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List of Pypi Internet packages






urllib39688681Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries No statusHTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more.
requests8823089Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StablePython HTTP for Humans.
idna8447565Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableInternationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
google-api-core5655297Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle API client core library
google-auth3099623Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableGoogle Authentication Library
yarl2989650Internet :: WWW/HTTP No statusYet another URL library
google-cloud-bigquery2359175Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle BigQuery API client library
google-cloud-core2056985Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud API client core library
isodate1988607Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaAn ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter
aiohttp1930554Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableAsync http client/server framework (asyncio)
google-cloud-storage1774957Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Storage API client library
soupsieve1727596Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup.
google-resumable-media1726683Internet 5 - Production/StableUtilities for Google Media Downloads and Resumable Uploads
filelock1565612Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System 5 - Production/StableA platform independent file lock.
websocket-client1520295Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaWebSocket client for Python with low level API options
google-auth-oauthlib1369503Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaGoogle Authentication Library
google-cloud-pubsub1222177Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Pub/Sub API client library
pydantic1107620Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet 5 - Production/StableData validation and settings management using python 3.6 type hinting
google-api-python-client1021714Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableGoogle API Client Library for Python
httplib21151050Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaA comprehensive HTTP client library.
paramiko1089983Internet,Security :: Cryptography 5 - Production/StableSSH2 protocol library
gunicorn948962Internet,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content 5 - Production/StableWSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
mako852156Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content 5 - Production/StableA super-fast templating language that borrows the best ideas from the existing templating languages.
google-cloud-bigquery-storage811971Internet 5 - Production/StableBigQuery Storage API API client library
google-cloud-dlp802358Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API API client library
h11762748Internet :: WWW/HTTP,System :: Networking 3 - AlphaA pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
markdown737793Communications :: Email :: Filters,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown 5 - Production/StablePython implementation of Markdown.
google-cloud-bigtable714287Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Bigtable API client library
dnspython651100Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDNS toolkit
pandas-gbq628648Internet,Scientific/Engineering 4 - BetaGoogle BigQuery connector for pandas
emoji590583Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaEmoji for Python
grpc-google-iam-v1579471Internet 4 - BetaIAM API client library
backoff552628Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFunction decoration for backoff and retry
google-cloud-datastore537663Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Datastore API client library
requests-aws4auth525126Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableAWS4 authentication for Requests
google-cloud-secret-manager464715Internet 5 - Production/StableSecret Manager API API client library
cachecontrol418711Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - Betahttplib2 caching for requests
asgiref414859Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableASGI specs, helper code, and adapters
httpx356825Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaThe next generation HTTP client.
httpcore351898Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaA minimal low-level HTTP client.
google-cloud-logging344485Internet 5 - Production/StableStackdriver Logging API client library
starlette343180Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaThe little ASGI library that shines.
django339693Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
discord-webhook325626Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content No statusexecute discord webhooks
snowballstemmer313601Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Linguistic 5 - Production/StableThis package provides 29 stemmers for 28 languages generated from Snowball algorithms.
fastapi312947Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaFastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
uvicorn310660Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaThe lightning-fast ASGI server.
sphinx294922Documentation,Documentation :: Sphinx,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Printing,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: LaTeX,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython documentation generator
gevent269780Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaCoroutine-based network library
ua-parser207694Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaPython port of Browserscope's user agent parser
authlib186113Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application 4 - BetaThe ultimate Python library in building OAuth and OpenID Connect servers and clients.
djangorestframework176503Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableWeb APIs for Django, made easy.
flask-wtf176250Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableSimple integration of Flask and WTForms.
aws-sam-translator168839Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 4 - BetaAWS SAM Translator is a library that transform SAM templates into AWS CloudFormation templates
google-cloud-pubsublite166863Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
sqlalchemy-utils162148Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusVarious utility functions for SQLAlchemy.
jira146580Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StablePython library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
google-cloud-spanner145352Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Spanner API client library
maxminddb143966Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet 5 - Production/StableReader for the MaxMind DB format
google-cloud-appengine-logging134753Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
google-cloud-language132764Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Natural Language API client library
geoip2132363Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet 5 - Production/StableMaxMind GeoIP2 API
connexion131583Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableConnexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
pika131022Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StablePika Python AMQP Client Library
google-cloud-firestore126669Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Firestore API client library
python-snappy116230Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Archiving :: Compression 4 - BetaPython library for the snappy compression library from Google
flask-caching115746Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds caching support to your Flask application
flask-babel97787Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
waitress95938Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI 6 - MatureWaitress WSGI server
tld93901Internet 5 - Production/StableExtract the top-level domain (TLD) from the URL given.
w3lib90990Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableLibrary of web-related functions
flask-compress86612Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusCompress responses in your Flask app with gzip, deflate or brotli.
google-cloud-vision78694Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Vision API API client library
imdbpy69519Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython package to access the IMDb's database
cinemagoer67477Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StablePython package to access the IMDb's database
vcrpy66497Software Development :: Testing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableAutomatically mock your HTTP interactions to simplify and speed up testing
google-cloud-videointelligence66357Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Video Intelligence API client library
pyrogram62564Internet,Communications,Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableTelegram MTProto API Client Library and Framework for Python
google-cloud-resource-manager58642Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Resource Manager API client library
atlassian-python-api57286Utilities,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 4 - BetaPython Atlassian REST API Wrapper
google-cloud-recommendations-ai56719Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaNone
hstspreload55624Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security 5 - Production/StableChromium HSTS Preload list as a Python package
discord-py-slash-command53662Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities 4 - BetaA simple interaction handler for
google-cloud-aiplatform53066Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableVertex AI API client library
whitenoise52994Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware 5 - Production/StableRadically simplified static file serving for WSGI applications
google-cloud-dataproc52204Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Dataproc API client library
pyramid50031Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI 6 - MatureThe Pyramid Web Framework, a Pylons project
scrapy49969Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
google-cloud-kms48837Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Key Management Service (KMS) API client library
aws-sam-cli48756Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 5 - Production/StableAWS SAM CLI is a CLI tool for local development and testing of Serverless applications
cssselect248520Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/Stablecssselect2
pycurl46438Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StablePycURL -- A Python Interface To The cURL library
cheroot46160Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server 5 - Production/StableHighly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server
google-cloud-translate45748Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Translation API client library
tgcrypto45430Security,Security :: Cryptography,Internet,Communications,Communications :: Chat,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFast and Portable Cryptography Extension Library for Pyrogram
marshmallow-dataclass45410Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries 4 - BetaPython library to convert dataclasses into marshmallow schemas.
google-cloud-datacatalog42587Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Data Catalog API API client library
dj-database-url40753Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusUse Database URLs in your Django Application.
autobahn39153Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Communications,System :: Distributed Computing,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering 5 - Production/StableWebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
eventlet39056Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaHighly concurrent networking library
google-cloud-trace38710Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Trace API client library
djangorestframework-simplejwt37243Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableA minimal JSON Web Token authentication plugin for Django REST Framework
flask-bcrypt36894Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusBrcrypt hashing for Flask.
pymdown-extensions35209Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableExtension pack for Python Markdown.
office365-rest-python-client35050Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 4 - BetaOffice 365 Library for Python
google-cloud-tasks34317Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud Tasks API API client library
paho-mqtt34315Communications,Internet 4 - BetaMQTT version 5.0/3.1.1 client class
python-telegram-bot30733Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Communications :: Chat,Internet 5 - Production/StableWe have made you a wrapper you can't refuse
itemadapter30603Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 3 - AlphaCommon interface for data container classes
python-ldap30369Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP 5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
mkdocs-material-extensions29980Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableExtension pack for Python Markdown.
django-crispy-forms29725Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableBest way to have Django DRY forms
playwright29168Software Development :: Testing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers No statusA high-level API to automate web browsers
dbutils28931Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableDatabase connections for multi-threaded environments.
social-auth-core28750Internet 4 - BetaPython social authentication made simple.
weasyprint28271Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Printing 5 - Production/StableThe Awesome Document Factory
webargs27566Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application 5 - Production/StableDeclarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, Falcon, and aiohttp.
google-cloud-container27006Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Container Engine API client library
asyncssh26754Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking 5 - Production/StableAsyncSSH: Asynchronous SSHv2 client and server library
drf-spectacular26685Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators 5 - Production/StableSane and flexible OpenAPI 3 schema generation for Django REST framework
google-cloud-speech26677Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Speech API client library
dominate25459Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML No statusDominate is a Python library for creating and manipulating HTML documents using an elegant DOM API.
rq25318Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration,System :: Monitoring 5 - Production/StableRQ is a simple, lightweight, library for creating background jobs, and processing them.
social-auth-app-django24157Internet 4 - BetaPython Social Authentication, Django integration.
google-cloud-bigquery-datatransfer24155Internet 5 - Production/StableBigQuery Data Transfer API client library
django-phonenumber-field23817Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableAn international phone number field for django models.
aws-lambda-builders23462Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities 4 - BetaPython library to compile, build & package AWS Lambda functions for several runtimes & frameworks.
httpretty23259Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableHTTP client mock for Python
django-allauth22768Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet 4 - BetaIntegrated set of Django applications addressing authentication, registration, account management as well as 3rd party (social) account authentication.
webtest22646Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server 5 - Production/StableHelper to test WSGI applications
django-js-asset22541Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks No statusscript tag with additional attributes for django.forms.Media
google-cloud-texttospeech21909Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Text-to-Speech API client library
falcon21272Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 5 - Production/StableAn unladen web framework for building APIs and app backends.
channels21000Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableBrings async, event-driven capabilities to Django. Django 2.2 and up only.
google-cloud-error-reporting20814Internet 4 - BetaError Reporting API client library
pamqp20685Communications,Internet,Software Development 5 - Production/StableRabbitMQ Focused AMQP low-level library
cloudscraper20682Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA Python module to bypass Cloudflare's anti-bot page.
daphne20638Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaDjango ASGI (HTTP/WebSocket) server
pytube20358Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePython 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
instana20230Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/Stable🐍 Python Distributed Tracing & Metrics Sensor for Instana
google-cloud-automl20111Internet 5 - Production/StableCloud AutoML API client library
google-cloud-workflows19815Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
google-cloud-redis19086Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Memorystore for Redis API client library
ipfshttpclient18166Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Filesystems,System :: Networking 3 - AlphaPython IPFS HTTP CLIENT library
google-cloud-memcache17897Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableNone
google-cloud-os-login17316Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud OS Login API client library
scrapyd-client17232Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableA client for Scrapyd
nextcord17061Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for the Discord API forked from
google-cloud-build16954Internet 5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud Build API client library
wavelink16868Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities No statusA robust and powerful Lavalink wrapper for
rjsmin16602Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StableJavascript Minifier
rcssmin16003Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StableCSS Minifier
google-cloud-dataflow-client15545Internet 4 - BetaCloud Dataflow API client library
createsend15530Communications,Communications :: Email,Communications :: Email :: Mailing List Servers,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableA library which implements the complete functionality of the Campaign Monitor API.
hypercorn15520Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA ASGI Server based on Hyper libraries and inspired by Gunicorn.
django-oauth-toolkit15446Internet :: WWW/HTTP 5 - Production/StableOAuth2 Provider for Django
jishaku15328Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Testing,Utilities 5 - Production/StableA extension including useful tools for bot development and debugging.
aio-pika15166Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries No statusWrapper for the aiormq for asyncio and humans.
jinja24726799Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableA small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.
markupsafe4122239Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML 5 - Production/StableImplements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
werkzeug3625927Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableThe Swiss Army knife of Python web development
flask3346852Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaA microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
discord1646181Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities 4 - BetaWrapper for
uritemplate933465Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaURI Templates
webencodings876275Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaCharacter encoding aliases for legacy web content
google-auth-httplib2768205Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaGoogle Authentication Library
oauth2client635095Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaOAuth 2.0 client library
commonmark362012Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities 4 - BetaPython parser for the CommonMark Markdown spec
boto352221Internet 3 - AlphaAmazon Web Services Library
retrying330237Internet,Utilities No statusRetrying
flask-cors215626Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusA Flask extension adding a decorator for CORS support
xlwt190653Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLibrary to create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 97/2000/XP/2003 XLS files, on any platform, with Python 2.3 to 2.7
flask-sqlalchemy182019Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableAdds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application.
simple-salesforce181187Internet :: WWW/HTTP 4 - BetaSimple Salesforce is a basic REST API client. The goal is to provide a very low-level interface to the API, returning an ordered dictionary of the API JSON response.
ndg-httpsclient178813Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableProvides enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2 using PyOpenSSL
googlemaps149157Internet 4 - BetaPython client library for Google Maps Platform
flask-login142120Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaUser session management for Flask
scp141390Internet 5 - Production/Stablescp module for paramiko
netaddr134000Communications,Documentation,Education,Education :: Testing,Home Automation,Internet,Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Benchmark,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
wtforms126556Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA flexible forms validation and rendering library for python web development.
validators114446Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusPython Data Validation for Humans™.
curlify102992Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content No statusLibrary to convert python requests object to curl command.
webob101888Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware 6 - MatureWSGI request and response object
user-agents100536Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableA library to identify devices (phones, tablets) and their capabilities by parsing (browser/HTTP) user agent strings
python3-openid97237Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory 5 - Production/StableOpenID support for modern servers and consumers.
google-cloud92066Internet 4 - BetaAPI Client library for Google Cloud
google-cloud-monitoring82470Internet 3 - AlphaStackdriver Monitoring API client library
pyrfc333978645Internet 5 - Production/StableGenerate and parse RFC 3339 timestamps
flask-session77856Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusAdds server-side session support to your Flask application
bottle73678Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks 4 - BetaFast and simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications.
coreapi68817Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaPython client library for Core API.
itypes68231Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaSimple immutable types for python.
coreschema68227Internet :: WWW/HTTP 3 - AlphaCore Schema.
pystache62811Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content No statusMustache for Python
flask-openid60888Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 4 - BetaOpenID support for Flask
flask-oidc59622Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
python-socketio58112Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusSocket.IO server
python-engineio57335Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules No statusEngine.IO server
pastedeploy55866Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableLoad, configure, and compose WSGI applications and servers
fake-useragent48360Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries 5 - Production/StableUp to date simple useragent faker with real world database
suds-jurko47643Internet 5 - Production/StableLightweight SOAP client (Jurko's fork)
pymsteams47351Internet,Office/Business,Office/Business :: Groupware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules 5 - Production/StableFormat messages and post to Microsoft Teams.
cherrypy43339Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableObject-Oriented HTTP framework
jsonlines40978Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,Utilities5 - Production/StableLibrary with helpers for the jsonlines file format
pyramid-debugtoolbar40816Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGINo statusA package which provides an interactive HTML debugger for Pyramid application development
ws4py40534Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWebSocket client and server library for Python 2 and 3 as well as PyPy
flask-migrate40195Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSQLAlchemy database migrations for Flask applications using Alembic
cssutils39279Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaA CSS Cascading Style Sheets library for Python
flask-socketio36741Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSocket.IO integration for Flask applications
rfc398733846Internet5 - Production/StableParsing and validation of URIs (RFC 3986) and IRIs (RFC 3987)
flask-basicauth31496Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusHTTP basic access authentication for Flask.
url-normalize30235Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing,UtilitiesNo statusURL normalization for Python (python3)
python-memcached30215Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePure python memcached client
premailer26658Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTurns CSS blocks into style attributes
gcs-oauth2-boto-plugin24982Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules7 - InactiveAuth plugin allowing use the use of OAuth 2.0 credentials for Google Cloud Storage in the Boto library.
google-oauth24637InternetNo statusGoogle OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server applications implementation. Performs JWT-based access token retrieval for Google APIs.
google-reauth24595Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaGoogle Reauth Library
image24014Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Video5 - Production/StableDjango application that provides resizing and thumbnailing for images and videos with the ability to set the center of attention, heads won't get cut anymore.
jsmin22775Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters5 - Production/StableJavaScript minifier.
scrapy-splash22681Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJavaScript support for Scrapy using Splash
asana22614Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple wrapper for the Asana api
geocoder22253Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGeocoder is a simple and consistent geocoding library.
flask-httpauth21349Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBasic and Digest HTTP authentication for Flask routes
paste21320Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTools for using a Web Server Gateway Interface stack
flask-oauthlib19409Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOAuthlib for Flask
python-logstash19198Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Logstash.
pattern18968Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Graphics,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableWeb mining module for Python, with tools for scraping, natural language processing, machine learning, network analysis and visualization.
python-mimeparse18685Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges.
pyftpdlib18668Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems5 - Production/StableVery fast asynchronous FTP server library
prance18640Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSwagger/OpenAPI 2.0 Parser
flask-marshmallow17633Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaFlask + marshmallow for beautiful APIs
flask-script17164Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableScripting support for Flask (legacy version, compatible with v0.6)
scrapy-sentry16953Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSentry component for Scrapy
yattag16727Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerate HTML or XML in a pythonic way. Pure python alternative to web template engines.Can fill HTML forms with default values and error messages.
flask-testing16484Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUnit testing for Flask
serverlessrepo15689Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Utilities4 - BetaA Python library with convenience helpers for working with the AWS Serverless Application Repository.
flask-mail15687Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlask extension for sending email
django-compressor14914Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableCompresses linked and inline JavaScript or CSS into single cached files.
pymisp14892Internet,Security5 - Production/StablePython API for MISP.
python3-logstash14836Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: LoggingNo statusPython logging handler for Logstash.
gdbgui14818Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusbrowser-based gdb frontend using Flask and JavaScript to visually debug C, C++, Go, or Rust
ipaddr14605Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableGoogle's IP address manipulation library
dnslib14579Internet :: Name Service (DNS)No statusSimple library to encode/decode DNS wire-format packets
cheetah314560Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Text Processing4 - BetaCheetah is a template engine and code generation tool
aiohttp-middlewares14499Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Utilities3 - AlphaCollection of useful middlewares for aiohttp appliactions
aiormq14482Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering5 - Production/StablePure python AMQP asynchronous client library
drf-nested-routers14375Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableNested resources for the Django Rest Framework
py-cord14375Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA Python wrapper for the Discord API
gdown13948Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableGoogle Drive direct download of big files.
libsass13563Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Compilers5 - Production/StableSass for Python: A straightforward binding of libsass for Python.
djangorestframework-jwt13546Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableJSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
shareplum13425Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business4 - BetaPython SharePoint Library
publicsuffixlist13389Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Text Processing :: Filters4 - Betapublicsuffixlist implement
rpyc13388Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering,Software Development :: Testing,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableRemote Python Call (RPyC), a transparent and symmetric RPC library
gevent-websocket13230Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebsocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server, a Python network library
distconfig13010Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLibrary to manage configuration using Zookeeper, Etcd, Consul
django-rest-swagger12945Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSwagger UI for Django REST Framework 2.3.8+
rollbar12838Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Bug Tracking,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaRollbar generic python library
args12756Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCommand Arguments for Humans.
grequests12716Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusRequests + Gevent
beaker12598Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware5 - Production/StableA Session and Caching library with WSGI Middleware
josepy12213Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security3 - AlphaJOSE protocol implementation in Python
django-formtools12036Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA set of high-level abstractions for Django forms
fqdn11947Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableValidates fully-qualified domain names against RFC 1123, so that they are acceptable to modern bowsers
iptools11865Internet,Utilities4 - BetaPython utilites for manipulating IP addresses
imapclient11716Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableEasy-to-use, Pythonic and complete IMAP client library
pafy11661Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Multimedia :: Video,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython API for YouTube, query and download YouTube content
websocket11604Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebsocket implementation for gevent
google-cloud-iam11297Internet3 - AlphaIAM Service Account Credentials API client library
fastapi-utils11235Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaReusable utilities for FastAPI
django-silk10943Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA Django app for profiling other Django apps
gcloud10853Internet4 - BetaAPI Client library for Google Cloud
suds10798Internet5 - Production/StableLightweight SOAP client (community fork)
rauth10548Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly.
requests-oauth10406Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHook for adding Open Authentication support to Python-requests HTTP library.
google-compute-engine10403Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableGoogle Compute Engine
aioresponses10387Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Mocking4 - BetaMock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package
django-localflavor10384Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableCountry-specific Django helpers
django-axes10362Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Security,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableKeep track of failed login attempts in Django-powered sites.
cloudinary10322Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaPython interface to Cloudinary
port-for10273System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Systems Administration,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management4 - BetaUtility that helps with local TCP ports managment. It can find an unused TCP localhost port and remember the association.
google-cloud-dns10268Internet3 - AlphaGoogle Cloud DNS API client library
acme10215Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security5 - Production/StableACME protocol implementation in Python
quart10141Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python ASGI web microframework with the same API as Flask
trafilatura10141Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaDownloads web pages, scrapes main text and comments while preserving some structure, and converts to TXT, CSV, XML & TEI-XML
google-cloud-billing9962Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
django-ckeditor9821Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusDjango admin CKEditor integration.
sigmatools9806Internet :: Log Analysis,Security3 - AlphaTools for the Generic Signature Format for SIEM Systems
publicsuffix29742Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Utilities5 - Production/StableGet a public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List. Forked from and using the same API as the publicsuffix package.
jinja2-simple-tags9646Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBase classes for quick-and-easy development of template tags
peppercorn9637Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusA library for converting a token stream into a data structure for use in web form posts
sanic-cors9499Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Sanic extension adding a decorator for CORS support. Based on flask-cors by Cory Dolphin.
databases9417Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaAsync database support for Python.
routes9252Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRouting Recognition and Generation Tools
webapp29125Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableTaking Google App Engine's webapp to the next level!
grpclib9090Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPure-Python gRPC implementation, based on asyncio and hyper-h2
google-cloud-dataproc-metastore9009Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDataproc Metastore API client library
pytricia8799Internet :: Log Analysis,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn efficient IP address storage and lookup module for Python.
webassets8738Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaMedia asset management for Python, with glue code for various web frameworks
apiclient8736Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusFramework for making good API client libraries using urllib3.
google-cloud-orchestration-airflow8690Internet5 - Production/StableCloud Composer API client library
pyfcm8522Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython client for FCM - Firebase Cloud Messaging (Android & iOS)..
demjson8326Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stableencoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159
jwt8196Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJSON Web Token library for Python 3.
coralogix-logger8164Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Utilities5 - Production/StableCoralogix Python SDK
mleap8148Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Communications :: Chat,Internet5 - Production/StableMLeap Python API
google-cloud-recaptcha-enterprise8047Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
tabulator7824Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaConsistent interface for stream reading and writing tabular data (csv/xls/json/etc)
certbot7823Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaACME client
google-cloud-ndb7785Internet5 - Production/StableNDB library for Google Cloud Datastore
django-autocomplete-light7735Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFresh autocompletes for Django
httpie7654Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,System :: Networking,Terminals,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableHTTPie - a CLI, cURL-like tool for humans.
pysolr7649Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search5 - Production/StableLightweight python wrapper for Apache Solr.
django-user-agents7634Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA django package that allows easy identification of visitor's browser, operating system and device information (mobile phone, tablet or has touch capabilities).
aiohttp-session7557Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statussessions for aiohttp.web
google-cloud-scheduler7529Internet5 - Production/StableCloud Scheduler API API client library
tableschema7508Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA utility library for working with Table Schema in Python
flask-api7422Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableBrowsable web APIs for Flask.
sphinx-bootstrap-theme7390Internet,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StableSphinx Bootstrap Theme.
flask-opentracing7381Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenTracing support for Flask applications
cloudml-hypertune7363Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing3 - AlphaA library to report Google CloudML Engine HyperTune metrics.
ipy7314Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableClass and tools for handling of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and networks
disnake7259Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper for the Discord API
cityhash7257Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython-bindings for CityHash, a fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
drf-extensions7230Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableExtensions for Django REST Framework
pygeocodio6942Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaPython wrapper for API
rfc33396930Internet5 - Production/StableFormat dates according to the RFC 3339.
suds-community6908Internet5 - Production/StableLightweight SOAP client (community fork)
requests-async6904Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - Alphaasync-await support for `requests`.
django-tables26898Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableTable/data-grid framework for Django
fortnitepy6763Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusLibrary for interacting with fortnite services
django-auth-ldap6482Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StableDjango LDAP authentication backend.
sqlmodel6429Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers4 - BetaSQLModel, SQL databases in Python, designed for simplicity, compatibility, and robustness.
mitmproxy6418Internet,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableAn interactive, SSL-capable, man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy for penetration testers and software developers.
google-cloud-dataplex6413Internet5 - Production/StableDataplex API client library
librato-metrics6383Internet3 - AlphaPython API Wrapper for Librato
discord-ui6289Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA extension for discord's ui/interaction features
flask-principal6258Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaIdentity management for flask
cpp-coveralls6255Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities3 - AlphaUpload gcov to
python-whois6228Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusWhois querying and parsing of domain registration information.
paramiko-ng6211Internet,Security :: Cryptography5 - Production/StableSSH2 protocol library
django-cacheops6129Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA slick ORM cache with automatic granular event-driven invalidation for Django.
pywebpush6125Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusWebPush publication library
mechanize6042Internet,Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Archiving :: Mirroring,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML5 - Production/StableStateful programmatic web browsing.
flask-oidc-ext6020Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
pytgcalls6000Internet,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Capture,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Communications,Communications :: Internet Phone,Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaLibrary connecting python binding for tgcalls and pyrogram
circleci5983Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for the CircleCI API
draftjs-exporter5917Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Editors :: Word ProcessorsNo statusLibrary to convert the Facebook Draft.js editor's raw ContentState to HTML
sorl-thumbnail5888Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics5 - Production/StableThumbnails for Django
django-admin-sortable25876Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGeneric drag-and-drop sorting for the List, the Stacked- and the Tabular-Inlines Views in the Django Admin
relevanceai-dev5814Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableNone
pusher5786Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaA Python library to interract with the Pusher API
backoff-stubs5779Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableExternal type annotations for the backoff library
python-twitter5732Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python wrapper around the Twitter API
flask-bootstrap5712Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.
uri5665Internet1 - PlanningA library for URI handling featuring an implementation of URI-Templates
tgcalls5664Internet,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Video,Multimedia :: Video :: Capture,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Capture/Recording,Communications,Communications :: Internet Phone,Communications :: Telephony,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablea Python binding for tgcalls C++ library
aiohttp-jinja25620Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusjinja2 template renderer for aiohttp.web (http server for asyncio)
django-admin-autocomplete-filter5598Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Django app to render list filters in django admin using autocomplete widget
flask-assets5589Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAsset management for Flask, to compress and merge CSS and Javascript files.
pyfunceble-dev5589Internet4 - BetaThe tool to check the availability of domains, IPv4 or URL.
twython5548Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn easy (and up to date) way to access Twitter data with Python.
user-agent5526Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusUser-Agent generator
flask-debugtoolbar5473Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA port of the Django debug toolbar to Flask
django-classy-tags5471Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableClass based template tags for Django
drf-jwt5451Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableJSON Web Token based authentication for Django REST framework
tendo5371Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python library that extends some core functionality
fredapi5324Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython API for Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) from St. Louis Fed
sanic-plugin-toolkit5282Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusThe all-in-one toolkit for creating powerful Sanic Plugins
wagtail5203Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management5 - Production/StableA Django content management system.
google-cloud-compute5202Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaNone
envparse5179Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEnvironment Variable Parsing for Something Something
td-client5177Internet4 - BetaTreasure Data API library for Python
wsgi-request-logger5174Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring4 - BetaApache-like combined logging for WSGI Web Applications
instant-api-client5151Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusCreate API wrappers/clients in minutes, enjoying both blocking and async interfaces from one codebase!
google-cloud-retail5047Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
qiniu5023Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusQiniu Resource Storage SDK
django-rq5009Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn app that provides django integration for RQ (Redis Queue)
google-analytics-data4961Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaNone
executor4947Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Shells,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableProgrammer friendly subprocess wrapper
gsheets4945Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet4 - BetaPythonic wrapper for the Google Sheets API
djangorestframework-xml4941Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableXML support for Django REST Framework
drf-writable-nested4925Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaWritable nested helpers for django-rest-framework's serializers
readability-lxml4882Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Indexing,UtilitiesNo statusfast html to text parser (article readability tool) with python3 support
django-postgres-extra4714Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBringing all of PostgreSQL's awesomeness to Django.
sharepy4711Internet4 - BetaSimple SharePoint Online authentication for Python
pydictionary4674Internet5 - Production/StablePython Module to get meanings, translations, synonyms and antonyms of words
django-sekizai4655Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableDjango Sekizai
multipart4644Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server4 - BetaParser for multipart/form-data.
pylogbeat4567Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging5 - Production/StableSimple, incomplete implementation of the Beats protocol used by Elastic Beats and Logstash.
djangorestframework-dataclasses4561Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA dataclasses serializer for Django REST Framework
sqlalchemy-continuum4554Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusVersioning and auditing extension for SQLAlchemy.
django-recaptcha4538Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableDjango recaptcha form field/widget app.
robotframework-httpctrl4483Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablerobotframework-httpctrl is a library for Robot Framework that provides HTTP/HTTPS client and HTTP server services
django-enumfields4478Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusReal Python Enums for Django.
infinity4451Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAll-in-one infinity value for Python. Can be compared to any object.
ec2instanceconnectcli4383Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableCommand Line Interface for AWS EC2 Instance Connect
discord-py-interactions4350Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaEasy, simple, scalable and modular: a Python API wrapper for interactions.
djangosaml2idp4339Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSAML 2.0 Identity Provider for Django
django-graphql-jwt4335Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJSON Web Token for Django GraphQL.
django-bulk-update4313Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBulk update using one query over Django ORM.
dnspython34289Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA DNS toolkit for Python 3.x
rabbitpy4269Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableA pure python, thread-safe, minimalistic and pythonic RabbitMQ client library
pubnub4252Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePubNub Real-time push service in the cloud
django-cache-memoize4238Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableDjango utility for a memoization decorator that uses the Django cache framework.
flask-seasurf4217Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn updated CSRF extension for Flask.
django-mathfilters4135Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA set of simple math filters for Django
fred4123Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableSt. Louis Federal Reserve FRED API
py-vapid4121Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusSimple VAPID header generation library
intervals4087Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython tools for handling intervals (ranges of comparable objects).
docarray4071Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe data structure for unstructured data
whois4064Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython module/library for retrieving WHOIS information of domains.
netsuitesdk4056Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusPython SDK for accessing the NetSuite SOAP webservice
lomond4050Internet5 - Production/StableWebsocket Client Library
ipwhois4049Internet,Software Development3 - AlphaIP Whois Resolution and Parsing
graphene-file-upload4018Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableLib for adding file upload functionality to GraphQL mutations in Graphene Django and Flask-Graphql
certbot-apache3984Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaApache plugin for Certbot
aiohttp-sse3974Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusServer-sent events support for aiohttp.
pymobiledetect3968Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableDetect mobile and tablet browsers
justext3895Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableHeuristic based boilerplate removal tool
flask-babelex3893Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds i18n/l10n support to Flask applications
tinytag3876Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Analysis5 - Production/StableRead music meta data and length of MP3, OGG, OPUS, MP4, M4A, FLAC, WMA and Wave files
crispy-bootstrap53872Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBootstrap5 template pack for django-crispy-forms
bootstrap-flask3860Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBootstrap helper for Flask/Jinja2.
discord-together3859Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableUtilize the BETA Discord VC Party Games feature!
zappa3852Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusServer-less Python Web Services for AWS Lambda and API Gateway
google-cloud-runtimeconfig3808Internet3 - AlphaPython Client for Google Cloud RuntimeConfig
flask-pymongo3759Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPyMongo support for Flask applications
djangorestframework-gis3744Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaGeographic add-ons for Django Rest Framework
certbot-nginx3740Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaNginx plugin for Certbot
asyncpool3732Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: TestingNo statusAsync coroutine worker pool
publicsuffix3711Internet :: Name Service (DNS)No statusGet a public suffix for a domain name using the Public Suffix List.
pyshorteners3700Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python lib to wrap and consume the most used shorteners APIs
pytest-httpx3686Software Development :: Build Tools,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableSend responses to httpx.
mod-wsgi3663Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server6 - MatureInstaller for Apache/mod_wsgi.
gcloud-aio-auth3625Internet5 - Production/StablePython Client for Google Cloud Auth
times3598Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,System,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaTimes is a small, minimalistic, Python library for dealing with time conversions between universal time and arbitrary timezones.
advertools3592Internet3 - AlphaProductivity and analysis tools for online marketing
scrapy-fake-useragent3588Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableUse a random User-Agent provided by fake-useragent for every request
django-admin-list-filter-dropdown3556Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusUse dropdowns in Django admin list filter
django-filer3543Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
selenium-stealth3541Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,UtilitiesNo statusTrying to make python selenium more stealthy.
python-redmine3534Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableLibrary for communicating with a Redmine project management application
emails3526Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaModern python library for emails.
xenon3484Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Utilities4 - BetaMonitor code metrics for Python on your CI server
pastescript3471Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA pluggable command-line frontend, including commands to setup package file layouts
genshi3466Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaA toolkit for generation of output for the web
censys3397Internet,Security,Documentation :: Sphinx,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAn easy-to-use and lightweight API wrapper for the Censys Search Engine (
python-designateclient3387Internet :: Name Service (DNS)No statusOpenStack DNS as a Service - Client
python-logstash-async3347Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaAsynchronous Python logging handler for Logstash.
letsencrypt3340Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaLet's Encrypt client
pyramid-tm3321Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI5 - Production/StableA package which allows Pyramid requests to join the active transaction
scrapy-crawlera3311Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCrawlera middleware for Scrapy
django-rest-passwordreset3307Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableAn extension of django rest framework, providing a password reset strategy
flask-sockets3281Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusElegant WebSockets for your Flask apps.
scim2-filter-parser3279Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningA customizable parser/transpiler for SCIM2.0 filters
django-dotenv3272Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/Stableforeman reads from .env. doesn't. Let's fix that.
django-test-migrations3266Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTest django schema and data migrations, including ordering
django-crum3258Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango middleware to capture current request and user.
django-rest-framework3247Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusalias.
djangosaml23222Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/Stablepysaml2 integration for Django
django-extra-fields3219Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdditional fields for Django Rest Framework.
django-cryptography3218Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security :: Cryptography4 - BetaEasily encrypt data in Django
pychalk3210Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableColor printing in python
iocextract3196Internet,Security,Software Development :: LibrariesNo statusAdvanced Indicator of Compromise (IOC) extractor.
flask-security3179Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple security for Flask apps
imgviz3165Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableImage Visualization Tools
drf-extra-fields3137Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdditional fields for Django Rest Framework.
h2o-wave3129Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Communications :: Chat,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Widget Sets,System :: Distributed Computing2 - Pre-AlphaPython driver for H2O Wave Realtime Apps
flask-mongoengine3103Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlask-MongoEngine is a Flask extension that provides integration with MongoEngine and WTF model forms.
django-split-settings3069Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableOrganize Django settings into multiple files and directories. Easily override and modify settings. Use wildcards and optional settings files.
plantuml3062Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaUNKNOWN
chatterbot3054Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn open-source chat bot program written in Python.
webdavclient33036Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebDAV client, based on original package but uses requests instead of PyCURL
solrq3013Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search4 - BetaPython Solr query utility
django-cms3001Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableAn Advanced Django CMS
dj-static3001Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusServe production static files with Django.
clickhouse-cityhash2986Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython-bindings for CityHash, a fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
flask-cache2975Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds cache support to your Flask application
dblpy2966Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA simple API wrapper for written in Python
validator-collection2962Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableCollection of 60+ Python functions for validating data
google-oauth2-tool2911Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content3 - AlphaCreate OAuth2 key file from OAuth2 client id file
django-jinja2908Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaJinja2 templating language integrated in Django.
fnvhash2897Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPure Python FNV hash implementation
domain2idna2890Internet5 - Production/StableA tool to convert a domain or a file with a list of domain to the famous IDNA format.
courlan2862Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Filters4 - BetaClean, filter, normalize, and sample URLs
pecan2830Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableA WSGI object-dispatching web framework, designed to be lean and fast, with few dependancies.
wtforms-components2818Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAdditional fields, validators and widgets for WTForms.
apeye2795Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHandy tools for working with URLs and APIs.
django-q2791Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing5 - Production/StableA multiprocessing distributed task queue for Django
httplib2shim2765Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA wrapper over urllib3 that matches httplib2's interface
pykeyboard2762Communications,Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusBest Keyboard and Pagination for the Pyrogram Library.
recurly2749Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableThe official Recurly API client
spyne2739Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA transport and architecture agnostic rpc library that focuses on exposing public services with a well-defined API.
python-status2726Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities6 - MatureHTTP Status for Humans
gcloud-aio-storage2719Internet4 - BetaAsyncio Python Client for Google Cloud Storage
django-rest-knox2699Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session5 - Production/StableAuthentication for django rest framework
flask-sslify2690Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusForce SSL on your Flask app.
emoji-country-flag2685Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Communications :: Chat,Printing,Text Processing :: General5 - Production/StableEn/Decode unicode country flags emoji
pyocclient2663Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython client library for ownCloud
cloudsmith-cli2638Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableCloudsmith Command-Line Interface (CLI)
ciscoconfparse2619Communications,Internet,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableParse, Audit, Query, Build, and Modify Cisco IOS-style configurations
instaloader2557Internet,Multimedia :: Graphics5 - Production/StableDownload pictures (or videos) along with their captions and other metadata from Instagram.
sqreen2556Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security5 - Production/StableSqreen agent to protect Python applications.
flask-pydantic2547Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask extension for integration with Pydantic library
djangocms-admin-style2523Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusAdds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface.
buttons2519Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA simple to use, interactive session and paginator with custom buttons for
wsme2508Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaSimplify the writing of REST APIs, and extend them with additional protocols.
fido22476Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython based FIDO 2.0 library
sse-starlette2467Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaSSE plugin for Starlette
djangorestframework-jsonapi2465Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django REST framework API adapter for the json-api spec.
jinja2schema2444Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaType inference for Jinja2 templates.
metrohash-python2441Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Utilities4 - BetaPython bindings for MetroHash
flask-sock2434Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebSocket support for Flask.
django-ninja2422Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusDjango Ninja - Fast Django REST framework
djangorestframework-filters2418Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableBetter filtering for Django REST Framework
pymacaroons2414Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,Security :: Cryptography4 - BetaMacaroon library for Python
djangorestframework-recursive2411Internet :: WWW/HTTP2 - Pre-AlphaRecursive Serialization for Django REST framework
ebaysdk2399Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statuseBay SDK for Python
certbot-dns-route532399Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaRoute53 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
django-summernote2386Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSummernote plugin for Django
amazoncaptcha2373Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers5 - Production/StablePure Python, lightweight, Pillow-based solver for Amazon\s text captcha.
flask-simplelogin2369Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask Simple Login - Login Extension for Flask
demjson32350Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/Stableencoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) compliant with RFC 7159
amqpstorm2347Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableThread-safe Python RabbitMQ Client Library based on pamqp.
flask-smorest2347Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaFlask/Marshmallow-based REST API framework
env2345Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusEnvironment Variables for Humans
wtforms-json2340Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAdds smart json support for WTForms. Useful for when using WTForms with RESTful APIs.
fanstatic2327Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware5 - Production/StableFlexible static resources for web applications
jina2320Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableJina is the cloud-native neural search framework for any kind of data
ldap2280Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusLDAP utils.
flask-json2264Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBetter JSON support for Flask
veracode-api-signing2262Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Utilities5 - Production/StableEasily sign any request destined for the Veracode API Gateway
tailbone2260Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaBackoffice Web Application for Rattail
pyfunceble2259Internet5 - Production/StableThe tool to check the availability or syntax of domain, IP or URL.
dj-inmemorystorage2254Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA non-persistent in-memory data storage backend for Django.
twitter2251Communications :: Chat :: Internet Relay Chat,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn API and command-line toolset for Twitter (
drf-spectacular-sidecar2245Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Documentation,Software Development :: Code Generators5 - Production/StableServe self-contained distribution builds of Swagger UI and Redoc with Django
django-parler2234Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple Django model translations without nasty hacks, featuring nice admin integration.
ftputil2234Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Filesystems6 - MatureHigh-level FTP client library (virtual filesystem and more)
pysmartdl2232Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaA Smart Download Manager for Python
pyrabbit2213Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Pythonic interface to the RabbitMQ Management HTTP API
django-memoize2191Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn implementation of memoization technique for Django.
topggpy2188Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableA simple API wrapper for written in Python.
apache-bookkeeper-client2185Internet3 - AlphaApache BookKeeper client library
http32181Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaThe next generation HTTP client.
amqplib2178Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaClient library for AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol)
markdown-include2175Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Documentation,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableThis is an extension to Python-Markdown which provides an "include" function, similar to that found in LaTeX (and also the C pre-processor and Fortran). I originally wrote it for my FORD Fortran auto-documentation generator.
seleniumbase2173Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Utilities5 - Production/StableA complete web automation framework for end-to-end testing.
aws-wsgi2148Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers3 - AlphaWSGI adapter for AWS API Gateway/Lambda Proxy Integration
pyexcel-webio2124Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA generic request and response interface for pyexcel web extensions.
pylons2124Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePylons Web Framework
flask-redis2058Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRedis Extension for Flask Applications
flask-jwt2052Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaJWT token authentication for Flask apps
feedgen2048Communications,Internet,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Markup,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML4 - BetaFeed Generator (ATOM, RSS, Podcasts)
rockset2038Database,Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Shells,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search4 - BetaRockset Python Client and `rock` CLI
behave-django2035Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaBehave BDD integration for Django
bleach-allowlist2033Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusCurated lists of tags and attributes for sanitizing html
django-session-security2020Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableClient and server side session timeout with warnings
webhelpers2014Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWeb Helpers
cmreshandler2004Internet :: Log Analysis,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Logging4 - BetaElasticsearch Log handler for the logging library
aspen2001Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers4 - BetaAspen is a Python web server. Simplates are the main attraction.
mohawk1997Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusLibrary for Hawk HTTP authorization
django-simple-captcha1983Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security4 - BetaA very simple, yet powerful, Django captcha application
pyld1982Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython implementation of the JSON-LD API
weberror1975Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWeb Error handling and exception catching
django-rest-slack1974Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA simple, reusable Django app for handling and storing Slack events and slash commands.
django-revproxy1974Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableYet another Django reverse proxy application.
aioquic1974Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaAn implementation of QUIC and HTTP/3
ibm-watson-machine-learning1957Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Internet5 - Production/StableIBM Watson Machine Learning API Client
django-guid1956Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMiddleware that makes a request GUID available from anywhere and injects it into your logs.
django-cachalot1949Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableCaches your Django ORM queries and automatically invalidates them.
flup1935Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableRandom assortment of WSGI servers, middleware
javascriptpy1910Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusThis package lets you use Javascript like objects in python.
django-defender1899Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Security,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaredis based Django app that locks out users after too many failed login attempts.
djangorestframework-bulk1891Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Utilities3 - AlphaDjango REST Framework bulk CRUD view mixins
mimerender1888Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaRESTful resource variant selection using the HTTP Accept header
fastapi-sqlalchemy1874Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds simple SQLAlchemy support to FastAPI
ipcalc1866Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking5 - Production/StableIP subnet calculator
django-sass-processor1861Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableSASS processor to compile SCSS files into *.css, while rendering, or offline.
djangocms-attributes-field1854Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards5 - Production/StableAdds attributes to Django models.
phonetics1852Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaNone
chatterbot-voice1846Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA voice interface adapter for ChatterBot.
fastapi-jwt-auth1845Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFastAPI extension that provides JWT Auth support
sqlalchemy-api-handler1842Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds SQLAlchemy support to your Flask application for handle apis.
tftpy1821Internet4 - BetaPython TFTP library
panda1817Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaA Python implementation of the Panda REST interface
arcgis1811Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableArcGIS API for Python
ultimate-hosts-blacklist-whitelist-dev1807Internet5 - Production/StableThe whitelisting tool of the Ultimate Hosts Blacklist project.
ultimate-hosts-blacklist-helpers1806Internet5 - Production/StableThe helpers classes/functions of the Ultimate Hosts Blacklist project.
ultimate-hosts-blacklist-test-launcher1799Internet5 - Production/StableThe test launcher of the Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist project.
flask-gzip1795Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCompress responses in your Flask app with gzip.
django-jazzmin1788Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDrop-in theme for django admin, that utilises AdminLTE 3 & Bootstrap 4 to make yo' admin look jazzy
djangorestframework-guardian1788Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/Stabledjango-guardian support for Django REST Framework
frozen-flask1770Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFreezes a Flask application into a set of static files.
python-openid1747Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableOpenID support for servers and consumers.
c2cgeoportal-admin1737Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusc2cgeoportal admin
c2cgeoportal-commons1734Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusc2cgeoportal commons
twitter-ads1722Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Twitter supported and maintained Ads API SDK for Python.
wkhtmltopdf1721Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaSimple python wrapper for wkhtmltopdf
starlette-prometheus1713Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePrometheus integration for Starlette
bottle-websocket1702Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusWebSockets for bottle
relevanceai1699Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio :: Conversion,Multimedia :: Video :: Conversion,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableNone
dj-email-url1692Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUse an URL to configure email backend settings in your Django Application.
flask-weasyprint1685Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusMake PDF in your Flask app with WeasyPrint.
rq-dashboard1680Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - Betarq-dashboard is a general purpose, lightweight, web interface to monitor your RQ queues, jobs, and workers in realtime.
avisdk1672Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableAvi python API SDK for Avi Controller REST API with samples and, utilities
wsgiproxy21671Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusA WSGI Proxy with various http client backends
flask-discord1670Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDiscord OAuth2 extension for Flask.
globus-sdk1663Communications :: File Sharing,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableGlobus SDK for Python
zdesk1661Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableZendesk API generated directly from
wtforms-alchemy1661Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerates WTForms forms from SQLAlchemy models.
python-documentcloud1655Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA simple Python wrapper for the DocumentCloud API
aquests1642Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaAsynchronous Multiplexing HTTP2/DBO Requests
pysnow1635Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython library for the ServiceNow REST API
backoff-utils1616Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython functions and decorators for various backoff/retry strategies
zoomus1613Internet,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaPython client library for REST API
sanic-plugins-framework1611Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDoing all of the boilerplate to create a Sanic Plugin, so you don't have to.
mws1609Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks2 - Pre-AlphaPython library for interacting with the Amazon MWS API
django-post-office1606Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django app to monitor and send mail asynchronously, complete with template support.
google-cloud-notebooks1591Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
asks1587Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusasks - async http
dynamorm1568Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaDynamORM is a Python object & relation mapping library for Amazon's DynamoDB service.
django-admin-inline-paginator1563Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaThe "Django Admin Inline Paginator" is simple way to paginate your inline in django admin
roblox1562Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: LibrariesNo is a modern object-oriented asynchronous Python wrapper for the Roblox web API.
flask-security-too1561Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple security for Flask apps.
django-dynamic-preferences1557Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA django app for registering dynamic global, site and user preferences
selectolax1555Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableFast HTML5 parser with CSS selectors.
pyuwsgi1548Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server4 - BetaThe uWSGI server
flaskytornado1539Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA microframework based on Tornado and Flask and good intentions
py3dns1536Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython 3 DNS library
plone1531Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableThe Plone Content Management System
walkscore-api1524Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaUnofficial Python bindings for the WalkScore API
djangocms-text-ckeditor1516Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards5 - Production/StableText Plugin for django CMS with CKEditor support
mars1516Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence5 - Production/StablePolyaxon mars.
arq1515Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaJob queues in python with asyncio, redis and msgpack.
html-sanitizer1509Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development5 - Production/StableHTML sanitizer
flask-excel1509Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA flask extension that provides one application programming interface to read and write data in different excel file formats
srv1499Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP ServersNo statusServe a directory with one command
pylsqpack1479Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StablePython wrapper for the ls-qpack QPACK library
tuspy1466Communications :: File Sharing,Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Python client for the tus resumable upload protocol ->
nameko1459Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA microservices framework for Python that lets service developers concentrate on application logic and encourages testability.
dnsdiag1444Internet :: Name Service (DNS),System :: Networking5 - Production/StableDNS Diagnostics and measurement tools (ping, traceroute)
twitchio1434Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusAn asynchronous Python IRC and API wrapper for Twitch.
django-slowtests1433Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: TestingNo statuslocate your slowest tests
google-cloud-testutils1432Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
dns-blackhole1425Internet :: Name Service (DNS)5 - Production/StableA generic DNS black hole zone generator
algoliasearch-django1420Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusAlgolia Search integration for Django
djangorestframework-datatables1417Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableSeamless integration between Django REST framework and Datatables (
pyodata1414Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEnterprise ready Python OData client
htmllistparse1413Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaPython parser for Apache/nginx-style HTML directory listing.
django-robots1413Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableRobots exclusion application for Django, complementing Sitemaps.
django-reversion-compare1403Database :: Front-Ends,Documentation,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application5 - Production/Stablehistory compare for django-reversion
httpsig1393Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSecure HTTP request signing using the HTTP Signature draft specification
pydantic-vault1387Internet,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple extension to Pydantic BaseSettings that can retrieve secrets from Hashicorp Vault
comiccrawler1384Internet5 - Production/StableAn image crawler with extendible modules and gui
flask-paginate1381Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple paginate support for flask
django-encrypted-model-fields1377Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory5 - Production/StableA set of fields that wrap standard Django fields with encryption provided by the python cryptography library.
django-decorator-include1376Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusInclude Django URL patterns with decorators.
pyspf1367Communications :: Email :: Filters,Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSPF (Sender Policy Framework) implemented in Python.
aiodnsresolver1361Internet :: Name Service (DNS)No statusPure asyncio Python DNS resolver
django-graphiql-debug-toolbar1358Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Debuggers,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaDjango Debug Toolbar for GraphiQL IDE.
elasticecshandler1356System :: Logging,Software Development :: Libraries,Internet :: Log Analysis5 - Production/StableElasticsearch ECS Log handler for the logging library
google-cloud-private-ca1331Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
fastapi-users1322Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session5 - Production/StableReady-to-use and customizable users management for FastAPI
django-qr-code1321Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableAn application that provides tools for displaying QR codes on your Django site.
flask-bouncer1317Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask Simple Declarative Authentication based on Ryan Bates excellent cancan library
django-admin-honeypot1317Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA fake Django admin login screen to notify admins of attempted unauthorized access.
djangocms-link1311Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds a link plugin to django CMS
flask-classful1304Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaClass based views for Flask
py3amf1302Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAMF support for Python
django-pyodbc-azure1293Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaDjango backend for Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL Database using pyodbc
aldryn-django1290Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
meinheld1283Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server4 - BetaHigh performance asynchronous Python WSGI Web Server
sharepoint1283Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business :: Groupware4 - BetaModule and command-line utility to get data out of SharePoint
cloudmesh-common1278Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA set of useful APIs for cloudmesh
appoptics-metrics1276Internet3 - AlphaPython API Wrapper for AppOptics Metrics
pubchempy1273Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Chemistry,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Python wrapper around the PubChem PUG REST API.
ssh1268Internet,Security :: Cryptography5 - Production/StableSSH2 protocol library
flask-uwsgi-websocket1266Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusHigh-performance WebSockets for your Flask apps powered by uWSGI.
base58check1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaBase58check encoding and decoding of binary data
cheetah1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: User Interfaces,Text Processing5 - Production/StableCheetah is a template engine and code generation tool.
office365-rest-client1261Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaOffice 365 Library for Python
asyncer1251Internet4 - BetaAsyncer, async and await, focused on developer experience.
flask-moment1249Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFormatting of dates and times in Flask templates using moment.js.
python-social-auth1247Internet4 - BetaPython social authentication made simple.
certbot-dns-cloudflare1243Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableCloudflare DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
rtoml1241Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet3 - AlphaA better TOML library for python implemented in rust.
spotify1232Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo is an asynchronous API wrapper for Spotify written in Python.
eql1219Database,Internet :: Log Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Information AnalysisNo statusEvent Query Language
pyldap1218Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration :: Authentication/Directory :: LDAP5 - Production/StablePython modules for implementing LDAP clients
autorch-sphinx-theme1218Internet,Software Development :: Documentation5 - Production/StablePyTorch Sphinx Theme
flask-breadcrumbs1209Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFlask-Breadcrumbs adds support for generating site breadcrumb navigation.
python-logging-loki1201Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Logging4 - BetaPython logging handler for Grafana Loki.
superdesk-core1199Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaSuperdesk Core library
djangocms-picture1198Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds an image plugin to django CMS
django-rest-multiple-models1195Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusMultiple model/queryset view (and mixin) for Django Rest Framework
google-cloud-asset1194Internet5 - Production/StableCloud Asset API API client library
django-scim21168Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA partial implementation of the SCIM 2.0 provider specification for use with Django.
dry-rest-permissions1168Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableRules based permissions for the Django Rest Framework
sanic-session1165Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session5 - Production/StableProvides server-backed sessions for Sanic using Redis, Memcache and more.
drf-api-tracking1158Internet :: WWW/HTTP2 - Pre-AlphaUtils to log Django Rest Framework requests to the database
jupyterthemes1155Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSelect and install a Jupyter notebook theme
flask-sqlalchemy-session1155Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQL Alchemy session scoped on Flask requests.
django-render-block1153Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaRender a particular block from a template to a string.
django-zxcvbn-password1152Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA front-end and back-end password validation field using ZXCVBN.
atila1145Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAtila Framework
edx-rest-api-client1143Internet5 - Production/StableSlumber client used to access various edX Platform REST APIs.
peewee-migrations1137Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content3 - AlphaMigration engine for peewee orm
discord-voice1136Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules1 - PlanningSans-I/O implementation of Discord voice communication
cuid1126Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFast, scalable unique ID generation
ambition-edc1125Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAmbition Trial EDC (
sqlalchemy-searchable1119Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusProvides fulltext search capabilities for declarative SQLAlchemy models.
celery-progress1118Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusDrop in, configurable, dependency-free progress bars for your Django/Celery applications.
bjoern1114Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server4 - BetaA screamingly fast Python 2 + 3 WSGI server written in C.
quart-discord1108Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDiscord OAuth2 extension for Quart.
geoip1107Internet,Internet :: Proxy Servers6 - MatureMaxMind GeoIP Legacy Extension
wait-for-it1105Internet,UtilitiesNo statusWait for service(s) to be available before executing a command.
discord21103Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaA Python wrapper for the Discord API
edx-django-release-util1099Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - Alphaedx-django-release-util
jupyter-http-over-ws1096Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusJupyter support for HTTP-over-ws
pypac1084Internet3 - AlphaProxy auto-config and auto-discovery for Python.
dead-hosts-launcher1083Internet5 - Production/StableThe launcher of the Dead-Hosts infrastructure.
many-requests1078Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableDead easy interface for executing many HTTP requests asynchronously. Also provides helper functions for executing embarrassingly parallel async coroutines.
dns-lexicon1071Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableManipulate DNS records on various DNS providers in a standardized/agnostic way
django-tools1069Database :: Front-Ends,Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application5 - Production/Stablemiscellaneous tools for django
urlpath1068Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableObject-oriented URL from `urllib.parse` and `pathlib`
cabby1064Internet,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTAXII client library
djangocms-file1063Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards5 - Production/StableFile plugin for django CMS
djangocms-video1060Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds video plugin to django CMS.
abeja-sdk1059Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaABEJA Platform Software Development Kit
grafana-api1058Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaYet another Python library for Grafana API
edc-visit-schedule1056Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo status.
eve1049Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaREST API framework powered by Flask, MongoDB and good intentions.
pyxnat1049Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering,Utilities4 - BetaXnat in Python
cornice1049Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusDefine Web Services in Pyramid.
edc-action-item1043Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdd patient action items to clinicedc/edc projects
flask-bootstrap41039Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAn extension that includes Bootstrap in your project, without any boilerplate code.
hentai1031Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/Stable"Implements a wrapper class around nhentai's RESTful API."
spark1022Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing3 - AlphaA Super-Small, Super-Fast, and Super-Easy web framework
turtle1015Internet4 - BetaTurtle is an HTTP proxy whose purpose is to throttle connections to specific URLS to avoid breaking terms of usage of those API providers (like, technorati and so on).
http-parser1009Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - Betahttp request/response parser
aiohttp-devtools1008Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDev tools for aiohttp
edx-auth-backends1008Internet5 - Production/StableCustom edX authentication backends and pipeline steps
python-u2flib-server1007Internet,Security :: Cryptography,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython based U2F server library
orionsdk1004Internet3 - AlphaPython API for the SolarWinds Orion SDK
flask-hal1003Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableProvides easy integration of the HAL specification for your REST Flask Applications.
flask-bootstrapforms1002Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusGenerator for Bootstrap form elements
pygeocoder1001Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython interface for Google Geocoding API V3. Can be used to easily geocode, reverse geocode, validate and format addresses.
google-cloud-functions999Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
edc-auth997Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAuthentication for clinicedc/edc projects.
token-bucket997Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries3 - AlphaVery fast implementation of the token bucket algorithm.
django-tree-queries989Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software DevelopmentNo statusTree queries with explicit opt-in, without configurability
django-cities-light988Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSimple alternative to django-cities
ultimate-sitemap-parser988Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML3 - AlphaUltimate Sitemap Parser
drf-recaptcha987Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusDjango rest framework recaptcha field serializer.
python-cas986Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StablePython CAS client library
sqlalchemy-diff986Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusCompare two database schemas using sqlalchemy.
flask-queryinspect978Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask extension to provide metrics on SQL queries per request.
srvlookup975Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableService lookup using DNS SRV records
django-auth-adfs974Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Django authentication backend for Microsoft ADFS and AzureAD
dkimpy972Communications :: Email :: Filters,Communications :: Email :: Mail Transport Agents,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableDKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)
flask-menu968Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableFlask-Menu is a Flask extension that adds support for generating menus.
zope965Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks6 - MatureZope application server / web framework
aioimaplib962Communications :: Email :: Post-Office :: IMAP,InternetNo statusPython asyncio IMAP4rev1 client library
django-admin-json-editor962Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA simple Django app to add JSON widget into Django Administration.
hikari957Communications :: Chat,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA sane Discord API for Python 3 built on asyncio and good intentions
asgi-correlation-id956Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableMiddleware correlating project logs to individual requests
pyrss2gen948Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableGenerate RSS2 using a Python data structure
filestack-python947Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaFilestack REST API Library
facepy937Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFacepy is an API client for Facebook's Graph API that doesn't suck.
pylti1p3936Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableLTI 1.3 Advantage Tool implementation in Python
flask-oidc2933Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenID Connect extension for Flask
edc-appointment930Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAppointment module for clinicedc/edc projects
uwsgi-tools930Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusuwsgi tools: curl and reverse proxy
secure-cookie929Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware5 - Production/StableSecure cookie and session interface for WSGI applications.
pyck927Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusPython Code Karigar - Web Framework
flask-plugins924Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Extension that makes it possible to create plugins in Flask.
spur920Internet4 - BetaRun commands and manipulate files locally or over SSH using the same interface
django-static-sitemaps914Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaUNKNOWN
fastapi-crudrouter914Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Code Generators,Software Development,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaA dynamic FastAPI router that automatically creates CRUD routes for your models
edc-consent910Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase models, forms and admin for participant ICF for clinicedc/edc projects.
pylast909Internet,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableA Python interface to and
discord-ext-ipc905Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableAn IPC extension allowing for the communication between a bot and an asynchronous web-framework (i.e. Quart or aiohttp.web)
robyn905Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaA web server that is fast!
pydantic-yaml904Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet3 - Alpha"Adds some YAML functionality to the excellent `pydantic` library."
falocalrepo904Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search5 - Production/StablePure Python program to download any user's gallery/scraps/favorites and more from FurAffinity forum in an easily handled database.
djangocms-style903Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds style plugin to django CMS
webhelpers2900Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaWebHelpers2
certbot-dns-rfc2136899Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaRFC 2136 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
edc-visit-tracking898Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase classes for visit reports/tracking in clinicedc/edc.
goose3898Internet,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaHtml Content / Article Extractor, web scrapping for Python3
edc-data-manager894Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusData manager administrative models and classes
mapproxy894Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS4 - BetaAn accelerating proxy for web map services
flask-mysql892Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusFlask simple mysql client
pyvimeo890Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple interaction with the Vimeo API.
dozer890Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWSGI Middleware version of the CherryPy memory leak debugger
django-admin-multiple-choice-list-filter890Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA Django app to add a Multiple Choice List Filter to the admin interface.
django-static-precompiler889Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaDjango template tags to compile all kinds of static files (SASS, LESS, CoffeeScript).
devpi-server886Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application5 - Production/Stabledevpi-server: reliable private and caching server
edx-django-sites-extensions884Internet4 - BetaCustom extensions for the Django sites framework
txtorcon882Internet,Internet :: Proxy Servers,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTwisted-based Tor controller client, with state-tracking and configuration abstractions.
edc-lab876Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusLIMS/lab classes for clinicedc/edc projects
goodtables874Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGoodtables is a framework to inspect tabular data.
es2csv873Database,Internet,System :: Systems Administration,Text Processing,Utilities5 - Production/StableA CLI tool for exporting data from Elasticsearch into a CSV file.
edc-adverse-event862Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdverse event and death classes.
aioftp861Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP)5 - Production/Stableftp client/server for asyncio
edc-model-admin860Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusEdc custom django ModelAdmin mixins, tags and templates.
edc-dashboard855Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusDashboard classes, templates for clinicedc/edc projects.
django-invitations850Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric invitations app with support for django-allauth
python-coveralls849Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython interface to API
request-id849Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Middleware5 - Production/StableAttach a unique identifier to every WSGI request.
edc-transfer847Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSubject transfer classes for the clinicedc/edc
django-markdown-deux846Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/Stablea Django app that provides template tags for using Markdown (using the python-markdown2 processor)
gcloud-rest-auth846Internet5 - Production/StablePython Client for Google Cloud Auth
django-cas-ng844Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableCAS 1.0/2.0 client authentication backend for Django (inherited from django-cas)
optimus842Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup5 - Production/StableA simple building environment to produce static HTML from Jinja templates and with assets compress managing with webassets
dialogflow837Communications :: Chat,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython implementation for Dialogflow .
flask-rq2831Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration5 - Production/StableA Flask extension for RQ.
django-twilio830Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusBuild Twilio functionality into your Django apps.
sbvirtualdisplay829Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Acceptance,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,Utilities5 - Production/StableA customized pyvirtualdisplay for SeleniumBase.
edc-registration828Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusPatient registration module.
allianceauth-afat828Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAnother Fleet Activity Tracking tool for Alliance Auth
edc-randomization827Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusRandomization classes for clinicedc/edc projects.
klein824Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statuswerkzeug + twisted.web
player824Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGINo statusPyramid view layers
streaming-form-data823Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers4 - BetaStreaming parser for multipart/form-data
docraptor819Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation,Office/Business,Office/Business :: Financial :: Spreadsheet,Printing,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableA wrapper for the DocRaptor HTML to PDF/XLS service.
djangocms-snippet819Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds snippet plugin to django CMS.
djangocms-icon818Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAdds icon plugin to django CMS.
pylucid813Database :: Front-Ends,Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application4 - BetaPyLucid is an open-source web content management system (CMS) using django.
postal810Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: LinguisticNo statusPython bindings to libpostal for fast international address parsing/normalization
sphinxcontrib-django805Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableImprove the Sphinx autodoc for Django classes.
django-email-bandit805Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betadjango-email-bandit is a Django email backend for hijacking email sending in a test environment.
djangocms-googlemap804Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds Google Maps plugins to django CMS.
grafeas802Internet5 - Production/StableGrafeas API client library
django-embed-video798Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusDjango template tags for YouTube and Vimeo
discoart797Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCreate Disco Diffusion artworks in one line
edc-metadata797Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdd a metadata layer to data entry.
canvacord795Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA Python Version of Canvacord
flask-restless790Database :: Front-Ends,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Flask extension for easy ReSTful API generation
drf-enum-field789Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaEnumField support for Django REST Framework 3
axju-jokes788Games/Entertainment,InternetNo statusJokes for python
edc-identifier784Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusManage identifiers in the Edc
django-toolbelt783Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple collection of common Django utilities.
wsgiserver782Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server6 - MatureA high-speed, production ready, thread pooled, generic WSGI server with SSL support
apistar779Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaBlazingly fast & beautifully expressive Web APIs
django-userforeignkey777Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA simple Django app that will give you a UserForeignKey model field.
google-cloud-containeranalysis775Internet5 - Production/StableContainer Analysis API API client library
requests-oauth2774Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaOpen Authentication 2 support to Python-requests HTTP library.
django-models-redis-cache774Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering,Utilities2 - Pre-AlphaDjango Models Redis Cache (DMoReCa), library that gives your specified Django models regular caching via Redis
django-djconfig772Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableDjConfig is a Django app for storing other apps configurations.
feincms771Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableDjango-based Page CMS and CMS building toolkit.
cloudstorage770Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaUnified cloud storage API for storage services.
edc768Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusEDC core modules for clinicedc/edc projects.
breadability761Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StablePort of Readability HTML parser in Python
blue760Communications :: Chat,Internet,Terminals,Utilities5 - Production/StableBluetooth Toolkit for Python
squirroclient760Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StablePython client for the Squirro API
favicon756Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking,UtilitiesNo statusFind a website's favicon
aiorpcx755Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric async RPC implementation, including JSON-RPC
edc-pharmacy754Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusPharmacy module for clinicedc/edc projects
eve-elastic752Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaElasticsearch data layer for eve rest framework
edc-device752Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusGet info on a data collection device for clinicedc/edc
flask-qrcode752Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA simple flask extension to render QR codes on template
gcloud-aio-bigquery751Internet4 - BetaAsyncio Python Client for Google Cloud BigQuery
uwsgidecorators748Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules6 - Matureuwsgidecorators standalone package
edc-list-data748Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusPopulate list data and other static model data on startup
flask-jsonpify747Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA simple Flask extension extending Flask's core jsonify functionality to support JSON-Padded responses, using the callback specified in the querystring
labelme746Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableAnnotation Tool for Object Segmentation.
flask-resty745Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaBuilding blocks for REST APIs for Flask
django-rest-framework-mongoengine744Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML5 - Production/StableModel Serializer that supports MongoEngine, for Django Rest Framework.
gallery-dl741Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Multimedia :: Graphics,Utilities5 - Production/StableCommand-line program to download image-galleries and -collections from several image hosting sites
wiremock739Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableWiremock Admin API Client
rst2txt739Documentation,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Printing,Software Development,Software Development :: Documentation,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Markup,Utilities5 - Production/StableConvert reStructuredText to plain text
urlgrabber739Internet :: File Transfer Protocol (FTP),Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
gcp-docuploader737Internet3 - AlphaNone
google-cloud-happybase735Internet4 - BetaClient library for Google Cloud Bigtable: HappyBase layer
janrain-python-api733Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython interface to the Janrain Capture API.
abejacli729Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaABEJA Platform Command line tool
edc-label727Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statuslabeling for the EDC
django-inline-svg720Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content3 - AlphaA simple SVG template tag for Django
headerparser720Communications :: Email,Communications :: Usenet News,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Text Processing4 - Betaargparse for mail-style headers
aa-srp718Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusImproved SRP Module for Alliance Auth
airspeed717Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAirspeed is a powerful and easy-to-use templating engine for Python that aims for a high level of compatibility with the popular Velocity library for Java.
edc-lab-dashboard717Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusLab dashboard views for clinic/edc projects
django-dry-rest-permissions715Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableRules based permissions for the Django Rest Framework
djangocms-bootstrap4712Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableAdds Bootstrap 4 components as plugins.
edc-constants710Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusCommon constants & choices for clinicedc/edc projects.
sol709Games/Entertainment,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusCarrom tournaments management
edc-review-dashboard709Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA dashboard with direct links to a subject's CRFs and Requisitions.
xmpppy704Communications,Communications :: Chat,Database,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Networking,Text Processing,Utilities4 - BetaXMPP implementation in Python
flask-htmlmin703Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTMLNo statusMinimize render templates html
httpie-jwt-auth702Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Utilities4 - BetaJWTAuth plugin for HTTPie.
django-rest-framework-social-oauth2701Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betapython-social-auth and oauth2 support for django-rest-framework
device-detector697Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusPython3 port of matomo's Device Detector
exabgp695Internet5 - Production/StableBGP swiss army knife
ambition-subject691Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSubject/Participant models for ambition/edc.
alembic-verify691Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA library to verify migrations and models are in sync.
fanficfare689Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA tool for downloading fanfiction to eBook formats
cashews688Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betacache tools with async power
gcloud-aio-pubsub688Internet5 - Production/StablePython Client for Google Cloud Pub/Sub
sentence-splitter688Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Linguistic3 - AlphaText to sentence splitter using heuristic algorithm by Philipp Koehn and Josh Schroeder
feincms3687Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application FrameworksNo statusCMS-building toolkit for Django
djangorestframework-jsonp687Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableJSONP support for Django REST Framework
flask-awscognito685Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusAuthenticate users with AWS Cognito
scrapinghub684Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableClient interface for Scrapinghub API
tenjin677Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: CGI Tools/Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - Betaa fast and full-featured template engine based on embedded Python
flask-and-redis676Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSimple as dead support of Redis database for Flask apps.
mojang676Internet,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,UtilitiesNo statusA Python wrapper for the Mojang API and Minecraft website
django-spaghetti-and-meatballs676Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusIts a spicy meatball for serving up fresh hot entity-relationship diagrams straight from your django models.
django-request-cache676Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA simple Django app that provides a per-request cache.
google-cloud-appengine-admin670Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableApp Engine Admin API client library
edc-form-validators668Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusForm validator classes for django ModelForms
edc-reportable668Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusReportable clinic events, reference ranges, grading
wsgidav667Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaGeneric and extendable WebDAV server based on WSGI
naval666Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusValidation library with error messages in multiple languages and a readable syntax.
solution666Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAn amazing form solution
sumy665Education,Internet,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaModule for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
django-username-email664Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableCustom Django User model that makes email the USERNAME_FIELD.
odmantic662Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Object Brokering4 - BetaODMantic, an AsyncIO MongoDB Object Document Mapper for Python using type hints
wtforms-sqlalchemy661Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQLAlchemy tools for WTForms
flask-markdown659Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSmall extension to make using markup easy
django-analytical658Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAnalytics services for Django projects
django-url-shortening658Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA URL shortening app for Django.
django-chunkator658Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusChunk large QuerySets into small chunks, and iterate over them without killing your RAM.
wagtailfontawesome655Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdd FontAwesome icons to StreamField.
flask-inflate655Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusInflate / Decompress gzipped requests
cloudmesh-installer655Internet,Scientific/Engineering,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Shells,Utilities5 - Production/StableA dynamic extensible CMD based command shell
flask-minify654Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusflask extension to minify html, css, js and less
consulate653Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries,System :: Clustering,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetaA Client library for the Consul
aa-memberaudit652Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAn Alliance Auth app that provides full access to Eve characters and related reports for auditing, vetting and monitoring.
django-audit-fields651Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdd model fields to track creation and modification dates, users and more on save.
pychrome649Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers5 - Production/StableA Python Package for the Google Chrome Dev Protocol
edc-offstudy647Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase classes for off study process in the Edc.
kinesis-python646Internet,Software Development :: Libraries4 - BetaLow level, multiprocessing based AWS Kinesis producer & consumer library
surveygizmo645Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules2 - Pre-AlphaA Python Wrapper for SurveyGizmo's restful API service.
edc-model639Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase model mixins clinicedc/edc projects.
woothee638Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCross-language UserAgent classifier library, python implementation
flask-dropzone637Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusUpload file in Flask with Dropzone.js.
advocate634Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security4 - BetaA wrapper around the requests library for safely making HTTP requests on behalf of a third party
aa-forum634Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSimple forum for Alliance Auth
trello633Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaPython library for interacting with the Trello API
drf-renderer-xlsx633Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaDjango REST Framework renderer for spreadsheet (xlsx) files.
django-author632Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusAdd special User ForeignKey fields which update automatically
django-private-storage630Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPrivate media file storage for Django projects
djangorestframework-yaml630Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableYAML support for Django REST Framework
django-service-objects629Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content4 - BetaService objects for Django
flask-s3626Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSeamlessly serve the static files of your Flask app from Amazon S3
aa-structures626Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusApp for managing Eve Online structures with Alliance Auth
pycircleci625Internet,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StablePython client for CircleCI API
flask-uploads624Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaFlexible and efficient upload handling for Flask
edc-screening622Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusScreening fields and method mixins.
flask-paranoid621Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusSimple user session protection
aiohttp-swagger3621Internet :: WWW/HTTP1 - Planningvalidation for aiohttp swagger openAPI 3
mimeparse620Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA module provides basic functions for parsing mime-type names and matching them against a list of media-ranges.
django-excel619Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Office/Business,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaA django middleware that provides one application programminginterface to read and write data in different excel file formats
google-cloud-documentai619Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
google-cloud-os-config617Internet5 - Production/StableGoogle Cloud OS Config API client library
certbot-dns-nsone617Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaNS1 DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
edc-facility616Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusDefine clinic facilities for clinicedc/edc projects
feedgenerator613Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableStandalone version of django.utils.feedgenerator
wsgicors613Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaWSGI for Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
you-get613Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Multimedia,Multimedia :: Graphics,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Utilities4 - BetaDumb downloader that scrapes the web
google-cloud-talent613Internet4 - BetaGoogle Cloud Talent Solution API client library
webscripts613Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server5 - Production/StableThis package implements a web server to run scripts or executables from the command line and display the result in a web interface.
seedboxmanager613Internet,Multimedia,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaSeedbox Task Manager
quart-cors612Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA Quart extension to provide Cross Origin Resource Sharing, access control, support.
pytube3611Internet,Multimedia :: Video,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
pywikibot610Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Wiki,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython MediaWiki Bot Framework
event-tracking610Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content2 - Pre-AlphaA simple event tracking system.
google-cloud-access-context-manager608Internet4 - BetaGoogle Cloud Access Context Manager Protobufs
ambition-ae607Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusAdverse Event models and handling.
pyramid-zcml607Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGINo statusZope Config Markup Language support for Pyramid
flask-gravatar607Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSmall extension for Flask to make usage of Gravatar service easy.
aiosolr607Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/SearchNo statusLightweight Python client for Apache Solr.
django-pwa605Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusA Django app to include a manifest.json and Service Worker instance to enable progressive web app behavior
selene605Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Testing3 - AlphaConcise API for selenium in Python + Ajax support + PageObjects (Selenide port from Java to Python)
clip-client600Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEmbed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors via CLIP
edc-crf600Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase classes for CRFs in clinicedc/edc.
flask-rest-api598Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaBuild a REST API with Flask
django-clone595Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableCreate a clone of a django model instance.
dockerflow593Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StablePython tools and helpers for Mozilla's Dockerflow
django-unique-upload592Internet :: WWW/HTTP2 - Pre-AlphaA django utility that creates unique file names for uploaded files via uuids.
django-admin-sso592Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/Stabledjango sso solution
edc-utils591Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusSimple utilities for clinicedc/edc projects.
clients590Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Session,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableHTTP for humanitarians.
pyramid-multiauth589Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statuspyramid_multiauth
django-prices589Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusDjango fields for the prices module
django-partial-index588Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaPostgreSQL and SQLite partial indexes for Django models
cefpython3588Desktop Environment,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Browsers,Multimedia,Software Development :: User Interfaces6 - MatureGUI toolkit for embedding a Chromium widget in desktop applications
edc-protocol587Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusProtocol specific variables for clinicedc/edc.
django-uuid-upload-path586Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableGenerate short UUIDs and use them as paths for uploaded media files in Django.
linkheader586Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaParse and format link headers according to RFC 5988 "Web Linking"
apraw584Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaaPRAW is an asynchronous Reddit API wrapper written in Python.
flask-kvsession582Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaTransparent server-side session support for flask
websocket-server581Internet,Software Development :: User InterfacesNo statusA minimal websocket server that works for both Python2 and Python3
google-cloud-org-policy581Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
jina-auth581Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaA CLI for you to login in to Jina Ecosystem
citeurl577Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML,Text Processing :: Markup :: Markdown,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/Stablean extensible tool to process legal citations in text
streamlink577Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Multimedia :: Sound/Audio,Multimedia :: Video,Utilities5 - Production/StableStreamlink is command-line utility that extracts streams from various services and pipes them into a video player of choice.
pydig576Internet :: Name Service (DNS),System :: Monitoring,UtilitiesNo statusPython wrapper library for the 'dig' command line tool
pyu4v575Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA Python library for use with Dell EMC's Unisphere for VMAX RestAPI.
edc-prn572Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusclasses and utils for PRN forms in the Edc.
linkchecker571Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management :: Link Checking5 - Production/Stablecheck links in web documents or full websites
django-opentracing571Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusOpenTracing support for Django applications
django-mobile566Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDetect mobile browsers and serve different template flavours to them.
dirty-equals566Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDoing dirty (but extremely useful) things with equals.
clam565Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Text Processing :: Linguistic4 - BetaTurns command-line NLP tools into fully-fledged RESTful webservices with a auto-generated web-interface for human end-users.
django-debreach562Internet :: WWW/HTTP4 - BetaAdds middleware and context processors to give some protection against the BREACH attack in Django.
aiocoap561Internet,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaPython CoAP library
excel2json-3561Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Archiving :: Packaging,Text Processing1 - PlanningConvert MS Excel file formats to JSON
pystemmer559Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Text Processing :: Indexing,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableSnowball stemming algorithms, for information retrieval
teslajsonpy559Internet3 - AlphaA library to work with Tesla API.
awslimitchecker559Internet,System :: Monitoring6 - MatureA script and python module to check your AWS service limits and usage, and warn when usage approaches limits.
aa-stripe556Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaStripe integration for Django-based projects
google-cloud-dialogflow-cx555Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaNone
flask-autoindex555Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA mod_autoindex for Flask
django-admin-view-permission554Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA simple Django app which adds view permissions.
osgridconverter553Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaLibrary to convert co-ordinates between the (UK) Ordnance Survey National Grid and latitude/longitude
brunette553Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusGoogle/Excel Sheets API Python.
flask-mobility552Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA Flask extension to simplify building mobile-friendly sites.
pheweb548Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: ApplicationNo statusA tool for building PheWAS websites from association files
aiohttp-sqlalchemy548Database,Database :: Front-Ends,Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableSQLAlchemy 1.4 / 2.0 support for aiohttp.
clip-as-service545Database :: Database Engines/Servers,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition,Multimedia :: Video,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableEmbed images and sentences into fixed-length vectors via CLIP
cannon545Communications,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableAn SSH automation tool based on Exscript
django-crypto-fields544Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Security :: CryptographyNo statusAdd encrypted field classes and more to your Django models.
aiohttp-json-rpc541Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableImplementation JSON-RPC 2.0 server and client using aiohttp on top of websockets transport
flameprof541Internet,Scientific/Engineering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Monitoring,System :: Systems Administration4 - BetacProfile flamegraph generator
drf-generators540Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusGenerate DRF Serializers, Views, and urls for your API aplication.
edc-ltfu540Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusLoss to follow up classes for the clinicedc/edc
flask-silk539Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaAdds silk icons to your Flask application or module, or extension.
aiohttp-json-api539Internet :: WWW/HTTP3 - AlphaJSON API driven by aiohttp
grafana-client539Internet,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA client library for the Grafana HTTP API, written in Python
edc-protocol-violation538Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusClasses for protocol violations and deviations in clinicedc/edc
flask-user535Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Security,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableCustomizable User Account Management for Flask: Register, Confirm email, Login, Change username, Change password, Forgot password and more.
libthumbor534Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Presentation4 - Betalibthumbor is the python extension to thumbor
edc-export534Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusBase models, forms and admin for participant locator in the Edc.
camerahub534Database,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application4 - BetaApp for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
certbot-dns-digitalocean533Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - AlphaDigitalOcean DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
django-querysetsequence533Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Internet4 - BetaChain together multiple (disparate) QuerySets to treat them as a single QuerySet.
fastapi-restful530Internet,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaQuicker FastApi developing tools
connexion2529Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Application Frameworks5 - Production/StableConnexion - API first applications with OpenAPI/Swagger and Flask
pttlibrary527Communications :: BBS,Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Terminals :: Telnet4 - BetaPTT library github:
ambition-prn523Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusPRN forms such as offstudy, protocol violation, etc
serveit522Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Server,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Software Development :: Build Tools3 - AlphaMachine learning prediction serving
pyral521Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StablePython toolkit for Rally REST API
pysimplesoap520Communications,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules3 - AlphaPython simple and lightweight SOAP Library (master branch)
weblate520Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Localization,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableA web-based continuous localization system with tight version control integration
coinaddrvalidator518Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development,Security :: Cryptography,Text Processing,Utilities,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaA crypto-currency address inspection/validation library.
permission516Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaSimple permission control for Python Web Frameworks.
safe-netrc514Internet,Security3 - AlphaSafe netrc file parser
parse-accept-language514Internet :: WWW/HTTPNo statusParse Accept-Language HTTP header
acos-client512Internet,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python ModulesNo statusA10 Networks ACOS API Client
escherauth-go510Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Utilities4 - BetaPython wrapper for the Go implementation of the AWS4 compatible Escher HTTP request signing protocol.
certbot-dns-google510Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities3 - Alphagoogle DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
django-tz-detect509Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content5 - Production/StableAutomatic user timezone detection for django
scrapyd508Internet :: WWW/HTTP5 - Production/StableA service for running Scrapy spiders, with an HTTP API
resteasycli508Internet,Software Development,Utilities3 - AlphaHandy REST API client on your terminal
django-recaptcha2506Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaDjango reCaptcha v2 field/widget
certbot-dns-azure505Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Security,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Networking,System :: Systems Administration,Utilities5 - Production/StableAzure DNS Authenticator plugin for Certbot
edc-adherence505Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic ContentNo statusClasses to manage adherence
wsgi-intercept504Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI,Software Development :: TestingNo statuswsgi_intercept installs a WSGI application in place of a real URI for testing.