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List of Pypi education packages






tqdm1626675Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Shells,Terminals,Utilities 5 - Production/StableFast, Extensible Progress Meter
hypothesis124406Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing 5 - Production/StableA library for property-based testing
python-benedict19304Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Build Tools,System :: Filesystems,Text Processing :: Markup :: XML,Utilities 5 - Production/Stablepython-benedict is a dict subclass with keylist/keypath support, normalized I/O operations (base64, csv, ini, json, pickle, plist, query-string, toml, xml, yaml) and many utilities... for humans, obviously.
netaddr134000Communications,Documentation,Education,Education :: Testing,Home Automation,Internet,Internet :: Log Analysis,Internet :: Name Service (DNS),Internet :: Proxy Servers,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Indexing/Search,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Site Management,Security,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Quality Assurance,Software Development :: Testing,Software Development :: Testing :: Traffic Generation,System :: Benchmark,System :: Clustering,System :: Distributed Computing,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Logging,System :: Monitoring,System :: Networking,System :: Networking :: Firewalls,System :: Networking :: Monitoring,System :: Networking :: Time Synchronization,System :: Recovery Tools,System :: Shells,System :: Software Distribution,System :: Systems Administration,System :: System Shells,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Filters,Utilities 5 - Production/StablePythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
googletrans47067Education 5 - Production/StableFree Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
pydoe15897Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableDesign of experiments for Python
igraph13445Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI)4 - BetaView graph data structures in the IPython notebook.
shtab12458Desktop Environment,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Education :: Testing,Office/Business,Other/Nonlisted Topic,Software Development,Software Development :: Build Tools,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Software Development :: Pre-processors,Software Development :: User Interfaces,System,System :: Installation/Setup,System :: Shells,System :: System Shells,Terminals,Utilities4 - BetaAutomagic shell tab completion for Python CLI applications
translate11120Education5 - Production/StableThis is a simple, yet powerful command line translator with google translate behind it. You can also use it as a Python module in your code.
open3d7382Education,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Modeling,Multimedia :: Graphics :: 3D Rendering,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Capture,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Graphics Conversion,Multimedia :: Graphics :: Viewers,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - Alpha['Open3D is an open-source library that supports rapid development of software that deals with 3D data.']
deep-translator5071Education,Software Development,Communications,Text Processing,Text Processing :: Linguistic5 - Production/StableA flexible python tool to translate between different languages in a simple way.
robotframework-httpctrl4483Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: HTTP Servers,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/Stablerobotframework-httpctrl is a library for Robot Framework that provides HTTP/HTTPS client and HTTP server services
pybboxes3485Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence5 - Production/StableEvaluation toolkit for neural language generation.
yolov53006Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Image Recognition5 - Production/StablePackaged version of the Yolov5 object detector
animec2458Education :: Testing,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/StableAn unofficial API to get data about anime characters, anime news and more.
codetiming2199Education,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,System :: Monitoring5 - Production/StableA flexible, customizable timer for your Python code
pyamg2137Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules5 - Production/StableNone
pyclustering1845Education,Scientific/Engineering :: Artificial Intelligence,Scientific/Engineering :: Bio-Informatics,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries5 - Production/Stablepyclustring is a python data mining library
binarytree1724EducationNo statusPython Library for Learning Binary Trees
btsocket1660System :: Hardware,Software Development :: Embedded Systems,Home Automation,Education3 - AlphaPython library for BlueZ Bluetooth Management API
quantities1394Education,Scientific/Engineering4 - BetaSupport for physical quantities based on the popular numpy library
radish-bdd1259Education :: Testing,Software Development,Software Development :: Testing5 - Production/StableBehaviour-Driven-Development tool for python
googletransx1197Education5 - Production/StableFree Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
hentai1031Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities5 - Production/Stable"Implements a wrapper class around nhentai's RESTful API."
noisereduce812Education,Scientific/EngineeringNo statusNoise reduction using Spectral Gating in python
sigfig695Education,Education :: Computer Aided Instruction (CAI),Office/Business :: Financial,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StablePython library for rounding numbers (with expected results)
sumy665Education,Internet,Scientific/Engineering :: Information Analysis,Text Processing :: Filters,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Text Processing :: Markup :: HTML4 - BetaModule for automatic summarization of text documents and HTML pages.
reactivepy624Education,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities4 - BetaReactive properties and owners for Python classes.
googletrans2617Education5 - Production/StableFree Google Translate API for Python. Translates totally free of charge.
pangu591Education,Software Development :: Internationalization,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Text Processing,Text Processing :: General,Text Processing :: Linguistic,Utilities5 - Production/StableParanoid text spacing for good readability, to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).
apraw584Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: Dynamic Content :: Message Boards,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities3 - AlphaaPRAW is an asynchronous Reddit API wrapper written in Python.
pydoe2580Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics,Scientific/Engineering :: Physics,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules,Utilities5 - Production/StableDesign of experiments for Python
pysolver555Education,Scientific/Engineering,Scientific/Engineering :: Mathematics2 - Pre-AlphaMake a problem solution process easier
osgridconverter553Education,Internet :: WWW/HTTP :: WSGI :: Application,Scientific/Engineering :: GIS,Scientific/Engineering :: Visualization,Software Development :: Libraries,Utilities4 - BetaLibrary to convert co-ordinates between the (UK) Ordnance Survey National Grid and latitude/longitude
composites530Scientific/Engineering,Education,Software Development,Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules4 - BetaMethods to calculate properties of laminated composite materials
friendly526Education,Software Development :: Interpreters4 - BetaFriendlier tracebacks in any language.