertainment :: Turn Based Strategy,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pure Python chess library with move generation and validation, Polyglot opening book probing, PGN reading and writing, Gaviota tablebase probing, Syzygy tablebase probing and XBoard/UCI engine communication.
dbus-next1706Desktop Environment :: Gnome,Software Development :: Embedded Systems3 - AlphaA zero-dependency DBus library for Python with asyncio support
colcon-recursive-crawl1705Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to recursively crawl for packages.
adagio1705Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaThe Dag IO Framework for Fugue projects
bottle-websocket1702Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebSockets for bottle
pyecharts1702Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython echarts, make charting easier
colcon-library-path1701Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon adding an environment variable to find libraries.
delta-sharing1701Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython Connector for Delta Sharing
relevanceai1699Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableNone
pyjavaproperties31698Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython 3 replacement for java.util.Properties.
pure-python-adb1697Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPure python implementation of the adb client
hypothesmith1696Software Development :: Testing2 - Pre-AlphaHypothesis strategies for generating Python programs, something like CSmith
robotframework-datadriver1695Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: AcceptanceNo statusA library for Data-Driven Testing.
colcon-pkg-config1693Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon adding an environment variable to find pkg-config files.
dj-email-url1692Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUse an URL to configure email backend settings in your Django Application.
ibm-platform-services1691Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks4 - BetaPython client library for IBM Cloud Platform Services
pyicu-binary1689Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization5 - Production/StablePython extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
pyobjc-framework-soundanalysis1687Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SoundAnalysis on macOS
pyobjc-framework-fileproviderui1687Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework FileProviderUI on macOS
flask-weasyprint1685Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMake PDF in your Flask app with WeasyPrint.
pyobjc-framework-devicecheck1684Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DeviceCheck on macOS
pyobjc-framework-linkpresentation1684Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework LinkPresentation on macOS
pyobjc-framework-quicklookthumbnailing1683Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework QuickLookThumbnailing on macOS
pyobjc-framework-corehaptics1682Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreHaptics on macOS
colcon-output1680Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to customize the output in various ways.
rq-dashboard1680Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - Betarq-dashboard is a general purpose, lightweight, web interface to monitor your RQ queues, jobs, and workers in realtime.
pyobjc-framework-executionpolicy1678Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ExecutionPolicy on macOS
pyobjc-framework-audiovideobridging1677Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AudioVideoBridging on macOS
pyobjc-framework-pencilkit1676Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PencilKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-coremotion1676Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreMotion on macOS
leveldb1675Database,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython bindings for leveldb database library
flask-discord1670Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDiscord OAuth2 extension for Flask.
colcon-package-selection1668Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to select the packages to process.
pyswagger1668Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA type-safe, dynamic, spec-compliant swagger client for python
notify21667Desktop Environment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython interface to DBus notifications
pytest-pgsql1667Database,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePytest plugins and helpers for tests using a Postgres database.
deserialize1666Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA library to make deserialization easy.
globus-sdk1663Communications :: File Sharing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGlobus SDK for Python
zdesk1661Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableZendesk API generated directly from
wtforms-alchemy1661Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models.
btsocket1660System :: Hardware,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Home Automation,Education3 - AlphaPython library for BlueZ Bluetooth Management API
lcov-cobertura1659Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableLCOV to Cobertura XML converter
pysqslistener1658Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaA simple Python SQS utility package
colcon-package-information1657Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to output package information.
pyobjc-framework-fileprovider1656Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework FileProvider on macOS
colcon-defaults1655Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to read defaults from a config file.
apyori1655Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple Apriori algorithm Implementation.
colcon-powershell1655Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide PowerShell scripts.
pyboolector1653Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper around the Boolector SMT solver
numpy-stl1653Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureLibrary to make reading, writing and modifying both binary and ascii STL files easy.
zxcvbn-python1652Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython implementation of Dropbox's realistic password strength estimator, zxcvbn
colcon-metadata1651Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to read package metadata from files.
keras-mxnet1650Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDeep Learning for humans. Keras with highly scalable, high performant Apache MXNet backend support.
pycli1648Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableSimple, object-oriented approach to Python CLI apps
ahrs1648Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaAttitude and Heading Reference Systems.
datashader1644Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableData visualization toolchain based on aggregating into a grid
colcon-bash1643Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide Bash scripts.
pyobjc-framework-metalkit1642Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MetalKit on macOS
aquests1642Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaAsynchronous Multiplexing HTTP2/DBO Requests
msedge-selenium-tools1641Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn updated EdgeDriver implementation for Selenium 3 with newly-added support for Microsoft Edge (Chromium).
requests-auth1639Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaEasy Authentication for Requests
colcon-parallel-executor1638Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to process packages in parallel.
django-bootstrap-form1637Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusdjango-bootstrap-form
pybetter1635Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities3 - AlphaTool for fixing trivial problems with your code.
pysnow1635Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython library for the ServiceNow REST API
spf2ip1634Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module to get IP addresses from an SPF record
peewee-migrate1631Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA simple migration engine for Peewee ORM
redislite1630Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaRedis built into a python package
deluge-client1630Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple Deluge Client
pingparsing1629Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - Betapingparsing is a python library of parsing ping command output.
oslash1628Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaØ for Python 3.4
colcon-notification1628Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide status notifications.
flake8-unused-arguments1627Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusflake8 extension to warn on unused function arguments
pyobjc-framework-coremidi1626Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CoreMIDI on macOS
cacheout1624Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA caching library for Python
rule-engine1623Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThis project provides a library for creating general purpose "Rule" objects from a logical expression which can then be applied to arbitrary objects to evaluate whether or not they match.
pontos1621Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCommon utilities and tools maintained by Greenbone Networks
m2cgen1620Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCode-generation for various ML models into native code.
rst2ansi1619Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities4 - BetaA rst converter to ansi-decorated console output
backoff-utils1616Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython functions and decorators for various backoff/retry strategies
zoomus1613Internet,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython client library for REST API
money1613Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython Money Class
pyobjc-framework-metalperformanceshaders1611Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShaders on macOS
itk-core1611Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
sanic-plugins-framework1611Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDoing all of the boilerplate to create a Sanic Plugin, so you don't have to.
mock-ssh-server1610Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaMock SSH server for testing purposes
captcha-solver1609Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUniversal API to captcha solving services
mne1609Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusMNE python project for MEG and EEG data analysis.
nbqa1609Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaRun any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook
mws1609Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks2 - Pre-AlphaPython library for interacting with the Amazon MWS API
paypalhttp1609Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusNone
autohooks-plugin-black1608Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn autohooks plugin for python code formatting via black
coconut-develop1608Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
pyobjc-framework-authenticationservices1607Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AuthenticationServices on macOS
pyobjc-framework-systemextensions1607Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework SystemExtensions on macOS
gmpy21607Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betagmpy2 interface to GMP/MPIR, MPFR, and MPC for Python 2.7 and 3.5+
django-post-office1606Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously, complete with template support.
javascript1606Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCall and interop Node.js APIs with Python
triad1605Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA collection of python utils for Fugue projects
sift1604Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython bindings for Sift Science's API
pyobjc-framework-pushkit1604Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PushKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-oslog1603Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework OSLog on macOS
srt1600Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing5 - Production/StableA tiny library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files.
pyap1599Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaLibrary for detecting and parsing addresses. Currently supports US and Canadian addresses.
pytest-depends1599Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaTests that depend on other tests
colcon-devtools1598Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide information about all extension points and extensions
pyobjc-framework-automaticassessmentconfiguration1597Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration on macOS
mygeotab1597Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaAn unofficial Python client for the MyGeotab API
flake8-mypy1597Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaA plugin for flake8 integrating mypy.
pyobjc-framework-speech1596Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Speech on macOS
construct-typing1595Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators3 - AlphaExtension for the python package 'construct' that adds typing features
localconfig1594Software Development5 - Production/StableA simplified interface to ConfigParser using dot notion with data type / comment support.
google-cloud-notebooks1591Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
colcon-common-extensions1591Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaMeta package aggregating colcon-core and common extensions.
django-weasyprint1591Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango WeasyPrint CBV
flakehell1584Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableFlake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
redis-lua1583Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA set of tools to ease LUA scripting when dealing with Redis.
pybatfish1582Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython API and utilities for Batfish
pipe1581Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableModule enablig a sh like infix syntax (using pipes)
pdfnetpython31581Software Development5 - Production/StablePDFNetPython3 Wrapper
jsoncomment1581Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Editors :: Text Processing4 - BetaA wrapper to JSON parsers allowing comments, multiline strings and trailing commas
earthengine-api1580Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaEarth Engine Python API
stemming1580Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StablePython implementations of various stemming algorithms.
avocado-framework1579Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAvocado Test Framework
colcon-zsh1577Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to provide Z shell scripts.
xsdata1573Software Development :: Code Generators,Text Processing :: Markup :: XMLNo statusPython XML Binding
nwdiag1569Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup3 - Alphanwdiag generate network-diagram image file from spec-text file.
autohooks1569Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git4 - BetaLibrary for managing git hooks
dynamorm1568Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaDynamORM is a Python object & relation mapping library for Amazon's DynamoDB service.
spotify-token1566Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusPython wrapper for Spotify Webplayer access token
frida-tools1565Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFrida CLI tools
payload-api1563Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePayload Python Library
django-admin-inline-paginator1563Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThe "Django Admin Inline Paginator" is simple way to paginate your inline in django admin
zodb1563Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusZope Object Database: object database and persistence
roblox1562Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: LibrariesNo is a modern object-oriented asynchronous Python wrapper for the Roblox web API.
flask-security-too1561Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple security for Flask apps.
python-sonarqube-api1561Software Development5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for the SonarQube API.
phabricator1560Software DevelopmentNo statusPhabricator API Bindings
bzt1558Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation5 - Production/StableTaurus Tool for Continuous Testing
rmtest1557Database,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaRedis Module Testing Utility
colcon-argcomplete1551Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCompletion for colcon command lines using argcomplete.
py-dateutil1548Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableExtensions to the standard Python datetime module
colcon-cd1547Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA shell function for colcon to change the current working directory.
interruptingcow1545Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring,Utilities3 - AlphaA watchdog that interrupts long running code.
avionix1541Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA package for soldifying kubernetes structure and development by using objects and code rather than yaml
flaskytornado1539Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA microframework based on Tornado and Flask and good intentions
ufmt1536Software Development :: Version Control,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,Utilities5 - Production/StableSafe, atomic formatting with black and µsort
py3dns1536Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython 3 DNS library
helpdev1533Documentation,Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaHelpDev - Information collector to help users and developers when reporting
paver1533Documentation,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities5 - Production/StableEasy build, distribution and deployment scripting
plone1531Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe Plone Content Management System
sweeps1530Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWeights and Biases Hyperparameter Sweeps Engine.
kwarray1529Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaNone
logilab-astng1527Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusrebuild a new abstract syntax tree from Python's ast
flake8-no-implicit-concat1526Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusFlake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
aistac-foundation1525Adaptive Technologies,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAugmented Intent Single Task Adaptive Components
carbon-black-cloud-sdk1524Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusVMware Carbon Black Cloud Python SDK
walkscore-api1524Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaUnofficial Python bindings for the WalkScore API
sklearn2pmml1524Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StablePython library for converting Scikit-Learn pipelines to PMML
expects1523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableExpressive and extensible TDD/BDD assertion library for Python
ubelt1521Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA "utility belt" of commonly needed utility and helper functions
pytest-expecter1519Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableBetter testing with expecter and pytest.
python-ulid1519Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableUniversally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier
django-registration1518Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn extensible user-registration application for Django
dennis1518Software Development :: Localization5 - Production/StableUtilities for working with gettext PO and POT files to ease development and improve localization quality
baron1517Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaFull Syntax Tree for python to make writing refactoring code a realist task
arq1515Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaJob queues in python with asyncio, redis and msgpack.
pytest-progress1511Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - Betapytest plugin for instant test progress status
robotframework-robocop1509Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities5 - Production/StableStatic code analysis tool (linter) for Robot Framework
html-sanitizer1509Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development5 - Production/StableHTML sanitizer
flask-excel1509Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA flask extension that provides one application programming interface to read and write data in different excel file formats
ete31508Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - MatureA Python Environment for (phylogenetic) Tree Exploration
telepot1508Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython framework for Telegram Bot API
pyperf1507Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module to run and analyze benchmarks
fugue-sql-antlr1507Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFugue SQL Antlr Parser
dis31506Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython 2.7 backport of the "dis" module from Python 3.5+
concurrentloghandler1506Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableConcurrent logging handler (drop-in replacement for RotatingFileHandler) Python 2.4+
pypeg21503Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn intrinsic PEG Parser-Interpreter for Python
poetry-version1503Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules7 - InactivePython library for extracting version from poetry pyproject.toml file (deprecated)
urllib3-mock1503Software DevelopmentNo statusA utility library for mocking out the `urllib3` Python library.
axe-selenium-python1501Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statusPython library to integrate axe and selenium for web accessibility testing.
python-vxi111498Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Networking4 - BetaPython VXI-11 driver for controlling instruments over Ethernet
arthurai1498Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StablePython SDK for ArthurAI
python-iptables1491Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StablePython bindings for iptables
pylint-protobuf1491Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaA plugin for making Pylint aware of the fields of protobuf-generated classes
import-ipynb1486Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaImports A.ipynb into B.ipynb
sarge1484Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA wrapper for subprocess which provides command pipeline functionality.
maya1480Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDatetimes for Humans.
progressbar331476Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals5 - Production/StableText progress bar library for Python.
itk-numerics1476Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
pytest-xprocess1475Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaA pytest plugin for managing processes across test runs.
gcg1473Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities3 - AlphaGit Changelog Generator
box2d-py1472Software Development :: Libraries :: pygame,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython Box2D
a2ml1469Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA powerful API to Automate Machine Learning workflows from multiple vendors.
tuspy1466Communications :: File Sharing,Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Python client for the tus resumable upload protocol ->
django-common-helpers1465Software DevelopmentNo statusCommon things every Django app needs!
coinbase1465Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIntegration Library for the Coinbase API
dm-reverb-nightly1465Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaReverb is an efficient and easy-to-use data storage and transport system designed for machine learning research.
autohooks-plugin-pylint1464Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn autohooks plugin for python code linting via pylint
azdev1461Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableMicrosoft Azure CLI Developer Tools
nameko1459Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability.
3to21459Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRefactors valid 3.x syntax into valid 2.x syntax, if a syntactical conversion is possible
itk-io1458Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
mypy-zope1456Software Development3 - AlphaPlugin for mypy to support zope interfaces
apprise1453Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePush Notifications that work with just about every platform!
dbnd-gcp1451Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
itk1448Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
shelljob1448Software Development :: Build Tools,System,Terminals4 - BetaRun multiple subprocesses asynchronous/in parallel with streamed output/non-blocking reading
allpairspy1448Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StablePairwise test combinations generator
sqlalchemy-citext1447Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA sqlalchemy plugin that allows postgres use of CITEXT.
evaluate1444Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningA tool to evaluate the performance of various machine learning algorithms and preprocessing steps on a given task to find a good baseline.
pyrasite1443Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaInject code into a running Python process
robotframework-archivelibrary1440Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework keyword library for handling ZIP files
pytest-emoji1439Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin that adds emojis to your test result report
coala-bears1439Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaBears for coala (Code Analysis Application)
iterative-stratification1438Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusPackage that provides scikit-learn compatible cross validators with stratification for multilabel data
twitchio1434Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusAn asynchronous Python IRC and API wrapper for Twitch.
authorizenet1434Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaAuthorize.Net Python SDK
django-slowtests1433Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: TestingNo statuslocate your slowest tests
google-cloud-testutils1432Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
itk-filtering1432Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
lepl1431Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: General,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Parser Library for Python 3 (and 2.6): Recursive Descent; Full Backtracking
ixnetwork-restpy1429Software Development5 - Production/StableIxNetwork REST API Python Client
datapane1428Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaDatapane client library and CLI tool
robotframework-httplibrary1420Software Development :: TestingNo statusRobot Framework keywords for HTTP requests
pyodata1414Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEnterprise ready Python OData client
pyagrum1413Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableBayesian networks and other Probabilistic Graphical Models.
logging-json1413Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableJSON formatter for python logging
django-robots1413Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableRobots exclusion application for Django, complementing Sitemaps.
pyobjc-framework-metalperformanceshadersgraph1411Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShadersGraph on macOS
sigopt1411Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSigOpt Python API Client
valid81409Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableYet another validation lib ;). Provides tools for general-purpose variable validation, function inputs/outputs validation as well as class fields validation. All entry points raise consistent ValidationError including all contextual details, with dynamic inheritance of ValueError/TypeError as appropriate.
zeo1407Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusZEO - Single-server client-server database server for ZODB
redbaron1407Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaAbstraction on top of baron, a FST for python to make writing refactoring code a realistic task
pyobjc-framework-apptrackingtransparency1405Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AppTrackingTransparency on macOS
cloudrail-knowledge1405Security,Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCloudrail's package for security rules
pyjavaproperties1404Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython replacement for java.util.Properties.
pyobjc-framework-mlcompute1401Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MLCompute on macOS
pyobjc-framework-callkit1401Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework CallKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-usernotificationsui1401Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework UserNotificationsUI on macOS
pyobjc-framework-screentime1400Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ScreenTime on macOS
pyobjc-framework-kernelmanagement1399Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework KernelManagement on macOS
pyobjc-framework-uniformtypeidentifiers1398Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework UniformTypeIdentifiers on macOS
cli-pipeline1397Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StablePipelineAI CLI
elasticmock1394Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython Elasticsearch Mock for test purposes
httpsig1393Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSecure HTTP request signing using the HTTP Signature draft specification
pytest-monkeytype1391Software Development,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapytest-monkeytype: Generate Monkeytype annotations from your pytest tests.
awsretry1391Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableDecorate your AWS Boto3 Calls with AWSRetry.backoff(). This will allows your calls to get around the AWS Eventual Consistency Errors.
flanker1391Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaMailgun Parsing Tools
pytest-console-scripts1388Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPytest plugin for testing console scripts
pytest-flakes1387Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepytest plugin to check source code with pyflakes
pyobjc-framework-adservices1387Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework AdServices on macOS
pydantic-vault1387Internet,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple extension to Pydantic BaseSettings that can retrieve secrets from Hashicorp Vault
pinecone-client1386Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPinecone client and SDK
metayaml1382Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaEnhancements of yaml format to support include and python expression
ip3country1382Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusA zero-dependency, local, fast, tiny ip-address to country lookup
flask-paginate1381Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple paginate support for flask
tempdir1381Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaTempdirs are temporary directories, based on tempfile.mkdtemp
zhinst1380Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython API for Zurich Instruments Devices
klio-audio1376Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing3 - AlphaLibrary for audio-related Klio transforms and helpers
klio1376Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing3 - AlphaConventions for Python + Apache Beam
klio-exec1376Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing3 - AlphaComponent of klio project that reduces boilerplate while \ writing YAML-config-driven, Dockerized python Beam pipelines\ - probably for audio processing.
klio-core1376Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing3 - AlphaCore klio library for common functionality
pybuilder1376Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stable[PyBuilder — an easy-to-use build automation tool for Python](
html-slacker1375Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusConverts HTML to Slack formatted markdown
plivo1375Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python SDK to make voice calls & send SMS using Plivo and to generate Plivo XML
pydeps1375Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDisplay module dependencies
cucumber-tag-expressions1374Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaProvides tag-expression parser for cucumber/behave
pytest-tornasync1371Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphapy.test plugin for testing Python 3.5+ Tornado code
pyspf1367Communications :: Email :: Filters,Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSPF (Sender Policy Framework) implemented in Python.
pytest-pudb1367Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaPytest PuDB debugger integration
statsig1365Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusStatsig Python Server SDK
observable1364Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableminimalist event system
tox-factor1363Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaRun tox testenvs that match a given factor
alerta1362Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAlerta unified command-line tool and SDK
phx-class-registry1361Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFactory+Registry pattern for Python classes.
restfly1360Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableA library to make API wrappers creation easier
itk-segmentation1360Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
pgcli1358Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCLI for Postgres Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
chromedriver-binary-auto1358Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableInstaller for chromedriver.
django-graphiql-debug-toolbar1358Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaDjango Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE.
elasticecshandler1356System :: Logging,Software Development :: Libraries,Internet :: Log Analysis5 - Production/StableElasticsearch ECS Log handler for the logging library
flake8-requirements1355Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusPackage requirements checker, plugin for flake8
azureml-model-management-sdk1355Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMicrosoft Azure Machine Learning Python SDK for authoring web services
aioredis-cluster1352Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableRedis Cluster support extension for aioredis
purl1351Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn immutable URL class for easy URL-building and manipulation
django-queryinspect1350Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango Query Inspector
sqlalchemy-clickhouse1350Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClickHouse SQLAlchemy Dialect
ai-transformersx1348Software Development :: Build Tools3 - Alphatools for using huggingface/transformers more easily
pygrib1345Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython module for reading/writing GRIB files
flynt1344Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusCLI tool to convert a python project's %-formatted strings to f-strings.
pytest-faker1343Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities6 - MatureFaker integration with the pytest framework.
autogluon1341Software Development,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition4 - BetaAutoML for Image, Text, and Tabular Data
imgtool1340Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaMCUboot's image signing and key management
adafruit-nrfutil1340System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusPython 3 version of Nordic Semiconductor nrfutil utility and Python library (modified by Adafruit)
tox-conda1339Software Development :: Testing4 - Betatox plugin that provides integration with conda
humanreadable1337Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing3 - AlphaDESCRIPTION
thriftpy1336Software Development3 - AlphaPure python implemention of Apache Thrift.
django-jet1336Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableModern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality
tflite-support1336Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTFLite Support is a toolkit that helps users to develop ML and deploy TFLite models onto mobile devices.
randomwords1335Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA useful module for a random text, e-mails and lorem ipsum.
seqdiag1333Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup3 - Alphaseqdiag generate sequence-diagram image file from spec-text file.
google-cloud-private-ca1331Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
itk-registration1329Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaITK is an open-source toolkit for multidimensional image analysis
django-apscheduler1328Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAPScheduler for Django
pyobjc-framework-replaykit1326Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ReplayKit on macOS
sqlalchemy-utc1326Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development4 - BetaSQLAlchemy type to store aware datetime values
essential-generators1326Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaGenerate fake data for application testing based on simple but flexible templates.
buildbot1326Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableThe Continuous Integration Framework
pyobjc-framework-classkit1326Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ClassKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-passkit1324Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework PassKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-virtualization1323Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Virtualization on macOS
py-zipkin1322Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaLibrary for using Zipkin in Python.
versiontools1322Software Development :: Version Control5 - Production/StableSmart replacement for plain tuple used in __version__
django-qr-code1321Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableAn application that provides tools for displaying QR codes on your Django site.
pyobjc-framework-accessibility1320Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Accessibility on macOS
qualname1318Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Beta__qualname__ emulation for older Python versions
flask-bouncer1317Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask Simple Declarative Authentication based on Ryan Bates excellent cancan library
pycpfcnpj1316Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module for brazilian register numbers for persons (CPF) and companies (CNPJ).
opencc1315Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableConversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
ctypesgen1313Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Pre-processors4 - BetaPython wrapper generator for ctypes
redshift-tool1313Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaElegant data load from Pandas to Redshift
mox31312Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaMock object framework for Python
iminuit1311Software Development,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics5 - Production/StableJupyter-friendly Python frontend for MINUIT2 in C++
djangocms-link1311Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds a link plugin to django CMS
securesystemslib1310Security,Software Development4 - BetaA library that provides cryptographic and general-purpose routines for Secure Systems Lab projects at NYU
filemagic1309Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python API for libmagic, the library behind the Unix file command
pyfields1308Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDefine fields in python classes. Easily.
mixpanel-api31306Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython3 Version of mixpanel-api. A utilities-only module for exporting and importing data into Mixpanel via their APIs. This is NOT for server-side app tracking.
arctic1305Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaAHL Research Versioned TimeSeries and Tick store
flask-classful1304Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaClass based views for Flask
pygls1303Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphaa pythonic generic language server (pronounced like "pie glass").
py3amf1302Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAMF support for Python
helium1301Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableLighter browser automation based on Selenium.
subprocrunner1299Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Python wrapper library for subprocess module.
django-markdownx1298Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - BetaSimple markdown editor (with live preview and images uploads) built for Django
js-regex1294Software Development :: Testing,Text Processing4 - BetaA thin compatibility layer to use Javascript regular expressions in Python
pynsca1294Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring3 - AlphaSimple Python interface to Nagios Service Check Architecture
pytest-pycodestyle1293Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphapytest plugin to run pycodestyle
dbnd-airflow-auto-tracking1293Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
pyreact1292Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython bridge to JSX & the React JavaScript library.
cpufeature1291Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware3 - AlphaPython CPU Feature Detection
dbnd-airflow-export1290Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
aldryn-django1290Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
pylint-fail-under1289Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaPylint wrapper that verifies code reaches a minimum quality score.
pyshacl1289Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython SHACL Validator
cppheaderparser1289Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Disassemblers5 - Production/StableParse C++ header files and generate a data structure representing the class
authres1289Communications :: Email :: Filters,Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableauthres - Authentication Results Header Module
vcrpy-unittest1288Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPython unittest integration for
cmakelint1287Software DevelopmentNo statusStatic code checker for CMake files
nh-currency1285Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA python library to convert currency, prettify price and get various currency info
genbadge1285Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGenerate badges for tools that do not provide one.
versioningit1283Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control,Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,Software Development :: Version Control :: Mercurial4 - BetaVersioning It with your Version In Git
django-smtp-ssl1282Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSMTP SSL email backend for Django
pygount1280Software Development4 - Betacount source lines of code (SLOC) using pygments
autodoc-pydantic1280Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: DocumentationNo statusSeamlessly integrate pydantic models in your Sphinx documentation.
cloudmesh-common1278Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA set of useful APIs for cloudmesh
nipyapi1278Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaNifi-Python-Api: A convenient Python wrapper for the Apache NiFi Rest API
aliyun-python-sdk-actiontrail1276Software Development4 - BetaThe actiontrail module of Aliyun Python sdk.
cyclonedx-bom1274Security,Software Development,System :: Software DistributionNo statusCycloneDX software bill-of-material (SBOM) generation utility
pubchempy1273Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Python wrapper around the PubChem PUG REST API.
django-nested-inline1272Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRecursive nesting of inline forms for Django Admin
pretty-bad-protocol1270Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for GnuPG
cloud-tpu-client1267Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient for using Cloud TPUs
flask-uwsgi-websocket1266Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusHigh-performance WebSockets for your Flask apps powered by uWSGI.
django-debug-toolbar-request-history1265Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRequest History Panel for Django Debug Toolbar
inflector1262Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUNKNOWN
base58check1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaBase58check encoding and decoding of binary data
cheetah1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Text Processing5 - Production/StableCheetah is a template engine and code generation tool.
office365-rest-client1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOffice 365 Library for Python
radish-bdd1259Education :: Testing,Software Development,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableBehaviour-Driven-Development tool for python
django-stdimage1258Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Software Development5 - Production/StableDjango Standarized Image Field
environ1257Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaStack Based Globals Management
awesomeversion1255Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOne version package to rule them all, One version package to find them, One version package to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
rst2pdf1255Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaConvert restructured text to PDF via reportlab.
protodf1254Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA package which lets you run PySpark SQL on your Protobuf data
vdf1252Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing5 - Production/StableLibrary for working with Valve's VDF text format
vdm1252Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA versioned domain model framework.
five91250Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThis library allows for you to integrate with Five9 Cloud Contact Center using Python.
flask-moment1249Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFormatting of dates and times in Flask templates using moment.js.
canvas1249Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusa minimallist abstraction layer on top of matplotlib
codacy-coverage1248Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableCodacy coverage reporter for Python
tag-expressions1247Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableNone
django-jsonview1247Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAlways return JSON from your Django view.
pymunk1245Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: pygame5 - Production/StablePymunk is a easy-to-use pythonic 2d physics library
pysingleton1245Software Development4 - BetaUse singletons with a decorator
pytest-picked1244Software Development :: TestingNo statusRun the tests related to the changed files
typer-cli1242Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaRun Typer scripts with completion, without having to create a package, using Typer CLI.
rtoml1241Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet3 - AlphaA better TOML library for python implemented in rust.
pymars1240Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusMARS: a tensor-based unified framework for large-scale data computation.
pytictoc1240Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableTime code using syntax similar to tic and toc in MATLAB
rinohtype1239Printing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Fonts,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaThe Python document processor
justwatch1239Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple api for
xstatic1237Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableXStatic base package with minimal support code
language-data1237Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSupplementary data about languages used by the langcodes module.
versionfinder1232Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Version Control4 - BetaPython package to find the version of another package, whether installed via pip, setuptools or git.
spotify1232Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo is an asynchronous API wrapper for Spotify written in Python.
tryme1231Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betatryme - error handling for humans
loky1231Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableA robust implementation of concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor
torch-tb-profiler1229Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPyTorch Profiler TensorBoard Plugin
recommenders1227Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMicrosoft Recommenders - Python utilities for building recommender systems
sphinx-idf-theme1225Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableIDF theme for Sphinx, based on Read The Docs theme
pymorphy2-dicts1221Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - dictionaries pre-compiled for pymorphy2
vcstool1220Software Development :: Version Control,UtilitiesNo statusvcstool provides a command line tool to invoke vcs commands on multiple repositories.
coverage-conditional-plugin1219Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaConditional coverage based on any rules you define!
pyjdbc1218Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUse JDBC drivers to provide DB API 2.0 python database interface
pyldap1218Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
pyrad1218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory6 - MatureRADIUS tools
autorch-sphinx-theme1218Internet,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StablePyTorch Sphinx Theme
python-termstyle1218Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusconsole colouring for python
nosegae1216Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaNoseGAE: nose plugin for Google App Engine testing
mrcfile1214Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMRC file I/O library
django-ical1213Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableiCal feeds for Django based on Django's syndication feed framework.
libusb-package1212Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaPackage containing libusb so it can be installed via Python package managers
flask-breadcrumbs1209Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFlask-Breadcrumbs adds support for generating site breadcrumb navigation.
mycli1208Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCLI for MySQL Database. With auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
in-toto1203Security,Software Development4 - BetaA framework to define and secure the integrity of software supply chains
deprecation-alias1202Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA wrapper around 'deprecation' providing support for deprecated aliases.
python-logging-loki1201Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Grafana Loki.
objdict1201Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaThe ObjDict class has many uses including: as a tool for processing and generating json information, for ad-hoc classes and mutable named tuples, or just as dictionaries that allow dot notation access.
pypfb1201Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics3 - AlphaPython SDK for PFB format
pylint-runner1200Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaRun pylint recursively on all py files in current and sub directories
manhole1199Software Development :: Debuggers,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,Utilities5 - Production/StableManhole is in-process service that will accept unix domain socket connections and present the
google-i18n-address1199Software Development :: InternationalizationNo statusAddress validation helpers for Google's i18n address database
djangocms-picture1198Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds an image plugin to django CMS
pylibjpeg1192Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Python framework for decoding JPEG files, with a focus on supporting pydicom
django-maintenance-mode1190Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/Stabledjango-maintenance-mode shows a 503 error page when maintenance-mode is on.
exec-helpers1187Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableExecution helpers for simplified usage of subprocess and ssh.
alt-pytest-asyncio1185Software Development :: TestingNo statusAlternative pytest plugin to pytest-asyncio
python-statsd1184Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusstatsd is a client for Etsy's node-js statsd server. A proxy for the Graphite stats collection and graphing server.
dateformat1183Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaParse and format dates quickly
tf-nightly-gpu1182Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
flake8-spellcheck1181Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusSpellcheck variables, comments and docstrings
sphinx-jinja2-compat1180Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation3 - AlphaPatches Jinja2 v3 to restore compatibility with earlier Sphinx versions.
flake8-per-file-ignores1178Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaIgnore individual error codes per file with flake8
sendgrid-django1176Communications :: Email,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSendGrid Backend for Django
flake8-json1175Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableJSON Formatting Reporter plugin for Flake8
aliyun-python-sdk-dds1174Software Development4 - BetaThe dds module of Aliyun Python sdk.
odoorpc1173Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOdooRPC is a Python package providing an easy way to pilot your Odoo servers through RPC.
syntok1172Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - Alphasentence segmentation and word tokenization toolkit
owlrl1172Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableOWL-RL and RDFS based RDF Closure inferencing for Python
helper1171Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDevelopment library for quickly writing configurable applications and daemons
pyprof2calltree1170Desktop Environment :: K Desktop Environment (KDE),Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,System :: System Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableHelp visualize profiling data from cProfile with kcachegrind
fastuuid1169Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython bindings to Rust's UUID library.
django-scim21168Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA partial implementation of the SCIM 2.0 provider specification for use with Django.
hug1166Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities6 - MatureA Python framework that makes developing APIs as simple as possible, but no simpler.
zodb31166Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaZope Object Database: object database and persistence
robotframework-imaplibrary1161Software Development :: TestingNo statusRobot Framework IMAP Mail Check Library
self1160Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Beta@self decorator makes method return self (jQuery-like chaining)
nose-cov1159Software Development :: Testing4 - Betanose plugin for coverage reporting
alas-ce0-client1159Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaAPI client for Alas.Ce0 project
django-easy-audit1158Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusYet another Django audit log app, hopefully the simplest one.
table-logger1158Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableTableLogger is a handy Python utility for logging tabular data into a console or a file.
datetime21158Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaNew date and time classes
autocommand1155Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library to create a command-line program from a function
flask-sqlalchemy-session1155Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQL Alchemy session scoped on Flask requests.
django-render-block1153Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRender a particular block from a template to a string.
google-images-search1153Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableSearch for image using Google Custom Search API and resize & crop the image afterwords
robotbackgroundlogger1152Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA helper module for logging to Robot Framework log from background threads.
uiautomator21152Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPython Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
django-bootstrap-datepicker-plus1151Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableBootstrap3/Bootstrap4 DatePickerInput, TimePickerInput, DateTimePickerInput, MonthPickerInput, YearPickerInput with date-range-picker functionality for django version 2.1, 2.0, 1.11, 1.10 and 1.8
behave-html-formatter1150Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: BDD4 - BetaHTML formatter for Behave
tox-poetry1150Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaTox poetry plugin
aws1150Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration3 - AlphaUtility to manage your Amazon Web Services and run Fabric against filtered set of EC2 instances.
pysurvival1147Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpen source package for Survival Analysis modeling
py-jama-rest-client1147Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA client for the Jama Connect REST API
django-templated-email1146Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django oriented templated / transaction email abstraction
py-find-1st1146Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNumpy extension module for efficient search of first array index that compares true
unflatten1145Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUnflatten dict to dict with nested dict/arrays
attributedict1145Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA dictionary object with attributes support.
msgfy1145Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphamsgfy is a Python library for convert Exception instance to a human-readable error message.
atila1145Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAtila Framework
dbnd-mlflow1145Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
flake8-implicit-str-concat1144Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableFlake8 plugin to encourage correct string literal concatenation.
monty1143Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMonty is the missing complement to Python.
simplekv1143Database,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA simple key-value storage for binary data.
dbnd-hdfs1139Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
dbnd-azure1138Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
dbnd-test-scenarios1136Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
scratchclient1136Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA scratch API wrapper for Python.
discord-voice1136Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningSans-I/O implementation of Discord voice communication
json-checker1135Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimple data validation library
pytest-watcher1134Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaContiniously watches for changes in your python files and runs pytest
flake8-multiline-containers1131Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusEnsure a consistent format for multiline containers.
inspecta1131Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython application configuration - highly inspired by `node-config`.
dbnd-databricks1131Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
django-jenkins1130Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePlug and play continuous integration with django and jenkins
currint1130Software Development5 - Production/StableInteger-based, fixed precision currency calculation
django-crequest1129Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableMiddleware to make current request always available.
fuzzyset1128Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaA simple python fuzzyset implementation.
sciann1127Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Keras wrapper for scientific computations and physics-informed deep learning using artificial neural networks.
sqlalchemy-views1127Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds CreateView and DropView constructs to SQLAlchemy
values1127Software DevelopmentNo statusvalues.get(input) - create list from input
cuid1126Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFast, scalable unique ID generation
dbnd-airflow-monitor1125Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
fastapi-health1125Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusHeath check on FastAPI applications.
sqlalchemy-searchable1119Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusProvides fulltext search capabilities for declarative SQLAlchemy models.
praat-parselmouth1115Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPraat in Python, the Pythonic way
pypugjs1115Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPugJS syntax template adapter for Django, Jinja2, Mako and Tornado templates
nvidia-pyindex1114Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaA tool that adds the NVIDIA PIP Index to the environment.
pyfjcore1113Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper of FastJet Core functionality with NumPy support
hypixel1111Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaThis is a simple, unofficial library for getting values from the public Hypixel-API in Python.
deb-pkg-tools1111Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,Terminals,Utilities5 - Production/StableDebian packaging tools
binstr1111Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUtility functions for strings of binary digits
hazelcast-python-client1111Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHazelcast Python Client
pydiatra1109Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - Betayet another static checker for Python code
python-freeipa1108Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/DirectoryNo statusLightweight FreeIPA client
quart-discord1108Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDiscord OAuth2 extension for Quart.
python-chess1108Games/Entertainment :: Board Games,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA chess library with bindings to libchess.
arjuna1107Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaArjuna is a Python based test automation framework developed by Rahul Verma (
robotframework-screencaplibrary1107Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableRobot Framework test library for taking screenshots
datafiles1107Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaFile-based ORM for dataclasses.
pytest-tap1106Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableTest Anything Protocol (TAP) reporting plugin for pytest
scaleapi1106Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableThe official Python client library for Scale AI, the Data Platform for AI
pythondialog1106Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableA Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility and mostly-compatible programs
pgspecial1106Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMeta-commands handler for Postgres Database.
mercadopago1105Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMercadopago SDK module for Payments integration
discord21103Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA Python wrapper for the Discord API
edx-django-release-util1099Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphaedx-django-release-util
pytest-trio1099Software Development :: Testing,System :: NetworkingNo statusPytest plugin for trio
sshconf1092Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLightweight SSH config library
kmeans1090Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphapython wrapper for basic c implementation of kmeans
svgpathtools1088Multimedia :: Graphics :: Editors :: Vector-Based,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA collection of tools for manipulating and analyzing SVG Path objects and Bezier curves.
newtools1088Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA selection of tools for easier processing of data using Pandas and AWS
django-fixture-magic1088Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA few extra management tools to handle fixtures.
django-request-id1087Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaAugment each request with unique id for logging purposes
datacommons1086Software DevelopmentNo statusA library to access Data Commons Python Client API.
s3io1085Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAccess resources on Amazon S3 as a File Object.
tf-nightly-cpu1085Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
flake8-class-newline1084Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaFlake8 lint for newline after class definitions.
tabula1083Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Terminals2 - Pre-AlphaAscii table
appswag1082Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA type-safe, dynamic, spec-compliant swagger client & converter for python
chainmap1082Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableBackport/clone of ChainMap for py26, py32, and pypy3.
sqlalchemy-aurora-data-api1081Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn AWS Aurora Serverless Data API dialect for SQLAlchemy
bios1080Software Development :: Build Tools3 - Alphabios is a library which helps you to read and write data to determined type of files.
django-computedfields1077Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries4 - Betaautoupdated database fields for model methods
singledispatchmethod1077Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableBackport of @functools.singledispatchmethod to Python 2.7-3.7.
netutils1077Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Interpreters,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: pygame,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaReserve names for currrent development items until release.
wordfreq1074Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statuswordfreq is a Python library for looking up the frequencies of words in many
pytest-spec1072Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statuspytest plugin to display test execution output like a SPECIFICATION
dns-lexicon1071Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableManipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized/agnostic way
flytekit1071Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusFlyte SDK for Python
flakeheaven1070Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableFlake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
pylatex1069Software Development :: Code Generators,Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX4 - BetaA Python library for creating LaTeX files
ak-vendor1069Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaSome vendor scripts that we use here at Appknox
pyrseas1069Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Version Control3 - AlphaFramework and utilities to upgrade and maintain databases
cppimport1069Software Development5 - Production/StableImport C++ files directly from Python!
urlpath1068Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableObject-oriented URL from `urllib.parse` and `pathlib`
deepchecks1067Software Development,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusPackage for validating your machine learning model and data
discordsuperutils1067Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaDiscord Bot Development made easy!
pytest-tldr1067Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin that limits the output to just the things you need.
py-lz4framed1067Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLZ4Frame library for Python (via C bindings)
fleece1066Software DevelopmentNo statusWrap the lamb...da
autoflake81064Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableTool to automatically fix some issues reported by flake8 (forked from autoflake).
cabby1064Internet,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTAXII client library
elasticsearch-test-py1063Database,Software Development,Software Development :: TestingNo statusStart Elasticsearch with Python (for testing or other purposes)
ufork1062Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA simple pre-forking server container.
nb-black1061Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA simple extension for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab to beautify Python code automatically using Black.
djangocms-video1060Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds video plugin to django CMS.
fabio1058Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImage IO for fable
lithoxyl1058Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,System :: Logging,UtilitiesNo statusA systematic approach to logging, profiling, and statisticscollection. Very lightweight, very Pythonic.
grafana-api1058Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaYet another Python library for Grafana API
aliyun-python-sdk-ocs1057Software Development4 - BetaThe ocs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
config21055Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython application configuration - highly inspired by `node-config`.
dbnd-tensorflow1054Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
mockfs1054Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaFile system mocking utilities for unit testing
dbnd-redshift1054Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
opentok1053Communications,Communications :: Chat,Communications :: Conferencing,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Players,Multimedia :: Video :: Capture,Multimedia :: Video :: Display,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOpenTok server-side SDK
tidypy1052Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: TestingNo statusA tool that executes a suite of static analysis tools upon a Python project.
aftership1052Software Development5 - Production/StableThe python SDK of AfterShip API
pynzb1051Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuspynzb is a unified API for parsing NZB files, with several concrete implementations included
python-bugzilla1050Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBugzilla XMLRPC access module
skein1049Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA simple tool and library for deploying applications on Apache YARN
pybrake1049Software Development3 - AlphaPython exception notifier for Airbrake
pytigergraph1049Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaLibrary to connect to TigerGraph databases
tox-docker1047Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableLaunch a docker instance around test runs
pytest-travis-fold1046Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaFolds captured output sections in Travis CI build log
catsart1046Software DevelopmentNo statusPrints Random Cats Ascii Arts
datacommons-pandas1043Software DevelopmentNo statusA library to create pandas objects using the Data Commons Python API.
setupextras1043Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdditional common `setuptools` helpers - for Python.
wave1041Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWhole Architecture Verification
xcodeproj1041Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaA utility for interacting with Xcode's xcodeproj bundle format.
naturalsort1040Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing :: General6 - MatureSimple natural order sorting API for Python
flask-bootstrap41039Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.
triton1038Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA language and compiler for custom Deep Learning operations
pyqt5-stubs1036Software Development4 - BetaPEP561 stub files for the PyQt5 framework
sigtools1035Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUtilities for working with inspect.Signature objects.
epitran1034Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusTools for transcribing languages into IPA.
markdown-frames1033Software Development :: TestingNo statusMarkdown tables parsing to pyspark / pandas DataFrames
clize1032Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableTurn functions into command-line interfaces
dbnd-luigi1032Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
hentai1031Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/Stable"Implements a wrapper class around nhentai's RESTful API."
edx-lint1030Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusedX-authored pylint checkers
dbnd-postgres1029Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
udger1027Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableFast and reliable User Agent parser and IP classifier for Python
pymatgen1026Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython Materials Genomics is a robust materials analysis code that defines core object representations for structures and molecules with support for many electronic structure codes. It is currently the core analysis code powering the Materials Project (
dm-launchpad-nightly1023Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaLaunchpad is a library that simplifies writing distributed programs and seamlessly launching them on a range of supported platforms.
spark1022Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing3 - AlphaA Super-Small, Super-Fast, and Super-Easy web framework
nocasedict1022Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA case-insensitive ordered dictionary for Python
django-colorful1022Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningAn extension to the Django web framework that provides database and form color fields
pyobjc-framework-localauthenticationembeddedui1020Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI on macOS
bagit1017Communications :: File Sharing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: FilesystemsNo statusThis package can be used to create BagIt style packages of digital content for safe transmission and digital preservation. See: for more details.
pyobjc-framework-mailkit1017Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MailKit on macOS
flytekitplugins-pod1017Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlytekit plugin to support K8s Pod tasks
pysnowflake1014Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusPython Snowflake Kit
django-registration-redux1013Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn extensible user-registration application for Django
pyobjc-framework-datadetection1013Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework DataDetection on macOS
django-bootstrap51009Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaBootstrap 5 for Django
http-parser1009Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - Betahttp request/response parser
aiohttp-devtools1008Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDev tools for aiohttp
sentry-arroyo1007Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableArroyo is a Python library for working with streaming data.
python-u2flib-server1007Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython based U2F server library
mybad1005Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableMy friendly error base class - for Python.
pdb-attach1005Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA python debugger that can attach to running processes.
spython1005Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusCommand line python tool for working with singularity.
flask-hal1003Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableProvides easy integration of the HAL specification for your REST Flask Applications.
criteo-marketing-transition1002Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaCriteo Marketing Transition SDK
flask-bootstrapforms1002Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerator for Bootstrap form elements
pygeocoder1001Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython interface for Google Geocoding API V3. Can be used to easily geocode, reverse geocode, validate and format addresses.
dwollav21001Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOfficial Dwolla V2 API client
pyobjc-framework-shazamkit1001Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ShazamKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-metrickit1001Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework MetricKit on macOS
pyobjc-framework-intentsui1000Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework Intents on macOS
li-aws-deploy999Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaDev tools for Loja Integrada Web Applications
pycups999Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython bindings for libcups
dm-sonnet999Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSonnet is a library for building neural networks in TensorFlow.
google-cloud-functions999Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
pytest-xvfb997Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA pytest plugin to run Xvfb for tests.
abydos997Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaAbydos NLP/IR library
token-bucket997Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaVery fast implementation of the token bucket algorithm.
autokeras994Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusAutoML for deep learning
layer993Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaLayer AI SDK
ui993Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - BetaSimple menu-driven user interface for the terminal
pysnmp-mibs991Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA collection of IETF & IANA MIBs pre-compiled for PySNMP
robotpy-cppheaderparser990Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers,Software Development :: Disassemblers5 - Production/StableParse C++ header files and generate a data structure representing the class
hivejdbc989Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Java Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHive database driver via jdbc
django-tree-queries989Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software DevelopmentNo statusTree queries with explicit opt-in, without configurability
onesignal-sdk988Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA Python wrapper around the OneSignal API Edit Add topics
django-cities-light988Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple alternative to django-cities
neomodel986Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn object mapper for the neo4j graph database.
sqlalchemy-diff986Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCompare two database schemas using sqlalchemy.
robotframework-sikulilibrary986Software Development :: TestingNo statusSikuli library for Robot Framework
flake8-mock984Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaProvides checking for non-existent mock methods
dbnd-snowflake983Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMachine Learning Orchestration
envd981Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA development environment management tool for data scientists.
colcon-mixin980Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to read CLI mixins from files.
workday979Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython client for Workday tenants
enmerkar978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUtilities for using Babel in Django
ipdbplugin978Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNose plugin to use iPdb instead of Pdb when tests fail
codd978Software Development3 - Alpharelational alegrbra for functional programs
flask-queryinspect978Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask extension to provide metrics on SQL queries per request.
netapp-lib978Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusnetapp-lib is a transport helper to interact with NetApp storage systems.
pycallgraph977Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPython Call Graph is a library and command line tool that visualises the flow of your Python application. See for more information.
exhale977Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation2 - Pre-AlphaAutomatic C++ library API documentation generator using Doxygen, Sphinx, and Breathe. Exhale revives Doxygen's class / file hierarchies using reStructuredText for superior markup syntax / websites.
srvlookup975Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableService lookup using DNS SRV records
asv974Software Development :: TestingNo statusAirspeed Velocity: A simple Python history benchmarking tool
classproperties974Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities2 - Pre-Alphaproperty for class methods
django-auth-adfs974Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and AzureAD
dkimpy972Communications :: Email :: Filters,Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
amplify-aws-utils970Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUtility functions for working with AWS resources
pypiserver969Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableA minimal PyPI server for use with pip/easy_install.
terraform-compliance969Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBDD test framework for terraform
robotframework-pageobjectlibrary969Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaRobotframework library that implements the Page Object pattern
flask-menu968Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFlask-Menu is a Flask extension that adds support for generating menus.
steam968Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaModule for interacting with various Steam features
zipper967Software Development3 - AlphaFunctional hierarchical zipper, with navigation, editing, and enumeration. See Huet
allure-pytest-bdd967Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAllure pytest-bdd integration
django-fakeredis965Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEasier to use fakeredis in Django.
zope965Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks6 - MatureZope application server / web framework
barcodenumber964Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module to validate Product codes (EAN, EAN13, ISBN,...)
ddadevops963Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stabletools to support builds combining gopass, terraform, dda-pallet, aws & hetzner-cloud
svix-ksuid962Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software DevelopmentNo statusA pure-Python KSUID implementation
django-bootstrap-breadcrumbs961Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDjango breadcrumbs for Bootstrap 2, 3 or 4
node-vm2960Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA binding to Node.js + vm2, helps you execute JavaScript safely.
pytorch-toolbelt959Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks4 - BetaPyTorch extensions for fast R&D prototyping and Kaggle farming
sdcclient959Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPython client for Sysdig Cloud
whylogs959Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaProfile and monitor your ML data pipeline end-to-end
randomize958Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaRandomize the order of the tests within a unittest.TestCase class
pytrie957Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA pure Python implementation of the trie data structure.
pykml957Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaPython KML library
hikari957Communications :: Chat,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA sane Discord API for Python 3 built on asyncio and good intentions
patchelf956Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA small utility to modify the dynamic linker and RPATH of ELF executables.
shippo956Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableShipping API Python library (USPS, FedEx, UPS and more)
asgi-correlation-id956Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMiddleware correlating project logs to individual requests
jsonable955Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn abstract class that supports jsonserialization/deserialization.
mwtypes953Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General,UtilitiesNo statusA set of types for processing MediaWiki data.
frappe-bench953Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Installation/Setup5 - Production/StableCLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps
pytest-doctestplus953Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaPytest plugin with advanced doctest features.
argus-toolbelt952Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA framework for interacting with Argus' APIs
ansible-pylibssh952Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Security2 - Pre-AlphaPython bindings for libssh client specific to Ansible use case
tensorflow-decision-forests949Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCollection of training and inference decision forest algorithms.
axonius-api-client949Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAxonius API client for Python
pkg-about947Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableShares Python package metadata at runtime.
pytest-datafiles945Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepy.test plugin to create a 'tmpdir' containing predefined files/directories.
pypom945Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/Stablepython page object model for selenium
twitchapi945Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA Python 3.7 implementation of the Twitch API and its Webhook
yubiotp942Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library for verifying YubiKey OTP tokens, both locally and through a Yubico web service.
pytest-pycharm942Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities2 - Pre-AlphaPlugin for py.test to enter PyCharm debugger on uncaught exceptions
cpprb941Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaReplayBuffer for Reinforcement Learning written by C++ and Cython
pprofile941Software DevelopmentNo statusLine-granularity, thread-aware deterministic and statistic pure-python profiler
jiphy939Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities6 - MatureA Python to JavaScript two way converter. Your client side done in a Jiphy.
gmqtt938Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient for MQTT protocol
concurrencytest937Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betatesttools extension for running unittest suites concurrently
facepy937Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFacepy is an API client for Facebook's Graph API that doesn't suck.
splicer936Software Development3 - Alphathe world is a database
pylti1p3936Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python
siphashc935Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython module (in c) for siphash-2-4
flask-oidc2933Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
isbnlib931Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General5 - Production/StableExtract, clean, transform, hyphenate and metadata for ISBNs (International Standard Book Number).
uwsgi-tools930Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusuwsgi tools: curl and reverse proxy
sphinx-issues930Software Development :: DocumentationNo statusA Sphinx extension for linking to your project's issue tracker
django-redshift-backend930Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRedshift database backend for Django
pytest-verbose-parametrize928Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableMore descriptive output for parametrized py.test tests
flask-mysqldb927Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMySQLdb extension for Flask
django-material924Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaMaterial design for django forms and admin
flask-plugins924Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Extension that makes it possible to create plugins in Flask.
graphene-django-extras923Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusThis library add some extra funcionalities to graphene-django to facilitate the graphql use without Relay, allow paginations and filtering integration and add some extra directives
pynetdicom922Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA Python implementation of the DICOM networking protocol
pycontracts922Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StablePyContracts is a Python package that allows to declare constraints on function parameters and return values. Contracts can be specified using Python3 annotations, in a decorator, or inside a docstring :type: and :rtype: tags. PyContracts supports a basic type system, variables binding, arithmetic constraints, and has several specialized contracts (notably for Numpy arrays), as well as an extension API.
sparkly921Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaHelpers & syntax sugar for PySpark.
check-wheel-contents921Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaCheck your wheels have the right contents
instagram-private-api918Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA client interface for the private Instagram API.
xmlunittest918Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaLibrary using lxml and unittest for unit testing XML.
taskcat918Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing2 - Pre-AlphaAn OpenSource Cloudformation Deployment Framework
qt5-applications916Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaThe collection of Qt tools easily installable in Python
djrill916Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules7 - InactiveMandrill transactional email for Django
huepy915Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPrint awesomely in terminals.
flake8-printf-formatting915Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusflake8 plugin which forbids printf-style string formatting
django-static-sitemaps914Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUNKNOWN
fastapi-crudrouter914Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaA dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
bx-py-utils913Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableVarious Python utility functions
rstcheck-core912Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusChecks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it
pywhatkit911Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StablePyWhatKit is a Simple and Powerful WhatsApp Automation Library with many useful Features
fixture910Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statusfixture is a package for loading and referencing test data
pylast909Internet,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python interface to and
accuinsight909Utilities,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningModel life cycle and monitoring library in Accuinsight+
faulthandler909Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDisplay the Python traceback on a crash
investpy909Office/Business :: Financial,Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries4 - Betainvestpy — a Python package for historical data extraction from the spanish stock market
pytest-flake8-v2908Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapytest plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
transcrypt908Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython to JavaScript transpiler, supporting multiple inheritance and generating lean, highly readable code
datrie907Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaSuper-fast, efficiently stored Trie for Python.
pytest-reporter906Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGenerate Pytest reports with templates
infobip-api-python-client906Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusInfobip Client API Libraries OpenAPI Specification
discord-ext-ipc905Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn IPC extension allowing for the communication between a bot and an asynchronous web-framework (i.e. Quart or aiohttp.web)
pydantic-yaml904Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet3 - Alpha"Adds some YAML functionality to the excellent `pydantic` library."
django-autoslug-iplweb904Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General5 - Production/StableAn automated slug field for Django.
django-db-geventpool903Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusAdd a DB connection pool using gevent to django
xunique903Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control5 - Production/StableA converter of the Xcode project file to make merging it much easier in VCS
djangocms-style903Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds style plugin to django CMS
madonna902Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaPython semver parsing library.
pytest-logbook902Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepy.test plugin to capture logbook log messages
pyqt5-plugins902Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaPyQt Designer and QML plugins
webhelpers2900Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebHelpers2
pytest-html-reporter899Software Development :: TestingNo statusGenerates a static html report based on pytest framework
goose3898Internet,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHtml Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping for Python3
jsl897Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTODO
hsluv896Software Development5 - Production/StableHuman-friendly HSL
basemap-data895Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableData assets for matplotlib basemap
vcversioner894Software Development :: Version Control3 - AlphaUse version control tags to discover version numbers
django-easysettings893Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaEasy app-specific settings for Django
flask-mysql892Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask simple mysql client
django-otp-yubikey892Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA django-otp plugin that verifies YubiKey OTP tokens.
sourcemap892Software Development4 - BetaParse JavaScript source maps.
toml-sort892Software Development :: Code Generators,Utilities3 - AlphaToml sorting library
erppeek891Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableVersatile tool for browsing OpenERP data
ecs-deploy890Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaSimplify Amazon ECS deployments
pyvimeo890Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple interaction with the Vimeo API.
dozer890Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWSGI Middleware version of the CherryPy memory leak debugger
translation-finder889Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities5 - Production/StableA translation file finder for Weblate, translation tool with tight version control integration
dohq-tfs889Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadohq-tfs is a TFS API Python client that can work with TFS workflow and workitems.
splunk-packaging-toolkit888Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableSplunk Packaging Toolkit
rainflow888Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImplementation of ASTM E1049-85 rainflow cycle counting algorithm
tensorflow-text-nightly887Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaTF.Text is a TensorFlow library of text related ops, modules, and subgraphs.
lexicon886Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePowerful dict subclass(es) with aliasing & attribute access
relativity884Software Development :: Libraries,UtilitiesNo statusRelational object sets.
tailhead884Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text ProcessingNo statustailhead is a simple implementation of GNU tail and head.
pytest-testconfig883Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaTest configuration plugin for pytest.
txtorcon882Internet,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTwisted-based Tor controller client, with state-tracking and configuration abstractions.
pyre-check-nightly882Software Development5 - Production/StableA performant type checker for Python
scrubadub881Software Development :: Libraries,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableClean personally identifiable information from dirty dirty text.
systemd880Software Development :: Libraries,System,System :: Operating System4 - BetaPython systemd wrapper
pip-check-reqs879Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableFind packages that should or should not be in requirements for a project
pgrep879Software DevelopmentNo statuspgrep python wrapper
django-debug-toolbar-template-profiler878Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDisplays template rendering time on the timeline
ibm-secrets-manager-sdk878Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableIBM Cloud Secrets Manager Python SDK
os0877Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaOS indipendent interface
datacorecommon877Software Development4 - BetaWrapper functions for PySpark
autohooks-plugin-isort875Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn autohooks plugin for python code formatting via isort
pretenders875Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaFake servers for testing
airiam874Security,Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusLeast privilege AWS IAM Terraformer
weighted-levenshtein874Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaLibrary providing functions to calculate Levenshtein distance, Optimal String Alignment distance, and Damerau-Levenshtein distance, where the cost of each operation can be weighted by letter.
goodtables874Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGoodtables is a framework to inspect tabular data.
django-inline-actions873Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadjango-inline-actions adds actions to the InlineModelAdmin.
epicscorelibs873Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableThe EPICS Core libraries for use by python modules
dirty-cat871Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries2 - Pre-AlphaMachine learning with dirty categories.
nagisa871Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusA Japanese tokenizer based on recurrent neural networks
bio870Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPython Profiler
pwntools869Security,Software Development :: Assemblers,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: System Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StablePwntools CTF framework and exploit development library.
modapy868Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPackage to perform several analysis on Multi-Omics Data
vatnumber867Office/Business :: Financial :: Accounting,Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stable[UNMAINTAINED] Python module to validate VAT numbers
pypdfium2865Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython bindings to PDFium
click-creds865Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePluggable credentials storage and management for click CLI apps.
uproot865Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableROOT I/O in pure Python and Numpy.
pynng865Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking3 - AlphaNetworking made simply using nng
django-pickling863Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaEfficient pickling for django models.
pyopengl-accelerate862Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAcceleration code for PyOpenGL
mpegdash862Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMPEG-DASH MPD(Media Presentation Description) Parser
z0lib861Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: System Shells4 - BetaBash zeroincombenze lib
pyjnius860Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableA Python module to access Java classes as Python classes using JNI.
pyvaru860Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableRule based data validation library for python.
qt5-tools859Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaWrappers for the raw Qt programs from qt5-applications
lingua858Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTranslation toolset
flexmock855Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaMock/Stub/Spy library for Python
humps855Software Development,Text Editors,Text Editors :: Word Processors,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Utilities4 - BetacamelCase converter
ops855Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems AdministrationNo statusLibrary for scripting systems administration tasks
bioservices854Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAccess to Biological Web Services from Python
fastobo854Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Medical Science Apps.,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFaultless AST for Open Biomedical Ontologies in Python.
slapppy-slate854Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaSlappPy is the Python support and generation code for Slapp and Dola.
marshmallow-objects852Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMarshmallow Objects and Models
sphinx-intl852Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: General,Utilities4 - BetaSphinx utility that make it easy to translate and to apply translation.
django-tailwind851Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaTailwind CSS Framework for Django projects
snuba-sdk851Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSnuba SDK for generating SnQL queries.
django-invitations850Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric invitations app with support for django-allauth
paginate850Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDivides large result sets into pages for easier browsing
python-coveralls849Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython interface to API
mailosaur848Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe Mailosaur Python library lets you integrate email and SMS testing into your continuous integration process.
pytest-reportlog848Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaReplacement for the --resultlog option, focused in simplicity and extensibility
pytest-reporter-html1846Software Development :: Testing,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaA basic HTML report template for Pytest
copier846Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA library for rendering projects templates
pytest-tempdir844Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPredictable and repeatable tempdir support.
basedosdados844Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOrganizar e facilitar o acesso a dados brasileiros através de tabelas públicas no BigQuery.
implicits844Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusImplicit parameters in Python
sampleprojectpy2843Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA sample Python project
plucky843Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePlucking (deep) keys/paths safely from python collections has never been easier.
optimus842Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/StableA simple building environment to produce static HTML from Jinja templates and with assets compress managing with webassets
recsim841Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaRecSim: A Configurable Recommender Systems Simulation Platform
clj839Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusClojure-like utilities
panoramisk839Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableasyncio based library to play with asterisk
fab-oidc838Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFlask-AppBuilder SecurityManager for OpenIDConnect
dialogflow837Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython implementation for Dialogflow .
django-sendfile2837Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAbstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mod_xsendfile) once Django has checked permissions etc.
logging-azure-rest836Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA python threadded logging handler and service extension for Azure Log Workspace OMS REST API.
cosmpy834Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA library for interacting with the cosmos networks
flask-rq2831Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA Flask extension for RQ.
sbvirtualdisplay829Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Utilities5 - Production/StableA customized pyvirtualdisplay for SeleniumBase.
tuf829Security,Software Development4 - BetaA secure updater framework for Python
pybindgen829Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaPython Bindings Generator
pypokedex828Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA minimal pokedex library
pyobjc-framework-screencapturekit828Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableWrappers for the framework ScreenCaptureKit on macOS
gipc828Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Hardware :: Symmetric Multi-processing4 - Betagevent-cooperative child processes and inter-process communication.
reviewboard827Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableReview Board, a web-based code review tool
cogapp827Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableCog: A content generator for executing Python snippets in source files.
pymca5826Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization5 - Production/StableMapping and X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
range-key-dict824Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA dict with range as key
klein824Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuswerkzeug + twisted.web
iperf3822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking4 - BetaPython wrapper around iperf3
pyvcloud822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing1 - PlanningVMware vCloud Python SDK
deepl822Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython library for the DeepL API.
django-mjml822Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUse MJML in Django templates
sutime822Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA Python wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP's SUTime
flake8-future-import821Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - Alpha__future__ import checker, plugin for flake8
pybloom-live821Utilities,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBloom filter: A Probabilistic data structure
cysecuretools821Software Development :: Embedded SystemsNo statusCypress secure tools for Python
zcbor820Software Development :: Build Tools4 - Betazcbor
djangocms-snippet819Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds snippet plugin to django CMS.
mock-open819Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA better mock for file I/O
aliyun-python-sdk-cms818Software Development4 - BetaThe cms module of Aliyun Python sdk.
djangocms-icon818Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds icon plugin to django CMS.
quantstats817Office/Business :: Financial,Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPortfolio analytics for quants
python-cjson817Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFast JSON encoder/decoder for Python
kfp-tekton817Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTekton Compiler for Kubeflow Pipelines
ae-kivy-app815Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks1 - Planningae_kivy_app portion of python application environment namespace package
pytest-failed-screenshot814Software Development :: TestingNo statusTest case fails,take a screenshot,save it,attach it to the allure
nilearn814Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusStatistical learning for neuroimaging in Python
tileseqmut813Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaAnalysis scriptsTileSeqMut for TileSeq sequencing data
fleming812Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusPython helpers for manipulating datetime objects relative to time zones
mkl-service812Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableMKL Support Functions
proxmoxer810Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython Wrapper for the Proxmox 2.x API (HTTP and SSH)
postal810Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusPython bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
pyvalid810Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablepyvalid is a Python validation tool for checking of input function parameters and return values.
django-adminplus809Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdd new pages to the Django admin.
sphinxcontrib-django805Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImprove the Sphinx autodoc for Django classes.
django-email-bandit805Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadjango-email-bandit is a Django email backend for hijacking email sending in a test environment.
django-concurrency805Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOptimistic lock implementation for Django. Prevents users from doing concurrent editing.
pyplumio804Software Development :: Libraries2 - Pre-AlphaPyPlumIO is a native ecoNET library for Plum ecoMAX controllers.
orionutils804Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaAn Apache-licensed Python library that facilitates functional testing of Ansible Galaxy and related tooling.
mmtf-python804Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA decoding libary for the PDB mmtf format
djangocms-googlemap804Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds Google Maps plugins to django CMS.
nose-progressive803Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA testrunner with a progress bar and smarter tracebacks
graphene-federation803Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaFederation implementation for graphene
models802Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaPython models for semi-structured data.
cloud802Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking5 - Production/StablePiCloud client-side library
autoprotocol800Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA python library for generating scientific protocols in Autoprotocol
litecli800Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCLI for SQLite Databases with auto-completion and syntax highlighting.
fuelsdkwrapper800Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableSimplify and improve the FuelSDK for Salesforce Marketing Cloud (ExactTarget)
networkit799Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNetworKit is a toolbox for high-performance network analysis
hdx-python-api799Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHDX Python Library
keen798Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython Client for Keen IO
opcua798Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPure Python OPC-UA client and server library
discoart797Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCreate Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
silx796Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSoftware library for X-ray data analysis
apacheconfig796Communications,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaApache config file parser
podman795Software Development3 - AlphaA library to interact with a Podman server
canvacord795Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA Python Version of Canvacord
actdiag794Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup3 - Alphaactdiag generate activity-diagram image file from spec-text file.
stats794Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCalculator-style statistical functions
ixnetwork793Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableIxNetwork Low Level API
asyncua793Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPure Python OPC-UA client and server library
prettyconf792Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableSeparation of settings from code.
sphinx-press-theme791Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation4 - BetaA Sphinx-doc theme based on Vuepress
flask-restless790Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Flask extension for easy ReSTful API generation
socrata-py790Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaSDK For publishing to Socrata
pybloom790Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusPyBloom: A Probabilistic data structure
persist-queue788Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA thread-safe disk based persistent queue in Python.
aiozk788Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaAsyncio client for Zookeeper.
intel-tensorflow787Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
json-diff786Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: General4 - BetaGenerates diff between two JSON files
dcor786Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadcor: distance correlation and related E-statistics in Python.
threaded786Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDecorators for running functions in Thread/ThreadPool/IOLoop
django-bootstrap-modal-forms785Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django plugin for creating AJAX driven forms in Bootstrap modal.
adodbapi783Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pure Python package implementing PEP 249 DB-API using Microsoft ADO.
ablog783Software Development :: Documentation3 - AlphaABlog for blogging with Sphinx
pc-ble-driver-py783System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems4 - BetaPython bindings for the Nordic pc-ble-driver SoftDevice serialization library
django-toolbelt783Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple collection of common Django utilities.
reolink781Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaReolink camera package
eth-event780Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaEthereum event decoder and topic generator
openml779Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusPython API for OpenML
pyrush779Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaA fast implementation of RuSH (Rule-based sentence Segmenter using Hashing).
aliyun-python-sdk-slb779Software Development4 - BetaThe slb module of Aliyun Python sdk.
icmplib778Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe power to forge ICMP packets and do ping and traceroute.
pyramid-swagger778Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSwagger tools for use in pyramid webapps
aliyun-python-sdk-cdn777Software Development4 - BetaThe cdn module of Aliyun Python sdk.
pyface777Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/Stabletraits-capable windowing framework
subliminal777Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSubtitles, faster than your thoughts
allure-robotframework776Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAllure Robot Framework integration
arraykit774Software Development3 - AlphaArray utilities for StaticFrame
weblate-schemas774Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities5 - Production/StableA collection of schemas used by Weblate
requests-oauth2774Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOpen Authentication 2 support to Python-requests HTTP library.
django-models-redis-cache774Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering,Utilities2 - Pre-AlphaDjango Models Redis Cache (DMoReCa), library that gives your specified Django models regular caching via Redis
strawberry-graphql-django773Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusStrawberry GraphQL Django extension
approvaltests772Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaAssertion/verification library to aid testing
pymqi772Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering5 - Production/StablePython IBM MQI Extension for IBM MQ (formerly WebSphere MQ and MQSeries).
alibabacloud-dingtalk771Software Development4 - BetaAlibaba Cloud Dingtalk SDK Library for Python
pyaztro771Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA client library for aztro - The Astrology API
feincms771Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableDjango-based Page CMS and CMS building toolkit.
pyside770Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Qt cross-platform application and UI framework
cloudstorage770Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaUnified cloud storage API for storage services.
django-pylibmc769Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango cache backend using pylibmc
griddataformats767Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaReading and writing of data on regular grids in Python
kickbox767Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOfficial kickbox API library client for python
aliyun-python-sdk-r-kvstore767Software Development4 - BetaThe r-kvstore module of Aliyun Python sdk.
scikeras767Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaScikit-Learn API wrapper for Keras.
gitchangelog766Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version ControlNo statusgitchangelog generates a changelog thanks to git log.
pysrt766Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Markup4 - BetaSubRip (.srt) subtitle parser and writer
django-enumfield765Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusCustom Django field for using enumerations of named constants
django-image-cropping764Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA reusable app for cropping images easily and non-destructively in Django
pytest-salt-factories764Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaPytest Salt Plugin
django-facebook764Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFacebook open graph API client in python. Enables django applications to register users using facebook. Fixes issues with the official but unsupported Facebook python-sdk. Enables mobile facebook authentication. Canvas page authentication for facebook applications. FQL access via the server side api.
bash763Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBash for Python
vk763Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo API Python wrapper
pysptk763Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusA python wrapper for Speech Signal Processing Toolkit (SPTK)
dictobject762Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaDictObject
breadability761Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StablePort of Readability HTML parser in Python
ovh761Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging4 - BetaOfficial API wrapper
pythx760Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities4 - BetaA Python library for the MythX platform
mythril760Software Development :: Disassemblers3 - AlphaMythril is an assembler and disassembler for Ethereum VM bytecode
blaster-server759Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaGevent based python server built from scratch for maximum performance
pytest-mockito759Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaBase fixtures for mockito
tengiphpy759Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusAPI Wrapper for the Gif library Tenor and Giphy. Join my server:
jedi-language-server759Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Integrated Development Environments (IDE),Utilities3 - AlphaA language server for Jedi!
htcondor758Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableHTCondor Python bindings
fastapi-camelcase757Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusPackage provides an easy way to have camelcase request/response bodies for Pydantic
labjack-ljm756Software Development,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware5 - Production/StableLJM library Python wrapper for LabJack T7 and T4.
pytest-schema756Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stable👍 Validate return values against a schema-like object in testing
django-debug-toolbar-template-timings756Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusA django-debug-toolbar panel that shows you template rendering times for Django
wasserstein756Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython package wrapping C++ code for computing Wasserstein distances
aiorpcx755Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
google-measurement-protocol755Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Python implementation of Google Analytics Measurement Protocol
cloudsync755Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuscloudsync enables simple cloud file-level sync with a variety of cloud providers
marathon754Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMarathon Client Library
flake8-nb753Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance2 - Pre-AlphaFlake8 based checking for jupyter notebooks
viivakoodi753Multimedia :: Graphics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCreate standard barcodes with Python. No external modules needed (optional PIL support included).
flask-qrcode752Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple flask extension to render QR codes on template
fab-oidc2751Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFlask-AppBuilder SecurityManager for OpenIDConnect
ldclient-py751Software Development,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusLaunchDarkly SDK for Python
rstfmt751Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation3 - AlphaA formatter for reStructuredText
ip2proxy750Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython API for IP2Proxy database. It can be used to query an IP address if it was being used as open proxy, web proxy, VPN anonymizer and TOR exits.
kalturaapiclient749Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA Python module for accessing the Kaltura API.
tflite-model-maker749Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTFLite Model Maker: a model customization library for on-device applications.
lambdajson749Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableUse json to serialize unsupported python types (and many more including functions, classes, exceptions, etc). [stable-py2-py3].
epydoc748Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableEdward Loper's API Documentation Generation Tool
uwsgidecorators748Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - Matureuwsgidecorators standalone package
flask-jsonpify747Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Flask extension extending Flask's core jsonify functionality to support JSON-Padded responses, using the callback specified in the querystring
awkward1746Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableManipulate JSON-like data with NumPy-like idioms.
sql746Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaDB API 2.0 for Humans
pysdm746Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Atmospheric Science,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPythonic particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package with box, parcel & 1D/2D prescribed-flow examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
flask-resty745Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBuilding blocks for REST APIs for Flask
django-rest-framework-mongoengine744Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableModel Serializer that supports MongoEngine, for Django Rest Framework.
tflite-runtime743Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow Lite is for mobile and embedded devices.
re2743Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython wrapper for Google's RE2 using Cython
kubeconfig743Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA simple wrapper around Kubernetes kubectl
odict743Software Development5 - Production/StableOrdered dictionary.
django-seed742Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaSeed your Django project with fake data
fuzzyset2742Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaA simple python fuzzyset implementation.
traitsui739Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/Stabletraitsui: traits-capable user interfaces
wiremock739Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWiremock Admin API Client
blurr-dev739Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningData aggregation pipeline for running real-time predictive models
rst2txt739Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Printing,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities5 - Production/StableConvert reStructuredText to plain text
urlgrabber739Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
opentsne738Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaExtensible, parallel implementations of t-SNE
zoopt738Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaA Python Package for Zeroth-Order Optimization
trac738Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Version ControlNo statusIntegrated SCM, wiki, issue tracker and project environment
tox-external-wheels738Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaUse externally created wheels with Tox
spidev738Software Development,System :: Hardware,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers5 - Production/StablePython bindings for Linux SPI access through spidev
pytest-pydocstyle736Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphapytest plugin to run pydocstyle
mo-parsing735Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAnother PEG Parsing Tool
prices735Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython price handling for humans
html734Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTMLNo statussimple, elegant HTML, XHTML and XML generation
metadata-parser734Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTMLNo statusA module to parse metadata out of urls and html documents
des734Security,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pure Python implementation for the famous DES algorithm
qtpylib733Office/Business :: Financial,Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaQuantitative Trading Python Library
janrain-python-api733Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython interface to the Janrain Capture API.
dependency-check732Security,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities5 - Production/StableShim to easily install OWASP dependency-check-cli into Python projects
barcode-qr-code-sdk731Scientific/Engineering,Software Development5 - Production/StableBarcode and QR code scanning SDK for Python
thinkingdatasdk731Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusOfficial ThinkingData Analytics library for Python
bx-python730Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTools for manipulating biological data, particularly multiple sequence alignments
intbitset730Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusC-based extension implementing fast integer bit sets.
torchextractor730Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPytorch feature extraction made simple
apstools730Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Interface Engine/Protocol Translator,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableVarious Python tools for use with the Bluesky Framework at the APS
django-bootstrap-v5730Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableBootstrap 5 support for Django projects
pydivert730Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Utilities2 - Pre-AlphaPython binding to windivert driver
py-radix729Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: NetworkingNo statusRadix tree implementation
python-statemachine729Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaPython Finite State Machines made easy.
dse-driver728Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDataStax Enterprise Python Driver
bok-choy727Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaUI-level acceptance test framework
pyspinel727System :: Networking,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems3 - AlphaA Python interface to the OpenThread Network Co-Processor (NCP)
flake8-pyproject726Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableRuns Flake8 with configuration from pyproject.toml.
advanced-descriptors726Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdvanced descriptors for special cases.
mdanalysis725Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn object-oriented toolkit to analyze molecular dynamics trajectories generated by CHARMM, Gromacs, NAMD, LAMMPS, or Amber.
pylint-pydantic725Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA Pylint plugin to help Pylint understand the Pydantic
mkl-fft724Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StableMKL-based FFT transforms for NumPy arrays
pypemicro724Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware,UtilitiesNo statusPython tool to control PEMicro Debug probes
pytest-timeouts724Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableLinux-only Pytest plugin to control durations of various test case execution phases
umysql723Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUltra fast MySQL driver for Python
pyrxp722Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StablePython RXP interface - fast validating XML parser
convertbng722Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFast lon, lat to and from ETRS89 and BNG (OSGB36) using Rust FFI
architect722Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA set of tools which enhances ORMs written in Python with more features
abstract-open-traffic-generator722Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation1 - PlanningThe Abstract Open Traffic Generator Python Package
blobxfer721Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableAzure storage transfer tool and data movement library
augmentor721Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaImage augmentation library for Machine Learning
xpress720Scientific/Engineering,Software Development5 - Production/StableFICO-Xpress Optimizer Python interface
pyocd-pemicro720Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware,UtilitiesNo statusPyOCD debug probe plugin for PEMicro debug probes
owlready2719Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA package for ontology-oriented programming in Python: load OWL 2.0 ontologies as Python objects, modify them, save them, and perform reasoning via HermiT. Includes an optimized RDF quadstore.
django-easy-select2718Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableDjango select2 theme for select input widgets.
pytest-logging718Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaConfigures logging and allows tweaking the log level with a py.test flag
rpdb718Software Development :: Debuggers4 - Betapdb wrapper with remote access via tcp socket
airspeed717Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAirspeed is a powerful and easy-to-use templating engine for Python that aims for a high level of compatibility with the popular Velocity library for Java.
fuelsdk717Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableExactTarget Fuel SDK for Python
segments-ai716Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaNone
libmagic716Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betalibmagic bindings
stream-chat715Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient for Stream Chat.
buildozer715Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaGeneric Python packager for Android / iOS and Desktop
music21714Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: MIDI,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Artistic Software,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Toolkit for Computer-Aided Musical Analysis.
spectree713Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusgenerate OpenAPI document and validate request&response with Python annotations.
coolprop713Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOpen-source thermodynamic and transport properties database
asyncdagpi712Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableAsynchronous API wrapper for the Dagbot API (
area4712Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System,Terminals,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableDividers in Python, the easy way!
djangocms-bootstrap4712Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds Bootstrap 4 components as plugins.
contextdecorator712Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCreate APIs that work as decorators and as context managers.
testrepository712Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing6 - MatureA repository of test results.
robotframework-imaplibrary2711Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA IMAP email testing library for Robot Framework
tornado-json711Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks3 - AlphaA simple JSON API framework based on Tornado
statsd-tags711Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA simple statsd client with DogTag-compatible tag support.
django-tenant-schemas711Database,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusTenant support for Django using PostgreSQL schemas.
nlp-primitives711Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/Stablenatural language processing primitives for Featuretools
colcon-lcov-result710Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaExtension for colcon to gather test results.
algorithmia709Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAlgorithmia Python Client
jdatetime709Software DevelopmentNo statusJalali datetime binding for python
street-address709Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaStreet address parser and formatter
hikari-lightbulb708Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA simple to use command handler for Hikari
endesive708Communications :: Email,Multimedia :: Graphics,Office/Business,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing4 - BetaLibrary for digital signing and verification of digital signatures in mail, PDF and XML documents.
onetoken707Office/Business :: Financial :: Investment,Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaOneToken Trade System Python SDK
colour-science707Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaColour Science for Python
spotinst-sdk707Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Python SDK for Spotinst
nose-testconfig707Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaTest Configuration plugin for nosetests.
pytest-splinter706Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities6 - MatureSplinter plugin for pytest testing framework
aioauth-client706Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaNone
pyedflib706Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betalibrary to read/write EDF+/BDF+ files
pymemoize705Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple memoizing module.
pipenv-setup705Software Development :: Build Tools4 - Betasync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock to
ae-gui-app705Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks1 - Planningae_gui_app portion of python application environment namespace package
airtable705Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython client library for AirTable
optionaldict705Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA dict-like object that ignore NoneType values for Python
xmpppy704Communications,Communications :: Chat,Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaXMPP implementation in Python
certauth703Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableSimple Certificate Authority for MITM proxies
flask-htmlmin703Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTMLNo statusMinimize render templates html
django-bulk-update-or-create703Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablebulk_update_or_create for Django model managers
django-buttons702Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities3 - AlphaAn application providing a API access to digitick shopping websites
robotframework-xvfb701Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: TestingNo statusRobot library for interacting with Xvfb
formic2701Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaAn implementation of Apache Ant FileSet and Globs
django-multidb-router701Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRound-robin multidb router for Django.
flwr-nightly701Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlower - A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
django-rest-framework-social-oauth2701Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betapython-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
colcon-coveragepy-result700Software Development :: Build Tools3 - Alphacolcon extension for collecting results
conu699Software Development4 - BetaContainer testing library
ez699Software Development :: Build Tools3 - Alphaeasy stuff
pika-stubs699Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningMypy plugin and stubs for Pika
sqlalchemy-greenplum699Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaSQLAlchemy dialect for Pivotal Greenplum Database
pcpp698Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA C99 preprocessor written in pure Python
device-detector697Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython3 port of matomo's Device Detector
wheel-inspect697Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution4 - BetaExtract information from wheels
extension-helpers697Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging5 - Production/StableUtilities for building and installing packages in the Astropy ecosystem
django-elasticache696Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango cache backend for Amazon ElastiCache (memcached)
bitsets695Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaOrdered subsets over a predefined domain
sigfig695Education,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Office/Business :: Financial,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython library for rounding numbers (with expected results)
panphon695Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusTools for using the International Phonetic Alphabet with phonological features
pytest-replay693Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaSaves shell scripts that allow re-execute previous pytest runs to reproduce crashes or flaky tests
flake8-super-call692Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusflake8 super call checker
zfex691Utilities,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Filesystems,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries,Communications :: Usenet News,System :: Archiving :: Backup,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,System :: Archiving5 - Production/StableA fast, efficient, portable erasure coding tool
nose-ignore-docstring691Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIgnore docstring to name tests in nose.
alembic-verify691Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA library to verify migrations and models are in sync.
accera-compilers690Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAccera Compilers
accera690Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAccera - An optimizing cross-compiler for compute-intensive code
cashews688Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betacache tools with async power
grizzled-python688Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe Grizzled Python Utility Library
texttest688Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA tool for text-based Approval Testing
wechatpy688Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableWeChat SDK for Python
feincms3687Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusCMS-building toolkit for Django
pinyin687Software Development4 - BetaTranslate chinese chars to pinyin based on Mandarin.dat
utcnow687Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries1 - Planningunder development
django-jsonstore686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaExpose JSONField data as a virtual django model fields.
drf-haystack686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMakes Haystack play nice with Django REST Framework
pysphere686Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Emulators,System :: Operating System,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython API for interacting with the vSphere Web Services SDK
flask-awscognito685Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAuthenticate users with AWS Cognito
azureml-monitoring685Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMicrosoft Azure Machine Learning Python SDK for collecting model data during operationalization
nrfutil683Software Development :: Embedded Systems,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,System :: Networking4 - BetaNordic Semiconductor nrfutil utility and Python library
address683Software Development :: Libraries,Text ProcessingNo statusaddress is an address parsing library, taking the guesswork out of using addresses in your applications.
abess682Software Development,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: MathematicsNo statusabess: Fast Best Subset Selection
cysignals680Software Development :: Debuggers,System5 - Production/StableInterrupt and signal handling for Cython
turfpy680Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaThis is Python library for performing geo spatial data analysis.
fauxfactory679Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaGenerates random data for your tests.
pip-chill677Software Development5 - Production/StableLike `pip freeze` but lists only the packages that are not dependencies of installed packages.
tenjin677Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaa fast and full-featured template engine based on embedded Python
flask-and-redis676Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSimple as dead support of Redis database for Flask apps.
mojang676Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA Python wrapper for the Mojang API and Minecraft website
green676Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableGreen is a clean, colorful, fast python test runner.
entry-points-txt675Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing4 - BetaRead & write entry_points.txt files
libtiff675Scientific/Engineering,Software Development3 - AlphaPyLibTiff: a Python tiff library.
drf-yasg2674Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableAutomated generation of real Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 schemas from Django Rest Framework code
python-datemath674Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA python module to emulate the date math used in SOLR and Elasticsearch
tensorflowasr672Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAlmost State-of-the-art Automatic Speech Recognition using Tensorflow 2
umemcache672Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUltra fast memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings
home-assistant-bluetooth672Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableHome Assistant Bluetooth Models and Helpers
atoma671Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaAtom and RSS feed parser for Python 3
python-docs-theme671Documentation,Software Development :: DocumentationNo statusThe Sphinx theme for the CPython docs and related projects
gitman671Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Version Control,System :: Software Distribution5 - Production/StableA language-agnostic dependency manager using Git.
google-cloud-appengine-admin670Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableApp Engine Admin API client library
tensorflow-macos669Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTensorFlow is an open source machine learning framework for everyone.
warrant-lite669Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSmall Python library for process SRP requests for AWS Cognito. This library was initially included in the [Warrant]( library. We decided to separate it because not all projects and workfows need all of the helper classes and functions in Warrant.
bmlx-components669Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betabmlx components is repo for components used in bmlx
nemo-toolkit669Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableNeMo - a toolkit for Conversational AI
flytekitplugins-spark669Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSpark 3 plugin for flytekit
eggtestinfo668Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging3 - AlphaAdd test information to .egg-info
jenkins-lockable-resources668Software Development :: Testing,UtilitiesNo statusA Python API for accessing lockable resources from Jenkins lockable-resources plugin.
dynetx667Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaDynamic Network library
wsgidav667Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI
naval666Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusValidation library with error messages in multiple languages and a readable syntax.
solution666Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn amazing form solution
django-avatar665Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusdjango-avatar
trycast665Software Development5 - Production/StableNone
compiledb663Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaTool for generating Clang JSON Compilation Database files for make-based build systems.
bumpver663Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBump version numbers in project files.
pproxy663Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableProxy server that can tunnel among remote servers by regex rules.
odmantic662Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering4 - BetaODMantic, an AsyncIO MongoDB Object Document Mapper for Python using type hints
anyblok662Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAnyblok is a dynamic injection blok framework
django-shortuuidfield662Software DevelopmentNo statusShort UUIDField for Django. Good for use in urls & file names. (Base 57, 22 characters)
dpcpp-cpp-rt662Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI DPC++/C++ Compiler Runtime package
codechat662Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing :: Markup3 - AlphaThe CodeChat system for software documentation
partition661Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython number partition algorithm library
wtforms-sqlalchemy661Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQLAlchemy tools for WTForms
mamba660Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaThe definitive testing tool for Python. Born under the banner of Behavior Driven Development.
cupy-cuda102660Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StableCuPy: NumPy & SciPy for GPU
autorepr660Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaEasily implement __repr__, __str__, and __unicode__ methods
valideer660Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLightweight data validation and adaptation library for Python
aliyun-python-sdk-cs660Software Development4 - BetaThe cs module of Aliyun Python sdk.
flask-markdown659Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSmall extension to make using markup easy
pykka659Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePykka is a Python implementation of the actor model
django-analytical658Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAnalytics services for Django projects
lpc-checksum658Software Development :: Embedded Systems5 - Production/StablePython script to calculate LPC firmware checksums
cacahuate656Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThe process virtual machine
citeproc-py656Documentation,Printing,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaCitations and bibliography formatter
ascend-io-sdk656Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe Ascend SDK for Python
flask-inflate655Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusInflate / Decompress gzipped requests
cloudmesh-installer655Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA dynamic extensible CMD based command shell
imantics655Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython package for managing image annotations
superqt654Desktop Environment,Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets4 - BetaMissing widgets for PyQt/PySide
flask-minify654Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusflask extension to minify html, css, js and less
dli654Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusData Lake command line Interface.
django-sendfile654Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAbstraction to offload file uploads to web-server (e.g. Apache with mod_xsendfile) once Django has checked permissions etc.
bacpypes654Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,Utilities4 - BetaBACnet Python Library
consulate653Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaA Client library for the Consul
jokeapi652Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaAn API Wrapper for Sv443's JokeAPI
pyswitchbot651Home Automation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA library to communicate with Switchbot
pycog3651Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCommand library for the Cog ChatOps platform for Python3
typhoontest651Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTyphoon Testing Utilities
pytest-arraydiff651Software Development :: Testing4 - Betapytest plugin to help with comparing array output from tests
python-git649Software Development :: Version Control :: Git,Utilities5 - Production/StableAutomate boring git tasks
pytest-twisted649Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA twisted plugin for py.test.
flytekitplugins-kfpytorch649Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusK8s based Pytorch plugin for Flytekit
minilog648Software Development,System :: Logging4 - BetaMinimalistic wrapper for Python logging.
stringgenerator647Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGenerate randomized strings of characters using a template
alibabacloud-tea-util647Software Development5 - Production/StableThe tea-util module of alibabaCloud Python SDK.
cdxj-indexer646Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaCDXJ Indexer for WARC and ARC files
kinesis-python646Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaLow level, multiprocessing based AWS Kinesis producer & consumer library
agutil646Security :: Cryptography,Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableA collection of python utilities
bsddb3646Database,Software Development,System :: Clustering5 - Production/StablePython interface for Berkeley DB
surveygizmo645Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA Python Wrapper for SurveyGizmo's restful API service.
pallets-sphinx-themes644Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableSphinx themes for Pallets and related projects.
pysqlite644Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDB-API 2.0 interface for SQLite 3.x
python-environ644Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaDjango-environ allows you to utilize 12factor inspired environment variables to configure your Django application.
django-pudb643Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningPuDB integration for Django.
mo-sql-parsing643Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaMore SQL Parsing! Parse SQL into JSON parse tree
html2image642Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Utilities3 - AlphaPackage acting as a wrapper around the headless mode of existing web browsers to generate images from URLs and from HTML+CSS strings or files.
nats-python642Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython client for NATS messaging system
mozinstall641Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuspackage for installing and uninstalling Mozilla applications
flytekitplugins-papermill639Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThis is the flytekit papermill plugin
sphinxext-rediraffe639Documentation :: Sphinx,Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,UtilitiesNo statusSphinx Extension that redirects non-existent pages to working pages.
flytekitplugins-kftensorflow639Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusK8s based Tensorflow plugin for flytekit
alibabacloud-tea639Software Development5 - Production/StableThe tea module of alibabaCloud Python SDK.
woothee638Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCross-language UserAgent classifier library, python implementation
module-wrapper637Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusModule wrapper Python library
napari-svg637Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA plugin for reading and writing svg files with napari
flask-dropzone637Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUpload file in Flask with Dropzone.js.
flytekitplugins-hive637Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThis package holds Hive plugins for flytekit
python-sql637Database,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary to write SQL queries
django-measurement637Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Scientific/Engineering :: Atmospheric Science,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities5 - Production/StableConvenient fields and classes for handling measurements
aiotools636Software Development5 - Production/StableIdiomatic asyncio utilities
argparse-ext636Software Development :: Libraries4 - Betaargparse extension;
bobbuildtool636Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaFunctional cross platform build-automation tool
abstract635Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython library for creating and drawing graphs and taking advantage of graph properties
tad635Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusTwitter's Anomaly Detection Implementation in Python
tox-venv634Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaUse python3 venvs for python3 tox testenvs
inquirerpy634Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: User Interfaces2 - Pre-AlphaPython port of Inquirer.js (A collection of common interactive command-line user interfaces)
trello633Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython library for interacting with the Trello API
prodict633Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaProdict = Pro Dictionary with IDE friendly(auto code completion), dot-accessible attributes and more.
rattr632Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusRattr rats on your attrs.
opencc-python-reimplemented632Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaOpenCC made with Python
anyrobot632Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusThis is a data service module that solves test data problems.
depthai631Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaDepthAI Python Library
sniffer631Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaAn automatic test runner. Supports nose out of the box.
napari-console631Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA plugin that adds a console to napari
flake8-datetimez630Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableA plugin for flake8 to ban the usage of unsafe naive datetime class.
django-private-storage630Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPrivate media file storage for Django projects
ansible-later629Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/StableReviews ansible playbooks, roles and inventories and suggests improvements.
insightconnect-integrations-validators629Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusValidator tooling for InsightConnect integrations
paginate-sqlalchemy628Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaExtension to paginate.Page that supports SQLAlchemy queries
enums628Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaenums: Enumeration types for Python
alibabacloud-tea-openapi628Software Development4 - BetaAlibaba Cloud openapi SDK Library for Python
terrawrap627Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSet of Python-based CLI tools for working with Terraform configurations
smol627Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLighthweight but caffeinated Python implementation of computational methods for statistical mechanical calculations of configurational states in crystalline material systems.
flask-s3626Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSeamlessly serve the static files of your Flask app from Amazon S3
accera-llvm626Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAccera LLVM Binaries
barenecessities626Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaProvides the ``bn`` module containing a dictionary allowing attribute access to values - I use it so much I've made into a package.
jep626Software Development5 - Production/StableJep embeds CPython in Java
qt-pyqt-pyside-custom-widgets625Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaCustom widgets and widget animations made for QT applications
pycircleci625Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython client for CircleCI API
amplify624Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAmplify SDK for Quantum Annealing and Ising Machines
reactivepy624Education,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaReactive properties and owners for Python classes.
alibabacloud-openapi-util624Software Development4 - BetaAliyun Tea OpenApi Library for Python
flask-uploads624Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
django-qsstats-magic624Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA django microframework that eases the generation of aggregate data for querysets.
protorpc623Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGoogle Protocol RPC
mkl-random623Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableNumPy-based implementation of random number generation sampling using Intel (R) Math Kernel Library, mirroring numpy.random, but exposing all choices of sampling algorithms available in MKL.
teapot623Software DevelopmentNo statusA multi-platform tool to automate the download, unpack and build of third-party softwares.
aliyun-python-sdk-dataworks-public622Software Development4 - BetaThe dataworks-public module of Aliyun Python sdk.
bpmappers621Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablebpmappers is a Python moudle that maps Python dictionary values and object properties to different dictionary.
pulearn621Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPositive-unlabeled learning with Python
abstracts621Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaAbstract class and interface definitions
flask-paranoid621Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple user session protection
python-minifier620Software Development5 - Production/StableTransform Python source code into it's most compact representation
mimeparse620Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges.
bosch-thermostat-client619Other/Nonlisted Topic,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython API for talking to Bosch™ Heating gateway using HTTP or XMPP
python2-pythondialog619Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableA Python interface to the UNIX dialog utility and mostly-compatible programs (Python 2 backport)
django-excel619Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA django middleware that provides one application programminginterface to read and write data in different excel file formats
flytekitplugins-pandera619Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPandera plugin for flytekit
google-cloud-documentai619Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
embed-python618Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple python library to scrape any URL and return the most meaningful data from it
coverage2clover618Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA tool to convert python-coverage xml report to Atlassian Clover xml report format
django-mail-templated618Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSend emails with Django template system
promium618Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaSelenium wrapper for testing Web UI
kfserving617Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusKFServing Python SDK
concepts617Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFormal Concept Analysis with Python
timeconvert617Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTime Convert for Humans
apicrud616Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks3 - AlphaFlask REST framework for role-based access
dataclass-builder616Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaCreate instances of dataclasses with the builder pattern.
fudge616Software Development :: TestingNo statusReplace real objects with fakes (mocks, stubs, etc) while testing.
django-uuidfield616Software DevelopmentNo statusUUIDField in Django
catkin-lint615Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableCheck catkin packages for common errors
stellar-sdk614Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe Python Stellar SDK library provides APIs to build transactions and connect to Horizon.
django-splitio614Software Development :: Libraries2 - Django Application
feedgenerator613Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableStandalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator
wsgicors613Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWSGI for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
xlcalculator613Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit,Utilities5 - Production/StableConverts MS Excel formulas to Python and evaluates them.
seedboxmanager613Internet,Multimedia,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSeedbox Task Manager
ds-store612Desktop Environment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableManipulate Finder .DS_Store files from Python
pylint-json2html612Software Development :: Quality Assurance3 - AlphaPylint JSON report to HTML
pipedream612Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaFlow based programming library for Python
ably612Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python client library for realtime messaging
tkcalendar612Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Widget Sets5 - Production/StableCalendar and DateEntry widgets for Tkinter
quart-cors612Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Quart extension to provide Cross Origin Resource Sharing, access control, support.
pytube3611Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
laboratory611Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA Python port of Github's Scientist lib.
pywikibot610Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython MediaWiki Bot Framework
rbtools610Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableCommand line tools and API for working with code and document reviews on Review Board
faker-schema610Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaGenerate fake data using joke2k's faker and your own schema
buildbot-worker610Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableBuildbot Worker Daemon
developer-tools608Software Development5 - Production/StableUseful tools for Python developers
djangocms-installer608Software Development4 - BetaCommand to easily bootstrap django CMS projects
skpy608Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaAn unofficial Python library for interacting with the Skype HTTP API.
pfzy607Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython port of the fzy fuzzy string matching algorithm
flask-gravatar607Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSmall extension for Flask to make usage of Gravatar service easy.
accera-gpu607Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAccera GPU Support
icalevents606Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaiCal downloader and parser
jinja-cli606Software Development :: User Interfaces4 - Betaa command line interface to jinja;
pytest-filter-subpackage605Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaPytest plugin for filtering based on sub-packages
pytest-pspec605Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaA rspec format reporter for Python ptest
selene605Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaConcise API for selenium in Python + Ajax support + PageObjects (Selenide port from Java to Python)
great-expectations-experimental605Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Testing4 - BetaAlways know what to expect from your data.
sphinx-me604Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities4 - BetaUNKNOWN
pyro5603Software Development :: Object Brokering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Networking4 - BetaRemote object communication library, fifth major version
dm-pix603Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Processing,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPIX is an image processing library in JAX, for JAX.
tableauscraper603Software DevelopmentNo statusLibrary to get data from Tableau Viz
graphql-server602Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaGraphQL Server tools for powering your server
configparser2601Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThis library brings the updated configparser from Python 3.5 to Python 2.6-3.5.
weblate-language-data601Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Utilities5 - Production/StableLanguage definitions for Weblate
d2to1600Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging5 - Production/StableAllows using distutils2-like setup.cfg files for a package's metadata with a distribute/setuptools
clip-client600Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEmbed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors via CLIP
lbenv600Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaLHCb Environment tools
code-census600Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA command line tool to collect, organize, report code metrics.
surf600Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaObject RDF Mapper
asserts599Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaStand-alone Assertions
ofxclient599Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaOFX client for dowloading transactions from banks
open-clip-torch598Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaOpenCLIP
flake8-alphabetize598Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality AssuranceNo statusA Python style checker for alphabetizing import and __all__.
intel-cmplr-lic-rt597Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Runtime COMMON LICENSING package
pycep-correios597Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableMétodo para busca de dados de CEP no webservice dos Correios
robotframework-tidy596Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities5 - Production/StableCode autoformatter for Robot Framework
xlrd2596Database,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary for developers to extract data from Microsoft Excel legacy spreadsheet files (xls)
fireant595Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableData analysis tool for Python and Jupyter Notebooks
chardet2595Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaCharacter encoding auto-detection in Python 3
onnxsim594Scientific/Engineering,Software Development4 - BetaSimplify your ONNX model
sphinxcontrib-autoprogram594Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Utilities5 - Production/StableDocumenting CLI programs
dirtyjson594Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJSON decoder for Python that can extract data from the muck
django-extended-choices593Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLittle helper application to improve django choices(for fields)
fortuna592Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCustom Random Value Generators
py2exe592Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Software Distribution,Utilities4 - BetaBuild standalone executables for Windows
mac-alias592Desktop Environment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGenerate/parse Mac OS Alias records from Python
command-runner592Software Development,System,System :: Operating System,System :: Shells5 - Production/StablePlatform agnostic command and shell execution tool, also allows UAC/sudo privilege elevation
pysdl2592Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython SDL2 bindings
pangu591Education,Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Utilities5 - Production/StableParanoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).
envdir591Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaA Python port of daemontools' envdir.
edgedriver-autoinstaller591Software Development :: Testing,System :: Installation/Setup,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAutomatically install edgedriver that supports the currently installed version of edge.
clients590Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHTTP for humanitarians.
scikit-multiflow590Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software DevelopmentNo statusA multi-output/multi-label and stream data mining framework.
plumber589Software Development5 - Production/StableAn alternative to mixin-based extension of classes.
django-prices589Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDjango fields for the prices module
rikai588Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusNone
ffprobe588Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaWrapper around ffprobe command to extract metadata from media files
cefpython3588Desktop Environment,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Multimedia,Software Development :: User Interfaces6 - MatureGUI toolkit for embedding a Chromium widget in desktop applications
aiohttp-requests588Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA thin wrapper for aiohttp client with Requests simplicity
cupy588Software Development,Scientific/Engineering5 - Production/StableCuPy: NumPy & SciPy for GPU
naya587Software Development :: Libraries,Text Processing :: Markup4 - BetaA fast streaming JSON parser written in pure python
pybloomfiltermmap3587Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Bloom filter (bloomfilter) for Python 3 built on mmap
snapml587Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence5 - Production/StableSnap Machine Learning
linkheader586Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaParse and format link headers according to RFC 5988 "Web Linking"
rfc5424-logging-handler586Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableAn up-to-date, RFC5424-Compliant syslog handler for the Python logging framework
typed-json-dataclass585Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMake your dataclasses automatically validate their types
pyresparser585Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusA simple resume parser used for extracting information from resumes
ppretty585Software Development :: Debuggers,Utilities5 - Production/StableConvert python objects to a human readable format
wsgiprox585Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableHTTP/S proxy with WebSockets over WSGI
intel-cmplr-lib-rt584Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Runtime COMMON LIBRARIES
apraw584Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaaPRAW is an asynchronous Reddit API wrapper written in Python.
readline583Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGNU readline support for Python on platforms without readline.
enum-tools583Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAlternative method for documenting enums with Sphinx.
django-six583Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDjango-six —— Django Compatibility Library
django-threadlocals583Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaContains utils for storing and retreiving values from threadlocals, and middleware for placing the current Django request in threadlocal storage.
django-nonrelated-inlines582Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango admin inlines for unrelated models
cdlib582Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaCommunity Discovery Library
flask-kvsession582Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTransparent server-side session support for flask
pytest-random582Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - Alphapy.test plugin to randomize tests
strings582Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython strings for humans.
websocket-server581Internet,Software Development :: User InterfacesNo statusA minimal websocket server that works for both Python2 and Python3
google-cloud-org-policy581Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
jina-auth581Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA CLI for you to login in to Jina Ecosystem
pydoe2580Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableDesign of experiments for Python
pylava579Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaPylava -- Code audit tool for Python
features579Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaFeature set algebra for linguistics
asterisklint579Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Pre-processors4 - BetaAsterisk PBX configuration syntax checker
hatasmota579Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython module to help parse and construct Tasmota MQTT messages.
paralleldots578Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython Wrapper for ParallelDots APIs
robotframework-pdf2textlibrary578Software Development :: TestingNo statusRobot Framework PDF Inspect Library
intel-opencl-rt578Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI OpenCL* Runtime package
telnyx577Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the Telnyx API
agora577Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA portfolio and risk management system based on onyx.
pytest-mccabe577Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - Alphapytest plugin to run the mccabe code complexity checker.
citeurl577Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablean extensible tool to process legal citations in text
sendsafely577Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableThe SendSafely Client API allows programmatic access to SendSafely and provides a layer of abstraction from our REST API, which requires developers to perform several complex tasks in a correct manner.
flake8-sfs576Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaPython docstring reStructuredText (RST) validator
django-enum-choices575Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusA custom Django field able to use subclasses of Python's internal `Enum` class as choices
pyu4v575Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python library for use with Dell EMC's Unisphere for VMAX RestAPI.
docx2pdf575Office/Business :: Office Suites,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusConvert docx to pdf on Windows or macOS directly using Microsoft Word (must be installed).
deepctr574Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEasy-to-use,Modular and Extendible package of deep learning based CTR(Click Through Rate) prediction models with tensorflow.
tox-battery573Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAdditional functionality for tox
ensure573Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLiterate BDD assertions in Python with no magic
retry-requests572Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMake requests's sessions auto-retry on failure.
bxtorch572Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaHigh-level abstractions for PyTorch.
django-opentracing571Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenTracing support for Django applications
viztracer570Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaA debugging and profiling tool that can trace and visualize python code execution
scrapingbee570Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusScrapingBee Python SDK
redlibssh569System :: Shells,System :: Networking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAlternate bindings for libssh C library
py-dmidecode568Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphapython lib that parse the output of dmidecode
hglib567Software Development :: Version Control4 - BetaMercurial Python library
pytest-testdox566Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableA testdox format reporter for pytest
django-mobile566Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDetect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
dirty-equals566Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDoing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals.
crosspm565Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaCross Package Manager
cron-converter565Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaCron string parser and scheduler for Python
flake8-type-checking565Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableA flake8 plugin for managing type-checking imports & forward references
django-livereload565Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLiveReload with the Django development server
pynmea2564Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython library for the NMEA 0183 protcol
libfaketime564Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA fast alternative to freezegun that wraps libfaketime.
pythonextensions564Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaStrongly typed classes with multiple built in helper functions to speed up development.
tensorflow-tensorboard563Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTensorBoard lets you watch Tensors Flow
commoncode562Software Development,Utilities5 - Production/Stableskeleton
buildbot-slave562Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableBuildbot Slave Daemon
env-file562Software Development,UtilitiesNo status.env file handler. required for django, docker, etc
aiocoap561Internet,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython CoAP library
secp256k1561Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaFFI bindings to secp256k1
excel2json-3561Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,Text Processing1 - PlanningConvert MS Excel file formats to JSON
pvxslibs558Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StablePVXS libraries packaged for python
yourbase558Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Unit,Software Development :: Version Control :: GitNo statusAutomatically skip tests that don't need to run
django-easy-pdf556Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango PDF views, the easy way
pysparta556Software Development :: InternationalizationNo statusLibrary to help ETL using pyspark
fns555Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaReusable functions for use in ML projects
google-cloud-dialogflow-cx555Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
flask-autoindex555Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA mod_autoindex for Flask
flytekitplugins-sqlalchemy555Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSQLAlchemy plugin for flytekit
bmlx555Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBMLX is vairiant of tfx for internal use for BIGO
opentimelineio554Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Display,Multimedia :: Video :: Non-Linear Editor,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaEditorial interchange format and API
adafruit-io553Home Automation,Software Development5 - Production/StablePython client library for Adafruit IO (
pytest-memray553Software Development :: DebuggersNo statusA simple plugin to use with pytest
lexid553Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableVariable width build numbers with lexical ordering.
osgridconverter553Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaLibrary to convert co-ordinates between the (UK) Ordnance Survey National Grid and latitude/longitude
biip553Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableBiip interprets the data in barcodes.
flask-mobility552Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Flask extension to simplify building mobile-friendly sites.
pynakadi552Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython client for Nakadi
marionette-driver552Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StableMarionette Driver
stashy552Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaPython API client for the Atlassian Stash REST API
ppmd-cffi551Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPPMd compression/decompression library
cdrouter551Software Development5 - Production/StablePython client for the CDRouter Web API
stream-python550Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient for Build scalable newsfeeds & activity streams in a few hours instead of weeks.
flytekitplugins-dolt550Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDolt plugin for flytekit
mstrio-py550Software Development :: Libraries,Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statusPython interface for the MicroStrategy REST API
alibabacloud-credentials549Software Development5 - Production/StableThe alibabacloud credentials module of alibabaCloud Python SDK.
poutyne549Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA simplified framework and utilities for PyTorch.
pytest-only548Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableUse @pytest.mark.only to run a single test
anvil-uplink548Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaThe Anvil server uplink library
aiohttp-sqlalchemy548Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 support for aiohttp.
torch-complex547Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA fugacious python class for PyTorch-ComplexTensor
tree-sitter547Software Development :: Compilers,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusPython bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library
py-ubjson547Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableUniversal Binary JSON encoder/decoder
vulners547Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Version Control,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython library and command-line utility for Vulners (
pyion2json546Software Development :: Build ToolsNo statusConvert an Amazon Ion document(s) to JSON
clip-as-service545Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEmbed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors via CLIP
python-daemon-3k545Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLibrary to implement a well-behaved Unix daemon process.
fonts545Software Development,System :: Hardware5 - Production/StablePython Fonts
cannon545Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAn SSH automation tool based on Exscript
fileconfig544Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaConfig file sections as objects
anltk542Software Development,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence3 - AlphaArabic language processing toolkit
tuya-iot-py-sdk541Software Development4 - BetaA Python sdk for Tuya Open API, which provides IoT capabilities, maintained by Tuya official
vosk540Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOffline open source speech recognition API based on Kaldi and Vosk
django-db-connection-pool540Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePersistent database connection backends for Django
discord-ext-check540Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA module which implements various new decorators to check for certain conditions in your discord commands
django-oscar540Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableA domain-driven e-commerce framework for Django
gseapy540Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaGene Set Enrichment Analysis in Python
flask-silk539Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds silk icons to your Flask application or module, or extension.
rundoc539Documentation,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities4 - BetaA command-line utility that runs code blocks from markdown files.
knockapi539Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableClient library for the Knock API
grafana-client539Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA client library for the Grafana HTTP API, written in Python
pyrr537Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo status3D mathematical functions using NumPy
jsonlib-python3537Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJSON serializer/deserializer for Python
baseplate537Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/Stablereddit's python service framework
marqeta536Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMarqeta Python SDK
magicgui536Desktop Environment,Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Software Development :: Widget Sets,Utilities4 - Betabuild GUIs from functions, using magic
django-3-jet536Software Development,Software Development :: User Interfaces5 - Production/StableModern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality
gevent-eventemitter535Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImplements EventEmitter using gevent
discord-interactive535Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA package allowing you to display interactive help in Discord easily
pytokio535Scientific/Engineering,Software DevelopmentNo statuspytokio is a framework that enables holistic analysis of telemetry from HPC systems
acryl-datahub-airflow-plugin535Software Development5 - Production/StableDatahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
flask-user535Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCustomizable User Account Management for Flask: Register, Confirm email, Login, Change username, Change password, Forgot password and more.
s1db534Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities4 - BetaS1 API Library for Python
bigmler534Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA command-line tool for, the public BigML API
httpx-auth534Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableAuthentication for HTTPX
pytest-ansible534Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities5 - Production/StablePlugin for py.test to simplify calling ansible modules from tests or fixtures
geffnet533Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alpha(Generic) EfficientNets for PyTorch
sutekh533Games/Entertainment,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaVtES Card Collection Manager
django-querysetsequence533Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet4 - BetaChain together multiple (disparate) QuerySets to treat them as a single QuerySet.
pytest-astropy532Software Development :: Testing,Utilities3 - AlphaMeta-package containing dependencies for testing
paytmchecksum532Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThis is for paytm checksum creation and verification in python
jsonschema-gentypes532Software Development :: Code Generators4 - BetaTool to generate Python types based on TypedDict from a JSON Schema
multipartposthandler532Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA handler for urllib2 to enable multipart form uploading
adversarial-robustness-toolbox531Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence3 - AlphaToolbox for adversarial machine learning.
distorm3531Software Development :: Disassemblers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe goal of diStorm3 is to decode x86/AMD64 binary streams and return a structure that describes each instruction.
kivymd530Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaSet of widgets for Kivy inspired by Google's Material Design
angel-cd530Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableCommunity Discovery algorithm
ezenv530System :: Systems Administration,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA more convenient interface to environment variables.
composites530Scientific/Engineering,Education,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMethods to calculate properties of laminated composite materials
fastapi-restful530Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaQuicker FastApi developing tools
restnavigator529Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities6 - MatureA python library for interacting with HAL+JSON APIs
ipfn529Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaIterative Proportional Fitting with N dimensions, for python
connexion2529Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableConnexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
aioconnectors529Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableSimple secure asynchronous message broker
discord-ext-music529Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio4 - BetaAn easy-to-use music extension for
pytest-elasticsearch528Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableElasticsearch process and client fixtures for py.test.
musicbrainzngs528Database :: Front-Ends,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython bindings for the MusicBrainz NGS and the Cover Art Archive webservices
appenginetaskutils528Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaUtilities for using appengine tasks. Inspired by deferred.
uol-autograder528Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaGeneral testing and feedback
bitcart527Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaBitcartCC coins support library
api4jenkins527Software Development5 - Production/StableJenkins REST API client
tcconfig527Software Development :: Testing,System :: Networking,System :: Operating System Kernels :: Linux,System :: Systems Administration4 - Betatcconfig is a tc command wrapper. Make it easy to set up traffic control of network bandwidth/latency/packet-loss/packet-corruption/etc. to a network-interface/Docker-container(veth).
pttlibrary527Communications :: BBS,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals :: Telnet4 - BetaPTT library github:
friendly526Education,Software Development :: Interpreters4 - BetaFriendlier tracebacks in any language.
pydot3k526Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython interface to Graphviz's Dot
limitlion525Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusClose LimitLion
vantivecommercesdk525Office/Business :: Financial,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableVantiv eCommerce Python SDK
pysubs2525Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Multimedia :: Video5 - Production/StableA library for editing subtitle files
napari-plugin-engine525Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - Betanapari plugin engine, fork of pluggy
sqliteschema525Database,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Beta A Python library to dump table schema of a SQLite database file.
mkl-include524Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableIntel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library
dogslow524Software Development :: Debuggers,Utilities4 - BetaA Django middleware that logs tracebacks of slow requests.
easyargs524Software Development :: User Interfaces3 - AlphaMaking argument parsing easy
pytest-kind523Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableKubernetes test support with KIND for pytest
pi523Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,System :: Filesystems2 - Pre-AlphaSimpler python package installation
demon523Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableCommunity Discovery algorithm
composeml523Software Development,Scientific/Engineering3 - AlphaNone
earthpy523Software DevelopmentNo statusA set of helper functions to make working with spatial data in open source tools easier. This package is maintained by Earth Lab and was originally designed to support the earth analytics education program.
pyrealsense2522Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Human Machine Interfaces,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks3 - AlphaPython Wrapper for Intel Realsense SDK 2.0.
removebg522Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableA Python API wrapper for removing background using's API
inputs522Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Hardware :: Hardware Drivers,UtilitiesNo statusCross-platform Python support for keyboards, mice and gamepads.
serveit522Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaMachine learning prediction serving
aiobreaker522Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusPython implementation of the Circuit Breaker pattern.
ibm-vpc521Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks4 - BetaPython client library for IBM Cloud VPC Services
kserve521Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusKServe Python SDK
node521Software DevelopmentNo statusBuilding data structures as node trees
libusb521Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython binding for the libusb C library (ctypes/cffi-based libusb)
pyral521Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython toolkit for Rally REST API
sphinxcontrib-asyncio520Documentation :: Sphinx,Software Development :: DocumentationNo statussphinx extension to support coroutines in markup
pysimplesoap520Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython simple and lightweight SOAP Library (master branch)
weblate520Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA web-based continuous localization system with tight version control integration
anevia-testrail520Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Quality Assurance4 - BetaPytest plugin for interaction with TestRail
coinaddrvalidator518Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Security :: Cryptography,Text Processing,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA crypto-currency address inspection/validation library.
astrape518Software Development :: Documentation1 - PlanningAstrape: A Fast Way to Organize and Deploy ML experiments.
awssig517Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaAWS signature verification routines
librabbitmq517Communications,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking3 - AlphaAMQP Client using the rabbitmq-c library.
bimlpa516Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableCommunity detection in bipartite networks using multi-label propagation algorithm
geneticalgorithm516Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn easy implementation of genetic-algorithm (GA) to solve continuous and combinatorial optimization problems with real, integer, and mixed variables in Python
dazel516Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRun bazel in Docker, in a reproducible and portable container.
dependencies516Software Development4 - BetaDependency Injection for Humans
bolinette516Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaBolinette, a web framework built on top of Flask
permission516Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple permission control for Python Web Frameworks.
lbdevtools515Software Development :: Build Tools4 - BetaLHCb development tools
eva-lcd515Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/StableEva: Community Discovery for labeled graphs
drizzlepac515Scientific/Engineering :: Astronomy,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusdrizzle tools: combines astronomical images, including modeling distortion, removing cosmic rays, and generally improving fidelity of data in the final image
azure-translator514Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaPython SDK for Azure Translator API.
styleframe514Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaA library that wraps pandas and openpyxl and allows easy styling of dataframes in excel, A library that wraps pandas and openpyxl and allows easy styling of dataframes in excel. A simple documentation can be found at
raven-aiohttp514Software DevelopmentNo statusAn asyncio transport for raven-python
netron513Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: VisualizationNo statusViewer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models
django-vinaigrette513Software Development :: Internationalization3 - AlphaTranslate Django model data using gettext
mockserver-client513Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaFriendly python client to James D. Bloom's awesome MockServer
acos-client512Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA10 Networks ACOS API Client
snowflake-snowpark-python512Database,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis4 - BetaSnowflake Snowpark for Python
logging-slackhandler511Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableA logging handler for Slack
powernad511Software Development :: Libraries2 - Pre-AlphaEasy to use naver ad to python
flake8-i18n510Software Development :: Quality Assurance5 - Production/StableWarns about incorrect gettext usage.
beanstalkc509Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple beanstalkd client library
f2format509Software Development,Utilities4 - BetaConvert f-string to str.format for Python 3 compatibility.
taichi508Software Development :: Compilers,Multimedia :: Graphics,Games/Entertainment :: Simulation2 - Pre-AlphaThe Taichi Programming Language
easysettings508Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEasily set and retrieve application settings.
python-gvm508Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLibrary to communicate with remote servers over GMP or OSP
nf1508Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaNF1: Normalized F1 score for community evaluation against ground truth
cardano-clusterlib508Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython wrapper for cardano-cli for working with cardano cluster
resteasycli508Internet,Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaHandy REST API client on your terminal
validata-api507Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableValidata Web API
pint-pandas507Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPhysical quantities module
common507Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals4 - BetaCommon tools and data structures implemented in pure python.
console506Software Development :: Libraries,Terminals4 - BetaComprehensive, composable utility library for ANSI terminals. Better, stronger, faster. Tch-tch-tch-tch…
django-recaptcha2506Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango reCaptcha v2 field/widget
bcolz505Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betacolumnar and compressed data containers.
wsgi-intercept504Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: TestingNo statuswsgi_intercept installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.
pysmart504Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWrapper for smartctl (smartmontools)
pytest-steps504Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableCreate step-wise / incremental tests in pytest.
compare-locales503Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Localization,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableLint Mozilla localizations
flytekitplugins-awssagemaker502Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAWS Plugins for flytekit
django-otp-twilio502Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA django-otp plugin that delivers tokens via Twilio's SMS service.
python-codicefiscale502Software Development :: Build Tools5 - Production/Stablepython-codicefiscale is a tiny library for encode/decode Italian fiscal code - codifica/decodifica del Codice Fiscale.
sinon502Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaStandalone and test framework agnostic Python test spies, stubs and mocks (pronounced "sigh-non").
timeflake502Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusTimeflakes are 64-bit roughly-ordered, globally-unique, URL-safe UUIDs.
pyodps501Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusODPS Python SDK and data analysis framework
telesign501Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTelesign SDK
gixy501Security,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaNginx configuration [sec]analyzer
bonsai501Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP4 - BetaModule for Python 3 to access LDAP directory servers.